Water Pollution From Agriculture: A Global Review: Executive Summary

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Water pollution from agriculture:

a global review
Executive summary
Water pollution from agriculture:
a global review

Executive summary

Javier Mateo-Sagasta (IWMI),
Sara Marjani Zadeh (FAO)
and Hugh Turral

with contributions from

Jacob Burke (formerly FAO)

Published by
the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome, 2017
and the International Water Management Institute on behalf of
the Water Land and Ecosystems research program
Colombo, 2017
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© FAO and IWMI, 2017

Cover photograph: © Jim Holmes/IWMI

Neil Palmer (IWMI)
Water pollution is a global challenge that has increased in both developed and
developing countries, undermining economic growth as well as the physical and
environmental health of billions of people.

Although global attention has focused primarily on water quantity, water-use efficiency
and allocation issues, poor wastewater management has created serious water-quality
problems in many parts of the world, worsening the water crisis. Global water scarcity
is caused not only by the physical scarcity of the resource but also by the progressive
deterioration of water quality in many countries, reducing the quantity of water that is
safe to use.1

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development acknowledges the importance of

water quality and includes a specific water quality target in Sustainable Development
Goal (SDG) 6.2 The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is expected to strongly

1  The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (www.fao.org/land-water/overview/global-
framework/global-framework) and the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) (www.iwmi.cgiar.org) are
leading agencies in combating global water scarcity by promoting state-of-the-art sustainable water management
2  SDG Target 6.3: “By 2030, improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing release
of hazardous chemicals and materials, halving the proportion of untreated wastewater and substantially increasing
recycling and safe reuse globally” (United Nations, 2016).

influence future policies and strategies and to ensure that the control of water pollution
is elevated in international and national priorities.

Human settlements, industries and agriculture3 are the major sources of water
pollution. Globally, 80 percent of municipal wastewater is discharged into water bodies
untreated, and industry is responsible for dumping millions of tonnes of heavy metals,
solvents, toxic sludge and other wastes into water bodies each year (WWAP, 2017).
Agriculture, which accounts for 70 percent of water abstractions worldwide, plays
a major role in water pollution. Farms discharge large quantities of agrochemicals,
organic matter, drug residues, sediments and saline drainage into water bodies. The
resultant water pollution poses demonstrated risks to aquatic ecosystems, human
health and productive activities (UNEP, 2016).

In most high-income countries and many emerging economies, agricultural pollution

has already overtaken contamination from settlements and industries as the major
factor in the degradation of inland and coastal waters (e.g. eutrophication). Nitrate
from agriculture is the most common chemical contaminant in the world’s groundwater
aquifers (WWAP, 2013). In the European Union, 38 percent of water bodies are
significantly under pressure from agricultural pollution (WWAP, 2015). In the United
States of America, agriculture is the main source of pollution in rivers and streams,
the second main source in wetlands and the third main source in lakes (US EPA,
2016). In China, agriculture is responsible for a large share of surface-water pollution
and is responsible almost exclusively for groundwater pollution by nitrogen (FAO,
2013). In low-income countries and emerging economies, the large loads of untreated
municipal and industrial wastewater are major concerns. Nevertheless, agricultural
pollution, aggravated by increased sediment runoff and groundwater salinization, is
also becoming an issue.

Agricultural pressures on water quality come from cropping and livestock systems and
aquaculture, which have all expanded and intensified to meet increasing food demand
related to population growth and changes in dietary patterns. The area equipped for
irrigation has more than doubled in recent decades (from 139 million hectares – Mha
– in 1961 to 320 Mha in 2012; FAO, 2014) and the total number of livestock has more
than tripled (from 7.3 billion units in 1970 to 24.2 billion units in 2011; FAO, 2016a).
Aquaculture has grown more than 20-fold since the 1980s, especially inland fed
aquaculture and particularly in Asia (FAO, 2016b).

3  Agriculture refers to cropping activities, livestock and aquaculture.


The livestock sector is growing and

intensifying faster than crop production
in almost all countries. The associated
waste, including manure, has serious
Neil Palmer (IWMI)

implications for water quality

The global growth of crop production has been achieved mainly through the intensive
use of inputs such as pesticides and chemical fertilizers. The trend has been amplified by
the expansion of agricultural land, with irrigation playing a strategic role in improving
productivity and rural livelihoods while also transferring agricultural pollution to
water bodies.

The livestock sector is growing and intensifying faster than crop production in almost
all countries. The associated waste, including manure, has serious implications for
water quality (FAO, 2006). In the last 20 years, a new class of agricultural pollutants
has emerged in the form of veterinary medicines (antibiotics, vaccines and growth
promoters [hormones]), which move from farms through water to ecosystems and
drinking-water sources. Zoonotic waterborne pathogens are another major concern
(WHO, 2012).
There has been a dramatic and rapid increase in aquaculture worldwide in marine,
brackish-water and freshwater environments (FAO, 2016b). Fish excreta and uneaten
feeds from fed aquaculture diminish water quality. Increased production has combined
with greater use of antibiotics, fungicides and anti-fouling agents, which in turn may
contribute to pollute downstream eco-systems.

