Flu Epidemy
Flu Epidemy
Flu Epidemy
Abstract rior to the 2009 influenza A (H1N1) pandemic,
The perceived safety of vaccination is an important explana- public health experts recognized that communities
tory factor for vaccine uptake and, consequently, for rates throughout the globe were deficient in pandemic
of illness and death. The objectives of this study were (1) to planning (Mareinniss et al. 2009) and could benefit
evaluate Canadian attitudes around the safety of the H1N1 from strategies to increase vaccination rates. In any epidemic,
vaccine during the fall 2009 influenza pandemic and (2) to high vaccination uptake is essential in order to limit transmis-
consider how public health communications can leverage the sion, protect groups at high risk, reduce the number of severe
Internet to counteract, in real time, anti-vaccine sentiment. outcomes and prevent an overload of health services use.
We surveyed a random sample of 175,257 Canadian Inadequate information about the protective effects of a demon-
web users from October 27 to November 19, 2009, about strably safe flu vaccine reduces immunization rates, contributing
their perceptions of the safety of the HINI vaccine. In an to a more rapid spread and wider distribution of an epidemic.
independent analysis, we also assessed the popularity of Healthcare workers are at particular risk, and, accordingly, in
online flu vaccine-related information using a tool developed some jurisdictions such as Ontario, it is a hospital board–level
for this purpose. A total of 27,382 unique online participants responsibility to ensure rapid-response emergency preparedness
answered the survey (15.6% response rate). Of the respond- plans are in place to protect the safety of hospital workers in the
ents, 23.4% considered the vaccine safe, 41.4% thought it event of an infectious outbreak (Seeman et al. 2008).
was unsafe and 35.2% reported ambivalence over its safety. Systematic reviews show that vaccines prevent infection,
Websites and blog posts with anti-vaccine sentiment complication and death, especially when provided to groups
remained popular during the course of the pandemic. at high risk (Jefferson et al. 2008). Why, then, do many people
Current public health communication and education choose not to be vaccinated? Reasons include a lack of familiarity
strategies about the flu vaccine can be complemented by with the epidemiological facts, a lack of support or notification
web analytics that identify, track and neutralize anti-vaccine from the healthcare system and unfounded fears about vaccine
sentiment on the Internet, thus increasing perceived vaccine safety (Baeyens 2010; Maurer et al. 2010). Common fears are
safety. Counter-marketing strategies can be transparent and that a new vaccine has been rushed to production with insuf-
collaborative, engaging online “influencers” who spread ficient prior research, that it has not been adequately tested and
misinformation. that long-term studies are needed (Seale et al. 2010). General
anti-vaccination sentiment has been growing worldwide due perceptions of the safety of the H1NI vaccine after Health
to the well-publicized but unsubstantiated link between flu Canada approved the vaccine. In step B, we determined which
immunization and autism; between hepatitis B vaccination vaccine safety Internet sites were most trusted by the public by
and multiple sclerosis in France; and between convulsions and deploying a dynamic “Internet robot” that informed us about
sudden death and human papillomavirus immunization in (1) which uniform resource locators (URLs) regarding “myths
Austria, Germany and Spain (Alvarez-Pasquin et al. 2009). and facts” about the H1N1 vaccine were being most widely
Efforts to offset the arguments of the anti-vaccine movement, shared and discussed among English-language Internet users and
to calm public fears and to provide accurate information require (2) which websites, blogs and links were being shared on social
sustained, effective public health communication. Concerns media sites. Both step A (the survey) and step B (the Internet
about safety and side effects need to be addressed; as well, trans- robot) were independent, and the results should be interpreted
parency is required about the vaccine development process. Was as such. Both steps of our process are described below.
this successfully accomplished in Canada? A poll conducted
between October 1 and 5, 2009, by Harris-Decima revealed Step A: Random Online Survey of Internet Users’
that only a third of Canadians intended to get vaccinated, 11% Perceptions of Vaccine Safety
described themselves as very concerned about H1N1 and 25% For the survey of Internet users’ perceptions of vaccine safety,
reported being somewhat concerned (Harris-Decima 2009). we used the RIWI Time Trender service (http://riwi.com),
The federal health minister noted that the biggest challenge to which applies a patent-pending Internet intercept method
preventing the spread of the virus was communicating the need that provides access to immediate respondent data based on
for vaccination. Health Canada’s information about vaccine a random sampling of Internet users. Response to the survey
safety was broadly disseminated on posters, on buses and was randomized by accessing thousands of “nonsense” domain
subways, in multi-language newspapers and on social media such names (URLs) that reach hundreds of thousands of random
as Facebook. The information was posted on government and Internet users. A nonsense domain is a URL that has no
hospital websites across Canada, and Health Canada’s website English-language meaning (e.g., www.jhwje.ca) and is not
was prominently hyper-linked via mainstream Canadian media being used for commercial or other purposes. Thus, the method
news sites. This seemed like a logical communications strategy captures potential respondents navigating the Internet who type
given that the news media have been a leading source of public in nonsense domains by random accident (i.e., mistypes). The
health information (Gollust and Lantz 2009). Internet intercept method is not like email spam; it is more akin
The challenge with social risk communication in the age of to an online “random digit dialing” survey since all Internet
the Internet is the increasing fragmentation of media (Sunstein users have a relatively equal probability of inadvertently landing
2007). Today, Canadians access health information not through on the web page where the survey is posted. Only Canadian
print newspapers, radio or cable television but predominantly Internet users were able to respond (geographically identified,
through the Internet. For at least five years, the first place people anonymously, by their Internet protocol, or IP, address).
