Market Research & Marketing Information Systems and Demand Forecasting and Market Potential Analysis

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Unit 1:
Introduction to Marketing Concept Evolution of Marketing from Production to Sustainability &
Customer Orientation

1. Which arethe processes involved in marketing

2. Explain the term Marketing
3. Discuss the different types of Marketing
4. Discuss the different Corporate orientations towards marketplace.
5. State &explain the pillars on which the Marketing concept rest
6. Distinguish between Marketing concept & Sales concept
7. Discuss the term Sustainability Marketing
8. Explain the concept of Social Marketing with suitable example
9. Explain the concept of Ecological Marketing
10. Discuss the concept of Green Marketing and Environmental Marketing

Unit 2: Understanding the Basics
1. Explain the concepts: Need, Want and Demand
2. Distinguish between Need, Want and Demand
3. Discuss the three dimensions of product concept
4. Which are the social responsibilities Marketers have to fulfill the while offering the products to
5. State & explain in brief the Selling Points or Image Building Features of a Product
6. Define Brand Concept. State & explain in brief the key elements that every Brand Concept should
7. Distinguish between Product and Brand

Unit 3:
1. Explain the concept of Marketing Environment
2. What are the benefits of environment analysis?
3. Why does an organization need Environment Analysis?
4. Discuss the Internal Environment
5. Discuss the components of Microenvironment
6. Discuss the components of Macro Environment

Market research & Marketing Information Systems and Demand forecasting and
Market potential analysis
1. Define & explain Market research
2. What do you mean by Primary and Secondary Information in Market Research
3. Discuss the different types of Market Research
4. Discuss in detail the steps in market research
5. Define Marketing Information System
6. Discuss the different Components of an MIS
7. Explain the term Demand forecasting and Market potential analysis
8. Explain the dimension of the demand forecast
9. State the Five major uses of market potential estimates
10. Explain the elements which determine market potential

Unit5: Consumer Buying Process & Organizational Buying Behaviour

1. Define the term Consumer Buying Behaviour.

2. State the reasons for analyzing buying behaviour
3. State the reasons for retailer to analyze buying behaviour
4. State &explain the Stages of the Consumer Buying Process
5. Discuss the four types of consumer buying behaviours
6. State & explain the factors that affect the Consumer Buying Decision Process
7. Who Are the Organizational Buyers?
8. Discuss the organizational buying process
9. Explain the characteristics of Organizational Buying
10. Explain the UniqueAssignment
Factors Influencing B2B Buying Behaviour


1. Explain in brief the term :

a. Segmentation
b. Targeting
c. Positioning
d. Differentiating
2. Discuss the Segmentation Variables in detail
3. Socio Economic Classes play major role in decision making . Discuss .
4. Discuss in detail :
a. Single segment with single product
b. One product for all segments
c. Multi-segment approach
5. Explain the term :
a. Re-positioning
b. De-positioning
6. Discuss in detail the product positioning process
7. Which are the different Positioning concepts available to marketer?
8. Explain six-step question framework for successful positioning
9. Is it possible to organization to reposition ? Discuss.
10. State & discuss the various methods of differentiating your businesses
11. Which are the different Keys to Successful Differentiation
12. Why Business Differentiation Is Important?

Marketing Mix
1. Explain the term the Marketing Mix
2. What are the 4Ps of marketing?
3. What is the importance of the marketing mix?
4. Discuss the 7”P”s of marketing
5. Discuss the relation between 4 C “s to 4 P “s of marketing

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