HW#3 Thermo PDF
HW#3 Thermo PDF
HW#3 Thermo PDF
Fall 2019
[1] A well-insulated rigid container that has a volume of 1 m3 is divided into two parts by
an adiabatic partition. The left subsystem, spanning two-thirds of the container, contains
an ideal gas at a temperature of 300K and a pressure of 1 bar. The right subsystem contains
the same ideal gas with a temperature of 450K and a pressure of 2 bar. Over time, a leak
develops in the partition. After the new equilibrium state has been achieved: 1) what are
the final temperature and pressure of the gas? 2) what are the final mole numbers of the
gas in each part? (Assume the molar heat capacities are independent of temperature.)
[2] Problem 3.1 (TM) (Information is provided for the molar isochoric heat capacity. Also
assume that surrounding the piston and cylinder is the atmosphere at 1 bar.)
[4] Problem 3.6 (TM) (In the second part of the problem, you may allow the molar heat
capacities of the two gases to be the same.)
[5] The equations of state that describe electromagnetic radiation contained within a cavity
a e he S efan-Bol mann La
U = bT 4 V
where b is a particular constant (b = 7.56 X 10-16 J/m3K4). (Note that for electromagnetic
radiation, N is not a relevant thermodynamic variable.) Determine the equations of the
reversible, adiabatic lines in the T-V plane and P-V plane. Also, determine expressions for
H and Cv. Is it possible to calculate a Cp?
[6] A well-insulated cylinder with constant cross-sectional area of A = 1 cm2 contains air (treated
as an ideal gas) at an initial temperature and pressure of 300 K and 1.25 bar, respectively. The gas
is separated from the atmosphere (at 1 bar) using a frictionless, adiabatic piston of mass 0.255 kg.
The gas, atmosphere and piston are in mechanical equilibrium (i.e., forces are balanced), in which
the initial height of the piston (of negligible thickness) is 20 cm from the bottom of the cylinder.
Now, at some point in time, a constant external force of 12.5 N is applied onto the top
surface of the piston, causing the piston to move. While there is no friction (and no heat transfer
between both the walls of the cylinder and piston with the gas), and we assume that the pressure
and temperature of the gas are uniform throughout the process, the piston does eventually come to
rest because of viscous dissipation (as a result of internal velocity gradients established inside the
gas). Specifically, the normal stress the gas exerts on its upper boundary (or the lower surface of
the piston) is given by
Pzz = P L
where P is the (assumed to be uniform) pressure of the gas, L is the longitudinal (or dilatational
viscosity) and vz is the velocity of the gas in the z-direction (defined to be positive in the upward
direction; all other velocity components can be neglected). Assume that a strictly linear velocity
profile in the z-direction is always established in the gas, whereby the local velocity is zero at the
bottom of the cylinder and equal to the piston velocity at the local height h of the piston. For a
dilute gas, L is well-represented by the following temperature dependent power law
4 T
L = o
3 300 K
where o is the shear viscosity at 300 K. In order to reduce the time required to reach the final
equilibrium state, choose the (unphysically) high value of o = 1.81 kPa-s . The molar isochoric
heat capacity of air is a constant and equal to (5/2)R.
a) Derive a set of coupled first-order differential equations that will allow you to determine
(numerically) the temperature of the gas, T, the height of the piston, h, and the velocity of the piston,
v, as a function of time.
b) Without integrating in time the above relations, determine from a thermodynamic analysis of the
net effects of this process the final pressure and temperature of the gas, the final height of the piston
and the work done on the gas, W.
c) For both a = 0 and a = 0.8, numerically integrate your relations in (a). Plot T and h versus time.
Also, plot PzzA versus h, and integrate the corresponding curves to determine W. Are your results
consistent with part (b)? (When numerically integrating your relations in (a), you will have to use
an integration scheme of higher-o de han E le me hod.)
