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Mustafa and Hassan; J. Geo. Env. Earth Sci. Int., vol. 28, no. 1, pp.

38-49, 2024; Article no.JGEESI.111906

bodies of water [15]. The release of hazardous due to the mixing of various chemicals,
substances from industrial activities is the which eventually has adverse effects on
primary source of contamination in both surface the condition of living things upon consumption
water and groundwater, making industries the [20].
biggest contributor to water pollution. Industrial
production can result in the emission of a wide According to reports, in order to provide food for
range of harmful compounds, including both a population of 6127.7 million in the year 2000,
organic and inorganic molecules, as well as toxic the usage of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and
solvents and volatile organic chemicals. potassium (K) - the main components of
Insufficiently treated discharge of these wastes inorganic fertilizers - was 64.9, 25.9, and 18.2 kg
into aquatic habitats will result in water pollution per hectare, respectively. These figures
[16]. increased to 85.8, 33.2, and 20.4 kg per hectare,
respectively, in the year 2014, when the global
2.2 Population Growth population reached 7243.8 million [21].
Moreover, the combined use of nitrogen,
Waste in the form of solids and liquids is phosphorus, and potassium nutrients in fertilizers
released into rivers. Water is also polluted by was expected to be 170.7 million tons in 2010
human waste; Contaminated water harbours a and 175.7 million tons in 2011. The global
significant quantity of germs that pose a threat to dependence on fertilizers for food production
human health. The government is unable to meet may be comprehended by considering the
the necessary requirements of its residents due projected rise in the consumption of N, P, and K
to the growing population. Sanitation fertilizers. It is anticipated that by 2050, the
infrastructure is more abundant in metropolitan consumption levels of these fertilizers
regions than to rural locations. Polythene bags would grow by 172%, 175%, and 150%
and plastic garbage are significant contributors to correspondingly, compared to the present levels.
pollution. Waste is disposed of by placing it
inside plastic bags [17]. Approximately three- Pesticide-laden chemicals are directly
quarters of the urban population engage in open contaminating water and compromising its
defecation. 77% of the population use flush quality. If pesticides are present in excessive
latrines, whereas 8% rely on pit latrines. amounts or not properly controlled, they
Urbanization can contribute to the proliferation pose a significant threat to the agricultural
ofseveral infectious illnesses. Urban regions ecology [22].
have significant health challenges such as
overcrowding, unsanitary environments, and A pesticide is defined as any substance, whether
dangerous drinking water, One-fourth of the used alone or in combination, that has the ability
urban population is susceptible to sickness [18]. to eliminate pests or weeds. Pesticides are
The growing population is causing classified based on the specific pests or weeds
several problems, including its detrimental they target [23].
impact on water pollution [16]. Rising
Results pertaining to the population in a 2.4 Weak Management System and
corresponding rise in the output of solid waste Pathogenic Microorganisms
Issues in underdeveloped countries, sanitation,
2.3 Pesticides and Fertilizers hygiene, and waterborne diseases are major
concerns. In industrialized nation, sanitation-
Nutrient transmission occurs in abundance into related water supply infrastructure is already
stationary surface water reservoirs via rainfall. established and maintained. Regrettably, in
The application related to Chemical fertilizers developing nations, there is a significant flow of
and insecticides leads to eutrophication in bodies untreated sewage into water bodies. Therefore, it
of water. This results in excessive development is imperative to enhance basic sanitation
consisting of algae and other plants that live in infrastructure and treatment methods.
water, which deplete the available dissolved Additionally, ensuring access to safe drinking
oxygen necessary for aquatic life. Consequently, water is of utmost importance.
the water becomes less suitable for activities Approximately 67% of the population in
such as fishing, enjoyment, and industrial use. developing nations is projected to
The percolation of water contaminated with lack access to adequate sewage systems by
fertilizer can lead to groundwater contamination 2030 [10].

Mustafa and Hassan; J. Geo. Env. Earth Sci. Int., vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 38-49, 2024; Article no.JGEESI.111906

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