Review of Related Literature

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This section presents the review of literature related to the focus of the study. It
presents evidences that support the assessment of the STEM and Non-STEM students
in the environmental awareness. The articles and journals were taken in the internet to
support the information regarding to the present research study.


Awareness. As define by Microsoft Student (2009), awareness is knowing

something and having knowledge of something from having observed it or been told
about it. Well informed about what is going on in the world or about the latest
developments in a sphere of activity.

Conversely, Freebase (n.d) stated that, awareness is the state or ability to

perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of events, objects, or sensory patterns also it is
quality of being aware of something and as a human’s or an animal’s perception;
cognitive reaction to a condition or event. Gafoor (2012) In this level of consciousness,
sense data can be confirmed by an observer without necessarily implying
understanding. The possessor of any knowledge must contain awareness but mere
awareness does not contain any type of knowledge. More broadly, it is the state or
quality of being aware of something.

Despite the difficulty in coming to a definition, many philosophers believe that

there is a broadly shared underlying intuition about what consciousness is. Philosophers
since the time of Descartes and Locke have struggled to comprehend the nature of
consciousness and pin down its essential properties. Issues of concern in the
philosophy of consciousness includes whether consciousness can ever be explained
mechanistically and how it can be recognized; how consciousness relates to language;
whether consciousness can be understood in a way that does not require a dualistic
distinction between mental and physical states or properties (Lumen, n.d)
Self-Awareness. As defines by Pathway to Happiness (2019), self-awareness is
having a clear perception of your personality, including strengths, weaknesses,
thoughts, beliefs, motivation, and emotions and also self-awareness allows you to
understand other people, how they perceive you, your attitude and your responses to
them in the moment.

In the article of Zhu (2019), self-awareness goes beyond accumulating

knowledge about ourselves: it is also about paying attention to our inner state with a
beginner’s mind and an open heart. Our mind is extremely skillful at storing information
about how we react to a certain event to form a blueprint of our emotional life source.
Such information often ends up conditioning our mind to react in a certain way as we
encounter a similar event in the future. Self-awareness allows us to be conscious of this
conditioning and preconceptions of the mind, which can form the foundation of freeing
the mind from it.

The first step in creating what you want and mastering your life. Where you focus
your attention, your emotions, reactions, personality and behavior determine where you
go in life. Having self awareness allows you to see where your thoughts and emotions
are taking you. It also allows you to take control of your emotions, behavior, and
personality so you can make changes you want. Until you are aware in the moment of
your thoughts, emotions, words, and behavior, you will have difficulty making changes
in the direction of your life (Pathway to Happiness, 2019).

Environmental Awareness. The growth and development of awareness,

understanding and consciousness toward the biophysical environment and its problem,
including human interactions and effects. Thinking “ecologically” or in terms of an
ecological consciousness (Gemet, 2019).

In an article by Tishmack (2019), practicing can learn the skill of quieting mind, of
being mindful. When taking time to sit quietly out of doors, nature has a way of
reaching in and opening up lines of communication. Becoming a good
listener. Becoming more conscious of what feelings are, the messages received but
have previously ignored. Becoming receptive to the subtleties of nature, mindful of the
network of relationships, the interwoven patterns that make up the natural world, yeilds
revolution brings peace.

Through written works, it pointed out that youth is crucial in environment

adaptation; there is a need to empower them and impart environmental problems such
as pollution to build vividly knowledge about environmental awareness. In addition,
improving education can give youth the skills and knowledge to better prepare for and
recover from natural disasters and environmental problems.

Environmental Problems. Today differ from those of most of the Earth’s history
in both kind and degree. Environmental problems are spatial, and the global monitoring
of the earth, as well as large domains, needs careful considerations of the spatial
variability (Elsevier, 2019).

In recent decades environmental problems have become globalized in terms of

their existence and impacts as well as the socioeconomic forces that generate them.
After briefly noting the growth of international awareness of environmental problems,
this entry examines first the nature of environmental problems and their global reach,
then evidence that humans are increasingly pushing against global ecological
constraints, next the global politico-economic forces that generate and exacerbate
ecological degradation on a worldwide basis, and finally ends with concluding remarks
(Jorgenson & Dunlap, 2012).