Water pollution from agriculture has direct negative impacts on human health; for
example, the well-known blue-baby syndrome in which high levels of nitrates in
water can cause methaemoglobinemia – a potentially fatal illness – in infants. Pesticide
accumulation in water and the food chain, with demonstrated ill effects on humans,
led to the widespread banning of certain broad-spectrum and persistent pesticides
(such as DDT and many organophosphates), but some such pesticides are still used in
poorer countries, causing acute and likely chronic health effects. Aquatic ecosystems
are also affected by agricultural pollution; for example, eutrophication caused by the
accumulation of nutrients in lakes and coastal waters has impacts on biodiversity and
fisheries. Water-quality degradation may also have severe direct impacts on productive

activities, including agriculture. For example, dam siltation caused by the mobilization
of sediment due to erosion has cost many millions of dollars. Irrigation using saline
or brackish water has limited agricultural production in hundreds of thousands of
hectares worldwide. In Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
(OECD) countries alone, the environmental and social costs of water pollution caused
by agriculture probably exceed billions of dollars annually (OECD, 2012a).

Diagnosis, prediction and monitoring are key requirements for the management of
aquatic ecosystems and the mitigation of harmful impacts on them. If they are to
design cost-effective measures for preventing pollution and mitigating risks, managers,
planners and lawmakers need to know the state of aquatic ecosystems, the nature and
dynamics of the drivers and pressures that lead to water-quality degradation, and
the impacts of such degradation on human health and the environment. The sections
below follow the logic of the Drivers-Pressures-State change-Impact-Response (DPSIR)
framework (Figure 1) to present a summary of causes and effects of water pollution in
agriculture as well as possible responses to prevent pollution and mitigate its impacts.

FIGURE 1 DPSIR framework for analysing water pollution in agriculture

Population growth,
change in diets and
increased food demand

Good practices Expansion and

Technologies Response Pressures intensification
Policies of agriculture
Pollution loads

Impacts State

On: Water quality

Health degradation
Economic activities

©FAO/Asim Hafeez
The global population is projected to reach 9.8 billion people by 2050 (UNDESA,
2017) Population growth and changes in consumption patterns, including new
dietary preferences (Figure 2) require the production of more (and more diverse) food.
This, in turn, is driving agricultural expansion and intensification and bringing new
environmental externalities, including impacts on water quality.

Average calorie intake has increased as populations have become richer (despite the
continuing large number of people living in absolute poverty). Diets are changing from
those based mostly on grains and carbohydrates towards those with larger proportions
of meat, eggs, dairy, oils and other resource-intensive products (Figure 2) (FAO, 2009).
Excessive consumption (which is leading to overnutrition and obesity, even in middle-
and low-income countries) and post-harvest losses and waste draw down scarce
resources and increase environmental footprints, including the degradation of water
quality (FAO, WFP and IFAD, 2012).

The need to produce more food implies an increase in land clearing for food production
and in the productivity of agricultural lands. The required rise in agricultural production
cannot continue to occur, however, at the expense of the environment, which has been
the case in the last decades. Business as usual may be insufficient to meet growing needs
and cannot be sustained.

FIGURE 2 a) Past and expected global population, by developed and developing countries
b) Global food consumption patterns, 1964–2030

a) World Population Growth



More developed regions More developed regions

b) Global Progress in Food Consumption




Roots & tubers

1500 Meat
1000 Vegetable oils
Other cereals
500 Wheat
1964/66 1997/99 2030
Sources: a) UNDESA 2017; b) FAO, 2009.

©FAO/Olivier Thuillier
Agricultural systems have expanded and intensified in response to the ever-increasing
demand for food. In absolute terms, land clearing and agricultural expansion have
contributed to higher pollutant loads in water, but probably the biggest impacts
have been caused by certain unsustainable patterns of agricultural intensification.
The overuse and misuse of agrochemicals, water, animal feeds and drugs designed
to increase productivity have resulted in higher pollution loads in the environment,
including rivers, lakes, aquifers and coastal waters.

The following sections review the unsustainable trajectory followed by agri-food

systems and identify hotspots where crop production, livestock and aquaculture may
be the key contributors to the degradation of water quality.

Cropping systems
The world population doubled between about 1970 and 2015, but the production
of cereals almost tripled, the production of vegetables increased fourfold, tomato
production increased fivefold and soybean production increased eightfold (FAO,
2016a). This huge increase in production was achieved through the expansion of
agricultural land, the introduction of new crop varieties, and the more intensive use of
agrochemicals and agrotechnologies.