seek health-related information has been the web (Hesse et al. The survey asked, “Is the H1N1 flu vaccine safe?” Answer
2005). Unfortunately, some Internet sites and postings, light options were limited to “yes,” “no,” “don’t know” and “skip.”
on facts and packed with emotionally laden anecdotes, worsen Respondents were also asked their age (under 18, 18–29, 30–49,
concerns regarding vaccination safety (Maurer et al. 2010; 50–64 and over 64) and their sex. They were able to answer
Wolfe et al. 2002). only once, either in English or French. The survey contained
Given the degree to which the public accesses vaccine-related a privacy policy explaining that collected information would
information online, we wanted to track whether online postings not identify individuals, businesses or households. Respondents
about the H1N1 flu vaccine were undermining ongoing commu- were advised that information would be kept anonymous and
nications efforts by public health authorities during the fall of that they had the choice not to respond.
2009. We also wanted to know whether anti-vaccine sentiment
escalated after Health Canada’s approval of the vaccine and, if Step B: H1N1 Myth and Fact Internet Aggregator
so, to suggest Internet communications strategies (Rizo et al. At the same time that we initiated the survey (October 27,
2005) at the national, regional and hospital levels that could 2009), we launched a software tool to count how often flu
assess, monitor and, ideally, counteract such sentiment. vaccine–related information websites were being shared on blogs
and social media sites such as Digg, YouTube, Facebook and
Methodology Twitter. We wanted to identify which websites containing infor-
Two parallel, independent steps were initiated to address our mation on myths and facts about the H1N1 vaccine were the
objectives. In step A, we surveyed a random sample of Canadian most viewed, read and shared on the web. We used standardized
web users from October 27 to November 19, 2009, about their English search strings to identify which websites were discussing
the safety of the vaccine. Using a structured algorithm, we were 4. Categorization of chat level. The chat level for each search
able to track, on a daily basis, which of these websites were rising result was categorized into one of four levels: high (60 dB
in popularity (i.e., were being shared with increasing frequency and above), medium (40–59 dB), low (20–39 dB) and none
among web users). This is different from counting website “hits,” (below 20 dB).
which do not track whether the individuals visiting the site take 5. Daily dynamic scoring. The change in chat level (over 24
the additional steps of creating a short form of the URL (i.e., by hours) was calculated in order to rank “trending” search
using popular website “shorteners” such as http://www.tinyurl. results. On a daily basis, the chat levels for new and existing
com or http://www.bit.ly) and then emailing, texting or other- search results were updated. In this manner, we visualized the
wise sharing the shortened link (e.g., via Facebook or Twitter) change in chat level for each search result.
with others. We aggregated and displayed this information in
real time on a publicly accessible area called the Flu Chat Lab Results
at http://www.myhealthinnovation.com. The dynamic aggrega- Step A Findings: Daily Tracking Survey of Canadian
tion of this Flu Chat Lab content is now accessible and ongoing Web Users about Perceived Vaccine Safety
at http://lab.innovationcell.com (Figure 1). There were 27,382 unique respondents (i.e., from unique
The computer-programmed Flu Chat Lab aggregation computing devices) who completed the survey, out of 175,257
technique involved the following five steps: separate Canadians exposed to the survey. This translated to
a response rate of 15.6%. The remainder of the respondents
1. ‘Chatter’ collection. We built a selection of relevant English- (84.4%) chose to hit “skip” (signaling their unwillingness to
language search strings (available upon request). The goal of complete the survey) or closed their web browsers. We verified
the search strings was to identify postings on the web that that the target of our survey only covered Canadian IP addresses,
contained self-reports about the perceived truth or falsity of across all provinces and territories. Each day, an average of 1,141
information concerning the H1N1 flu vaccine. Canadian web users completed the survey.
2. Data collection. All the search string queries were submitted Table 1 shows the relative response rate of Canadian Internet
on a daily basis into Google
Search, and search results were
collected in a database, with
duplicate URLs removed. The Figure 1. Screenshot of the Flu Chat Lab
first 64 top-ranked search results
(for each search string) were
collected daily.
