Review of Related Literature
Review of Related Literature
Review of Related Literature
This section presents the review of literature related to the focus of the study. It
presents evidences that support the assessment of the STEM and Non-STEM students
in the environmental awareness. The articles and journals were taken in the internet to
support the information regarding to the present research study.
The first step in creating what you want and mastering your life. Where you focus
your attention, your emotions, reactions, personality and behavior determine where you
go in life. Having self awareness allows you to see where your thoughts and emotions
are taking you. It also allows you to take control of your emotions, behavior, and
personality so you can make changes you want. Until you are aware in the moment of
your thoughts, emotions, words, and behavior, you will have difficulty making changes
in the direction of your life (Pathway to Happiness, 2019).
In an article by Tishmack (2019), practicing can learn the skill of quieting mind, of
being mindful. When taking time to sit quietly out of doors, nature has a way of
reaching in and opening up lines of communication. Becoming a good
listener. Becoming more conscious of what feelings are, the messages received but
have previously ignored. Becoming receptive to the subtleties of nature, mindful of the
network of relationships, the interwoven patterns that make up the natural world, yeilds
revolution brings peace.
Environmental Problems. Today differ from those of most of the Earth’s history
in both kind and degree. Environmental problems are spatial, and the global monitoring
of the earth, as well as large domains, needs careful considerations of the spatial
variability (Elsevier, 2019).
Teenagers. A recent survey shows that nearly 60 per cent of teenagers thought
their awareness of environmental issues was weak, and that only 25 per cent took part
in environmental activities over the last year. The survey was conducted in March by the
Hong Kong Children and Youth Services, a non- governmental social service agency
funded by the Social Welfare Department. About 2,000 secondary school students aged
15 to 19 were interviewed. The results showed that 60.8 per cent of the students
thought their awareness of environmental protection was 'weak', while just 24.9 per cent
actually took part in environmental education activities over the last year (SCMP
Reporter, 2000).
Climate Change Awareness. Pandve et. Al (2009) emphasized that youth plays
a crucial role in combating climate change. The young people who have the skills of
spreading new habits and technologies could contribute to the fight against climate
change (Ki-moon, 2008 in Pandve et al., 2009). United Nations International Strategy
for Disaster Reduction, UNISDR (2000) purported that youth can help in the successful
implementation of disaster prevention and risk management strategies because they
can promote the necessary change in behaviors and a shift in mentalities. This is
possible because they are adaptable as well as able to quickly make low-carbon
lifestyles and career choice (Pandve et al., 2009). Further, they can share and apply
what they learned specially within their households, families, and the wider community
(Shaw et al., 2009). In essence, the youth can easily and actively support state’s
initiatives that could lead to the formulation of far-reaching legislations ( Pandve et al.,
A Yale University research paper cited in Al Yousuf (2016) had indicated that
education and awareness on climate change are strongly linked. As presented in the
paper, a survey of residents of 119 countries found that 40% of adults worldwide
reported never having heard of climate change (Al Yousuf 2016). This value rises to
more than 65% in some countries like India and Egypt. From the survey, it was
concluded that education tends to be the single strongest predictor of awareness of
climate change. It is here where the role of higher education institutions on increasing
societal awareness of climate change is highlighted.
A research conducted by Akkor and Gunduz (n.d), the research have been
conducted to detect the attitude and behavior levels of university students in Northern
Cyprus about environmental education The research population consists of the
university students in Northern Cyprus, while the sample consists of 175 university
students in Northern Cyprus in the same year. The “environmental awareness scale”
and “environmental attitude scale” was administered to the participants as data
collection tools. The research shows that the students gave have been analyzed
quantitatively. It has was found that female students have higher environmental
attitudes and they are more sensitive to the environment than male students.
The preceding literatures and studies mentioned had been very beneficial to the
researchers. It gives evidence that environmental awareness is very important to us in
order to be aware on environmental issues and problems. These provide factual
information that truly helped the researchers in order to gain ideas and better
understanding regarding the present study.