FIGURE 3 Total mineral fertilizer consumption in major world regions, global cereal and
meat production, and per capita meat consumption, 1961–2009

120 3500 Regional fertilizer

100 3000
South America
North America
& Meat consumption (kg/cap)
Fertilizer consumption (Mt N)


Meat & cereal production

Europe (excl. East)
East Europe

40 Global product
1000 production
Meat (100 kton)
20 Cereal (1000 kton)

Average product
0 0 consumption

Meat (kg/cap)

Source: Sutton et al., 2013.

Irrigation is a major factor in agricultural intensification. Big irrigation projects

have been important means for increasing food security globally and particularly in
developing countries. Nevertheless, irrigation and drainage have often been associated
with a loss of water quality caused by salt, pesticides and fertilizer runoff and leaching.

Mineral fertilizers have been used since the nineteenth century to supplement natural
nutrient sources and recycling to raise crops and animals, but the use of such fertilizers
has increased dramatically in recent decades (Figure 3). Today, the world consumes
ten times more mineral fertilizer than it did in the 1960s (FAO, 2016a). Rockström et
al. (2009) suggested that the mobilization of nutrients could already have exceeded
thresholds that will trigger abrupt environmental change in continental-to-planetary-
scale systems. Fertilizer use has not grown evenly worldwide. Major disparities exist
between those parts of the world with too many nutrients and those with insufficient.
Key regions where excess nutrients are being transferred to water bodies include North
America, Europe, and parts of South and East Asia.

In the trajectory of land-use intensification, countries have increasingly adopted a

pest management approach based on the use of synthetic pesticides. Today, pesticide
production is a multibillion dollar industry, with the global market worth more than
USD 35 billion per year (nominal) (Figure 4; FAO, 2016). Several upper-middle-

FIGURE 4 Value of global pesticide trade, 1970–2014



US$ Billions




Source: FAO, 2016

income countries (e.g. Argentina, Brazil, Malaysia, South Africa and Uruguay) and
lower-middle-income countries (e.g. Cameroon, Cape Verde, Nicaragua, Pakistan and
Ukraine) have experienced double-digit growth in the intensity of pesticide use, albeit
sometimes from a low base. Costa Rica, Colombia, Japan and Mexico have the highest
pesticide use intensities worldwide (Schreinemachers and Tipraqsa, 2012). In general,
the proportion of herbicides in pesticide global consumption increased rapidly, while
the proportion of fungicides and insecticides declined (Zhang, Jiang and Ou, 2011).

In developing countries, the fast rate of growth in pesticide use, reliance on broad-
spectrum pesticides, weak institutional frameworks, weak rule enforcement, and
limited knowledge and awareness among farmers on the use of hazardous chemicals
pose enormous challenges to the safe and sustainable management of pesticides.

Livestock production
Livestock production accounts for 70 percent of all agricultural land and 30 percent of
the land surface of the planet. The livestock sector is one of the top three contributors
to the most serious environmental problems, including water-quality degradation, at
every scale from local to global (FAO, 2006).

Demand for and the production of livestock products are increasing rapidly globally,
but the following regions take centre stage: central and eastern United States of America;
southern Brazil, Uruguay and northern Argentina; Europe; India; and China.

The major structural changes occurring in the livestock sector are associated with the
development of industrial and intensive livestock production systems, which often
involve large numbers of animals concentrated in relatively small areas. Intensive
livestock systems increasingly depend on feed concentrates that are traded domestically
and internationally. These changes are exerting growing pressure on the environment
and particularly on water quality. Most of the water used for livestock drinking
and servicing returns to the environment in the form of liquid manure, slurry and
wastewater. Livestock excreta contain considerable quantities of nutrients, oxygen-
depleting substances and pathogens and, in intensive systems, also heavy metals, drug
residues, hormones and antibiotics. When livestock is concentrated, the associated
production of wastes tends to go beyond the buffering capacity of surrounding
ecosystems, thereby polluting surface waters and groundwater.

Aquaculture production
Demand for fish and shellfish for food, feed and other products has grown faster than
for any other agricultural commodity in the last several decades. Wild fish catches
plateaued in the 1990s and all increases in fish production, therefore, have derived from
aquaculture, which has expanded dramatically and now produces nearly half the total
quantity of fish consumed. Total global aquatic animal production reached 167 million
tonnes in 2014 (FAO, 2016b), of which an estimated 146 million tonnes was consumed
directly by humans.

Overwhelmingly, the growth of aquaculture has taken place in developing countries,

which produce 91 percent of global output; the greatest concentration of aquaculture
is in low-income developing nations. Asia is by far the larger producer of aquacultural
output, with almost 90 percent of world production, with output from China dominating
at 45.5 million tonnes per year (FAO, 2016b).

