Overview of The Strategic Energy Conservation Plan: Objectives
Overview of The Strategic Energy Conservation Plan: Objectives
Overview of The Strategic Energy Conservation Plan: Objectives
The MEDA Strategic Energy Conservation Plan has been developed as a blueprint for energy
conservation activities in the State of Maharashtra, consistent with MEDA’s responsibilities as
the designated agency for the implementation of the Energy Conservation Act 2001 and the needs
to develop mechanisms to balance the State’s electricity supply and demand.
The major objectives of the Strategic Energy Conservation Plan are to:
• Achieve substantial reductions in energy consumption and peak loads
• Balance energy supply and demand with maximum resource efficiency and reduce power
• Create macro-economic and fiscal benefits to the state
• Implement cost-effective programs to enhance Energy Efficiency (EE) and Load
Management (LM)
• Provide consumer information and education
• Promote private sector activities for implementation of energy conservation programs
• Protect and enhance the local, national and global environment
• Reduce long-term cost of electricity
• Reduce capital requirements for capacity expansion
Energy Conservation Plan includes the following key elements:
To achieve the objectives of the Strategic Energy Conservation Plan, MEDA has developed and
will implement a set of proactive energy conservation programs. These programs will be
implemented in cooperation with relevant state government agencies and the private sector.
MEDA has developed the preliminary designs of 11 energy conservation programs, list of
program as follows