10 1016@j Matdes 2010 03 036 PDF
10 1016@j Matdes 2010 03 036 PDF
10 1016@j Matdes 2010 03 036 PDF
Technical Report
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this experimental study, the usability of waste marble dust (WMD) as an additive material in blended
Received 14 November 2009 cement has been investigated. For this purpose, waste marble dust added cements (WMDCs) have been
Accepted 22 March 2010 obtained by intergrinding WMD with Portland cement clinker at different blend ratios: 2.5%, 5.0%, 7.5%
Available online 27 March 2010
and 10% by weight. 40 40 160 mm mortar prisms have been produced with the obtained cements.
Strength tests have been carried out on mortar specimen at 7, 28, and 90 days. WMDCs have been com-
pared to each other as well as to control cements of CEM I and CEM II with respect to their physical,
chemical and mechanical properties. Obtained results showed that WMDCs conform to EN 197-1 stan-
dard and thus 10% WMD can be used as an additive material in cement manufacturing.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0261-3069/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
4040 H.Y. Aruntasß et al. / Materials and Design 31 (2010) 4039–4042
Oxide (%) PC PCC WMD The chemical constituents and physical properties of cements
CaO 61.39 47.64 54.43 produced with WMD are given in Tables 3 and 4.
SiO2 19.55 30.53 0.67 As seen from Table 1, WMD contains mainly CaO (54.43%) and
Al2O3 4.82 7.63 0.12 calcination products (43.4%). On the other hand, percentage of
Fe2O3 3.52 3.63 0.08
chemical constituents except calcination products decreases by
MgO 1.83 1.86 0.59
SO3 2.76 2.71 – increasing WMD ratio in the cement. The reason is that there are
K2O 0.74 1.03 – little metal oxides except CaO in chemical composition of WMD.
Na2O 0.14 0.80 0.14 As given in Table 4, specific gravity decreases related to control
Loss on ignition 2.18 4.52 43.4 cements by increasing WMD proportion in the cement. The cause
Insoluble residue 0.38 – –
of this is the specific gravity of WMD being less than the specific
Physical and mechanical properties gravity of cement.
Specific gravity, g/cm3 3.10 2.91 2.60
It can be seen from Table 4, the specific surface decreases re-
Specific surface (Blaine), cm2/g 3238 3456 3097
Initial setting time, min 140 155 – lated to control cement by increasing WMD ratio in cement. The
Final setting time, min 240 250 – reason of this is the specific surface of WMD being less than the
Soundness, mm 2 3 – specific surface of cement. At the same time, the water require-
Compressive strength, MPa ment values decrease related to control cement by increasing
7 days 41.1 27.0 – WMD ratio in cement. This status illustrates the need of water
28 days 48.8 38.0 –
for WMD to be less. On the other hand, the initial setting time
and the final setting time of cements were not affected by increas-
ing WMD ratio in cement. As known, increase in C3S content and
XRD analysis. The physical properties and chemical constituents of especially C3A content reduce the initial setting time. In order to
WMD are given in Table 1. form C3A, Al2O3 and CaO compounds are necessary. As seen from
The sand used in the composition of Portland cement mortars Table 1, the content of Al2O3 is very low (0.12%) in the WMD. Be-
was standard CEN type conforming to EN 196-3 [28]. The water sides, the content of gypsum is constant in the WMDCs, as seen
used in mortar production was regular tap water. in Table 2. Although the content of CaO changes in the WMDCs,
setting times do not change considerably due to the trace amount
of Al2O3.
2.2. Method
However, WMD increased slightly the soundness values of ce-
ments according to PC and PCC control cements. On the other hand,
The WMD was used as partial replacement of PC clinker in the
there is a linear relationship among WMD additive ratio and quan-
amount of 0%, 2.5%, 5.0%, 7.5% and 10% by weight and grounded to-
tities of cement retained on 90-lm sieve and retained on 40-lm
gether with PC clinker and gypsum in order to produce composed
cement with additive. Amount of gypsum was fixed as 5% by
As seen in Fig. 1, when the tensile strengths of cement mortar
weight in the cement manufacturing in this study. Amount of
that was cured for 7 days were examined, strengths of WMDC were
WMD was substituted with the same amount of Portland cement
lower than the strength of PC control cement and higher than the
clinker. The mixture proportions of constituents used for produc-
strength of PCC control cement. The strengths of WMDC1, WMDC2,
tion of composed cement with WMD are given in Table 2.
WMDC3 and WMDC4 were lower compared to strength of PC as
Portland cement clinker, WMD and gypsum were separately
13%, 5%, 11% and 5%, respectively. However, strengths of WMDCs
grounded at specified proportions by means of ball milling. Grind-
were higher than the strength of PCC produced with the same
ing period was fixed as 1 h in the experiments.
manner as 15%, 26%, 17% and 26%, respectively.
The cement pastes were prepared by using laboratory type mix-
In the similar form of cement mortars cured for 7 days, the
er. Initial and final setting times and standard consistency of ce-
strengths of cement cured for 28 days were lower than the
ment pastes were determined using a Vicat apparatus and
strength of PC control cement and higher than the strength of
following EN 196-3 procedure. Specific gravity of cement was
PCC control cement. The strengths of WMDC1, WMDC2, WMDC3
investigated using Le Chatelier flask. Soundness of cement pastes
and WMDC4 were lower compared to strength of PC as 10%, 10%,
was determined by Le Chatelier method. The values presented in
12% and 13%, respectively. However, strengths of WMDCs were
this work are the mean value of the three replicates.
higher than the strength of PCC produced with the same manner
Dimensions of mortar sample were 160 40 40 mm. Pre-
as 13%, 13%, 11% and 9%, respectively.
pared cement mortars were placed into the steel moulds and after
As seen in the similar strength results of cement mortars cured
24 h, samples were removed from moulds. They were cured at
for 7 and 28 days, the strengths of cement cured for 90 days were
20 ± 2 °C temperatures in water until the test day. Samples cured
for 7, 28, and 90 days were tested for tensile strength and compres-
sive strength in accordance with EN 196-1 standard [30]. Table 3
Chemical compositions of WMDCs produced.
Table 4
Physical properties of the cements.
8 control cement and higher than the strength of PCC control ce-
ment. The strengths of WMDC1, WMDC2, WMDC3 and WMDC4
7 were recorded lower than the strength of PC as 20%, 17%, 19%
Tensile strength (MPa)
4. Conclusions
Compressive strength (MPa)
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