There has also been a steady increase in the proportion of fed species in aquaculture that
require externally produced foods; this form of production accounts for 70 percent of
total production, compared with 50 percent in 1980. Fed and intensive aquaculture can
result in export of faeces, uneaten feed and drugs to water bodies. Carnivorous species
are of high value in aquaculture, and these require large inputs of fishmeal and other
pelleted feeds. Many types of non-fed aquaculture (e.g. mussel farming) can filter and
clean waters, but other types (e.g. intensive caged crab culture) may disrupt natural
nutrient cycles and result in the degradation of water quality.

Market pressures and differentiation are increasing the intensity of production and
leading to increased concentrations of single species. These trends have resulted in an
increase in the use of medicines (e.g. antibiotics, fungicides and anti-fouling agents),
which in turn contribute to downstream pollution.

Hamish John Appleby (IWMI)

Major agricultural contributors to water pollution (and the main targets for water-
pollution control) are nutrients, pesticides, salts, sediments, organic carbon, pathogens,
metals and drug residues. Table 1 shows the relative contributions of these to water-
quality degradation. The importance of different forms of agricultural pollution varies
with individual situations, and negative impacts such as eutrophication (which may
include sediments, nutrients and organic matter) arise from combinations of stressors.

In crop production, water pollution from nutrients occurs when fertilizers are applied at
a greater rate than they are fixed by soil particles or exported from the soil profile (e.g.
by plant uptake or when they are washed off the soil surface before plants can take them
up). Excess nitrogen and phosphates can leach into groundwater or move via surface
runoff into waterways. Phosphate is not as soluble as nitrate and ammonia and tends to
get adsorbed onto soil particles and enter water bodies thorough soil erosion.

In livestock production, feedlots are often located on the banks of watercourses so that
(nutrient-rich) animal waste (e.g. urine) can be released directly into those watercourses.
Manure is usually collected for use as organic fertilizer, which, if applied in excess, will
lead to diffuse water pollution. In many cases, too, manure is not stored in contained

TABLE 1 | Categories of major water pollutants in agriculture and the

relative contributions of the three main agricultural production systems
Pollutant Indicators/examples Relative contribution by:
Crops Livestock Aquaculture

Nutrients Primarily nitrogen and phosphorus *** *** *

present in chemical and organic fertilizers
as well as animal excreta and normally
found in water as nitrate, ammonia or

Pesticides Herbicides, insecticides, fungicides *** - -

and bactericides, including
organophosphates, carbamates,
pyrethroids, organochlorine pesticides
and others (many, such as DDT, are
banned in most countries but are still
being used illegally and persistently)

Salts E.g. ions of sodium, chloride, potassium, *** * *

magnesium, sulphate, calcium and
bicarbonate. Measured in water, either
directly as total dissolved solids or
indirectly as electric conductivity

Sediment Measured in water as total suspended *** *** *

solids or nephelometric turbidity units
– especially from pond drainage during

Organic matter Chemical or biochemical oxygen- * *** **

demanding substances (e.g. organic
materials such as plant matter and
livestock excreta), which use up
dissolved oxygen in water when they

Pathogens Bacteria and pathogen indicators. E.g. * *** *

Escherichia coli, total coliforms, faecal
coliforms and enterococci

Metals E.g. selenium, lead, copper, mercury, * * *

arsenic and manganese

Emerging E.g. drug residues, hormones and feed - *** **

pollutants additives

areas and, during significant rainfall events, it can be washed into watercourses via
surface runoff.

In fed aquaculture, nutrient loads delivered to water bodies are primarily a function
of feed composition and feed conversion (faecal wastes). Uneaten feed in intensive fed
aquaculture can be a significant contributor to nutrient loads in water.

Together with other stressors, high nutrient loads can cause the eutrophication of lakes,
reservoirs, ponds and coastal waters, leading to algae blooms that suppress other
aquatic plants and animals. Despite data gaps, 415 coastal areas have been identified
worldwide as experiencing some form of eutrophication, of which 169 are hypoxic
(WRI, 2008). The excessive accumulation of nutrients may also increase adverse health
impacts, such as blue-baby syndrome, due to high levels of nitrate in drinking-water.


Millions of tonnes
of active pesticide
©FAO/Buletin Dorin Goian

ingredients are used in

agriculture each year

Insecticides, herbicides and fungicides are applied intensively in agriculture in many

countries (Schreinemachers and Tipraqsa, 2012). When improperly selected and
managed, they can pollute water resources with carcinogens and other toxic substances
that can affect humans. Pesticides may also affect biodiversity by killing weeds and
insects, with negative impacts up the food chain. In developed countries, although
considerable use of older broad-spectrum pesticides persists, the trend is towards
the use of newer pesticides that are more selective and less toxic to humans and the
environment and which require lower quantities per unit area to be effective.

Nevertheless, millions of tonnes of active pesticide ingredients are used in agriculture

(FAO, 2016a). Acute pesticide poisoning causes significant human morbidity and
mortality worldwide – especially in developing countries, where poor farmers often use
highly hazardous pesticide formulations.

