Game Informer Issue October 1998
Game Informer Issue October 1998
Game Informer Issue October 1998
i 6*8**^
20 ways to Annitiil
fl mercilesg^l
Travel through time in an all-new NllkBNi frag-fesl eKdusivelv for the PlayStation game console.
In this revolutionary third-person shooter Duke annihilates ancient Rome, conquers the Dark Ages, tames the Wild West
and lights up LA., proving once more that the only good alien Is a dead one! With a colossal arsenal of hinh-tech.
all-new weapons and more Nukem attitode and humor than ever before. TIME TO KILL gives you more ol what you crave.
More hard-core action! More exploration! More shooter mayhem! More ol the King Of Carnage !
Over^Op .Games Reviewed & Previewed!
Cover Story: Rogue Trip
Twisted Metal 1 &2 are still top titles on PlayStation. Fans
Nose G u n n e r
everywhere have been screaming
already here. SingleTrac, developer of the
titles, has parted ways with Sony to deliver Rogue
. Inside, Gl totally
for TM3, but lew
Hoove beeti gweh everuthhig you heed to great things about this highly anticipated game.
u n n e r
Beavis & Butt-head. Dragon Seeds. Global
Domination, TOCA Touring Car Championship, Monkey
Hero, A Bug's Life, Bomberman World, Pool Hustler. X-
Games Pro Boarder, NHL National Hockey Night, NBA
Tonight, Tecmo's Deception II. WWF War Zone, Street
Fighter Collection, Wild 9, Team Lost HC Racer. Ninja,
Resident Evil: Director's Cut - Dual Shock. Resident
Evil 2 - Dual Shock, Spice World, Activision
Iso on N64: Classics, Lemmings & Oh No! More Lemmings
infamo s Game Genie/Ga
Shark Swap Shop Nintendo 64
o Classic Gl
Genesi relays
99. Buck Bumble, Penny Racers,
Game Boy
>gm- .
Dm the va
IfclT'""! T"-
" "
Pokemon (Red and
Harvest Moon, World Cup 98,
Blue Versions).
The Big Question
all my lime al Game Informer have never I games aren't any good - they rock. How-
Inhad a more ditficull lime choosing a game having so many reviewable games to chi
for the cover of the magazine than did this I from for the cover is a rare occurrence ir
I month. On one hand, this brought me numerous video game world, and leaves us to pick the
headaches, but on the other hand, it made the game we can (which isn't bad most of the
gamer side ol me very happy. but sometimes we do pick a real stinker).
We had narrowed the list down to But all this talk brings me to the t
WCW/NWO Revenge for N64, Rogue Trip for important point of Ihis whole article
PlayStation, Blitz for N64, and Tenchu for December, Game Informer is going to st
PlayStation. How for those of you who aren't massive push to put our magazine on e
loyal followers of Gl, we have for many years newsstand from New York to Los Angeles. \
followed the rule (with a few unavoidable we won't be everywhere in the beginninc
exceptions) that no game goes on the cover that should be a lot more accessible to YOU
reviewable. We have always felt putting a Game Informer reader (sorry, jusl had to
;n t I
I game on the cover with a less-than-informative again). Now here's the question of the I
article is both sick and wrong. So when the Should Game Informer continue to put
companies involved told us that getting reviewable games on our cover, or shouli
reviewable copies of their games would be easy, start doing massive previews for our c
it all came down to a judgment call for us. stories? Now this is a big step for G
Now making this kind of decision isn't easy. Informer and didn't want to I make any decis
I A lot of different factors come into play (our own without hearing from YOU, the urn.. .sorry,
secret recipe), so that we can deliver the best get the point. So please drop me an em:
possible cover to YOU, the Game Informer [email protected], or send it stan
reader (I love saying that). As you may have mail to: Cover Controversy, 10120 W.
already noticed, Rogue Trip won this round, but Street. Eden Prairie, MM, 55344.
don'l let that tool you into thinking the other
Andy. The Game Hombre Robert. The Game Casanova Jon. The Greedy Gamer Paul, The Game Professor
•ana- l.-juoip
staple ot
deviled ham Othenhan our new
V Bulzome Sect ai the beloved Bills I've also join appliance we iust had a new
:p Vandals ; :.-,;. r'ij.i'0." to make t game \iawl built lor all our gear.
Cftocoto fhe cite ji' sidle !)'<! It's huge ant) is actually .vie
iiemo li.iusil: Hinft.™ '.™ ,r iiuse jni
it also
breeding .1 classic. doubles as a holding pen tor
Chocobo K cruisp U;p Una
style ,'!') ;:";, gn'-'i . .1 'e.'rii7er.?'i~' nnv^ege; Anyone
in the U.S. As to vour second question. been in my head for a long time no '
determine the display options. We hate and most likely to fly off the handle.
getting jacked by "hidden costs" on new Fight out guys! And may the best ma
win! Ha! Ha! Hal Ha! obviously, he's never thrown a punch.
Woodbury. AIM ^
Ro er a louer* "ot a f| gnter 31115 Q".
ue fan" (unless you !" 1 H
his 'ilMr
said was
Princess Leia wasn
ITOUnd All b*
but when Andy said
with no arcades). All
ein MK Trilogy Why
*^B| '
"lio" a*
Anifv arlmirrwl hit mitrakp fnr
Keinpr r-allpri n> lr'< new down
it, and
Cyrax, Sheva.
ime a few. Why were all the good
Nightwoli, |ust
bashing MK4
improve. Anyway, you can bet
for doing nothing
MK5 has
1 72k*^J
people gone! See. in MM, there are
the works for quite
details are
some time
known, but
ly two people like and have liked
apparently, after talking to Game
ce the first and they are Sub-Zero Informer, the MK team was so inspired
d Sonya. Now don't get me wrong.
The Dawn of Civilization
by our respect tor Way of the Warrior,
that MKS could possibly borrow a few
and Gl Issue #1
s MK2. hope in
rn issue « I Rick.The Video Ranger and
evin. maybe you're a liti Reality Helmet never came out It was
MB Replay Value: Moderately Hifih
gime nombre
J Rogue Trip is the big, bad-ass brother of the
was something
looked nice, there
thai just wasn't quite right. And
r ,
iiTfi j
Metal series. Right now, this brother
other and crown
go by
search tor the whereabouts of Twi
little do they know.. .the game they truly
COMPLETELY shoot a missile
rig in one of the levels
at almost everything. Destroy a
and it will fall on top of a
Trip. With Twisted Metal 3 nowhere In
sight, it's hard not to think that this game just hit retail shelves. "ructure, which in turn creates a hole that
would have had the Twisted Metal name So call off the dogs. You're not searching for the ten of the levels feature sc
.„.'. All
t gt TW^i. /N
if Sony and SingieTrac wouldn't have
parted ways. Like the previous game. _
video game
pursuit of a
version of Bobby Fisher. You should be In
Bobby Fisher clone who is wearing a mask.
t TWISTED? and all are great for multiplayer matches as well.
us, you haven't played this game until you've
In the shape of
hard, and so does Rogue Trio. Explosive I Everything must be blown up!!!
combat, great single ana mulaplavei
modes, and some seriously inventive .... ins and outs of basic
characters and vehicles await all who gameplay, and memorize the
challenge. The game pi ay is well balanced
""tional special moves - like
and is loaded with swarming enemy A!,
intuitive controls, awesome Special "'^vauikiv
jwesome Shield and 2-Wheel
Weapons, and hidden moves and areas
L-4. ".- Twisted Metal 2
game, but Rogue Trip crushes It in play
and look. The teitures are no longer
Is still a top-rate
*U t - will you truly excel. Then
DRIVER: Necrobot
SPEED: 8 Basically,
I entertaining to drive
I results. Some people may say the king is I
I dead, but Rogue Trip proves he's MORE LIVES PLEASE
I fast and handles *£^^^
^^^^ I rockm' dude (and fat too). To add an extra life to your stash you will
just like the Repair Station. Simply SPEED: 8
highlight the weapon you want to HANDLING: 7
This guide reveals many of
Rogue Trip's secrets and ARMOR: 7
I Now Here's I
may spoil your enjoyment w-m
I The Sidewinder is basically nothing m of the game. I It's not Batman...but close. Ratman ca
Bug), but it really moves out. The Vermin is I
an a souped-up go-cart with i
cross-dressin' freak
I balanced. j timely basis. [See BIOS for descriptions of each Special Weapon.] firepower behind this badboy with the Weapon Enhancement. Another great I two with Ihis attack, you will nearby, the Shock Treatment will latch or
with curls.
about this wea P° n H wortts ot* a tn'99e<. Tnrc,w H out lnere ,hen and take a good hunk of damage
STINGER - This weapon is basically three energy bursts
fact is '"
I need to be right next to off
that home in on the <
I enemy Schiz O' Manic may just be
enemy. The Weapon Enhancement version the si
extremely powerful and a must-have
dealing with tons of enemies
quarters. It will pick the enemy
apart very
small u/rfl)nw^ - This missile is guided by
another Dr. Giggles
J truly
I of art.
but his car
a work
SPEED: 6 ;
- This weapon is extremely powerful, but it
- Up, Down, I The Chicken Lickin' stuns the enemy, then I
Ride On Two Wheels (Right) Right
|. takes off a little damage. Gator Bait is
Imade structures reveals
weapons and power-ups
and Machine Gun upgrades], The Repair
^ some
% JL^
we can give for beating up on the
opposition is keeping yourself in Ihe
stage has many tight comers
clear. This
technique works quite well against
the enemies. Simply
fire off a few shots, then circle
hit Ihe turbo,
gale, then use the turbo again to reach Stations are a good haul away from the and areas. Stay out of these and give around for anolher run.
casinos), or in the rubble pit below. The I
iHROUGH the rooftop of the building. Otherwise, Feelingcramped? Yep. this level is tiny
and hard to maneuver in. For some
place you want to be is on the strip. There I
Photo Ops. So make sure you're ready yourselfsome room to maneuver. warned though, the baddies are
have fun and
features easy-to-reach
kill 'em all. This stage
weapons and awesome firepower, blast the windows
aretonsofweaponsup here and several I
* loo deep
le serious battles before
home to the world's largest slot mac- -e t outrun this goon. He's fast, and fully
this nearly weightless area are all out of
And yes. you can gamble away youi [ loaded with tons of weapons including
whack, so be careful. If you're gunning
precious cash on it. If the slof machine I
for all 01 the Photo Ops, then you'll have the dreaded Meteor. The best technique
posts all bombs, ihen the machine will till I
we found fhe and run. you do get
to come Jump up on the
into Ihis area. is hit If
all of the enemies, or atter a certain a Prowler or two at him. In total, this guy
amount of time expires, a mini-boss will
will transform into three different forms.
appear. Stay oul of his way and blast him The changes in appearance come when
from the distance. One hit from that roller his hitpoint meter changes colors (green,
of his will send your lifebar tumbling down yellow, red). All three forms feature the
Whatever you
bridges. Yes, this
do, don't
a stupid
the .llPit.'-'l,
3 in green
fhe easiest to take
The last
the lime
as much cash as possible within
limit. The total amount that can be
For starters, most of the level can be
destroyed. The tall factory in the center of
l.'HltBHHimM platforms, but we highly
Car = Boss
N' Rule = Boss 2
I windows to bust up. The jetways on the gathered is $22,000. To achieve this you the stage completely destructible and
First, blow up the huge skyscraper at the
the Washington Monument. Waich it
I is
pick-ups out on these three areas. We Intruder = Boss Battle!
