Assignments: MKT 305 Contemporary Marketing Research

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Assignments: MKT 305 Contemporary Marketing Research

1. Discuss the content of marketing Research Proposal. Give a research Proposal For a study
required by a Company Which Intends to launch a new Brand of Health Drink.
2. What is multi item scale? Discuss Different approaches to assess the reliability and Validity of
the scale.
3. Discuss the concept of discriminant analysis, its objective and application in Marketing
4. What are the components of problem formulation? Explain in detail the process of translating
decision problems to research problems.
5. What is the concept of hypothesis? Explain in detail the steps involved in hypothesis testing.
6. What do you mean by Data Collection? What are the Types of Data Collection?
7. Explain Media Research like Readership Survey, Opinion Polls
8. What do you mean by the term factor analysis? Explain in detail the various types of factor
9. What do you mean by the term sampling? Explain in detail the features of the good sampling.
10. Design a Questionnaire for Customer Satisfaction of Newly Launched Car.
11. Describe test marketing & its various forms suggest a test marketing Procedure for an
established FMCG Company to conduct test marketing to launch a snack Food Product.
12. What is multi-dimensional scaling? Discuss the approaches to MDS.
13. What concept of conjoint analysis? Explain its application In Marketing Research.
14. What is qualitative Research? Discuss the application of in-depth & focus Group Interviews.
15. What is Cluster Analysis? Which types of data is required for Cluster Analysis?
16. Write Short Notes on
a. Calculation of Coefficient
b. Validity and Reliability in Research Study
c. Difference between Probability Sampling and Non-Probability Sampling
d. Conjoint analysis
306 Consumer Behavior (306 MKT)

1. Deference between consumer and customer and Explain Marketing Mix with the help of
2. Explain the family life cycle and purchasing decisions
3. Define the social class and social groups
4. Explain the individual Determinants of consumer behavior with motivation and
5. Explain the motivation involvement of consumer behavior
6. Explain the learning memory and attitude of consumer behavior
7. Explain consumer decision making process with help of example
8. Discuss the purchasing process
9. Explain the post porches evaluation and behavior of consumer
10. Explain consumer behavior model (Howard sheth model)
11. Define Indian consumer with social and demographic profile
12. Discuss the demographic and social economic profile of Indian consumer
13. Characteristic of bop consumers
14. Write short note on
1] Social group
2] Motivation hierarchy
3] Consumer satisfaction
4] Living standards measures (LSM)

Subject: 308 MKT - Product Management

Q.1. You have been appointed as a Product Manager in Herbicare India Ltd. The company
wishes to enter in to babycare products preferably in sanitation. As a product manager what is
your roll into this activity. Suggest and design one baby care product for the company.
Q.2. State and differentiate between consumer products and Industrial products.
Q.4. Explain sources of competitor information.
Q.5. Discus NPD & Explain in Details NPD Process.
Q.6. Explain in details PLC with example.
Q.7.What is Marketing metrics also explain various types of marketing metrics
Assignment: - Personal selling Lab (310 MKT)

1. Define personal selling and salesmanship & theories of selling

2. Deference between traditional marketing and modern marketing
3. Define AIDA model in brief
4. Personal selling process with the help of sales presentation and sales responsibility
5. Explain the Approaches of sales presentation and sales methods
6. Explain Personal selling process with object handling techniques
7. Discuss the service requirements and key account Management
8. Explain personal selling skills with communication
9. Discuss the effective sales letters and e-mails body language, goal setting and
10. Explain the effective dressing managing yourself and time
11. Explain the negotiation communication listening skills in sales
12. Explain the selling services with financial, IT, telecommunication, advertising, education
13. Discuss the selling technics in intermediaries government department and agencies in
14. Explain the individual and groups selling technics
15. Write short note on
1] Personal selling
2] Sales responsibility
3] Key account management
4] Rural marketing

312 Customer Relationship Management (MKTG)

1. Introduction of CRM, define customer relationship management

2. Define relation management theories and profit chain
3. Define strategic CRM, operational CRM, analytical CRM
4. Explain Customer life cycle, with customer retention and development
5. Define the customer acquisition with customization
6. Explain CRM, Enablers? And customer portfolio management
7. Define customer relationship management and customer experience management
8. Explain market segmentation and sales forecasting
9. Explain the network management of CRM
10. Explain in brief supplier network distribution network management network
11. Explain the alliance between noncompeting firm and competing firm
12. Define organization issues and CRM
13. Explain the employee relationship management
14. New product development process with the help of CRM
15. Write short note on
1] Satisfaction profit chain
2] Customer acquisition program
3] CPM in the B2B
4] Employ relationship management

Subject: 316 MKT – Tourism Management

Q.1. is an organisation which is mostly focused on the tours and travels. The
objective of the company is to provide cost effective tours to the individuals and groups within
India, with no compromise on quality. The company has a tough competition with,
Veena-world, Kesari. Company has standard tour-packages and tours can be customized also.
Suggest a marketing plan for the next three years for the company.
Q.2. Assess the role of media in the marketing of Tourism services.
Q.3. Define Tourism. State its components.
Q.4. Discuss the design of promotional strategies for tourism marketing.
Q.5. State the importance of IT applications in travel agency operations.
Q.6. According to you what is future of tourism industry in India.
Q.7. Define tourism product and explain elements & characteristics of tourism product.
Q.8. Explain various forms of tourism.

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