Present Perfect Bingo

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ESL / EFL RESOURCES Present Perfect Bingo

Activity Type Introduction

Reading, listening and In this fun present perfect activity, students play a game of bingo
speaking activity where they ask and answer 'Have you...?' questions.

Language Focus
Give each student a copy of the worksheet.
Present perfect

'Have you...?' questions Tell the students that they are going to play a game of bingo using
and short answers the present perfect.

Explain that for every square on the bingo grid, the students need
Aim to ask another classmate a present perfect 'Have you...?' question.

To play a game of bingo If a square relates to a personal experience, the students make a
where you ask and question with 'Have you ever...?'
answer present perfect
'Have you...?' questions. When a classmate answers 'Yes, I have' to a question, the student
writes their name in the square and then moves on to speak to
another student.
Make one copy of the If a classmate answers 'No, I haven't', the student asks a different
worksheet for each question or goes on to speak to someone else.
The first student to get five squares in a row in any direction
shouts 'Bingo!'
When this happens, stop the activity and ask the student to
Pre-intermediate make five present perfect sentences about the information in the
squares, e.g. 'Becky has flown a kite. Derek has been on a long
flight, etc.'
25 minutes Then, have the students continue the game by trying to complete
the entire bingo card with names.

Afterwards, have a class feedback session to discuss which

questions were easy to find someone for and which ones were
difficult. Also, have the students discuss their findings using the
present perfect.

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PDF tool in Acrobat. © 2019 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.


ESL / EFL RESOURCES Present Perfect Bingo

has felt excited has been on a has sung in the has watched TV
has flown a kite
recently boat shower this week

has used a
has been on a has done some has travelled far has done laundry
long flight exercise today from home this week
program today

has given has found

has forgotten has seen a movie has ridden a bus
someone a something
someone's name this week this month
present this year expensive

has talked to a
has dreamt of has played has drunk has taken a
grandparent this
being famous football recently alcohol this year selfie today

has learnt some

has cooked a has written in has read a book has ridden a bike
new vocabulary
meal this week English today this year this month
recently © 2019 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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