Assigment3 Group8
Assigment3 Group8
Assigment3 Group8
Assignment 3 Report
(Instruction is a separate document)
Names Contribution
Shant Charoian Discussion
Matthew Danna Discussion
Jaclyn Truong Task 1 Calculation
Angelica Demesa Task 2 Calculation
4. At which elevation the air changes from stable to unstable? (Meters) Why?
At about 2000 m the air changes from stable to unstable as it crosses the Environmental Lapse
Rate, the blue line on the graph. The air is unstable because it is warmer than the surrounding
air, causing it to rise faster than the standard Environmental Lapse Rate. The warmer air is less
dense than the colder air at the same elevation. The air is warmer because after the dew point
condensation (rain) occurs, causing the release of latent heat.
5. Compare the two cases (Cases A and B), which case is more likely to have rain? Explain.
There are several factors to consider when deciding which is more likely to have rain. The
Elevation at which the air becomes unstable, the dew point temperature, and Relative
Dr. Lin Wu Climatology GEO3030 [email protected]
The relative humidity of Case A is 56% at 30 degrees and in Case B the relative humidity is 62%
at 25 degrees. Relative humidity is based on the temperature and the pressure. The same
amount of water vapor results in higher relative humidity in cool air than warm air. Because the
air is colder in Case B, the relative humidity could be higher with the same amount of water
vapor. This could mean that the air is not necessarily more saturated even though the relative
humidity is higher.
However, the dew point temperature for the air in Case B is at a lower temperature than case A
indicating that there is more saturation which can cause the saturation vapor pressure and the
dew point temperature to drop.
Case B also becomes unstable at a lower elevation indicating more saturation. Therefore we
can conclude that in Case B there is more likely to be rain.
Simulation Table
Initial Input Values Derived Values from Simulation
Case Initial Initial Initial Mt Height LCL Mt Mt Top Mt Top Leeward Leewar Leeward
# T (℃) Td (℃) RH (%) (m) (m) Top T Td (℃) RH (%) T (℃) d Td RH (%)
(℃) (℃)
#1 20 10 52.5 500 - 15 10 72 20 10 52.5
#2 20 10 52.5 2000 1000 4 4 100 24 4 27.3
#3 20 10 52.5 3000 1000 -2 -2 100 28 -2 14
#4 20 17 82.9 500 300 15.8 15.8 100 20.8 15.8 73.1
#5 20 -1 24.3 2000 - 0 -1 93 20 -1 24.3
#6 50 45 77.6 3000 500 30 30 100 60 30 21.2
Discussions (1, 2, 3)
1. Compare the temperature, dew point temperature and relative humidity of the air
before and across mountain in cases 1, 2, and 3 and discuss why they are the same or
different and what caused the differences.
The air temperature, dew point temperature, and relative humidity of the air is the same
before and across the mountain, where the elevation is the only variable that is changing.
Relative humidity is a the ratio of vapor pressure to saturation vapor pressure, both of which
are functions of dew point pressure and temperature, respectively. Therefore the relative
humidity remains the same throughout the three cases, as the elevation hadn’t affected the t
and td.
Dr. Lin Wu Climatology GEO3030 [email protected]
2. Use cases 4, 5, and 6 in the table to discuss what determine if the windward slope will
have precipitation or not.
In Case #4 and #6 it is precipitating on the windward side, because the air reaches its dew point
temperature and is saturated. In case #5 the air never reaches its dew point temperature, it’s
much lower than the others. The mountains peak never reaches the elevation for the
temperature to reach its dew point.
The Lifting Condensation Level (LCL) is the elevation when air reaches it saturation. When the
air reaches its saturation, this results in precipitation and relative humidity is at a 100%. Since
the LCL depends on how much moisture the air contains and how strong is the upward
movement, different types clouds form at different LCL.
In cases #1 and #5, there is a clear distinction between the other four examples, because these
two never reach the saturation point, therefor there is no precipitation whatsoever. In case #1,
the initial relative humidity is low, and along with a low mountain peak. In case #5, there is a
very low initial relative humidity. In both cases, if the elevation of the mountain were higher,
the LCL would have been inevitable.
In cases #2 and #3, the LCL is clearly based on the initial relative humidity, as they both share
the same LLC, regardless of its elevation. In case #1, if the mountain height were 1,000 m, there
would have been precipitation at the mountaintop.
In task 1 and task 2 we can clearly see the Adiabatic process in action and see the relationship
between precipitation and Humidity. Through comparison of different examples we were able
to determine how different variables effected the Adiabatic Process.
Assignment 3
You can use the template below to solve the problems for case B. When you enter numbers to the left side of the table, the correcponding lines
should show up on the right side of the chart. You can calculate and derive the numbers or probram the equation into the left sife of the table if
you are familiar with the excel functions.
I think B is more likely to rain because of the lower elevation at which the air becomes unstable