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25.342.3 In eosse abbudissan mynstre ws sum broor syndriglice mid godcundre gife gemred & geweorad.

In the monastery o fthis abottess was a certain brother specially glorified and honoured with divine gift (talent)/grace
sunder, sundrian. especially, particular

25.342.4 Foron he gewunade because he was accustomed gerisenlice leo wyrcan, (wont) to compose (yrkja) suitable/beautiful poems. a e to festnisse & to which arfstnisse belumpen, concerned/regarded/conduced to/had to do with (belimpan; limpan happen) to piety and virtue
f law custom religion ceremony r f honour worth dignity grace favour (r m messenger Atli sendi r til Gunnars

swa tte, swa hwt1 swa he of godcundum stafum urh boceras geleornode, t1 (object) he fter medmiclum fce in scopgereorde mid a mstan swetnisse & inbryrdnisse geglngde & in Engliscgereorde wel geworht forbrohte. 25.342.9 Ond for his leosongum monigra monna mod oft to worulde fem gen forhogdnisse1 & to geeodnisse s heofonlican

=t e so that whatever1 he learnt of (from) divine letters from scholars that1 he after a short time brought forth (produced) in poetic language with the most sweetness and ardor and wellmade in the English language. And because of his songs the minds of many men were often kindled/inspired (onburnt) to contempt1 (afhugair) of the world and

lifes onbrnde wron. 25.342.11 Ond eac swelce monige ore fter him in Ongeleode ongunnon feste leo wyrcan: ac nnig (=ne nig) hwre1 him t gelice don meahte2. magan be able cunnan know how to 25.342.13 Foron he nales1from monnum ne urh mon gelred ws, t he one leocrft leornade, ac he ws godcundlice gefultumed, fultumian help, aid & urh Godes gife one songcrft onfeng. 25.342.16 Ond he foron1 nfre noht leasunge, ne idles leoes wyrcan meahte2, ac efne a an a e to festnesse belumpon, & his a fstan tungan gedeofanade singan.

to community with the heavenly life. and likewise auk slkt

swalik > slkt > swelc

many began to compose divine poems after him in England / among the English)
Angelcynn, Angeleod > Englaland an~on: mann/monn, Angel/Ongel

but however1 none could do2 the same as he For he was not-at-all1 taught by men of from men( he had not learnt from men or been taught by them) but he was divinely helped, and received the power of song fromGods grace And therefore1 he could2 never compose any lies/empty frivolity, nor (of) idle songs (genitive) but just those only (neut pl, n ) which had to do with piety and befitted his pious tongue to sing

is either acc sing and goes with his tungan, which is then accusative in an ipersonal construction, or if the impers. construction takes the date might mean then

25.342.19 Ws1 he se mon in This man he had been1 settled weoruldhade2 geseted o a (establishes) in secular life 3 4 tide e he ws gelyfdre ylde , (world-hood)2 until3 he was in advanced age4 (dat fem sg) & nfre nnig leo and never learnt (had never geleornade. learnt) any poems (neut pl) 25.342.20 Ond he foron oft And because of this in in gebeorscipe, merrymaking (beership), he onne1 r ws blisse4 when(ever)1 there was intinga3 gedemed,2 thought2 (deemed) to be a cause3 (nom masc sg) for merriment4 t heo1 ealle scalde (Baker that they1 (=he) all should amends to sceoldon) urh (had to) sing to the harp in endebyrdnesse2 be hearpan order2 singan, onne1 he geseah a hearpan when1 he saw the harp getting him nealecan, near to him onne1 aras he for forscome THEN1 he arose for shame from m symble & ham from the banquest and went eode to his huse. home to his house. 1 2 1 25.342.24 a he t a When1 on one (some) sumre tide dyde, occcasion2 he did this2 (that) ( = then/ when) t he forlet t hus s that he left the building of gebeorscipes, merriment, & ut ws gongende to neata1 and was going out the the neat scipene, ara1 heord2 him ws (gen plural) shippen re neahte beboden. (cowshed) whose care2 was alotted/commanded to him that night (which it was his job that night to herd) 25.342.26 a1 he a1 r in When he there at the right

gelimplice tide his leomu on reste gesette & onslepte, a1 stod3 him5 sum mon2 t4 urh swefn6