I far left of the terminal will lead to the roof. will need to be quick, extremely quick, in The great thing about the bosses in this I
even the whale tank ready
top of this level. Doing this will cause the
blow up, then head for the water. Here I killer is to
also found that grabbing the Prowler (by
I A 2X Machine Gun awaits. The enemies destroying everything. Most of the targets game, is they appear on a level you I lop portion of the scraper to fall on top of Sidewinder = UFO
you will find the Prowler Missiles. Finding I blow. Shoot the sign in the middle of this
destroying the water tower), then Biohazard = Helicopter
I on this level are very passive, but easily need to be shot up. Use the Jump for the already know (ot should). This strange I
watery home and you'll unlock a Machine another building. This awesome
was dumb luck on
Ihe next trick our part. I
heading out to the platforms, is a sate
I aggravated when provoked. you're Ferris wheel and spinning cups and trains. vehicle is cake. Take down to the pil spectacle also unlocks a secret area Vermin = Gulch Bonus Level
How we managed to pull off a
it I
I Gun upgrade. Jump into the tank to grab
it is still
(withm the building that got crushed). Not
way to deal some serious damage to
Meal Wagon = Funtopia Bonus Level
ig to take them down, then make sure As for the carousel, simply drive on the and blast away. After half its health is lost, I
I this piece, but move quickly, because Ihe
mystery. Okay, drive over to the White ihe enemy.
I you have plenty of weapons and armor. ride and smash all the little horses. this combatant transforms into a n
whale doesn't want you heme.
many power-ups are here, but something Destroying Angel = Double Pick-Ups
House and shoot Ihe newly acquired killer in its
I Also, don't forget to snag the tourist and Prowler Missile. Angle your shot jo and
Destroying everything is very difficult, but if aggressive form - so be careful. Lastly, I
I and will knock you out with its sail But if
can be done. you look out the only
II Tl Pyro = Infinite Turbo
I hif all the photo shoots. For your car be done (trust us). Don't be afraid to try to keep it away from the Repair window you'll see Alcalraz. Now. shool Gator Bail = Infinite Jump
into the girl's buttocks. Doirg this will I Ihe whale is kind and lets you get your Is this great or what?! All of the
I convenience, there are also two Repair continue on even if you don't blow it all up, Siatjons. It has enough cash to fin most I
is done, you can him into Ihe
the watchtower in the center of this new Ozone = Increased Health
remove some clothing. Reoea: fhs blast skyscrapers can be destroyed and
going doesn't get
i. ia" sum
on both sides
of Ihe airport.
you don't
off Abe
at the Linccl"
blast the
for the re!
if It*
of its
damages once.
ocean by throwing an
You'll find
the Machine
on its
The tower
destroy Alcalraz, and leave a few items
launch pad. The rest of
basically consists of downhill
will take oft
this level
melee and
knocked down. KABLAM1I! What a
spectacle' Some
alt of your
but things never gel hectic. This level is I not much more. Al the very base ot this
level Also, don't forget about re easy I holding advertisements to receive a weapons on them. Each scraper holds
f you're looking for building-bustin huge. Everywhere you look there is a hill, level jump on the crumpled building and
target - the helicopters. These sitting [ I quick two grand. If you need repairs, look some kind of weapon or pick-up beneath
I carnage, then look elsewhere. This level and vast green fields. At one end of this I shoot ihe crane to get the Machine Gun
targets are worth two grand each, You I to the beach and left-hand pier for it. But hear our cry. Only go after these
I doesn't feature much in terms of area is a cavern holding a Weapon I upgrade. On the paths within the
can also launch off pieces of the s. As for weapons, the golf course power-ups if you find peace and quiet,
I destruction. The trees can be shot up, but Enhancement Station and a few e: buildings, and hidden within the parked
Washington Monument io reach the I and waves within the ocean itself are the allowing time to hack away on Ihe
I that's about it. On the lower potion of the weapons. Most of the firepower is found I cars, are most of the weapons.
rooftops. Snag as much cash as you can, I keepers of Ihe latest and greatesf structure with your Machine Gun.
I level, blow away the two gales to reveal on top of the hills. Blasting the few man- f I firepower on this level. The best strategy Otherwise, fhe good of hit and run
Otherwise, there are plenty of other
the game, Jason had to open house. Jason changed to Game Informer
the front door and shoot from Robir.. anc Andy was lost for-
items within the apartment, McDonald's happy engine that was three times as fast, that could han- Naughty Dog was ready and awaiting our arrival,
meals, and inexpensive knick knacks were used to dle 10 times the animation frames, and twice Ihe The only game in visible sight was Crash Bandicoot
create the costumes. To round out Ihe experience, polygon count. This sequel was going to rock, and 3. The other project, which happens to be the first
Jason joined in and participated as two of the char- a year later gamers found was one mean piece
it of time in Dog history that two games are being devel-
acters in the game. Mosl fighting games, especial- software. Crash 2 was completed and even more ol oped simultaneously, was nowhere to be seen. The
ly those using motion -capture, require a fairly large the world played. Today, the Crash series has sold morale of the team was extremely high, making us
team. Jason and Andy did it all by themselves once more than 6 million units worldwide (2.8 million in believe that Rubin either just awarded raises that
again. But the game was made, and like before, the U.S.) and counting, yet morning, or handed out
Naughty Dog lucked out and found a good oub- Naughty Dog is faced with the mandatory sugar sticks just
lisher, which in this case, happened to oa 'Jnive"sa- lough chece ol what tc co before we rolled in the door.
Interactive Studios. next. Yes. 't has established Upon meeting a couple of
Pleased with tVay ot the Wamr Universal tself as a powerU deve oper the new Dog additions like
Interactive Studios signed on Najghty Dog 'c and coud very wei: achieve Dan Arey and Evan Wells
three additional games. Apparently. Jason ano ihe sane s.ccess wth any (who both happen to have
Andy had impressed somebody, a-d that seme other product it ceates. but worked on Gex: Enter the
body was Mark Cerny - game design guru cf Cra?h s a sure hit, and Gecko), Rubin whisked
touch anyone, but he freed Rubin from the industry. For Jam Software, this progression was Universal. Now they had the funds ar d p.ol s-e' :o Naughty Dcg sill has one us away to Ihe confer-
shackles of defeat. Long ago, Jason (who like going from tee ball to the Major Leagues. So to back them, but what game was next 'or mo Dogs? game el under coitract with ence room for Crash
wasn't known as Rubin quite yet) teamed up start off fresh (and dissolve the relationship Enduring a cross-country trip by car. A-rjy and UlFversa 101. Here, he offered
with his best friend Andrew Gavin to create games. between them and Baudville), Jason and Andy Jason devised a plan to create a 30 a:t or p'at lr ..a-ua'y of tms year Naughty us a soda and jumped
Both lads were in high school at the time, experi- renamed Jam Software as Naughty Dog. If Keel did form game. But they came across one orcDlem Cog began c-eat ng Crash 3. But right into presenting the
menting with every gaming drug from LISP to C++. well. Naughty Dog would probably have a great the player would be forced to constancy loo< at the what exactly can Naugnty Dog oo game Before we could
But even under the heavy hand of high school, they future. But to much dismay, Keef was a si character's rear. Instantly, the game was jokingly differently this ! me? Crasn 2 was ask what we'd see. or
still managed to press on into the game develop- retail shelves. codenamed "Sonic's Ass Game." Ancy and Jason a/es'ly iTorci/ed ova the v'a'.i even ask a lew simple
ment industry and create Jam Software in 1 986 - a At this point, we come to a time most gamers knew this game was going to be da bono ' b„i otts'ng out what else can questions, Rubin got to
two-man corporation with dreams to take over the are familiar with - the early nineties. Naughty Dog they had no idea things would exoicde ike tney they do to keep .s hooked the point - and quick.
video game world. creates its second title, a classic in its own right, did. We've aheady repeated from He said, "With Crash 2
At the time, the Apple ][ was the Rings of Power. Years of hard In 1 994, Naughty Dog began deveioomon: of its roBing bo. de-s. coilecwo thought we made the ulti-
r pussycat of the industry. work went into this massive strate- 3D endeavor. Unlike previous games, this ore the ^s and s of boxes, ana tan- mate Crash game, and then
A whole gled with a wart hog. What the question after that was.
This machine purred with power gy game, and the ever-consuming couldn't be finished by just two people. is
and Jason and Andy jumped at the Electronic Arts bought into Jason network of artists and programmers was needed, Ihe next step in the evolution what do we do lor another
chance to make software for it. The and Andy's work for the second so Naughty Dog began to expand. The first person of Crash'' Rubin is more than sequel 7 Additionally, what
first game out ot Jam's mouth was time, publishing the game for the hired on was one of Andy's buddies trom MIT - willing to tell us. can we do in 10 1/2 months?
a skiing title. Jason slaved on this Sega Genesis in 1991. This time, Dave Baggett, a programming wonder with a brain And the answer could have
Tie Han in tie project and put everything he had though, their product actually the size of a basketball. Together, he and Andy cre- certainly been, just go back
Andy made an impact on shelves. ated the development tool for "Sonic's Ass Game" and make more levels of the
Wooden Mask into
it, but unknowingly,
copied some bootleg
acci- ijij
and surprisingly,
close to a video game character does sound silly, Naughty Dog was bankrupt hired, ranging from computer wizard Justin Monast
adventure was released in 1988 and was the Ihe Warrior. Seriously,
but over the last tour years. Rubin has animated and barely had enough cash to artist Charlotte Francis. For 14 months
strangest game these two individuals ever made. to finish it. For the it's busi-
every move, death, and twitch Crash has per- and even ported game's combatants, friends the company were ness as usual at Naughty Dog, until the game
But Baudville wasn't afraid of it, it ot is
same type, but we decided not aeginning, you are dropped 3 through our minds, but soon the answer
beating Tiny
Belly Flop.
we received a new move
- the Super
Game Informer
to do that, and instead traded nto a circular warp room (just
Rubin explained that for beating each boss, a
sleep for a better
Rubin continued, "So Greg,
title." ike in the last
is we
Immediately after returning to the warp room,
noticed that we just received a Silver Relic (like
new move will be awarded
beating the last boss (which happens to be Crash
to Ihe player. Even alter Feature
Stephen, and Andy (the three restrained to just one level. You the one listed in the slat screen). Plus, there was a
and Aku Aku versus Cortex and Aku Aku's evil
programmers) began work on I need to use an elevator newly added item on the stat screen. To the right
brother Uka Uka) a new move is granted. First, you
new engines. And you'll see in in the center of the room side of the screen three different times were listed,
start with the Super Belly Flop, then you acquire The Naughty Dog guys love technology, and when we "Crash 1 had this method of unassisted subdivision.
this game that there are three to get to the other levels. each with a different Relic ranking and time. Rubin
asked Rubin Ihe simple question ol, what have you done When Crash jumped in Ihe river, he moved quickly
completely new gameplay The warp room contains explained that we just completed a Relic Time Trial
to improve this or thai? he flew off the coop, rolled his through the surface, so the jagged subdivision was not
engines. They are kind of mini live different exits (basi- Race, and that to unlock this mode you must first eyes back, and spit a wad of technical jargon, Here's too obvious. But we couldn't let him walk through water,
engines that don't play like the regu^ cally five worlds), and grab the Crystal on the level. We had received the what that wad contained or stay split by Ihe surface for a long time. Then the
lar Crash levels that you are used to only one is accessible Silver Relic for beating the easy time, but to grab "The Nintendo 64 has a z- buffer. When everybody limits of the PlayStation would be obvious.