The production of brackish drainage and leaching water in agriculture has grown
proportionally with the increase in irrigation in recent decades.

Irrigation can mobilize salts accumulated in soils (leaching fractions), which are
then transported by drainage water to receiving water bodies and cause salinization.
Excessive irrigation can also raise water tables from saline aquifers and increase the
seepage of saline groundwater into watercourses. The intrusion of saline seawater into
aquifers – frequently the result of excessive groundwater extractions for agriculture –
is another important cause of salinization in coastal areas (Mateo-Sagasta and Burke,

Major water-salinity problems have been reported in

Argentina, Australia, China, India, the Sudan, the
United States of America, and many countries in Central
Asia (FAO, 2011). In 2009, approximately 1.1 billion
people lived in regions that had saline groundwater at
shallow or intermediate depths (IGRAC, 2009).
A. Gandolfi

Highly saline waters alter the geochemical cycles

of major elements – such as carbon, iron, nitrogen,
Whenever salinity phosphorus, silicon and sulphur (Herbert et al., 2015)
increases, the – with overall impacts on ecosystems. Salinization can
biodiversity of affect freshwater biota by causing changes within species
microorganisms, and in community composition and can ultimately lead
algae, plants and to biodiversity loss and migration. In general, when
animals declines salinity increases, the biodiversity of microorganisms,
algae, plants and animals declines (Lorenz, 2014).

Unsustainable land use and improper tillage and soil management in agriculture are
increasing erosion and sediment runoff into rivers, lakes and reservoirs, with massive
quantities of soil lost and transported to water bodies every year. The global rate of
erosion in croplands is estimated at 10.5 megagrams (Mg) per ha per year, which
corresponds to 193 kilograms of soil organic carbon per ha per year. Estimates for
pastureland are lower, at 1.7 Mg per ha per year, which is equivalent to 40.4 kilograms
of soil organic carbon per ha per year. It is estimated that 43 percent of the agricultural
sediment flux is in Asia (Doetterl, Van Oost and Six, 2012).

High rates of erosion occur in areas where precipitation is high, slopes are steep
and vegetation cover is poor. Erosion is aggravated by overgrazing in pasturelands,
by inappropriate ploughing on steep slopes and, more broadly, by deforestation,
landclearing and the degradation of riverine vegetation.

Sediment in river systems is a complex mixture of minerals and organic matter,

potentially including physical and chemical pollutants. Sediments can cover and
destroy fish spawning beds, clog fish gills, and reduce useful storage volume in
reservoirs. Sedimentation can damage watercourses, choke streams and make filtration
necessary for municipal and irrigation water supplies. It can also affect delta formation
and dynamics and limit the navigability of water bodies.

Particles of clay and silt in sediment can adsorb many types of chemicals on their
surfaces, including nutrients, heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants. Sediment,
therefore, is a key means by which such pollutants are transported to water bodies.

Organic matter
Organic matter from animal excreta, uneaten animal feed, animal-processing industries
and mismanaged crop residues are all significant water pollutants. Livestock-related
wastes have among the highest biological oxygen demand (BOD). For example, the
BOD of pig slurry is in the range of 30 000–80 000 milligrams per litre, compared
with the typical BOD of domestic sewage of 200–500 milligrams per litre (FAO, 2006).
Locally, aquaculture can be a major contributor to organic loads in water. In Scotland,
for example, the discharge of untreated organic waste from salmon production is
equivalent to 75 percent of the pollution discharged by the human population. Shrimp
aquaculture in Bangladesh generates 600 tonnes of waste per day (SACEP, 2014).

Organic matter consumes dissolved oxygen in water as it degrades, contributing

strongly to hypoxia in water bodies. The discharge of organic matter also increases the
risk of eutrophication and algal blooms in lakes, reservoirs and coastal areas.

The global rate of erosion in croplands

is estimated at 10.5 megagrams (Mg)
©FAO/Rhodri Jones / FAO

per ha per year, which corresponds to

193 kilograms of soil organic carbon
per ha per year

Livestock excreta contain many zoonotic microorganisms and multicellular parasites
that can be harmful to human health.
Pathogenic microorganisms can be waterborne o r
food-borne (the latter especially if the food has
been irrigated with contaminated water). Some
pathogens can survive for days or weeks in
the faeces discharged onto land and may later

©FAO/Dante Diosina
contaminate water resources via runoff (FAO,
2006; WHO, 2012).

Pathogens from livestock that are detrimental

to public health include bacteria such as Some pathogens can
Campylobacter spp., Escherichia coli O157:H7, survive for days or weeks
Salmonella spp. and Clostridium botulinum in the faeces discharged
and parasitic protozoa such as Giardia lamblia, onto land and may later
Cryptosporidium parvum and Microsporidia contaminate water
spp., all of which cause hundreds of thousands resources via runoff
of infections every year (Christou, 2011).