3. Scoring. Each unique search
re s u l t w a s m e a s u re d f o r
“mentions” – that is, the degree
to which the URL was shared
by global Internet users across
the web – to establish a “chat
level” in “decibels” (dB). The
aggregator tool counted the
number of mentions of every
search result in the database and
assigned it a chat level. The chat
level was calculated in units of
decibels (dB) as 20 LOG10 (9
+ Mentions). This method of
measuring chat level is analogous
to the measurement by audio
engineers of intensity, loudness
and power. The logarithmic scale
allowed us to visualize mentions
as “audio intensity” on a linear
Figure 2. Percentage of Canadians, each day, saying “yes,” “no” or “I don’t know” to the question,
“Do you think the H1N1 flu vaccine is safe?”
15.0% yes
10.0% no
Oct. 27
Oct. 28
Oct. 29
Oct. 30
Oct. 31
Nov. 1
Nov. 2
Nov. 3
Nov. 4
Nov. 5
Nov. 6
Nov. 7
Nov. 8
Nov. 9
Nov. 10
Nov. 11
Nov. 12
Nov. 13
Nov. 14
Nov. 15
Nov. 16
Nov. 17
Nov. 18
Nov. 19
frequently the most viewed and, increasingly, the most trusted health problems and needs. Highly shared information can
by Internet users (Seeman 2009). Nonetheless, our findings in help to guide the improved visual design, features and language
step B show that sustained anti-vaccine sentiment continues to formatting for online health tools that target subpopulations
be viewed and shared actively on the web. Our findings from step of interest. Applying both qualitative and quantitative analyses
A show that Canadian Internet users, even after the approval of to blogs and exchanges on social networks can potentially tap
the H1N1 vaccine in Canada, were skeptical, over the course of into the perceptions of large numbers of people with respect to
24 days, about the vaccine’s safety. This suggests that public health many health issues other than vaccinations (e.g., satisfaction
authorities may need to use “counter-marketing” strategies. with healthcare services, pathways to care and outcomes and
So-called counter-marketing is a growing social marketing overall experiences of care).
strategy that has been effective in tobacco control (countering Using tools similar to the ones described here, hospitals,
the messages of tobacco companies) (Evans and McCormack public health agencies, health regions and health ministries can
2008). An effective counter-marketing strategy can proactively learn about the extent and causes of the public’s anti-vaccine
identify and expose misinformation and anecdotal evidence that sentiments and devise methods to effectively neutralize them.
“tugs at the heart strings” in near real time (Davies et al. 2002). For example, an independent evaluation unit staffed with expert
Our novel approaches to determining public attitudes to clinical reviewers and social media experts could create a running
healthcare issues using real-time Internet data gathering can be search string methodology (in both official languages and in other
applied more broadly to understand public sentiment, at low languages reflective of Canada’s diverse population) akin to our
cost and with rapidity, on a broad range of policy issues. Step A, approach in step B. This approach would identify, in real time,
for example, has already been used to determine public attitudes which websites were disseminating popular anti-vaccine–related
among Canadians toward providing social supports (e.g., help information. Sites with anti-vaccine sentiment that were growing
with the laundry or other household chores) for chronically ill in intensity could be flagged. These findings could be stored in a
neighbours (Seeman and Brown in press). Step B can be used to secure database accessible by website editors working with public
determine the readiness with which people share online infor- health officials at the national, provincial and local levels, and by
mation with their peers about taboo subjects such as mental web editors working with hospitals and health regions.
While we have not provided direct evidence that Internet region and hospital could engage in meaningful dialogue with
viewing was responsible for the low uptake of the H1N1 locally influential dissenters. Those with disproportionate influ-
vaccine, Betsch et al. (2010) have shown that accessing vaccine- ence in a particular geographical region could be identified by the
critical websites for five to 10 minutes increases the percep- evaluation unit using detection methods geo-located to towns,
tion of risk of vaccinating and decreases the perception of risk cities and provinces. Local authorities could choose with whom
of not vaccinating. Intentions to vaccinate are diminished by to engage in dialogue in order to achieve maximum impact.