They make up about a third ot the from the start. The others the Gold we would need a faster time. And to nab found out aboul it, everyone said that the PlayStation "In Crash 2, we improved upon this by allowing Pixel
would never be able to do a z-bulfer. Well, in Crash.? we Perfect subdivision by a FLAT PLANE. II is important to
game, and they do fit however, into are blocked by electrical the Platinum Relic we would need to beat a time
proved them wrong by making a flat plane z-buffer. But realize that any water surface, or Ihe mud in the jungle,
the bigger Crash world. We're not fields. So we walked to set by Sony's testers or Naughty Dog, Can you say
we didn't want to stop there and we wanted to top that in to be a Hal plane, and had be exactly flat on the
making a Die Hard Trilogy the only available exit replay value 7 Because you want to unlock extra
Crash 3 and make an arbitrary plane z-bulfer. We In shod, there could be no waves, and Ihe
here. We're not making a and crossed over a tiny secrets and possibly different endings you will succeeded. A z-buffer is one of the standard methods subdividing plane could not be at a weird angle. This
game where you're kind ol bridge leading to a smaller need lo get every one ol the different Relics. that graphic engines use to decide depth when drawing worked fine for still water. Also, Ihe effect only worked on
the Double Jump, Death Tornado Spin, the awe- a 3D the Nintendo 54. as well as many the foreground (objects) and not on Ihe background.
going off and doing something room. In this room a large Amazed by this new addition to Crash we scene. In of
some Laser-Guided Bazooka (which you use to kill the PC graphics cards, z- buffering is Mainly, we only used on Crash, a it
else thai is completely and reflective sphere (just like the pressed forward through a few more levels, then
As you might
the chickens), and lastly Running. done automatically in hardware. On enemy or two, and a lew boxes at the
utterly unrelated. There's one in Michael Crichton's book came face-to-tace with the Infamous jet ski level
the PlayStation, because it came oul same time.
have guessed, the Run move will help you score
always a Crystal on every Sphere) greets you. In front of we've heard so much about. Of course, being the before these systems, there is no hard- In Crash 3. to make the jet ski and
better in the Time Trials.
level. There are always box the sphere are five buttons cool cats that we are, we thought "nah, this thing ware support for the z-buffer. ihe Egyptian flooded level work, we
completion Gems on every labeled 1 -5. When you step on won't be as fabulous as everyone says." We were
At this point, we were really excited about Crash "Therefore, you draw a character
if had to work much harder. The jel ski
3. But we sfill hadn't seen everything quite yet. To like Mario on Ihe N 64. and he is stand- level demands a true z-buffer, bolh on
level. there's always a pro- a button, a level name is pre- wrong.
keep our enthusiasm high, Rubin showed us Ihe ing in a pool of water, his upper body the foreground and background ele-
gression through the levels, sented at the top of the screen Right now, we are still debating whether these
WW fighter plane stages. Simply Crash looks will be drawn above ihe water, and his ments. The waves can subdivide
I put.
regardless of what lype ot level it is, in the same way with the necessary stais of what you need lo col- levels look better than they play, or play better than
(eel will be drawn below. There will be Coco in any direction, and Ihe back-
like a big dork in the big plane, but we played along
as the previous Crash games. So these levels do tit lect (which In this case was two White Gems, a they look. Either way though, these levels show off a clean split ot his legs where the ground elements like the ramps.
and kept on smiling. The planes themselves (one
into the overall gameplay ol the world. But in terms Crystal, and a Relic}, So we jumped up into the some of the finest work to grace the PlayStation water surface subdivides him. This islands, and the buoys have to work
for Crash and a different one for Coco) are happens automatically on a pixel by too. To make matters worse, ALL of
of standard Crash style ot levels, they are no longer Sphere and warped to the level, [see Crash 101], The waves move realistically and
extremely large in size and quite noisy. In this stage pixel basis. That means that each time the boxes, and multiple enemies had
that style." The theme of this first stage was medieval even have realistic lighting highlights that swim by « c*ot:
you only have three key moves: (1) quick roll, to the N6i draws a pixel of Mano (or the
"^P* 5
to work at the same time as Crash
And he went on, "However, we have returned times.Way oft in the distance. Rubin's technical as each wave breaks. And the movement of the jet
background), ~"
and the background, meaning that it wasn't only a neat
evade enemy fire, brake, to welL.slow down,
it asks itself if that pixel is in front ol, or
with two-thirds of the game that is the classic levels. speak of LOD [see Crash 101] can be seen in a ski is amazing as well. II bobs in and oul of fhe
behind every other pixel it has drawn at that point on the effect, bul an actual, fully operational z-buffer that could
and (3) shoot bullets to kill and maim enemy fight-
And the reason that we've done this is because castle. II looks great and surprisingly isn't flickering water and even produces an animated wake in its screen. II it is in front of Ihe other pixels drawn al operate as well as a hardware z-buffer. and still allow
Crash and Crash 2 are the number two and num- or popping in and out The enemies range path Amazing! The gameplay on these levels is
er craft. Two of the plane stages require that tar-
thai location, draws. is behind, does not. Mo the game lo work at 30 frames per second. It was
7 at all. it If it it
gets be taken down (one as Crash and the other as matter whether Mario or the background is drawn a bitch
ber three best- selling character-based platform from simple goats (like the one in Quantum & just like the original Crash levels... except 3D. This
games on untouchable invincible chickens, to And we mean, Coco). The other stage is like PilotWings where first, everything gels sorted out by the hardware. "In terms of Level of Detail (we call it LOD. you Gl
the next generation systems [Mario 64 is Woody) to aspect really surprised us. it really
you have through rings Transparency complicates matters, but let's ignore ihat, guys call it: crap you use for
'thai live levels of detail
#1]. So, were we to abandon that style of gameplay, sword-wielding knights. This level is much more surprised us.
will to tly in a certain
"On the PlayStation, the besi the hardware can do is hiding pop'). Naughty Dog has worked hard to create a
amount of time.
that would mean that we would be abandoning a difficult than the first one in Crash 2, but it is still a The goal of this level is one in the same, collect draw a full polygon. It never checks to see whether or not level of detail swapping methodology that is invisible to
Lastly, we moved on to Ihe motorcycle stage.
significant proportion of the gamers out there. There cake walk for the seasoned Crash veteran. When the boxes, grab the Crystal and Gems, then com- it should draw individual pixels. Because of that, the A tree might be 20 polygons in the distance.
the player.
was certainly ample opportunity replace the we started to run wifh the orange platform star. pete in the Time Trial to get the Relics, The great
Again, we expected the world, but were greeted by scenes in all PlayStation games are drawn trom the back 40 as gets closer, and 300 by the time is nexl to you.
it il
to first
Crash style of gameplay. [Gamers) could have we noticed one thing. The animation and moves thing is. the ski has a ton of moves under its belt.
a bandicoot looking like a fool on top of a fantastic forward. The farthest distance is drawn and then
first, We sometimes use live levels, sometimes more. The
piece of machinery. This time, we tried to keep a everything else is drawn a polygon at a time towards the point is not thai we discovered the technique, jusl thai
immediately jumped on Gex; Enter the Gecko. They are identical to those in Crash 2. This wasn't a bad It can flip lorward and back, spin to the left or right,
straight face, buf the Bandicoot just looked too front. There are standard sorting methods for the we have struggled to use it more transparently than
didn't. They could have eaten Croc. They didn't. thing necessarily, but it made us think this game and even dive below the surface. Sometimes there other games."
polygons, but once the decision to draw a polygon is
games was more we To get them wacky to not to laugh at. How can you not giggle at
There are plenty of out there that they could of an update than anything else. But are free lives laying on the ocean floor. made, Ihe polygon will wipe out anything it is drawn on We iried to understand all of Rubin's insightlul
a marsupial wearing a custom leather jacket with a we
have jumped on the bandwagon with. They didn't," pressed on with an open mind (slightly jaded you will need to hit a ramp and dive below the lop of, regardless of whether or not il is closer to the banter, but with our short gaming attention spans,
So the gaming nation didn't bile on the complete though], grabbed the Crystal, fhen the White Gem water. Does this water look as nice as as the water
big "C on the back of it? Anyway, these stages camera or not. So if Crash is drawn on the PlayStation were for the most pari losl, and only asked one queslion
3D in Gex and Croc. So why exactly is Naughty Dog for box completion, and exited through the level in Nintendo's classic Wave Race 641 Not quite,
move fairly slow, but are loaded with great chal- with water subdividing him. the best fhe unassisted m response. "So is that why Crash is orange?" Rubin
lenges and exciting turns and obstacles to avoid. PlayStation can do is to decide which polygons are frowned and shook his head.
trying to change the Crash experience by adding the exit warp hole. but it's an impressive breakthrough for the
The goal 'mostly below the surface' and which polygons
3D element' Of the three new engines, two are After leaving the level, Rubin forced us to play PlayStation.
is to beat a series of opponents, who hap-
'mostly above the surface. The ' resulting split
pen to all be riding in cars. The control is slick and
completely three-dimensional. The other engine pits it again. We agreed (bul were slightly confused). We could have played this level tor hours, but edge, nol a smooth subdivi;
the animation is great. Perhaps the best part of the
Crash on a hie kin' red motorcycle against a testos- What? Are we supposed to do backflips for ya Rubin quickly pulled us away and made us com-
stage, though, is the inclusion of the Dual Shock.
terone-laden gang of roadsters. Basically, it's a dri- sandwich boy? Bul, back to the level we went, and plete the last two levels in the warp room. As with
<Si.iri<1'M>'> From Left to
The Dual Shock delivers a constant rumbling sen-
ving simulator. The new 3D engines, however, lake upon arrival, we noticed something quite different. the last game, completing Ihis task brought about Kijijiv: And} Gavin, Uric
sation that leaves your hands numb after playing.
Crash to the air and out lo sea. Well, Naughty Dog's At the very beginning of the stage, a stopwatch a boss. The sinister, nasty, crude, and rude boss Iwasaki, Mark Cerny,
Naughty Dog even added in pitfalls, jumps, and tur-
10 1/2 months are over and it's time to play the was sitting idle in front of Crash. As the curious we faced was none other than Tiny the ferocious L).iv( B,i •/.>'.<' < I (no longer
we bos to make this sensation even more speciacular.
game. It's time to see Crash 3 in action. beavers we are, ran up and hit the watch. At kitty. This time around though. Tiny has given up a "Dog"), lot' Labbe.
You gotta love it! Crash is back on the hog, boys Milralm Danny
that moment, we jumped back, and a timer began the platform jumping that he did so well in Crash 2 He*.
and girls I
r', lusTin Monast,
to tick at the bottom of the screen tallying how and has gone completely Romanesque. Naughty
Finally... Tlie Came!!! much time we'd spent on the level. Rubin barked Dog even dressed him in Roman gladiator garb, We could talk your ear off, which we think we've Stephen White; Evan
Now you know about some of the technology that command moving We did. And a Roman coliseum,
done already, but there's so much more to Crash 3 Weill (Kneeling or
out a to get our butt
So the setting w s that of
and Naughty Dog we haven't mentioned or Sitting*. Ericli
went into making Crash 3, and just what kind of we raced to the end of the level as quickly as we complete wifh ai animated crowd and Julius
PaDgilman. Jason
sequel it is. But making new engines is a risky busi- Rubin Cortex, Tiny was easy beat
gotten to yet, A few good examples are: What
could, fearing that
^^^^^^ to
ness, especially with a deadline as short as 10
months. So below you will find the answers to
would whip us if we sat back R again (the poor
We simply dodged his
guy just
about Coco and the tiger' And how much exactly
does Gavin's brain weigh? Don't tear though, well
stuff plays. Read on, enjoy, and in Game Informer We these answers and much much more. Perhaps a Chstliiin- Francis, Pan
lumped through the warp the lions he sent after us,
fashion, expect to be surprisedl review? Otherwise, stay tuned and expect Crash 3 \<-y Boll Halei
hole and exited. Lame! Was then whacked him when he
When we first started playing Crash 3, we Rubin technically insane? was ready for a whacking
to hit retail shelves on November 3 - no later.
thought Rubin was just blowing smoke, and this Would we have to do the level After Ihis, something surpris-
sequel wasn't all that was promised. At the very again? So many thoughts ing happened yet again. For
_ Commentary
Football Developers
shouting match,
see such disre-
© HFL Blilz-N64 ocarina shell, and Sheik uses a harp. From what we saw. of behavior is alarming, I Ihink it's distasteful, and
action/RPG," by Shoicho Ihmajin, president of Sega
Sheik actually taught Link a new tune to play, It was a ^k tney bhould keep
WWF War Zone -N64 of Japan. The game features six playable characters
I 'h it up.
beautiful sight to say the least, but does Sheik play a
Su-e. ?ho talk can be ridiculous, off-base, and
© Spyro the Dragon -PS-X
bigger role? The picture to the left certainly says so, and
and at least six different environments. Also,
-oio'n ..ntrue. but sometimes the results are
& Madden NFi. 39 -PS-X rumors out of Nintendo hint at the possibility of Sheik
Adventure features one of Naka's trademarks, the ::c
O Rogue Trip -PS-X being playable, or some kind of new hero who helps Link for a
stud c executive mentioned above. This guy makes
performance. Furthermore, speculations indicate each
majority of the quest.
level will be altered and tailored to the six different e crack about Electronic Arts* marketing term
Stay tuned as we unveil more details concerning The
characters, offering a unique experience each time the known as "Liquid Al" while his own marketing team
Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time, coining to N64 on
November 23. game is played with a different character. To add even has just come up with an equally mundane
more replay value, each level will feature an "Action" "Authentic Football Intelligence." Yes, as cool as
© Cnrono TWgger - SWES
style and an "Adventure'' style to complete with YF. so-ncs i don't think I'd use football and
© Tombs'- PS-X each character. Even the Chaos monsters will change in i'V gence .- [fie s,me phrase. And what the
© Golden£ye007-N64
Ridge Racer Type 4, Ace the game, thanks to a combination of the A-Life system '
' authentic"? I
think It's the same
O Banjo-Kazooie - WW and trading captured Chaos creatures with others via • .<• LA"s "liquid." In some respecis
the VMS.