Environmental issues are harmful effects of human activity on the environment.

Major environmental issues include climate change, pollution, environmental
degradation, and resource depletion, burning of plastics, power plants problems, etc.
These environmental issues must be imparting our knowledge in order for us to monitor
what is happening to our Mother Earth.

Teenagers. A recent survey shows that nearly 60 per cent of teenagers thought
their awareness of environmental issues was weak, and that only 25 per cent took part
in environmental activities over the last year. The survey was conducted in March by the
Hong Kong Children and Youth Services, a non- governmental social service agency
funded by the Social Welfare Department. About 2,000 secondary school students aged
15 to 19 were interviewed. The results showed that 60.8 per cent of the students
thought their awareness of environmental protection was 'weak', while just 24.9 per cent
actually took part in environmental education activities over the last year (SCMP
Reporter, 2000).

As cited by Corner (2015) in The Journal of Environmental Education by Kuthe

(2019), teenagers play an important role in creating a climate-friendly society. They can
change their behavior and behave in a more climate-friendly manner in their everyday
lives. Although some actions may be considered to be outside the teenagers’ scope of
behavior such as choosing to drive an electric car instead of a fossil fuel car or voting
for a climate-friendly political party, it is important to encourage them to change their
lifestyle to reduce their carbon footprint.


Climate Change Awareness. Pandve et. Al (2009) emphasized that youth plays
a crucial role in combating climate change. The young people who have the skills of
spreading new habits and technologies could contribute to the fight against climate
change (Ki-moon, 2008 in Pandve et al., 2009). United Nations International Strategy
for Disaster Reduction, UNISDR (2000) purported that youth can help in the successful
implementation of disaster prevention and risk management strategies because they
can promote the necessary change in behaviors and a shift in mentalities. This is
possible because they are adaptable as well as able to quickly make low-carbon
lifestyles and career choice (Pandve et al., 2009). Further, they can share and apply
what they learned specially within their households, families, and the wider community
(Shaw et al., 2009). In essence, the youth can easily and actively support state’s
initiatives that could lead to the formulation of far-reaching legislations ( Pandve et al.,

A Yale University research paper cited in Al Yousuf (2016) had indicated that
education and awareness on climate change are strongly linked. As presented in the
paper, a survey of residents of 119 countries found that 40% of adults worldwide
reported never having heard of climate change (Al Yousuf 2016). This value rises to
more than 65% in some countries like India and Egypt. From the survey, it was
concluded that education tends to be the single strongest predictor of awareness of
climate change. It is here where the role of higher education institutions on increasing
societal awareness of climate change is highlighted.

The Philippines is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change because it

is heavily dependent on climate-sensitive economic processes such as agriculture and
has fewer resources for adaptation. As UNFCC (2007) indicated, developing countries
like the Philippines are highly vulnerable to climate change impacts because they have
fewer resources to adapt socially, technologically and financially. As such, it is
anticipated that developing countries would suffer far reaching effects of climate change
especially on their ability to attain sustainable development (UNFCC 2007). And among
the sectors that would significantly be affected by these impacts are the youth.

Although adapting to climate change is among the biggest challenge the

humanity faces in the next century(Jones et al.,2012),engaging the youth in decision-
making as well policy-making process could provide and intergenerational perspective
to any climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives. Creating an enabling
environment for youth could aid in mitigating climate change drivers in the future
especially that climate change is dominated by human influences, which are now large
enough to exceed the bounds of natural variability (Karl,& Trenberth,2003).

