Prevalence of Dysmenorrhea Among Girl Students in A Medical College
Prevalence of Dysmenorrhea Among Girl Students in A Medical College
Prevalence of Dysmenorrhea Among Girl Students in A Medical College
Original Article
Abstract :
Menstruation is a phenomenon unique to the females. Dysmenorrhea is the most common and least understood and
addressed complaint. Prevalence of dysmenorrhea was found to be 54 % to 87%. Dysmenorrhea has its impact
on academic performance, college, sports and social activities of girls. But very few girls seek health care for this
problem. A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in a medical college attached to a tertiary care
hospital to find out prevalence of dysmenorrhea among medical college girl students, to study its impact on various
activities and to assess health care seeking behavior during dysmenorrhea.Allgirl students (first to final MBBS) from
a medical college who were willing to participate included in the study (N=150). Data was analyzed in
proportions, mean and standard deviation.Prevalence of dysmenorrhea was found to be high (66%).
Premenstrual syndrome was present among 44% girls. Nearly half of the girls reported dysmenorrhea every month
and among 1/3rdgirls intensity of pain of dysmenorrhea was severe. Common relieving factor was found to be rest.
45% girls reported absenteeism from colleges due to it. 87% girls reported limitations in various activities due to
IIIMBBS Student, 2Associate
dysmenorrhea. Only 1/3rd girls were seeking health care for dysmenorrhea. Maximum number of girls (89%)
Professor, Department of
Community Medicine,
reported 'no need of treatment' during dysmenorrhea. Hence it was concluded that dysmenorrhea was found to be
NKPSIMS & RC, Digdoh Hills, common problem.There is need to increase awareness among girls regarding importance of health care seeking
Hingana Road, Nagpur-440019. during dysmenorrhea. Keywords : Dysmenorrhea, Impact, Healthcare seeking.
PJMS- Volume 4 Number 1: Jan - June 2014
Original Article
menstrual cycle between 3-5 days and length of menstrual In most of the girls (68.75%) dysmenorrhea was relieved by
cycle between 28-32 days.18% girls reported excess and 7.34 rest and 27% girls were taking medicines for relief.86(87%)
% girls reported scanty blood flow during menstrual cycle. girls were having limitations due to dysmenorrhea (Fig. 2).
Out of total 150 students, 99 students reported
dysmenorrhea so prevalence of dysmenorrhea was found to Figure 2: Limitations due to dysmenorrhea (N=99)
be 66% (Fig. 1).
44% girls were having premenstrual syndrome. Irritability, Table 3: Limitations in various activities due to dysmenorrhea (N=86)
headache, constipation and nausea were common
complaints present during premenstrual syndrome. Out of Limitations due to Number %
total 99 girls, approximately half of the girls (n=49)were dysmenorrhea
suffering from dysmenorrhea every month. More than half Daily activities 50 58.14
(63%) of girls were having dysmenorrhea of moderate or Sports 16 18.60
severe intensity(Table 1). Academics 13 15.12
Socialisation 7 8.14
Table1: Frequency and intensity of dysmenorrhea(N=99) Total 86 100
Every month Most of the times Rarely Health care seeking behavior was found to be very poor and
Dysme- 49(49.49%) 26(26.26%) 24(24.24%) only 34% girls were seeking health care during
norrhea dysmenorrhea. Almost all girls (90%) reported no need of
Frequency Mild Moderate Severe treatment as a reason for not seeking health care.
of pain
Intensity 36(36.36%) 35(35.35%) 28(28.28%) Discussion:
of pain
In present study mean age of menarche was found
Out of total 99 girls with dysmenorrhea, 45 (45.45%) girls 12.98±1.44.Singh A et al (3) carried out study in 107 medical
h a v e re p o r t e d a b s e n t e e i s m i n c o l l e g e d u e t o college students and found mean age of menarche 12.5 ±1.52
dysmenorrhea.Among 45 girls who remained absent,25 girls years which is similar to the present study. Prevalence of
(55%) reported absenteeism from college for one or more dysmenorrhea was 66% in the present study. Few authors (1,
than one day (Table2). 5, 7) found prevalence of dysmenorrhea (85%,79.6%,83.2%
respectively) higher than the present study. SC Chan et al
Table 2: Duration of absenteeism from college (N=45) (6),Sharma P, et al(8) and Nabia Tariq et al(10) reported
similar prevalence (68.7%,67.2%,67%) like the present
Absenteeism Number % study.
Few periods 20 44.44 Premenstrual syndrome is a prevalent menstrual morbidity
among college girls next to dysmenorrhea. Premenstrual
1 Day 19 42.22 syndrome was reported by 44% girls. Sharma et al(8)reported
2 Days 3 6.67 premenstrual syndrome amongst 63.1% girls which is more
than the present study. Dysmenorrhea was the commonest
>2 Days 3 6.67 cause of college absenteeism of girls . It also caused
PJMS- Volume 4 Number 1: Jan - June 2014
Original Article