Combat 3 Announced As usual, Sonic's goal is to acquire the Chaos
Emeralds and prevent Dr. Robotnik from taking over the
magazines pa,
r> Rsi '
-.5 f\. . ke
jp the comedic and
we d d with last
month's feature,
News has leaked from Japan that Namco will release a new or this montn s raungs. But the rivalry goes deeper
O H'Wvs.WWO.'lVoridrou/'-NH
Ridge Racer game for PlayStation. Titled R4: Ridge Racer Type
world. Bonus stages, including snowboarding and flying,
than that. Some of these same guys have been
O Gran Tutismo - PS-X
4, the game is the next logical step in the Ridge Racer series.
are also in the game. Sonic Adventure is slated to
going at it since the 16-bit days of Montana
3 Teklten III -PS-X Along with more tracks, Namco plans to add championship-style
release on November 23 in Japan, the day of the
vs. Madden.
Dreamcast launch.
© HW War Zone -N64 modes, where players assume the role of an up-and-coming driver. I've witnessed the trash talkin'. the hype, and
In addition, players will select from a huge list of cars, each of Here Is a list of the playable characters in Sonic Adventure: the tierce competitiveness from the teams at EA
which can be custom painted. R4 will release in Japan this • Sonic The Hedgehog • Big The Cat Sports and 989 Studios for many a year. And it
December, while a U.S. release is likely for spring '99. • Knuckles The Echidna • E-102 Gamma has made their games rock solid. Both are truly
Namco also announced development of Ace Combat 3. another title destined • Amy Rose Miles "Tails" Prowler
® Mfh a /idle more wrA, we're
for U.S. shores. Expect Ace Combat 3 sometime in the first half of 1999.
innovators and borrow from each other heavily
toping lo mate f/ie pro lour. RIDGE RACER TYPE 4 (even though both sides claim "they are" and "they
Take a look at the new animations
WCW Lineup
don't"). in
We flunked out of beauty school.
There's nothing good on TV. Changes Come to the Madden or the
GameDay, each was obviously influenced by the
new TV-style presentation in
5 a.m., the bar
'Play vidsot die." predates Rob's reign of terror and disruption of the X-Men universe. of Inland's previous WCW Nitro release. Thunder variety of animations in the game is phenomenal
There are more women in video We also have a few details on the gameplay. When you get promises a slew of new wrestlers complete with and is punctuated by the "de-cleater" tackle where
games than in our personal lives. attacked and a hit lands, the character shows it. We don't authentictheme music and pre-match entrances. the ball carrier is completely flipped over the
believe that every injury will be shown, but it will be more of a THQ says there will be over 60 wrestlers in all. The
O It's our job.
tackier' s head.
Battle Armor He -Man effect, where only a few spots show after "other" N64 title, WCW Nitro, is a direct transla- The banter from developers of football games
a certain nunoer of hits. This is a great feature nonetheless, tion of this new PlayStation Thunder game. THQ can be unprofessional, annoying, and even personal,
and hasn't been explored except Art of Fighting and has Tomy's Retsuden engine and will
If it
The game s being developed by Syrox in the U.K., and the end of 1999. means better games, I'm all for it. I can hear the
shoud be re eased
PlayStation in the first quarter of
for Both WCW/NWO Thunder for PS-X and WCW developers now. "For the new millennium our
next year. There be a Story mode feature with real-time
will Nitro for N64 are scheduled to release in January.
game will have unprecedented gelatinous Al..."
cut-scenes for each character as well.
Keep talkin'.
WWF War Zone Slamming Wu?<£~.
Four games have been added to Success For Acclaim |J5.wi— |
NBA Couttside Diddy Kong Racing. June 24, was initially hard to come by. Many retailers sold out of
the product and had to reorder. According to Acclaim's press
GoldenEye 007, and WCW vs. NWO: World
Tour have been inducted into the Player's release, a buyer for Babbages Etc. said. "The game basically sold
Choice series. All four of these games come out over the first weekend." Furthermore, according to the divisional
Madness, until early 1999. a 3Dfx chip for the new system. But after being
According the game's executive producer wooed by NEC and Video Logic Sega changed its mind and chose to use the Power VR2.
and lead writer, Ted Woolsey, "Although 3Dfx, outraged by the decision, as well as the brush-off from Sega, brought a lawsuit against
Shadow Madness is on schedule for a the company, claiming it had made an agreement with Sega to use the 3Dfx chip. 3Dfx also
November release, we'll definitely take full wanted to protect its technology and felt that Sega, NEC, and VideoLogic were all privy to
advantage of any extra time to add new many of 3Dfx's secrets.
features, refine the overall gameplay, and Although no terms were announced in the press release from 3Dfx, nor any other details
polish the screen text." whatsoever, the dispute is now at an end as Sega has apparently made a settlement with 3Dfx.
back, On the road? Get on-line for weekly cheat codes, the latest updates,
of tank with
screen shots, hints end tips (better than a road map) and kilter
Automercenaries! Remember, r. Too big? Well try on the kontests. Go to www.roguetrip.coni for the lowdown on all the low life.
on your shoulders
ride the
killlng, road-rioting
Keep on truckln'
Game Informer's
lire 0' The Month
will accompany her, but the line will launch alongside the
release of Tomb Raider 3 in November.
Next, a Turok action figure line will launch in October to
coincide with Acclaim's release of Turok 2: Seeds of Evil.
The line includes a diorama, along with 5-inch figures of
Turok characters such as Turok. Joshua Fireseed, Tal'Set,
Campaigner, Primagen, and Adon. Zaeh MestuT] site hoUi nothihq back offering
Also worthy of note: Playmates plans to release a line of frank commentary on the Industry and a
j toys based on the new DreamWorks movie Ante. As Antz patrol of the gaming press If you want to read
^ \
dmM I
will no doubt become a DreamWorks
Sa me, these toys should be video game collectibles as well.
Interactive video a pod rip-sessioH
Zach's site is
and have a good
the place to be.
O What videogame has spawned two
Eidos Grabs Crystal Dynamics' novels by author S.D. Perry?
Eidos Interactive has acquired the publishing rights to Crystal Dynamics' PlayStation game The © What is the name of the Sony PlayStation
Crystal Dynamics had been searching for a publisher/distributor for this game (as well as Akuji The design games?
\ •/.
Actlviston lias ai
Here's the list of ci
an American release, but who would want you take to the road and race across six different courses and
isms l
three levels of difficulty. Sound familiar? Well, duh. Expect the
leup? game to come out later this year, but don't necessarily expect
> THQ has scrapped any plans to bring
it to be the caliber of Diddy Kong Racing.
SpeedTribes to the PlayStation
Electronic Arts has shelved Its arcade-
styled football game tentatively entitled
Game Informer's
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Dragon: The Bwce Lee Story oINFL Players Olstrft tW 9) MHwsj Hums Fnteriaiinnsm Inc
lis ot Nintendo ot America. All rights reserved Trade-in values vsiy oy illle an
e Funcolam) Is a reglBlerKl rrsOemark oi
the far reaches of
third world for the past
few months, NFL Blitz is
Midway's arcade-stylo
football game featuring
mnmmm mm some of (he fastest and
mast amusing gameplay
ever found in video >' JWNESOli £ "'•
II I L I I .
" before the ball gets there because there's no such thing as pass
interference. Heck, bite his ear off or stab
scissors. If you can figure out a way to do
him in the
it, it's legal.
neck with
not as impressive as the arcade unit, but when you see Blitz
, including Bash at A
Havok, Starrcade, and Super Brawl. Each wrestler has his own unique entrance
filled with fireworks, smoke, and electronic razzle-dazzle. Goldberg comes in slapping his face, DDP
before the bout, NINTENDO-
comes accompanied by Kimberly. and Hogan has the ever vigilant Eric Bischofl at his side.
Once Ihe wrestling begins it's easy to see how improved the graphics and animations are. Each character has his
jj fit
crawls on the floor
'ler of new moves
like the wild animal that he
in Revenge has a counter. One false move, and you could get your butt s
or by one of the game's new combos (which can only be used by characters, " k~K£3
.,, ....o do them in real life).
During matches, the ring is watched over by referee Mark Curtis, who comes onscreen to count off pins
and ring-outs. But it's a good thing he's there, as other wrestlers will run in during a match to help their JS/% \ fm
cohorts in crime. For instance, say Konnan is getting pummeled by Buff Bagwell; Sting will run in, weapon A
in hand, to equalize the situation.
Winning matches is the key to unlocking many of the hidden
found in WCW/NWO, but don't worry about saving them I
Watch out because this October Ihe WCW and NWO ._..
and Ihey got Revenge on their minds. The question is: Are you up
action genie,
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil stands
unchallenged this holiday season.
Gamers are hungry (or another shoot-'em-up and
(Acclaim's upcoming release will satiate Ihis need. After being
blown away by Turok 2 at E3 [see August '98], we had a chance lo check out the
multiplayer modes, a
peripheral that
Playing a
bunch of new weapons and enemies, and witness the possibilities
works wonders with this title.
"kill or be killed" match-up against one, two, or even three of your
of an upcoming Nintendo 64
environments, boasting that Turok 2's deathmatch will be, "The best the N64 has ever seen." The Blood Lust mode is the
standard deathmatch mode, and options can be set for available weapons and number of players per team. The Frag Tag mode
is slightly similar to a mode in GoldenEye; one player Is "it" and is totally defenseless. This person must escape through a
warp to collect points and make another opponent "it." The multiplayer mode has at
least eight characters to play as, including enemies, and even the original Turok
comic character (who was later swapped for the younger Turok that we all know
from the first game). The multiplayer options and overall quality of the graphics
already make GoldenEye look ancient. An excellent example of what players can
expect is in the bow and arrow fight. When you shoot an opponent with an arrow,
you'll see the arrow stick in the opponent, and the opponent in turn sees it in his
or her field of vision. It's quite a sight to see a guy running around with an arrow
stuck in his ear.