Emerging pollutants
New agricultural pollutants such as antibiotics, vaccines, growth promoters and
hormones have emerged in the last two decades. These can reach water via leaching
and runoff from livestock and aquaculture farms, as well as through the application of
manure and slurries to agricultural land (OECD, 2012b). Residues of heavy metals in
agricultural inputs such as pesticides and animal feed are also emerging threats. Today,
more than 700 emerging pollutants and their metabolites and transformation products
are listed as present in European aquatic environments (NORMAN, 2016).

Agriculture is not only a source of emerging pollutants, it also contributes to the spread
and reintroduction of such pollutants into aquatic environments through wastewater
(re)use for irrigation and the application of municipal biosolids to land as fertilizers. An
estimated 35.9 Mha of agricultural lands are subject to the indirect use of wastewater
(Thebo et al., 2017). The potential risks to human health posed by exposure to emerging
pollutants via contaminated agricultural products needs attention.

Neil Palmer (IWMI)

Models provide representations of systems in the real world, a holistic understanding
of problems by identifying relationships (cause and effect), and future predictions
(scenarios). Models can simulate the fate of pollutants and the resulting change in
state of water quality and help in understanding the impacts on human health and
ecosystems. Models can also help in determining the effectiveness and costs of remedial

As a first step towards effective water-quality management, it is necessary to know the

current status of water quality and the spatial and temporal distribution patterns of any
contaminant emissions, loads and concentrations in water environments. For example,
if pollutant loads exported to a given water body are high, identifying where, when and
by whom the pollutant sources are emitted is necessary to ensure appropriate responses.

Well-calibrated models capture the key processes between pressures, states and impacts
at appropriate spatial scales. Moreover, existing models are increasingly robust to allow
the prediction of future conditions and analyses of “what if?” questions concerning
outcomes under existing, past and forecast future conditions.

Because the costs of mitigation are often considerable and expended well in advance
of the materialization of benefits, modelling can be a cost-effective way of providing

chance that policies, strategies and actions are on the right track.
Monitoring and modelling are essential and complementary activities. Monitoring
is required to determine the state of farms and waterways and to quantify the loads
reaching water bodies and the sea (pressures). Existing impacts can often be measured
directly, but modelling is required to predict their nature and severity in the future. Data
are required to calibrate simulations of key processes and outcomes. Models, as well as
economic tools developed in environmental economics, can help in estimating the costs
of mitigation.

Dozens of models with different strengths and limitations are used in the field of water
quality. These can be applied at different scales (Borah and Bera, 2004; Wang et al.,
2013) to support planners and policy-makers in designing cost-effective measures for
addressing water pollution in agriculture.

Nana Kofi Acquah for IMWI

Water pollution in agriculture is complex and multidimensional, and its effective
management requires a comprehensive package of responses. Such responses need to
act on key drivers of agricultural expansion and intensification, such as unsustainable
dietary shifts and food waste and loss; limit the export of pollutants from farms; protect
water bodies from agricultural pollution loads; and help restore already-affected
water bodies. Responses for influencing both farm- and landscape-scale practices may
include regulation; the use of economic instruments; education and awareness-raising;
cooperative agreements; and research and innovation.

Acting on drivers
Sustainable diets and reduced food waste
Different diets have different environmental footprints. The increase in demand for food
with high environmental footprints, such as meat from industrial farms, is contributing
to unsustainable agricultural intensification and to water-quality degradation. This
can be changed, however. The right policies and incentives can encourage diets that
are more sustainable and healthy and thereby moderate increases in food demand.
For example, financial incentives such as taxes and subsidies on food and coupons for
consumers have been shown to positively influence dietary behaviour (Purnell et al.,
2014). Nevertheless, there is little evidence that environmental food labelling is playing
a major role in the food choices of consumers; this approach would need to be combined

The increase in demand for food with high

environmental footprints, such as meat
from industrial farms, is contributing to
©FAO/Sergei Gapon

unsustainable agricultural intensification

and to water-quality degradation

with broader environmental awareness campaigns to turn a general concern among

consumers about sustainability into behavioural change (Grunert, Hieke and Wills,

Another key issue relates to food supply and how food systems will respond to the
projected growth in food demand. Food losses and waste should be reduced as much as
possible to bring food-production needs closer to actual food demand and to minimize
the waste of resources and associated environmental impacts. About one-quarter of
produced food is lost along the food-supply chain. The production of this lost and
wasted food accounts for 24 percent of the freshwater resources used in food-crop
production, 23 percent of total global cropland area and 23 percent of total global
fertilizer use (Kummu et al., 2012). Nitrogen pollution is particularly important for
water quality: Grizzetti et al. (2013) calculated the nitrogen delivered to the environment
associated with global food waste at 6.3 teragrams per year, and they estimated that,
in the European Union, 12 percent of water nitrogen diffuse pollution in agriculture is
linked to food waste. FAO has extensively reviewed options for reducing food loss and
waste (e.g. FAO, 2013; FAO, 2015).

