Sarhad University, Peshawar: (Distance Education)

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Roll No.

__________________ 04 March, 2017

Sarhad University, Peshawar

(Distance Education)

Paper : Design of Concrete Structure - CE370 Examination: Final, Fall - 2016

Time Allowed: 3 hours Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35)

NOTE: Q.1 is compulsory, attempt any four questions from the remaining. All questions carry equal marks.
Phones and other Electronic Gadgets are not allowed.

Q. 1 State whether the statements given below are true or false. (14)
a) ACI Stands for American Consumer Institute.
b) Water to cement ratio is inversely proportional to strength.
c) In one way slab load is transferred in both directions.
d) Doubly reinforced sections contain reinforcement only at compression section.
e) Column can be in tension.
f) Type II cement is Rapid Hardening Cement.
g) The separation of ingredients of concrete is called bleeding.
Q. 2: A reinforced concrete simply supported beam has a span of 30’ and supports service dead load of 1000
lbs/ft and a uniform service live load of 1100 lbs/ft in addition to its self-weight. Design a beam section
to resist the factored external bending moment. Given fc’=4 ksi and fy=60ksi. (14)

Q. 3: Write in detail about the reinforcing steel types and its properties. Also write about the types of cement in
detail. (14)

Q. 4: A rectangular beam has dimensions b=10”, h=25” and d=23” and reinforced with 3 #8 bars. Given that
fc’=4 ksi and fy=60ksi. Determine the nominal and design moment capacity for the beam. (14)

Q. 5: Define concrete, what are its ingredients and state good quality of concrete. (14)

Q. 6: Design a 12 ft simply supported slab to carry a uniformly dead load (excluding self-weight) of 120 psf
and a uniform live load of 100 psf. Use fc’=3ksi and fy=60ksi and ACI Code limitations. (14)

Q. 7: Design a circular spiral column to support an axial dead load of 500 K and a live load of 230K. Use
fc’=4ksi and fy=60 ksi and a steel ratio of about 3%. Also design the necessary spirals. (14)

Q. 8: Write short notes on any two of the following. (7, 7)

a. Types of Cracks in RC Frames.
b. Serviceability requirements.
c. Steps of Direct design method.

Design of Concrete Structure - CE370-Fall - 2016 Page 1 of 1

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