The 1-player game is divided into six separate environments that range from
a castle-like port town to an alien spaceship. Filled within these massive worlds
are some of the nastiest and most gruesome enemies you have ever seen. The
rathermundane human enemies found in the first Turok are gone. Standard
dinosaurs such as the raptor and compy are abundant on some levels, but nasty
dinosaur hybrids called dinosoids run rampant. All of the enemies are very
intelligent. Some will retreat when they see you have a big weapon, or they will
dodge and hide from gunfire. Other foes will attack with ferocity when you get
too close. Especially spectacular are Turok 2's boss creatures. Massive oozing,
pulsating creatures such as the disgusting creature dubbed "Mother" make a huge
impact on the game. The bosses will challenge players, while giving them a visual
treat. As mentioned, the Tek Bow (complete with sniper mode) is an essential, but
you have to see the Cerebral Bore. Think of a lock-on missile that, once it connects,
Dust and dirt can damage your game system. The result? Poor picture5 quality, fuzzy souna
tuzzy sound ana
and slow or
drives a drill straight into the dlnosoid's brain. The blood sprays like a fountain as
the enemy crashes to the ground. The insane designs of the weapons, and the 'buggy" game play. Cleaning your system and games regularly will maintain
tain high
h quality gaming and ensure
destruction they inflict, are not for the faint of heart (or those under 17). a longer product life. Player's Edge cleaning kits will keep you and
id your
y system in the game. ^^K
Turok 2's graphics are easily the N64's best ever. But the graphics get even
better when playing with the 4 MB RAM expansion pak. What's that, you say? The
RAM pak (as we call it) is a small cartridge that plugs into the small door on top
of the N64 unit, upping the N64's RAM. Although Nintendo has not announced
plans to release the RAM pak, such a device will allow Turok 2 to run in high
resolution. Nintendo would be stupid to keep this RAM pak out of gamers' hands.
The game works fine without the extra RAM, but once you see the difference,
there is no turning back.
Turok 2 will be out at the end of October and is easily Acclaim's hottest
property. Keep on the lookout, as it's going to be one of the flagship games for
the N64.
t -mncoLand
handing off
iliii! works, and in this case. Madden is
(a la Brett Favre). In the huddle, huge lineman huff and puff as they try to catch their breath. There are
even 10 different animations for injuries. Also worth noting is, In snowy conditions, players' footprints dot Ihe fietd
leave larger skids.
Aside from the all-new and extremely detailed graphics package, QBC 99 goes right after sim fans with the I
r-. alinlccorw:i'iv:i:ih;itliiavrrni sw
anything of QBC '99 at trie time write this.
QBC allows you to play over a number of
of Madden, I
pie, say you were playing as the Vikings and (not that this would ever happen) Cris Carter has only 10 Madden blows away last year's games.
catches for 100 yards in an entire season. This sub-par performance might lead to things such as his speed and "
jompute: IS tough. Ihe giaphitb nte
excellent, and the options are endless. I've
catching ability dropping before Ihe next season. To be sure, a slick Player Create mode will allow you to fill the
spent countless hours pet feeling the
in your team, or you can make just one player if you want. The Team Create mode will give you options to pick attack of the Vikes and it's hard
jersey and helmet colors, compile a playbook of 128 plays, and draft the top talent to concoct your fantasy football to set the game down. Downs k; the
team. For the historian, you can go Into the Historic Sim mode and relive key moments from every Super Bowl. graphics .! mis se : Just its PlayStation
s playcontrol and
Finally, insane football fans will also be able to play as NFL Europe teams
including the Claymores
and features
and the. ..well. .those other guys. The list of n
is long and comprehensive and QBC is definitely keeping up with
Z." """„* p";"" n 1
,*" « Entertainment
ANDY Ta es of Dest '"V snt necessarily a bad
game, hut
' '
Tales Or Destiny comes lo the table action-styled battle engine, Tales does
carters, the
of original story styles, and a unique
main diameter. Stan Aileron,
much, so the
your party
character. This maKes getting new
scovered, some monsters try to steal the sword. Instead, characters almost completely uneventful
Stan finds the sword, and to his surprise,it talks to him. (though you can use them in battle). Throw
Apparently Stan has been "'chosen" by the sword (named Payability in a slow-moving storyline, Super NES-like
E? ?
Saga & Beyond the Beyond, but it
nearly as good as the Suikodens or
"' s
* much
thar G,anstreal11
to write
,vords like it -a race known as the Swordians. Thus begins Fantasies of the world."
Stan's quest to seek out the other Swordians, and to thwart
npetition - a mysterious evil menace also trying to
acquire the swords.
The game is similar to many other RPGs in a physical
"Nothing's worse than an RP( : *ith cool
walk around, talk with people, acquire items and gold ION . .::
get you equipped for whatever may lie ahead. However, E GREEDY GOMER
St ° r ^ ^ ' fIT * bS® B ' nier ' aCe - I'"' UMally
this game does stray from the norm in a variety of ways. Concept basically sit there and Bound the circle
along with gold, the pany acquires lens -crystals with
First, 7 my useless party
button, while watching
energy properties - that are sold for money. Many people Graphics members hack on some wimpy beast. The
encounter rate
seek out die lens: they are valuable to a corporation that
buys them for use in industry. Although supplying the towns
——j —
-: the Web while eiptohng (note: this
is pretty high, so I
a bad
Sound S jg n ), i rj
s the different areas, from
<ith heal and lighting is the major use of lens, there seems 6,5 beaches to forests to shrines, everything I
be odter uses as well, for the company
7 25
0D (S different, but the graphics almost I
, f F f F«S^
Review Review
rtterT and
it can be argued
'98's polygon graphics were an industry
that this alone had a lol to do with
Bottom Line: success. 989 Studios is not resting with last year's graphics
Bottom Line:
J 9.25 "Th.s year's GameDay bites. goes without It
and GameDay '99 improves by more than doubling the
polygon count on player models (with over 350). This gives
the players plenty of detail. Couple this with the huge number
Last year Madden got shot down in the graphics department. It was
saying that pretty much live for football, but
and other actions you might see on ihe field are all lound in this
polygonal engine. Polygons are great, bul all the triangles and texture Compared to GameDay.
3fiira. Compared to Madden, GameDay never
version. Yel other nuances like a variety of catch animations are
i many more tackles and hits. :n gets out of the backfield. and it's a
maps mean nothing withouf animation. Madden 99 has a huge variety of
WhenvouptaviNi,,* c>« come up lo
.r, rjT poor effort from 9S9. Nothing's disappointingly absent. However. GameDay '99 does introduce new
animation and nowhere is it more apparent than with the tackles. For
plug the :„..i.-. .iii'.l bt,.ii i1 ilif' .viirkrd-- changed from last year (except it looks stadium models (complete with shade from the bleachers), polygonal
example, linebackers submarine running backs and actually flip the
straight up, it's exactly like real ioutbail. and no thought was put into the
), referees, larger menu and play select screens, and new TV-style camera
runner into the air, comerbacks ride the opponent as the ball Ttiere's a lot to say about tins game, bul aUon aspects. expect much more
I'll 1
zooms and cutaways that are further exploited by the inclusion of NBC
struggles tor extra yards, and the D-line sends the QB flailing with a end by saying Madden 99 rules big and year, and remain extremely
whoops GameDay hard."
commentators Dick Enberg and Super Bowl XX MVP Phil Simms. All
strategic shoulder to the chest. On the other side of the ball, running backs disappointed."
stumble and reach
nicely done, but Ihe voice of Simms becomes repetitive and quite
to the ground to catch their balance, bui they also juke.
and hurdle Throw
annoying as he describes how some slow fullback is going to enter the
spin, in some excellent stadium replicas, deteriorating
"What a difference a yea
and mud on the jerseys, and the looks think the danling graphics tnat
PAUL NFL's fastestman competition.
fields, of Madden 99 are Madden 99 packs so much ni
iameDay had last year caused me to GameDay has always been an innovator in terms of playcontrol.
Concept verlook a few things that Became introducing footballgames to such things as the swim move, slitf-arm, and
With allnew additions to the graphics, the playcontrol scheme
Ihe freHTout with the Franchise Mode. ~You
nnoyingly apparent with this game. First,
also received some updales. Although the tried and true Madden control other moves. now familiar Total Control package that utilizes nearly
It's the
•assing on every down and marching down
is still apparent. EA Sports added an offensive juke move, Graphics dub's from office to succeed, A
the field is too easy even with thij difficult; every button on the controller. The basic controls from the previous game
9 25 animation, especially the new BcWes a
maxed As ihe remain intact, but 989 has added defensive moves to shift the line, or call
specific pump fakes, line shifts on defense, and a redesigned power out, ball is arriving to ihe
exceptional, you can almost feel Hi
tackle move that also acts as a speedburst EA also gives a little help to Sound receiver, moving toward Hit- bail ;ral liming up Ihe secondary into tight coverage. GameDay '99 unveils a new artificial
when you're Hammered in the backfield or
a jump works nearly every time (especially
intelligence (Al) scheme that its developer has christened "Authentic
the Madden newbies by adding the One-Button option. When turned on, 9 flipped on your Back. The c
with the receiver running fly and post
the option will put control of nearly every move into one button. The Payability playbooks are awesome. It's fun just tc Football Intelligence." We're not exactly sure why 989 used football and
patterns). Not to mention the Pro
computer decides what move is appropriate, be a stiff-arm, juke, jump, it g_5 desier cra;t ;il,ivs in, Mr v them in a game.
Blue/Fade is a money 75% of the
intelligence in this phrase, as the Al in this game can be described as
pass routes for receivers. For simulation fans, the Franchise mode allows ended." In terms of options such as season play, roster management, and
multiple-season play where you see players retire, free agents sign on (all creating yourown players, GameDay seems to have continued down ihe
while staying under the salary cap), and yourself getting fired
if your team "Last year GameDay made Madden look "Now tins is one nasty piece of software. same road has for the last couple of seasons. Starting a season with a
doesn't perform well. doesn't stop here as Madden 99 also allows you
It like crapola. Ihe fast polygon at GameDay '39 could possibly be the REINER new fullback that has your name is straightforward, but extras such as
to Custom Season using any of the more than 100 teams. You
create a GD delivered W3S just loo much for biggest disappointment of the year. After
more than one learn seasons with
playing in a season, or playing multiple
pick the teams and choose what leagues the teams will be in. Just
Madden's cheesy tittle sprite guys tc losing out last year, Electronic Arts
general manager responsibilities, are sorely needed.
compete with. But even though the look of rebounded and came out with guns a
imagine, you can put all of the Bills Super Bowl teams together to create game do same?
Madden blew, the play w. blazin'. 989 Studios (and GameDay) simply
Last year's game blew us away. Does ihis year's the
the chokers league. impressive. This year though, f stood ihere and took the hits. In other
EA Sports has surpassed move to the polygon realm is nothing words, Madden crushes this game.
expectaiions with all of the short of spectacular. The gameplay GameDay still has the fast arcade-like
new additions packed into football action that we enjoyed su much
the game. Will Madden come st year, but it hasn't improved much at
Uml"t"iv«>"r-i characters. Instantly we were giddy with excitement, and adventured into [_/
e game itself.
On the surface, there's not much different about Abe's Exoddus when
compared to Abe's Oddysee. The graphics work In the same fashion as 7 v'
before (with prerendered computer-generated backdrops), the animation [ v
is to die for, and the control is rock solid and almost identical to the first I I
. But with one major change - the addition of more modes to Abe's
— -.J flipping
ordered. The "Sympathy" and "Anger" commands are
more complex, When Abe isn't close to a Mudokon and presses
these emotions, he either hisses (scary!), or awws (how
ten close to a Mudokon, Abe will slap the senses back into his
cute!). -^m^gg^s^
i the "Anger" command when he is under the
»~ w. w-^y a Gas. or pat him on the back and tell him "sorry"
e "Sympathy" command when a Mudokon is angry. It all sounds
but it is actually quite easy to pick up on and the
n the characters Is quite funny. Oh yeah, for fans of
me - don't fear - it has just been moved. By
one fly.
emotion is perhaps the best new feature, there are
into thinking you're
*i mm i. And you can
someplace else by calling to
ea. Ifs a handy trick when you need them to flip
,~^^**\) 5j about undetected, even the smallest task sets the player's
/ f I
unly on
Snake grabs the enemy... Register at any FuncoLand store
ourse, sometimes Snake has to
He can use a gun, or one of inany for your chance to win a trip to the
/eapons, but that often attracts too Pro Bowl in Hawaii. For official
\much attention. Therefore, it is often wise tc
Snake's hand-to-hand combat skill;
utilize sweepstakes rules and details
t and sneak up from behind a guard anc Playstation
visit your nearest FuncoLand store.
break his stinkin' neck. The only way this
game could be more immersive is if the
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Tons of games
trying to capitalize on the
"board" craze sweeping America.