atmosphere: 1 bar
i i
i i
í 450k
a 2bar
23 MI 3m3
I P PU n R T n
0,987atm 666,6te
0,082atm L 300K
mol K
Mr 1,974atm 333,3L 17.83 mal
0,082 atm L 450k
mol K
The system es closedSo the totalenergy at thebeginning and at the and
Ofthe process as the Same
Since it is a closedsystem and adiabatic the total energy on the
system remains constant The final temperature will be the weightavery
of the intial temperature
MÍ Natá
26,7µmol 1300k t l 1787m01 1450k
Tf Ni Ná 126174 t 17873m01
Tf 360,0 k
atm L
PU RRT D n T 126,74T17,83 mol 01082 mol K 360k
D 1,3157 atm
20,93 5mol
A L858.152mi
W 226
10.13bar kg
294 3k
PV R R T ÍV Pa VÉ I don'tknowbothPaandTa Sometro
I needto calculate on advance one
The has an internalenergy the will spend part of the energy
moving the piston
to the now position The force the piston as
to is the atmosphere t the
weigh of the piston going
AU mpg t Paton A AZ AlCu AT NCv Tz Ts
mpg t Palm A AZ 1 Ti Ta
Pa 4,627bar
we rotate 90 the container the idea as the same but the weigh
If the
of piston as no longersuportad by thegas only theatmosphere
Tz 294,3k 102325Pa h858.102mi 0,305M 282,61k
2 347m01 20,934mA
T2 296,3k
Por P a 10,13bar 296,3K 5,099bar
2 294,3k
Cv12564m01K 20,9 01K
311k He 311k H34k
10.13bar 101bar
1A 0,457M
P.V an.AT Pr Pa ra
Í Ma Ta
RE RU 9,998ohm 21ps NB 0,997atm VB
RT 0,0824 311K
0,0821 311k
MA 9,998 2 20,056
MB 0,997
Vat Ugt VÁ t VÉ
Najafi t RBp.jp Rapta Reptizt
Tt Ti 311k
na t 1
pt MB
20,056 TI
20,056 l
7,0 dtm
n pai Izzi 9,998atm atm
VE na.R.TT VÉ ns.R.tt
pt pt
Ufff 1µg 9457 43 20,056 lo 0,0217M
LB la 0,435M
Ti lnrtnttn.to
Infinity Tat t qq.tt
I don't know Pt Totand Trot Theremust be two more equations
Since it is a close system the totalinternal
theSame of the energyremaras
AV O NaCualTat Ti t MrsCoLTE Ti
We need onefinal equation
Since adiabaticpiston we can assume adiabatic expansion
1 t
E 1 ap cu r
Option 1
Titi jpgYA Option 2 TÉ ftp.t Mae
There are three equation with three variables it can be solve
Using solveren excel
Option I Pt 6,68ba Pt 6,93bar
Tnt 263k Tat 292k
TBT 891 k Trot 538 k
Tf 311k
trapo t l
20,056 TI
20,056 l
7,0 atm
n poi Izzi 9,998atm atm
VE na.R.TT VÉ RB.R.tt
pt pt
tanta Faz
III Ejes uso fin 8,93mm
29,3 01 k
A 0,0929m2
The has an internal the will spend part of the energy
moving the pasten to
energy gas
the now position The force the piston as
gymnast to es the atmosphere t the weigh of the piston going
AU l mpg Paton A AZ NI GAT NCv Tz Ts
Mp NLu Hi Ta Palm A
g g
I still don't know Ta I need another equationto calculate the weigh
Of thepiston
Since theprocess as adiabatic me can use use adiabatic expansion
qq.jp rayano
Tf Ti
µ Ti k 288 tk
f aEnm 5402
pV p RT
6.8latm 0,605M 0,0929mi 10004ms 16,16mol
ftp 01082atm L 288.8k
mol K
Mp 1616m01 21,0 01 K 288,8 115,4 k _101325Pa 0,0929ma
6,095 0,605 m 9,8me 9
8m52 ga
Mp 133,2 kg
f 8660k f my m_ h 133,2kg
AT h Lfp m2 8660
0,0929 Kym 3
f 16cm
If the tankas now horizontal 288.8K 288.8k
6.9bar 1bar
P 6.9bar 0,605M
PV n r T n 288k 0,760
EY Pava 2bar 6,0950,605M
Ta 288
Since the system as closed the Or which as the same the energy
total energy of the system is constant that one tosses the other one min
Ah Ah Ah 1 AVE O
NzCv Trt Tai t Malu Tat Tai O
NATE Ti t Waltz Ti 0
Ni Hrt Ti t TE Ti 0
There are two variables Trtand TÍ I need anotherequation
But again I have two options EitherA will overcome an adiabatic
process 00 B
TÍ If TÍ ftp.f
Option 1 JPY4 Option 2 n
r r z
f E HE Tiff
Pdv objetar F
bj Poty µ
a G
faz IBI
f tres
ftp.fa vtlaEftEt
t7ihiIz ut TÍA 1
Does the change of T produce a change of H
is the timit
yes but what
Changing the volume changes the temperature no it is radial
up 13 How do I calculate
room 300k
Paz P r date Since hincar Pazz p McVzz