Environmental Awareness. With increasing awareness of environmental

issues, there has been rising demand for environmental-friendly business practices.
Prior research has shown that the implementation of environmental management
practices is influenced by existing and potential stakeholder groups in the form of
external pressures from legislators, environmental groups, financial institutions and
suppliers, as well as internally by employees and owner/manager attitudes and
knowledge. The results indicate that legislation does result in general environmental
awareness, and that organizations are then willing to␣change their business
processes and environmental strategies. However, despite their actions they have
little awareness of the benefits that might arise from cost reductions from their
environmental-friendly practices (Gadenne, D.L, Kennedy J., McKeiye C., 2009)

A study by Sharma (2016) indicates that environmental has influence and

shaped our lives since the time immemorial. It is from the environment that we get our
food to eat, water to drink, are to breath and all the necessities of day today life, thus
constituting it as a life support system. Many of earth’s habitats, animals, plants, insects
and even microorganisms that we know of today as rare or endangered may not be
known at all by future generations. We have the capacity and responsibility that is we
must act before it’s too late. On the other hand environmental awareness helps social
groups and individuals to acquire an awareness of sensitivity to the total environment
and its allied problems .It! is not only a question of air and water pollution but also
includes elimination of diseases, hunger, malnutrition and poverty, destruction of
forests, extermination of wildlife, erosion of soil and accumulation of waste and many
more.Hence, there is an urgent need for the proper management of environmental!
crisis before it threatens our existence (Sharma, 2016).

In the study conducted by Anbalagan & Viswanathan (2015), the environmental

issues are major global problem of important concern. Due to increasing human
population and developments in every sector, the environmental related issues are
multiplying in the recent years with a diversity of problems focusing the ultimate need for
alternative sustainable technologies to safeguard our mother nature. The human’s
desire to modern technologies and changing life style patterns pose serious threat on
the environment and due to the fact, the pollution levels are alarming day by day. In
order to achieve the sustainable and equitable developments, it is so significant to
choose policies and programme that support efficient use of resources and implement
technologies which show the way to reduce the environmental damage, thus result in
sustainable development

Another study presented a results shows that there’s a high level of

environmental awareness among participant students. However, it is understood that
environmental disclosures made in schools are insufficient and the participation level of
students to environmental activities is low. Students rather gain experiences in the field
of environment from mass media like audio. It is revealed that female students have a
higher level of environmental awareness and active participation level. In addition, when
family income and family education level increases, environmental awareness and
active participation level of students also increase (Altin et al. 2017).

Environmental awareness and environmental attitude. According to a study

conducted by Padmanabhan (2008), Environmental education is one of the important
areas, which is gaining prominence in the modern world. Many worldwide discussions
are going on regarding the solutions for environmental problems that aims at attaining
sustainable development. The primary aim of the environmental education is to enable
mankind to understand the complex nature of the environment. According to their
gathered data, the findings shows moderate awareness towards environment issues
and problems among the secondary school teachers of Maldives. Environmental
awareness and environmental attitude are important not only for teachers but also for
any common man. So teachers can do a lot towards the development of these two
aspects in their students. So it can be concluded that if there is increase in the
awareness of environmental issues and problems, we can develop a positive attitude
towards environment.

A research conducted by Akkor and Gunduz (n.d), the research have been
conducted to detect the attitude and behavior levels of university students in Northern
Cyprus about environmental education The research population consists of the
university students in Northern Cyprus, while the sample consists of 175 university
students in Northern Cyprus in the same year. The “environmental awareness scale”
and “environmental attitude scale” was administered to the participants as data
collection tools. The research shows that the students gave have been analyzed
quantitatively. It has was found that female students have higher environmental
attitudes and they are more sensitive to the environment than male students.

Another study conducted by Padmanabhan (2008), environmental education is

one of the important areas, which is gaining prominence in the modern world. Many
world wide discussions are going on regarding the solutions for environmental problems
that aims at attaining sustainable development. Educating people is one of the
measures to bring the needed awareness and sensitivity towards protecting the

The preceding literatures and studies mentioned had been very beneficial to the
researchers. It gives evidence that environmental awareness is very important to us in
order to be aware on environmental issues and problems. These provide factual
information that truly helped the researchers in order to gain ideas and better
understanding regarding the present study.

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