Selling to the legions of fans who
march out to buy the next Cool Boarders,
or the next 1080, Is a lucrative niche, since
they go and purchase hordes of these respective games each year. The bad thing is, although the games are very pretty
and handle well, they don't really capture the essence of what drives these crazed amateur stuntmasters. These daredevils monster is going to feature five new environments
want the big a bad way. They want the system to be open-ended so they can make up their own tricks (rather than
air in with three levels each, r
use a precreated set of moves). This is probably the biggest attraction in Streak - as the air gets bigger, the stunts kayak and a plane on the Area SI level, r,
If you have been reading Gl for the last six months, then you already know
quite a bit about Streak. This game has us so stoked it keeps us at the office, the enhanced Al Is perhaps the most important. We
playing like mad through the weekends. While the premise itself seems old, as It think Core Design would agree with us on this point,
is very similar to Jet Moto, nothing could be further from the truth, The control as it went out and hired someone to solely concentrate
itself feels rather different than everyone's favorite bike game, and the collision, . Tigers think I
hit detection, and physics all seem very new. The characters are not nearly as
i away when you splash
aerodynamic or central-weighted as in Jet Moto; rather, in Streak it's a little harder
and then quickly reconverge on
to begin rotations. But when you do launch, you can create massive tricks that will
imans actually try not to get killed
astound and amaze. As you get in the air, you can grab the board and rotate In
any direction. If you take the jump too far, you can even put on the rear fhrusters
after you as if their r™ '
But once you learn to pull the huge dazzlers, and streak with the best of them,
indigenous lite to encounter - birds and bats
you'll land gaps that have 10 seconds of hangtime with ease. Add this to the cool
fill the air.. .fish school in
characters and interesting story, and GT has a hit on Its hands, a cult classic in the
monkeys hide In the t
The areas are as fresh and entertaining as anyone could wish for. Sure, there's
the typical city level, and the beach level, but there's also the funhouse level, the different; It's been slightly modified to
castle level, and even a factory level complete with hot, molten steel. Although a incorporate Lara's new moves. Lara can now
castle level seems a bit dull, wait until you take the first leap off the top. crawl on the ground (YES!), swing from
And that's only the beginning. There's even a mode that allows the player to vines, unleash a super burst of speed (over
abandon the race for first place and focus on tricks instead. But pulling the tricks
can be dangerous, as there are many "ghost" textures, or solid places that seem
landable. but actually send you falling to your doom, screaming, "NO! THERE :
about in the classic monkey bar
WAS A PLACE TO LAND! REALLY!!!" But nothing's perfect, right? Even so, it's a Now that's a drop.
Thai Ice is slippery. style. Lara even has a knife that she can use
great idea, especially considering in and out of the water for battle, or as a tool to
that many who played Jet Moto 1
? free, And yes, Tomb 3 is Dual Shock
and 2 got bored with the racing i uses both analog
aspect and instead just headed to
. you can control Lara with the right stick
the Nightmare track to do huge
jumps when you push down on it}, and control the
tricks - like blasting off the " i left (which fires her weapon when It is
Butterfinger sign and flying
straight up into the These are a
All In all, Tomb Haider 3 Is shaping up to be a worthy
few great memories from
to the Lara Croft lineup and a game that
SingleTrac's games, and we're '
PlayStation PlayStation PlayStation PlayStation
tfltoEXSK The RPE
TttE CrtI
HE'S VeRSATILB Experience of
the Year? Hey! What h sJ A LOAD ON YA
PlayStation PlayStation PlayStation PlayStation
Preview s Preview tyle: 1 Player Role-Playing Game Preview :s- Preview
tH\ [ by Bergren, The Game Burrito
NO months of E3 highlights, i s tune? foi some.' nmial n-
of the games featured Wis month ve a little dated due to
I but hey, deal with it. Some of fhes games are still good.
Unreal - GT Interactive - 8.5
many of you have had a chance hyped Unreal. Rumor has it, even
to play, or at least get a look at, the highly
B- 8
future Abe's project will use the Unreal engine. Perhaps you have even decide:) whether or not to purchase this
months, there
In my opinion, Unreal is a lot of fun and can be a serious challenge. However, consider this: In the coming
will be a ton of other first-person shooters rising to the surface like Duke Nukem Forever, Recoil, Requiem,
Half-Life, Vigilance, Sin, not to mention the countless add-ons, the list goes on. It you absolutely have to have a new game
now, then by all means, Unreal is intense. However, if you don't have the economic means to buy all of those games, you
may want to wait and see how the rest of the crop shapes up.
One of the best things about Unreal is the enemies. They're big. fierce, highly trained, and ultimately deadly. The Skaarj
kick butt. These guys are too fast to run away from and are incredibly agile. They can jump very high and flip from side to
side so it's difficult to get a bead on them. Plus, they have both close and long-range weapons. Since you have to work to
bring these bad guys down, you usually won't have to defeat a whole regiment at once, bui rather, one or two individuals.
"If you want action that
The environments are pretty cool too. Although there are a good number of corridors, Unreal also lets you enjoy the great
checks your gut once in a outdoors once in a while, Go outside and enjoy the big blue sky. But don't sit there too long, or you'll get smacked by a
flying lamprey that sucks your innards. And as with most good games, these bloodsuckers don't inflict tons of damage, but
while, Unreal fits the biil" they sure are fast little buggers, If you want action that checks your gut once in a while. Unreal fits the bill.
M ech, Mech, Mech!! feels good use that word so freely, FASA, the company that owns the word (if you can own
letter from its lawyer demanding . Therefore, Gl must use the incredibly lame "media," when
discussing an unlicensed game. But not this lime. Mech, Mech. Mech!l!l
MechCommander is a real-time building bases, you build up your own company of mechs.
strategy game, but instead of
Creating your own mech force is a lot minimum. As you complete missions
of fun and, of course, you'll start with the bare
you will to buy bigger and stronger mechs, as well as soldiers to drive them. Mech drivers attain
earn resource points
higher ranks by completing missions and accumulating kills. As far as the mechs go {IS types in all), points can be spent
new weapons, or getting a whole new mech altogether. But that's very expensive. To save money you
repairing them, buying
can capture enemy components and salvage fallen mechs,
"It was challenging, but Up to 12 mechs can be brought to battle: uniorluriyidy. building my mech lorce was more fun than commanding it. Don't
with only 12 mechs under get me wrong, the control. Al, and graphics are all up to par and the strategy elements are extensive, but got bored I
fighting the bad guys, especially without a mid-level save feature. It was challenging, but with only 12 mechs under my
my command, I wanted to command, I wanted to wreak more havoc.
For the most part, MechCommander is a well designed game. And even though didn't get into it that much, have no
wreak more havoc"
doubt that strategy fanatics will love this game. It's long and very challenging. So if you have an interest in
universe and real-time strategy, definitely look into MechCommander. In the meantime. I'll wait for MechWarrior 3.
^B ^^^^^^B ^^^n ^^^Bi ^m |^^^^^| |BBBr ^ HP* ^1
T A G A N C E • A T A G A N C E A •
T A T A G A « • A A N
an rc
J r.i 1
* C E I G A C E • A I A G A N
g^g B| m
NHL 99
Finally, EA Sport: is porting its PlayStation
hockey to N64 -."d wa couldn't be happier, i*'
=1 Penny Racers
Penny Racers i
Preview Wild 9
Believe il or not, Wild 9, developed by Shiny P
Pool Hustler Preview Bottom Line: 7
good and very forgiv-
Entertainment, should be in stores right now. **m tition this fall, as Activision recently announced
Most oi the levels are pretty standard - get to L 1 1 plans to publish Pool Hustler lor PlayStation. Special Features: 3<y. 0,
pretty nicely and have
the end, kill the bad guys, and get as many I ^B With development roots in Japan. Pool Hustler plenty of chances to catch air on a lol of well-
collectibles and power-ups as possible. Your I ^fl includes a Story mode where the object is to designed and varied courses. However, Team
main weapon. The Rig, emits a beam that I H| advance through venues by winning
city Simulator);
Losi is not a very challenging game and the
grabs ahold ot enemies, allowing you to swing ] i^i^B^l^i] money ar, d maintaining a reputation. As pool Diffefent Cues luw framerate causes some serious chop.
them around overhead and slam (hem on the ^^^^^mm^^^^m enthusiasts, we are immediately impressed Created by: ASK ror
ground repeatedly they explode. You can I P^H. l./tjCHafHr^.'I^^BH with Pool Hustler's control. Shots are fairly
Available: September 30
also use The Rig to swing up to higher areas.
t^ji|^ikM3i||Alj easy to line up, and the cue pushes through 'r PlayStation
Some levels go in a different direction. For
| DJ the ball for a nice stroke. Remember: stroke,
instance, in one you're on a water bike cruising I KJ don't poke. In Story mode, bets are wagered
around in a bayou crowded with trees while I K| each
prior to game, but the competition also
arcade perfect ("hand- I
trying to tag a bad guy with missiles. It's very I ^Bfl offers bets on specific shots. Often, it throws off
cutis" and "statue"
reminiscent of the forest moon Endor. ^Ht~ !he rhythm ol the game and makes you choke
other two games, SFll
glitches are rot
MB a shot. Pool fans have two new games this fall,
80% Complete: Champ.
in), (tie
Ninja - PlayStation
Bottom Line: 2.5
Horrible graphics, bad
I bands like Pennywise and the Foo Fighters. To That's a pretty good description, but you'd to pasture and play Tenchu instead.
I counter these expenses. ESPN included plenty have to throw "The Fall Guy" in there too,
1 of endorsements. You can't go 15 seconds because the FMV acting is totally cheezy. In
WWF War Zone -
without seeing a Mountain Dew banner, plus the game, you are a member of ULTRA, and
there is gear from Burton, K2, Morrow, Sims, your mission is Global Domination (who
Bottom Une: 9.S
and more. There are nine events, but due to ,
would've guessed?). The game lets you play War Zone is the best
similarities, it's more like six. You can go for big as one of 56 different nations, and the game- wrestling game ever.
air in I-70 and Mt. Baker Gap, or race down the play demands keen tactical thinking and Well, not quite as
mountain in Freeride, Boarder X. or Midnight arcade twitch skills. You can launch defensive good as the N64 ver-
Express. There are also two halfpipe events, weapons to repel attacks, or carry out a full sion, More options than you can shake a
stick at. Play it to believe it.
Slopestyle, and a Stadium event. The weak I
nuclear strike. With the conflict editor, players
Preview NHL National Hockey Night Monkey Hero Preview Resident Evil:
I National Hockey Night was created with the Long ago. there existed three worlds: the Director's Cut -
serious ESPN fanatic in mind. Trademark bits
Dream World, the Waking World, and the Dual Shock
Irom Sports Center and National Hockey Night Nightmare World. But Bottom Line;
in time, the Nightmare .