time laid his limbs to rest and fell asleep, then a certain ma2 (=this bloke) stood3 beside4 him5 in a dream6 swefen = dream. dram = joy, merriment (not draumur!) & hine halette and greeted him (=said ws hl! & grette and greeted & hine be his noman nemnde: and named him by his name: Cedmon, sing me Cdmon, sing me something. hwthwugu. 25.342.29 a ondswarede he Then he answered and said: & cw: Ne con ic noht singan; I am unable to sing anything (cunnan, be able to; I can naught sing) 1 & ic foron of eossum and I for that reason1 left2 gebeorscipe uteode2, & hider (=went out, tgn) this gewat3, foron ic naht5 singan beership, and departed3 hither, ne cue4. because I was unable4 (knew not how) to sing anything (nought)5 25.342.31 Eft1 he cw se e2 Then again (thereupon)1 he wi hine sprecende ws: said, he who2 was speaking to Hwre3 u meaht4 singan. him: All the same3 you have to4 sing. 25.344.1 a cw he: Hwt Then he said, What shall I sceal ic singan? sing? 25.344.2 Cw he: Sing me He said: Sing me the Creation.

frumsceaft. 25.344.2 a1 he a1 as andsware onfeng, a ongon he sona1 singan in herenesse Godes Scyppendes

When1 he received (=had received) this reply then he immediately1 began to sing in praise of God the Creator
soon has its menaing devalued, like the later Shakespearean anon. As Icel. brum, rtt strax, etc.

a fers1 & a word e he nfre gehyrde, re1 endebyrdnesse is is: Nu sculon herigean heofonrices weard, meotodes meahte & his modgeanc, weorc wuldorfder, swa he wundra gehws,2 ece Drihten, or1 onstealde. He rest sceop eoran bearnum heofon to hrofe halig scyppend; a middangeard monncynnes weard ece Drihten,

(those) verses1 (neut pl) and (those) words (nuet pl) he (had) never heard whose1 order (word for word order) is this: (see Bakers note) Let us now praise thw warden of the Kingdom of Heaven the might (acc fem) of the meatod* and the thoughts of his mind, the works of the father of glory, as he of every wonder2 eternal lord the origin1 established
i.e. established the origin of every wonder

He first created for the children of the earth heaven as a roof the holy creator (nom) then middle-earth (acc) the warden of men (nom) eternal lord, (nom)

fter teode afterwards furnished firum foldan, for men the earth frea lmihtig. the almighty prince (nom * meotod, Icelandic mjtuu, the meeter-out, the provider of fate, fate, death; used in early OE to apply to the Christian Go, perhaps an echo of Latin mediator, the mediator between God and Man = Christ. 25.344.10, 25.344.15 a aras he from m slpe, & eal, a e he slpende song, fste in gemynde hfde. 25.344.16 & m wordum sona monig word in t ilce gemet Gode wyres songes togeeodde. 25.344.17 a com he on morgenne to m tungerefan, e his ealdormon ws: sgde him hwylce gife he onfeng; & he hine sona to re abbudissan geldde & hire a cyde & sgde. 25.344.20 a heht heo gesomnian ealle a gelredestan men & a leorneras: & him ondweardum het secgan t swefn, & t leo singan, t ealra heora dome gecoren wre, hwt oe hwonon t cumen wre. 25.344.23 a ws him eallum gesegen, swa swa hit ws, t him wre from Drihtne sylfum heofonlic gifu forgifen. ** Writing: Bede, History of the English Church and Nation, Book 4 25.344.25 a rehton heo him & sgdon sum halig spell & godcundre lare word: bebudon him a, gif he meahte, t he in swinsunge leosonges t gehwyrfde. 25.344.27 a he a hfde a wisan onfongne, a eode he ham to his huse; & cwom eft on morgenne, & y betstan leoe geglenged him asong & ageaf, t him beboden ws. 25.344.30 a ongan seo abbudisse clyppan & lufigean a Godes gife in m men; & heo hine a monade & lrde t

