Concrete Technology 2012
Concrete Technology 2012
Concrete Technology 2012
: Concrete Technology I
NOTE: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Mobile phones and other electronic gadgets
are not allowed.
Describe in detail the properties of aggregates, cement and concrete. Also give a detail of the properties
of fresh and hardened concrete and its elastic behavior.
Give a detail of the effects of impurities in water and in aggregates on the performance of plain and
reinforced concrete?
Write the procedure for the design of concrete mix based on ACI code.
Describe in detail the behavior of reinforced concrete under ultimate loads. Briefly explain the basics of
reinforced concrete design.
Design a isolated beam having a clear length of 20ft supported at both ends. The compressive strength of
concrete is 4000psi while the yield tensile strength of steel is 60000psi. The live load on the beam is
2.5k/ft while the dead load on the beam is 1.5k/ft.
I) Design the beam for flexure.
II) Design the beam for shear.
Design a concentrically loaded column which is subjected to a load of 450kips given that the
compressive strength of concrete is 4000psi and yield tensile strength of steel is 60000psi. Also draw a
neat sketch of the reinforcement detail.
Design a two way isolated slab having a shorter span of 10ft and longer span of 15ft. The compressive
strength of concrete is 4ksi and the yield tensile strength of steel is 60ksi. The co-efficient for shorter
span ca=0.035 and the coefficient for longer span Cb=0.025. Draw a neat sketch showing the
reinforcement detail.
Describe in detail the function of reinforcement in structural concrete elements with respect to resisting
tension, and shear. Give a brief description about the concrete cover to reinforcing bars and its variation
in different structural elements.
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