I broadcasts are prevalent throughout the World broke from In terms of offering
its barriers, and began to
I experience. Whether it's the Sports Center conquer the other worlds. Uh oh, better anything over the pre- I
I theme song, Steve Levey's mane comments, or Monkey Hero! Monkey
vious Director's Cut,
is the hero, and it's up
I the "Did you know?" trivia, this game breathes this game only has the rumble and a new
to him to restore balance and save the world.
soundtrack. Don't expect anything more as
the legacy that is ESPN. The control is very
The gameplay in Monkey Hero could be far as gory content, A good value it you've
straightforward and responds well. Additionally, described as a Zelda rip-off, especially the never played the game.
in true Sports Center fashion, the frontend is
puzzles. Throughout the deep dungeons,
I statistically thorough, including league and Monkey must find keys, push blocks, kill
team leaders.
is well as 1
All of the
Hero definitely If you have trie
Shoot Out, and Head 2 Head, from the devel-
can't match Zelda, but it might actually be patience to play
opers of NHL Powerplay, National Hockey fun. Watch for more as the release date through everything |
Night comes packed with just about everything.
approaches. again. It may be
wortri your while to get this game. A whole
new Hyper Battle mode will open and you'll he
able to play this mode as Chris from RE 1. For
the true RE nut only.
of listen PlayStation
Originally, EA was going to publish TOCA, but
up. Jaleco has come up with some unique when company decided Bottom Line: 3
the to oass on it. 3DO
ideas for its forthcoming breeder/battle sim. If you like setting up
stepped in and took over W:h e gr: tracks and
Dragon Seeds. Play as one of over 100 dance routines and
three modes, including a Champicn=h p ~ode, listening to the Spice
monsters, each with its own attributes
TOCA has a lot to offe' rac rg tars "his isn't Girls you'll like this
and attacks. There are many different ways
NASCAH, so many o' tie tracks are ;
airly "game." We don 'tl
to acquire monsters,
such as using old technical and usually 'eqjre a of
memory card saves from other games, winning
laps to learn the layojt o' the [urns. In the
All-Star Baseball '99
monsters in tournaments, or by splicing genes
beginning, there are eignt cars to choose from, y i
together at the lab, Nearly everything you do - Game Boy "
including an Audi, Peugeot, Nissan, Ford, and
has an Bottom Line: 7
effect on your monster, all the way down Volvo. The downfall of TOCA is the control.
name you choose
All-Star doesn't deliv-
to the for With creature
f HI :
takes a while to get used to, and even then, the er the caliber of
swapping capabilities and 2-player battle, this
steering can be Sometimes, even a
difficult. gameplay (or the 2-
is one interesting title indeed.
slight turn of the wheel sends the car spinning player mode) that
Harvest Moon -
Game Boy
PIKACHU Bottom Line: 7.S
Bomberman World MOUSE
«$K& Pokemon (m « u«* vmfMs> Farmers are cool, and
Hudson has found great success with the
:^,i HT 1'04 Pokemon comes two versions: a Red in
so is Harvest Moon.
antics of a single character. Bomberman has This RPG/farm simu-
^Mii^O gS^ WT _ 13 .Olb version and a Blue version. Both colors feature
been chucking bombs for an eternity and he lator allows you to
an identical game, but a different set of
may never cease. Recently, Bomberman fulfill all of your barnyard dreams. Harvest
el eoti*i ci ty oou I
Pokemon. Basically, you will not be able to crops, tend to mated cows, and get muddy
ventured out into the world of action/platform,
150 Pokemon
but only on the N64. On the PlayStation,
build and cause collect all critters simply playing with those darn piggies. Ves, Harvest Moon is
the game by yourself. To accomplish this feat, definitely a classic.
Bomberman is still duking it out in a variety of I gKt ning storms
you will need to link up with a friend (who has
arenas, trying to blow everything but himself
the other version) and trade. But the primary
(and the abundant power-ups) to high heaven. World Cup 98 -
use of linking is to wage war. choosing up to six
Over the years, this format has become rather Game Boy
pets to battle your friend's six pets. But first you Bottom Line: 3
boring as a 1 -player game and only slightly will need to play the awesome 1 -player quest This game
redeeming as a multiplayer game. The arenas
to power up the Pokemon and make them as unplayable on
are pretty much the same as they have always
feisty as possible. Pokemon is basically a Game Boy screen. ^3
been, but a tad more interactive. The sluggish Sure, you could use
virtual pet/RPG/tradmg simulator. It's loaded
Bomberman World is only useful for very the Super Game Boy for SNES, but
with longevity and tons of variety, trie
young gamers and some party functions where ANAKIN don't bother. The game blows. It has a lot of
everyone isn't a natural at vids. frontend options, but the play horrendous.
used BUBBLE* is
I ' Tins Mnnja PTP tvill reveal many ol Ihe
secrels found In Ihe game.
Uvc( C
P»?$«< BfaiiHfi
spikes by waiting for one to came to the
i to go right to get the KEY. Then head
i. Gel Ihe
last hL'V huh go lliiough Ihe "into.
lew* 4:
ai. Go through the gate and kick tail until the
grass and
grass earlier, then i
Hell 1 V.W.
Uvd t>:
wig. Start tin.
tion to receiving the Metal Gear Solid .
back lo Ihe stairway just
1 explore thoroughly. Crass the wheel
mentioned and return through to open Ihe door on the other
Uvd T.
H5e WMMiWt
mmm m ffi
lift ffil VK\
as,.,, ,og Tags & Hat
'li I Wi'liil FT[
J. When you make a $5 reservation
e of Ihe spikes and angle
:he game wants you to). Simply hop aroi
deposits will
the moving mound of moss,
the hie trans. After gelling
„ J planted
all around to take
Cross the bridge
of the major dangers on this
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further into this level the fairies confront more and more steel oco n s
little ways
%. 3 & T_- Work your way across There's another kiss stat-on ust a tow
have been captured again!
again! And again!!! And AGAIN!!! Man!
And then
C ^ this level and you will
meters down, and then another a few
come to a hallway holding several "goon meters down, and so on.
Fairies suck!!! Lastly, don't miss the path
on a balloon" enemies. Use the particle
straight across from the third Dragon.
missing stream to launch high enough to blast
Use the ramps to get to the
have use your these guys (and Ihose stinking fairy
Gems. You'll actually to
cages). Now. use the fairy stream to fly
brain to get here. Here's how to do it.
and then use the particle warp to bring Jump out to the large tick-tock platform.
you lo a separate platform, Use the Love Hit both tick-tock enemies and jump up
Fire to destroy the box. The first Dragon onto the newly formed tower, then out to
Is inches away from this once seemingly the cave. The Key awaits inside
Please note though, the lantern jesters you see. then when appears that there indestructible marvel.
WORLD 5 %.
2 • From the platform holding the
laser gun, glide over to the nearby
cannot be killed. They trigger the monster is nowhere
on the
If you take them down, they
light revealing the monsters'
turn below.
Jump to
it and the Dragon is a few
C located at the beginning) and hit
the right-hand steel door. into this Dragon.
to be
for ^C 5 - Ascend the platforms behind
will bring you to the first Dragon,
(500 TREASURE -3 DRAGONS) jfl&2
^v Box
- The second Unbreakable
is located behind the left-
r^TTl -
From the structure holding the
Dragon, walk out the
with difficult
warp you will
this feat,
to light
a rocket. To
out and to the ™
ffl| - Look down and to the left when
door and the dead guard at the very lovin'!
C jump up to the second level. Walk
Here's your first order of business. you come to the second Dragon. and hit the tick-tock guy. Now,
to the right
right from the fifth and final Dragon. In beginning. You won't have to keep
Destroy the freak with the laser gun.
nDark Passage Gate - From You should see the mysterious
coming back kisses as you 4k 2 - In the hall holding three wooden run to the left and blast the only tick-tock
Work your way around
blow some smoke and flame
the outer rim and the one and only beginning oi this
this tiny passage you'll find the answers
Locked Box.
C doors and two steel doors, blast the enemy. Jump up on the platform that
into this
Home World, destroy the enemies in door at the far end of the room to reveal appears, then down to the platform thai
guy's face. Use the gun to blast whatever tick-tock lowered. Wait until the
front of you then leap to the ledge and a circular pink room and a wise Dragon. the first
needs blasting. Then use your fancy- timer runs out and the platform rises,
schmancy list of moves to destroy all who
Dark Passage Gate on the far right.
^© 3 - Here's the biggest secret in the then jump out to the Dragon.
breathe. Keep
took bell ringers cannot be
simply raise platforms
in mind though, the
the clock on
to the speed
This looks like an impossible
two doors
their chest is activated. All the booty is ramp and blast through the
jump, but good ol Spyro can
*C first hit
to the ledge that's down and to the left,
the Then, use the
1-Runpasttwolantemjestersand this platform to left.
remaining seven Chests. This amazing
The Gate is through the tunnel. Walk to the edge of the plattoim gray ramp (with particle stream) to launch
around the corner Use the particle strategy will line you up perfectly. Now, hit
and you'll see the missing level new area. Use
stream take you to the feet of this wise up to the undiscovered the trains (going head-on), and then take
f*\ Jacques Gate - Walk around to portion.
Dragon. the particle stream on this platform lo get
out both rooms of Copters. Piece of cake.
I I the left side ol the castle and you'll
to the Dragon.
bump your purple arse into this level LEVEL 14 - LOFTY CASTLE (400
<W 2 This guy lives next door to the
C first
lasts forever.
^C 1 - Run. Jump, And
platform on the far right (with the
lly over lo the Simply look
to the left from the Jacques
was the neighbor of
same technique you used
Dragon 2? Use the
to get to the
them. We
green tint). From here, gather everything very purple level. Can you believe it?
WORLD 6 JB &2 1 - Right from the get-go JHI &% 1 Simply follow Ihe
Gnasty's World
^^you will run into an Unbreakable ^^ C
is it folks. Ihe las!
previous ones concerns the levels, In
G nasty and
you like.
you can no! go
You'll have
do them
World and
any level
the TNT
awaits. Simply
through the
little Unbreakable Box and
right oul in
Dragon are
To nail
is the boss.
JB 3
holding the second Unbreakable
that easy.
the platform with the
- Go into
after the
more than a
circular platform
you do. don't
the Unbreakable Box. Whatever
try to bump the TNT barrels
)[\\j - This Exit
at the end
the level.
il should be, outer brim and you'll eventually
come across a blue Thiel holding a Key. never too early!
with a few steel Dragon heads on it. Beat into it. Instead, jump over to the dock,
Chase him and grab Now, walk out to
a level and the others will open. dodge the TNT barrels, then knock the THE LAST ROSS - GNASTV the edge of the platform and jump oul [ video game ever to be released. You can be part
Otherwise, we found jumping into the lonesome silver barrel into the GNORC (500 TREASURE - and to fhe stairs on the right. Another Funcoland make video game history... by joining
water and committing suicide to be Thief awaits.
Unbreakable Box. 0RAG0NS) USA Launch Team!
equally as entertaining. There
level here, but there is
He's a wimp. After you open Ihe doors out of the las! door lhat opened. Fly up
across three enemies standing on
^ l - He's right in front ol you. barrels.
have taken),
Keys that
those stupid Thieves
Gnorc and blast him
and shoot him down. For Ihis
*B away.
with some fire when he stops. You'll. have on one of Ihe highest slructures on the
z -First,
back and
spot as Dragon
beat the game, then
this Dragon
will be
in ihe
^^ *X.~ ne fortress, simply
ln t
Cove Is
Cannot be accessed
until Gnorc
!- Enter the tunnel with a green There are no baddies on this level. Use
tint and the Box is tucked away the rockets and fly Dragon boyl Fly! Note:
i ^i
i j Enter the only funnel you
You can only
have been. Get higher
you'll fly
higher as well.
to the highest point
IEVE1 16 - GNORC COVE (400 number Gems, and the enemies are
more abundant and feature killer
distance projectiles. The only
The enemies on this level are one in the noteworthy info we can divulge
same, but require different techniques to deals with the drawbridge. Hit the
kill If they wear an iron smock, then use lever on the bridge itself so lhat it's
your fire to ignite the TNT barrel in their upright, then use the speed ramp to
hands. KABAM!!! If they don't have a launch off the bndge up to a secret area.
metal smock, then the standard flame or It you look out Ihe opposite end of this
barrel launch will work. This level is so new zone you will see three Yellow Gems
linear it hurts. Just follow the path. to capture. Also, make a quick U-turn out
P mcoLsmd
America's Place to Shop for Video Games'
Iradema'k of Funco, Inc. All nglits
2 - 1
Spin Cycle Raystorm - PlayStation
Enter Episode 2, Mission 5 I Free Play Mode - When "Press
(Occupied Territory) and make way I Start" appears at the Title Screen Enter all of these codes at the j
hold L1,L2,R1, and R2, then touch the USA sign located at the I
I listed below to enable the cheat.