Policy instruments
Well-known principles for reducing pollution, such as “polluter pays”, are hard to
apply in practice to non-point agricultural pollution because identifying the actual
polluters is neither easy nor cheap.

Typical regulatory instruments include prohibitions on the direct discharge of pollutants;

limits on the marketing and sale of dangerous products; and restrictions on agricultural
practices or the location of farms. Regulatory approaches require inspection or self-
reporting to ensure compliance, with violations subject to penalties such as fines and
compensation payments; enforcement remains a challenge, however.

A broader range of measures has evolved as experience has been gained. Recent
analyses suggest that a combination of approaches (regulations, economic incentives
and information) works better than regulations alone (OECD, 2008). Policies addressing
water pollution in agriculture should be part of an overarching water policy framework
at the national or river-basin scale, with all pollutants and polluters considered together.
Economic instruments are increasingly employed to improve or replace simple legal
provisions or regulations. They include taxes (e.g. on pesticides according to the level
of hazard), “set-asides” (the conversion of agricultural land to natural uses), and
payments to limit production or the intensity of land use: for example, Norway and
Switzerland make substantial payments to farmers for “landscape maintenance”, and
the Conservation Reserve Program in the United States of America pays farmers to take
land out of production for specified periods.

Policies to change farmer behaviour and incentivize the adoption of good practices are
key to preventing pollution at the source. Such policies need to include (free) advisory
services and training for farmers. Demonstrating the economic benefits to farmers of
adopting good practices has also been shown to be effective. Benchmarking can promote
behavioural change among farmers by showing them how they perform compared with
their peers (without identifying the best and worst individuals). Benchmarking can be
applied to the application of fertilizers, manure and slurries, and pesticides. A more
subtle form of persuasion is the incorporation of environment modules into school
curricula and involving students in raising environmental issues in their communities.

Water-quality targets need to be realistic

and time-bound. They need to balance
the costs of adopting a solution and the
Sanjini de Silva/IWMI

benefits brought about by higher water


There is increasing interest in cooperative and voluntary agreements – typically

between farmers, water suppliers and authorities – as a means for implementing
better environmental practices in agriculture. In some cases, private water suppliers
have signed agreements with farmers to limit practices (e.g. nitrogen use) that may
compromise water quality (and therefore their products), with the costs paid by the
water supplier and ultimately borne by water consumers. In other cases, specific
areas in river catchments have been identified as major contributors of sediment (and

sediment-borne pollutants) to important ecosystems. To address this, cooperative

agreements can be developed between landowners and relevant authorities to reduce
erosion, potentially incentivized by policies in favour of agro-environmental payments.

Regulations to protect water quality need to be enforceable. Water-quality targets also

need to be realistic and time-bound, and they need to balance the costs of adopting a
solution and the benefits brought about by higher water quality. Also, water-quality
targets need to take into account time lags between the introduction of a given practice
and measurable outcomes (this is particularly relevant in the restoration of aquifer
water quality). Once a target is set, planners need to find the most cost-effective
combination of policy instruments; typically, pollution prevention will be cheaper than
the restoration of affected aquatic ecosystems.

When formulating and implementing policies, priority should be given to major

polluters and to water bodies where pollution is highest. The smart identification of
pollution hotspots, for example in areas of major livestock concentrations, can help in
prioritizing interventions.

Finally, policies need to be coherent. Interventions aimed at increasing food production

and farm income on the one hand and at mitigating pollution on the other should be
mutually supportive – or at least not conflicting, although this may be hard (politically)
to achieve in practice. For example, the subsidies frequently in place for agrochemicals
do not act as an incentive for efficient use, and they encourage farming on more fragile
lands. Effective interministerial cooperation mechanisms are required to increase policy

Research and data

There are many knowledge gaps concerning water pollution in agriculture, and more
data and research are required.

A sustained research and modelling effort,

Prashanth Vishwanathan / IWMI

supported by water-quality monitoring,

is needed to better understand the links
between pollution causes and effects.

The contributions of crops, livestock and aquaculture to water pollution are not
well known, particularly in developing countries. Quantifying these contributions is
essential if national governments are to understand the full extent of the problem and
to develop meaningful and cost-effective responses. The polluter-pays principle cannot
be applied if the source of pollution is unclear. A sustained research and modelling
effort, supported by water-quality monitoring, is needed to better understand pollutant
pathways and the links between pollution causes and effects.

The pathways of, and the health and environmental risks posed by, emerging
agricultural pollutants such animal hormones, antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals
are growing areas of research that require more attention. For example, greater
understanding is needed of the contributions of animal medicines to the increasing
problem of antimicrobial resistance among pathogens.

There are opportunities for more innovation in practices and technologies to reduce the
use of nutrients and pesticides on farms and the movement of pollutants from farms to
sensitive aquatic ecosystems. Research is needed to evaluate policies and instruments
for reducing source loads and minimizing pollution along flow paths to the sea. More
work is also required to quantify the effectiveness of different approaches in reducing
the economic impacts of water pollution in agriculture.