such viewing. Vaccine-critical websites therefore potentially
contribute to changes in risk perception, which, in turn, can Conclusion
affect the public’s willingness to get vaccinated. Future research The web contains much flu-related anti-vaccine sentiment that
should validate the extent to which website information does, in is potentially dangerous to the perceptions of risk and a willing-
fact, influence perceptions of vaccine safety, public willingness ness to get vaccinated. This challenge, we feel, can potentially be
to get vaccinated and other areas of patient safety. Given the mitigated using real-time web analytics. Current public health
amount of resources that companies, charitable organizations communication and education strategies can be complemented
and healthcare organizations are currently investing in viral by web analytics that identify and track anti-vaccine sentiment
advertising on the web, particularly on social networks, it is on the Internet. A collaborative counter-marketing model can be
likely to have some impact (Seeman 2008); but the exact extent supported by the type of real-time daily Internet tracking survey
of this impact is hard to assess beyond traditional metrics such described in this article (i.e., step A), making it possible – at a
as website hits and trends in site usage (e.g., Alexa.com). community, city, province, region, or country level – to monitor
There is some literature suggesting that people seek out the success of the collaborative counter-marketing strategy.
information that confirms their existing attitudes (Sunstein When, in a future pandemic, scarce public health resources need
2007); therefore, the impact of misinformation about the to be shifted rapidly to regions where anti-vaccination senti-
vaccine might be less than we think. Given the thousands of ment runs high, a method of collaborative counter-marketing,
websites being created every second, competition for public as described here, can provide the public with accurate risk
attention online is extremely challenging. Therefore, measures information, which should help to boost vaccination rates and
of engagement of the target population, rather than simple thereby enhance public safety.
website hits, are more valuable to assessing the impact of any
online healthcare intervention or information tool. The degree Acknowledgements
to which the public shares websites (our process in step B), The RIWI Corporation conducted the online survey for step
rather than website hits, is one such measure of engagement. A of this article without compensation, in the public interest.
Other measures of value include the degree to which poten- Bob Seeman, a director of RIWI, is the brother of Neil Seeman.
tial users of a website can become aware of its existence. Such The Health Strategy Innovation Cell is supported by a grant
measures might include the Google “footprint” for the website from the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.
of interest (“geo-located” to URLs for the target populations);
“in-links” to the website; and the extent to which the site is References
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Archives of Internal Medicine 165(22): 2618–24. Neil Seeman, JD, MPH, is a member of the Health Strategy
Innovation Cell, Massey College, at the University of Toronto,
Jefferson, T., A. Rivetti, A. Harnden, C. Di Pietrantonj and V. and the Department of Health Services Management, Ryerson
Demicheli. 2008. “Vaccines for Preventing Influenza in Healthy University, in Toronto, Ontario. You can contact him by phone
Children. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2: CD004879. at 416-205-9984, by fax at 416-352-5071 or by email at neil.
DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD004879.pub3. [email protected].
Mareiniss, D.P., J.M. Hirshon and B.C. Thibodeau. 2009. “Disaster
Planning: Potential Effects of an Influenza Pandemic on Community Alton Ing, BaSc, MaSc, is a member of the Health Strategy
Healthcare Resources.” American Journal of Disaster Medicine 4(3): Innovation Cell, Massey College, at the University of Toronto.
163–71. Carlos Rizo, MD, is a member of the Health Strategy
Maurer, J., L. Uscher-Pines and K.M. Harris. 2010. “Perceived Innovation Cell, Massey College, at the University of Toronto.
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Appendix 1. Most discussed 20 search results about the H1N1’s vaccine clinical safety (as of April 6, 2010)
Rank out of Top 20 ‘Chat Level’ Web Posting Describing URL Content Source Site and Context
(N = 17,392) (dB)
2 79 “Girl gets ‘Flu’ Shot & Now Can Only Walk Backwards http://www.youtube.com
… Experts claim serious side effects of flu shots [Video posted by freshtildeathonline on
amount to about one in a million – well this is what YouTube]
that one in a million looks like. This has freaked me
out enough to bypass flu shots in the future.”
5 73 “It was previously revealed that some batches of http://www.prisonplanet.com and aggregated
the vaccine will contain mercury, a toxin linked with at http://jimcorr.com
autism and neurological disorders. The vaccine will [Article titled “CDC Warns Neurologists to
also contain the dangerous ingredient squalene, Watch for Nerve Disease following Swine Flu
which has been directly linked with cases of Gulf War Shots”]
Syndrome and a host of other debilitating diseases.”
6 71 “Pregnant mothers are more [at] risk for H1N1 and http://informationisbeautiful.net
are more likely to be hospitalized.” [Article titled “Is the H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine
Safe? What if I’m Pregnant?”]
Rank out of Top 20 ‘Chat Level’ Web Posting Describing URL Content Source Site and Context
(N = 17,392) (dB)
Rank out of Top 20 ‘Chat Level’ Web Posting Describing URL Content Source Site and Context
(N = 17,392) (dB)
18 63 “If you have any of the conditions that put you at http://www.webmd.com
increased risk of severe H1N1 swine flu – pregnancy, [Article titled “Swine Flu FAQ”]
asthma, lung disease, diabetes, heart disease,
neurologic disease, immune suppression, or other
chronic conditions – it may be riskier for you to get
the flu than for other people.”