all I
Left. Left, Right, Right, buttons. Hold this combo a few to kick. This can be done space station set to open a secret I
I After you enter the name, exit out I Down. Up. Up while in
Left, Left, I I seconds and a sound will
- Enter the name known as Toxic Dump and make the ability to change Credit to Free I
Silver Driver | Azrael "The Smurf Killer" Gargs I the Freeway.
way to the level exit, In this last
Tony from Hardware Hank I
Level Select -
Press Start icon appears
When the flashing
I Unlimited
- Enter the I
Atlanta. GA I
room search about the walls for a
and a secret
crack. Shoot the crack
"GIDroid 75-19"
Eden Prairie. MN
View FMVs - In
I and another free
life will
I many
it this
process and gather
as you want.
a; ^^ Mission
all of these
Selection screen.
at the
is entered. Now, highlight the I Password screen. Jersey City. NJ LAMEBOY LENNY Congo - X*B IXX *x*
Mojave track and Z and A Turbo Mode - Up C, Z, Up C, Z,
I hit to
I Laundry -FLUFFY I Big Heads - BIGHEAD BOBBY Washington. D.C. - *A*
begin. UpC
I Laundry 3 -
SWEATY Kids Mode - Down Up
Tokyo - ABA *XB ••
Unlock Guadeloupe Track - At C, C, Right
the Track Selection screen hold
1 - Button Left Button Z
«II-Star Baseball '99- I Long Necks- GEORGE
Down I 4uto
2 -GREASE View All FMVs - Before the Title I
on the directional pad and rllntendo64 7.65 Silencer Gun - Up C, Left
press the Right Button. You'll IauIoS-BIGEND Button. Right C. Left C. UpC I Screen appears hold R2 and I
hear an air wrench when this code
Enter both of these codes at the I Long Arms-MONKEY MICKEY [ rapidly
press Start.
1- SMELLY 9mm
I Leisure -TRICEP
Down C. Right Button |
1 - - -
Taunts - The taunts in this title are Faarooq -L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Up
l \ awesome. Simply press Punch + + Punch
Block or Tie Up + Kick to perform Goldust - L1 + L2 i R1 + R2 + Codes found in this issue:
Hey Gl readers, how would you like
these moves. Right + Punch
(o become our all/? Send in your All-Star Baseball '99
codes for Ihe games listed below and
Finishing Moves - To execute Bret Hart - L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 +
one of these moves, your Azure Dreams
help out a fellow reader in a scrape. Left + Tie Up
opponent's energy bar must be !:
Or. ii you're siuck on a game, send us Owen Hart - L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Banjo-Kazooie
a letter requesting codes and we will
red. These work for both the
Left + Block in . : :
: ;
Dude Love - (Both Standing) Enter all of these level codes at the | Infinite Lives - World Cup '98
Love - Win the title with Mankind 800a8eb7 0063
Password screen. 803S5fSb 0009 Cannot Be Counted Out -
Right, Left, Up, Tie Up + Block 800a8ec7 0063 WWF War Zone
Secret Access Notice: Unlock Sue - Win the title with
800d6988 0000
Bret or Owen Hart
Rocky "The Rock" Maivia - The Break In - • 800a8ed7 0063
Unlock Pamela - Win the title with
(Both Standing) Right, Right, Up, . •. • • • Can Always Be Counted Out 800a8ee7 0063
Punch + Tie Up Rapid Response - • •. A, |
(Player 2)-
800a8ef7 0063
Send your codes and passwords,
Mankind- (Both Standing) Right, • • A I 800f69ac OOff
and if we print them you'll be entered Fart Mode - Win the title with Infinite Red Feathers -
Left, Up. Tie Up + Block Cult Moves - Hidden Characters - Elemental Gearbolt -
in Ihe Game Informer.'ASCIIWARE Mosh or Thrasher 80385f6f 0063
Secret Access Contest. The Grand
Shawn Michaels - (Both •. * A 8007a0f0 3fff Playstation ""
Ego Mode - Win the title with
Gold Feathers - SEGA
Prize an ASCIIWARE product of Characters Standing) Right. Down, The Hidnap - Infinite
3007a0f2 1000 -
is Ahmed Johnson Infinite Health Sega Game Play Assistance
your choice. Up, Kick + Block K. X. X. A 80385f73 0063
8007a0f4 3fff 80095d52 012c 900-200-7342 (SEGAj
New Create Player Clothing -
PlayStation Saturn Win the
Mosh - (Standing on Top Family - • • • • X, A, Infinite Eggs - 8007a0f6 2000 $.95 per minute for automated
title with Kane |
ASCII Pad ASCII Saturn Stick Tumbuckle) Punch 80385t67 0063 Azure Dreams -
Extra Golds - Win the title with Extra Creation Points
$1 .50 per minute lor
Specialized ASCII Ken Shamrock - (At Feet Police Hijack - U. A, live help.
SuperNES Goldust
More Notes - 800b64f4 0000 PlayStation
Canada 900-451-5252
/**». ASCIIPadSN Fallen Opponent) Right, Down, X, A. X
Extra Colds - Win the title with 80385f63 0063 Infinite Money - $1 ,25 per minute automated
SupgrMvmage Left, Kick The Rescue -H,u, A.V.I.X, Batman & Robin - 80012d5cffff
Stone Cold More Jiggies -
Informer Secret Access T-Shirf to British Bulldog RUN-INS 800d0718 0064 1425-885-7529
800d6934 0000
Enter these codes at any point
A, •. A,
complement No Meters - Win
his/her wardrobe.
the title with the 800d6988 0000 Infinite Power - SONY
during gameplay. Note: Entering M.E.-M, X, X, j
Send To: Undertaker 800d69ba 0000 800cf50c 0168 900 933-SONY(7669)
Secret Access these codes will automatically X, X .95 per minute
No Blocking - Win the title with 800d6c74 00f0
Game Informer Magazine disqualify you. Freeway Racers - X, X, X, X. I
Extra Lives - At the Title Screen er Availability: Uncommon
Bring Home The Fun
B, B, up. Up. Down, Lett, Start. Replay Value: Moderate
Similar Games: Super Monaco GP (5G),
Level Select - At the Kanami logo hit C, Level Warp, Play As Bosses. Play As Championship (SG)
6. B. A, A, A, B, C. Then at the title Hidden Character - Enter these codes Created by: Sega
screen press A. B, B. C, C, C, B. A, on the Names screen. Access Tip: To access the mirror tracks,
Start the game and a select screen hold A - B when the Sega logo appears.
should appear. GARDEN STAGE - TAJ MAHAL. When the title screen appears, press Start
JANUARY 1 1901 and select the backwards Virtua Racing title.
hit A. B. B,
Debug Mode - In
A. C. A, B, B.
patch and lump into
first level
pause the
to the
game and
KULL - A GAVIN, JUN 11 1970
response- to
and only time, introduced the world to
called SVP Technology,
Nintendo's FX
Star Fo* and Stunt Race, the
chip allowed Sega to show off
Great New Games Now Available
press B A, Down, C, Right. A, B, Left. HIGH ABBOTT - J RUBIN. JAN 6 1970 power. Launched in 1994, Virtue Racing did
A. Right. Down. B. A. Left Left C. Up. GULAB JAMUN - GULAB, not come cheap. The SVP chip boosted the
Right. Left. FEBRUARY 29 1900 price of the game to around $100 initially. It
MAJOR TROUBLE - BAD BOY. was a pretty penny to pay for a game that is
FEBRUARY 4 1908 really rough around the edges. Other than the
VOODOO - EVIL. JUNE 6 1966 novelty of the polygon graphics, which allowed
BLACK DRAGON - WYVERN, for four racing viaws. the game is generally
Reset Lives & Health - Pause MARCH 9 1927 weak in terms of playcomrol. Virtua Racing
the game and press Up. does have the three original tracks and
Up, Down, Dawn, Left. a decent 2-player split-screen, but when
Right. Left. Right. B. A. compared to other racing games on the
Genesis it comes up short. NFL Xtreme
Skip End - Pause the game
and press B, A, Down. C. A. Strlder - Genesis NFL Blitz N64 i
Madden 99 N64
Right, Lett. A, Right. Down. More Continues - Hit A, C, B, C, A, Start
Alternatively, use the Level Skip code at the intra screen.
C, Right. Up,
B, A. Lett, Left, Cheat
- To activate cheat
gai access
to each level.
to and press Right, Down.
Down. Resume the game and the ref should
Left. Up. Right.
Foes of AH - 3D0 7 STGRTN this 3D0 version In 1994. The appearance of College Football USA 97 ....
Cheat Mode - During gameplay, press R 8 SBBSHC Madden (along with EA's FIFA) solidified the 1 icuciidown Fever ..... ...93 NFL Football . .1.93 ESPN Sunday Night NFL . . 1.93 NFL 9B . . .12.93 NFLGameOay ..7.93 I
* L Buttons, C. When the password 9 DBKRRB system's sports lineup. In reirospect, this NFL Quarterback Club .3.93 Joe Montana ,
,4U NFL Quarterback Club . 93 NFLGameDay 97
screen appears, enter one of the fol- 10 MSFCTS game was quite an advancement from its 1 SUPER NINTE IDO NFL Quarterback Club 96 Joe Montana 2 43 NFL Quarterback Club 96 . .1.93 NFLGameOay 98 1
16-bit counterparts and introduced players 1 Bill Walsh Football .1.93 Pro Quarterback ..3.93 Joe Montana 3 43 Pigskin Footbrawl ,3.93 NFL Quarterback Club 97 2 irj 1
lowing codes: 11 KMGRBS . . . . . .
team - shows photo of designers 12 SUMBG to features that later became obvious stan-
1 College Foutball USA 97 12.93 Sterling Sharpe . .4.93 Joe Montana 94 43 Prima Time NFL 93 Tecmo Super Bowl ...... : 7 93 1
prebeg - shows ohoto of Ivan Prebeg 13 TGRTVN dards in sports game development. Loads of
1 ESPN Sunday Nighl NFL .7.93 Super Play Action Foolba 73 Jonn Madden 92 ..73 Super High Impact ... .1.43
crowd - removes crowd 14 CCLDSL FMV included pre-game introductions from
1 Fooltiail Fury Tecmo Super Bowl .293 John Madden 93 73 Tecmo Super Bowl . . . NINTENDO 6.
zippy - speeds up game lb BTCLMB Madden itself.. .er... himself, referee calls, Tecmo Super Bowl 2 .14.93 John Madden 94 ..... 7S Tecmo Super Bowl 2 . . ,12.93 John Madden 64 LIS 1
alat - boxer 1 is computer controlled 16 STCJDH and even crowd celebrations. The Instant 1 John Madden 93 ...... Tecmo Super Bowl 3 .19.93 John Madden 95 Tecmo Super Bowl 3 NFL Quarterback Club 9B 1
. . . . .
S3 . .
.3.93 .
albt - bo«er 2 Is computer controlled replay gave the player freedom to adjust the
Bad Dudes - NES camera and watch the action from a number 1 John Madden 95 . .2.93 Jonn Madden 97 Unnecessary Roughness . 1.93
Low Blow- Down + Right + A or Down t 63 L ves - On controller 2 at the title of different angles. The player animations
were also more detailed than any other nil
Rigtrt + B en enter B, A, Down, Up. Down. far
Up then press Start o controller 1. football game of its time. Yet, the sad thing
about this game is that doesn't play better
99 Lives - At the tiile screen, press and best football game that the 3D0 ever saw,
] but
its value lies with those who, year after
have called football their favorite.
Be one.
introducing Cruis'n World® on Nintendo 64. 16 exotic cars, 15 foreign countries
TM,(BanfltHB N-
O 1994 NInlendo.
Crula'n Warld: ©1 996. 199B Midway/Nintendo Inc. All riflnts re
to race them through and enough tricks to turn anybody into a hot dog.
e iMD^
Awesome weapons. ,,
Diabolical bosses.^
Legendary gameplay.
— V
i 1
: -
\ V Ai