Research cannot be conducted without data. Better data are needed for understanding
process and detail in specific cases and also at a broader scale to understand
the pressures on and state of aquatic systems
and trends in their condition. Because many
indicators are subject to temporal and spatial
variability, adequate monitoring programmes
©FAO/Giulio Napolitano

with appropriate sampling rates and density are

key (but expensive) priorities for improvement.

Research results need to be applied if they are to

be effective in reducing pollution in agriculture.
It is crucial to establish information systems for It is crucial to establish
transferring new knowledge and technologies to
information systems for
support farmers, water managers and policies.
transferring new knowledge
Research projects need to consider, from the
and technologies to support
conceptual stage, the specific needs of users and
farmers, water managers
to engage them in the process, from knowledge
and policies
generation to environmental and health outcomes.

On-farm responses
On-farm practices in crop production, livestock and
aquaculture are crucial for preventing pollution at the source.
In crop production, management measures for reducing the risk of water pollution due
to organic and inorganic fertilizers and pesticides include limiting and optimizing the
type, amount and timing of applications to crops. Establishing protection zones along
surface watercourses, within farms and in buffer zones around farms have been shown
to be effective in reducing pollution migration to water bodies. The storage and disposal
of pesticide waste and empty containers need to follow safety guidelines. Also, efficient
irrigation schemes will reduce water return flows and therefore can greatly reduce
the migration of fertilizers and pesticides to water bodies (Mateo-Sagasta and Burke,
2010). Contour ploughing and restrictions on the cultivation of steeply sloping soils are
measures for reducing soil erosion (US EPA, 2003). Conservation agriculture has also
proved very effective in erosion control.

Manure management is one of the main concerns in livestock production. Manure needs
to be stored, treated, handled and disposed of – or preferably reused – safely. Manure
treatments include composting and anaerobic fermentation, which can produce valuable
organic fertilizers and soil conditioners. Intensive livestock operations such as feedlots
that concentrate livestock need to be managed as point sources of pollution and should
follow specific national regulations. The use of feed additives, hormones and medicines
should also adhere to national standards and
international guidelines. In extensive livestock
systems, overgrazing should be avoided to
reduce land degradation and erosion.

Aquaculture farms should adopt good

©FAO/A.K. Kimoto

management practices that protect the

surrounding aquatic environment, such as
establishing a suitable production biomass
based on the carrying capacity of the water body;
Efficient irrigation schemes avoiding excess feed by standardizing feed
will reduce water return inputs; using fish drugs correctly and avoiding
flows and therefore can prohibited drugs; removing, treating and
greatly reduce the migration disposing of excessive nutrients in fishponds;
of fertilizers and pesticides and promoting integrated multitrophic
to water bodies aquacultural systems in which the waste of one
species serves as a food source for another.

Off-farm responses
It is clear that the most effective way of mitigating pressures on aquatic ecosystems and
on rural ecosystems more generally is to avoid or limit the export of pollutants from
where they are applied: the costs of mitigation increase greatly once pollutants are in
an ecosystem. Simple off-farm techniques, such as the construction of riparian buffer
strips or constructed wetlands, can cost-effectively reduce loads entering surface water
bodies. The remediation of contaminated waters such as lakes and aquifers is a long-
term and expensive undertaking and in some cases may not even be feasible.

Buffer strips are a well-established technology. Vegetated filter strips at the margins
of farms and along rivers are effective in decreasing concentrations of pollutants
entering waterways. In agriculture and forestry, buffer zones usually comprise strips of
vegetation that act as filters for sediment and their attached pollutants. Buffer strips can
also perform other functions, such as stream shading, carbon sequestration, biomass
production, channel stabilization, water purification and the provision of terrestrial and
stream habitats, and provide cultural and recreational services.

Constructed wetlands have been employed mainly to treat point-source wastewater,

including urban and agricultural stormwater runoff. Such wetlands can also be used to
treat agricultural drainage and remove sediments, nutrients and other pollutants.

The risks associated with brackish and saline agricultural drainage (return flows) need
to be managed. Water management options include minimizing drainage by conserving
water, treating drainage water (e.g. via evaporation ponds), and reuse (brackish and
saline drainage water can be reused downstream directly or blended with freshwater).
Such approaches require planning at the watershed scale to adapt agricultural practices
and crops to increasing salt content at different cycles of reuse, which may include the
production of prawns and fish using brackish or saline waters.

Integrated aquaculture–agriculture–forestry systems in which crops, vegetables,

livestock, trees and fish are managed collectively can increase production stability,
resource-use efficiency and environmental sustainability. Integrated farming ensures
that waste from one enterprise becomes inputs to another, thereby helping to optimize
the use of resources and reduce pollution.

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