he woruldhad anforlete & munuchad onfenge: & he t wel afode. 25.344.32 Ond heo hine in t mynster onfeng mid his godum, & hine geeodde to gesomnunge ara Godes eowa; & heht hine lran t getl s halgan stres & spelles. 25.346.1 Ond he eal, a he in gehyrnesse geleornian meahte, mid hine gemyndgade; & swa swa clne neten eodorcende in t sweteste leo gehwerfde. 25.346.3 & his song & his leo wron swa wynsumu to gehyranne, tte seolfan a his lareowas t his mue wreoton & leornodon. 25.346.5 Song he rest be middangeardes gesceape & bi fruman moncynnes & eal t str enesis, t is seo reste Moyses booc; & eft bi utgonge Israhela folces of gypta londe & bi ingonge s gehatlandes; & bi orum monegum spellum s halgan gewrites canones boca; ond bi Cristes menniscnesse; & bi his rowunge; & bi his upastignesse in heofonas; & bi s Halgan Gastes cyme, & ara apostola lare: & eft bi m dge s toweardan domes, & bi fyrhtu s tintreglican wiites, & bi swetnesse s heofonlecan rices, he monig leo geworhte. 25.346.14 Ond swelce eac oer monig be m godcundan fremsumnessum & domum he geworhte. 25.346.15 In eallum m he geornlice gemde, t he men atuge from synna lufan & mandda, & to lufan & to geornfulnesse awehte godra dda. 25.346.17 Foron he ws se mon swie fest & regollecum eodscipum eamodlice undereoded. 25.346.19 Ond wi m a e in ore wisan don woldon, he ws mid welme micelre ellenwodnisse onbrned. 25.346.20 Ond he foron fgre nde his lif betynde & geendade.

25.346.22 Foron a re tide nealcte his gewitenesse & forfore, a ws he feowertynum dagum r, t he ws lichomlicre untrymnesse rycced & hefgad, hwre to on gemetlice, t he ealle a tid meahte ge sprecan ge gongan. 25.346.25 Ws r in neaweste untrumra monna hus, in m heora eaw ws, t heo a untrumran, & a e t forfore wron, inldon sceoldon & him r tsomne egnian. 25.346.28 a bd he his egn on fenne re neahte, e he of worulde gongende ws, t he in m huse him stowe gegearwode, t he gerestan meahte. 25.346.30 a wundrode se egn, for hwon he s bde, foron him uhte t his forfor swa neah ne wre: dyde hwre swa swa he cw & bibead. 25.346.32 Ond mid y he a r on reste eode, & he gefeonde mode sumu ing mid him sprecende tgdere & gleowiende ws, e r r inne wron, a ws ofer midde neaht t he frgn, hwer heo nig husl inne hfdon. 25.348.1 a ondswarodon heo & cwdon: Hwylc earf is e husles? 25.348.2 Ne inre forfore swa neah is, nu u us rotlice & us gldlice to us sprecende eart. 25.348.4 Cw he eft: Bera me husl to. 25.348.4 a he hit a on honda hfde, a frgn he hwer heo ealle smolt mod & buton eallum incan blie to him hfdon. 25.348.6 a ondswaredon hy ealle & cwdon, t heo nnigne incan to him wiston, ac heo ealle him swie bliemode wron: & heo wrixendlice hine bdon, t he him eallum blie wre. 25.348.9 a ondswarade he & cw: Mine broor mine a leofan, ic eom swie bliemod to eow & to eallum Godes monnum.

25.348.11 Ond swa ws hine getrymmende mid y heofonlecan wegneste, & him ores lifes ingong gegearwode. 25.348.13 a gyt he frgn, hu neah re tide wre, tte a broor arisan scolden & Godes lof rran & heora uhtsong singan. ** Writing: Bede, History of the English Church and Nation, Book 4 25.348.14 a ondswaredon heo: Nis hit feor to on. 25.348.15 Cw he: Teala: wuton we wel re tide bidan. 25.348.16 & a him gebd & hine gesegnode mid Cristes rode tacne, ond his heafod <onhylde> to am bolstre, & medmicel fc onslepte; & swa mid stilnesse his lif geendade. 25.348.19 Ond swa ws geworden, tte swa swa hluttre mode & bilwitre & smyltre wilsumnesse Drihtne eode, t he eac swylce swa smylte deae middangeard ws forltende, & to his gesihe becwom. 25.348.22 Ond seo tunge, e swa monig halwende word in s scyppendes lof gesette, he a swelce eac a ytmstan word in his herenisse, hine seolfne segniende & his gast in his honda bebeodende, betynde. 25.348.25 Eac swelce t is gesegen, t he wre gewis his seolfes forfore, of m we nu secgan hyrdon.

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