Have You Ever Bingo: Activity Type
Have You Ever Bingo: Activity Type
Have You Ever Bingo: Activity Type
'Have you ever...?' Explain that the students are going to play a game of bingo where
questions and short they ask and answer present perfect 'Have you ever...?' questions
answers to find classmates who have had the experiences shown on their
bingo card.
Aim Students do this by changing each verb on their bingo card into its
past participle form and creating a present perfect question with
To play a game of bingo 'ever' from the prompt, e.g. if the prompt was 'lose some money',
by asking and answering the student would say 'Have you ever lost some money?'
'Have you ever...?'
questions. Go through the vocabulary on the cards and remind the students
how to form past participle verbs and present perfect questions
with 'ever'.
Make one copy of the Students then walk around the classroom asking 'Have you
worksheet for every eight ever...?' questions from the prompts on their card.
students and cut into
bingo cards as indicated. When a classmate answers 'Yes, I have', the student writes down
Make enough copies to their name under the prompt in the space provided.
play several rounds.
The first student to get three names in a row, either horizontally,
vertically, or diagonally shouts 'Bingo!' This student wins the first
Level round.
Elementary Students then continue the game to see who can complete all
nine squares with names. The first student to do this shouts out
'Bingo!' This student wins the second round.
30 minutes Play several rounds. Make sure students receive a different bingo
card each time they play.
make have a bad stay out stay up all find some keep a
someone cry holiday late night money diary