Indonesia: 1. Goals For Efficiency Improvement

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Compendium of Energy Efficiency Policies of APEC Economies Indonesia

1.1. Overall Energy Efficiency Improvement Goals
• The National Energy Conservation Master Plan (2005)—RIKEN (Rencana Induk
Konservasi Energi Nasional) states that Indonesia’s goal is to decrease energy
intensity by around 1% per year on average until 2025.
• The National Energy Management Blueprint—PEN (2006)1 explains that the goal of
RIKEN is to realise Indonesia’s energy saving potential through energy efficiency
and conservation (EE&C) measures, and thus avoid wasteful energy use in Indonesia.
Energy use is projected to increase rapidly under a base case to 41% of total primary
energy supply (TPES) in 2025, without RIKEN.
• The National Energy Policy (2006)2 states that Indonesia’s goal is to achieve energy
elasticity of less than 1 in 2025.Note: energy elasticity is defined, in this case, as the
rate of change of total primary energy supply, over the rate of change of GDP.
1.2. Sectoral Energy Efficiency Improvement Goals
RIKEN identified sectoral energy saving potential as follows:
• Industry sector (for select industries)—15% to 30%
• Commercial building sector—electricity savings of 25%
• Residential sector—10% to 30%.
1.3. Action Plans for Promoting Energy Efficiency
a) Objectives
The principle objective of Indonesia’s energy conservation program is ‘to conserve natural
energy resources and increase resilience in energy supply to support sustainable
b) Applicable sectors
Industry, commercial buildings and households, as well as buildings and vehicles of
government departments and agencies, regional governments, and state-owned enterprises
c) Outline
Energy programs:
• Mandatory energy conservation of government office buildings: Government
departments and agencies and regional governments are mandated to implement best-
practice energy saving measures as explained in the government’s guidelines and
directives on energy saving in government buildings, and are mandated to report their
monthly energy use in buildings to the National Team on Energy and Water
Efficiency every six-months.4
• State-owned energy service company (ESCO): The state-owned ESCO (established in
1986) is expected to take a leading role in providing energy conservation related
services, particularly to industry. The government expects its ESCO to maintain

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (2005), Blueprint Pengelolaan Energi Nasional (PEN) 2006-2025, in
accordance with Presidential Regulation No. 5/2006 regarding National Energy Policy.
Presidential Regulation No.5/2006 regarding National Energy Policy.
Chapter 2, Article 2 – Presidential Decree (KEPRES) No. 43/1991 regarding Energy Conservation.
Presidential Decree No. 2/2008 on Energy and Water Efficiency.

Compendium of Energy Efficiency Policies of APEC Economies Indonesia

forefront expertise in the field of energy efficiency and conservation in Indonesia, and
to encourage a greater role for private-sector ESCOs in the future.5
• Public—Private Partnership Program on Energy Conservation: The Partnership
Program on Energy Conservation is a government-funded energy audit program that
is available to industries and commercial buildings. Participating industries and
commercial buildings are required to implement the recommended energy saving
measures identified in the energy audit.
• The Energy Conservation Clearinghouse was created for the purpose of data and
information exchange on energy efficiency and conservation, particularly for the
industry sector and commercial buildings.
• Energy benchmark and best practice guide for specific industrial energy use, and
energy use in commercial buildings.
• Energy Labelling
Indonesia’s energy labelling program began in
1999. A dual energy rating system was
considered for electrical appliances, initially for
refrigerators. The energy labelling system
design shows: (1) information about the kWh
per year energy consumption of a product and
its relative position on a line from the lowest to
highest case of kWh per year of similar
products in the market (Indonesia), and (2) an
energy consumption star rating—of four
stars—that shows the product’s energy
efficiency rank, relative to similar products in
the market (Indonesia) at the time of
This energy labelling system was
discontinued, however, to be replaced by a
new energy labelling system and design.
A new energy labelling system is currently
being developed. The design will provide
information on: (1) the absolute energy
efficiency or performance of a product; and
(2) an energy efficiency star rating of four
stars. The star rating is to be assigned by an
independent and accredited test facility that
tested the product. The new energy label
design is shown (right). It shows an example
for the case of an energy label for compact
fluorescent lamps—CFLs; the energy label
provides information on the lumens produced per watt.
• BRESL: To remove barriers in implementing energy standards and labelling (ES&L),
Indonesia is currently participating in a UNDP-GEF project: Barrier removal to the
cost effective development and implementation of energy efficiency standards and
labelling project—BRESL. The program involves six developing economies of Asia.
BRESL has five major programs in promoting ES&L. The programs are: (1) policy
making, (2) capacity building, (3) manufacture support, (4) regional cooperation, and

DJLPE (2009).
CLASP (2008).

Compendium of Energy Efficiency Policies of APEC Economies Indonesia

(5) pilot projects.7

• Energy efficient lighting program in the residential sector: The lighting program in
the residential sector is primarily demand-side management (DSM), in addition to
energy savings. There are two lighting programs. They are: (1) the Caring Program
(Program Perduli)—a program of the state owned electricity company—PLN and (2)
Brightness Program (Program Terang)—a government program. The programs
provide subsidised, and in certain cases, free CFLs to eligible households.
• Energy Awards: Indonesia is an active participant in the ASEAN Energy Award
program, specifically the Best Practice Competition for Energy Efficient Buildings
and Best Practice Competition for Energy Management in Buildings and Industries.
Indonesia has won several awards in these programs.
d) Financial resources and budget allocation
An annual government budget is allocated for energy conservation programs and R&D. The
government budget for the Energy Conservation Partnership Program—energy audit was
USD 400 000 in FY2009.
e) Method for monitoring and measuring effects of action plans
Energy consumption data is obtained on a regular basis by the Central Statistical Agency—
BPS. Moreover, the government has specific programs for data collecting. Data on energy
intensity is collected through programs such as the partnership program organised by the
Directorate General of Electricity and Energy Utilization. As at 2009, around 292 industries
and commercial buildings had been audited in the program. Data on energy use in buildings
of government departments and agencies and regional governments is obtained regularly.
Voluntary reporting within the activities of the Energy Conservation Clearinghouse provides
further information and data on the effect of measures.
f) Expected results
Indonesia’s energy conservation program expects to realise the potential energy savings
identified in RIKEN, which was based on energy efficiency studies and energy audits.
g) Future tasks
On 16 November 2009, the government issued Governmental Regulation No. 70/2009
regarding Energy Conservation. It is the implementing legislation on energy conservation
with regard to the Energy Law. The Governmental Regulation No. 70/2009 calls for:
• Drafting and adoption of a new National Energy Conservation Master Plan—RIKEN
(Rencana Induk Konservasi Energi Nasional), which is to be updated every five
years, or annually, as required
• Mandatory assignment of an energy manager, to implement energy auditing, and
energy conservation program for users of final energy of more than 6000 tonnes of oil
• Voluntary energy efficiency standards and energy labelling
• Implementing government incentives, which includes tax exemption and fiscal
incentives on imports of energy saving equipment and appliances, and special low
interest rates on investments in energy conservation
• Implement government disincentives for non-compliance parties that include written
notices to comply, public announcements of non-compliance, monetary fines, and
reductions of energy supply.

Han Wei, UNDP-GEF (2009).

Compendium of Energy Efficiency Policies of APEC Economies Indonesia

1.4. Institutional Structure

Under the Energy Law, energy policies are formulated by the National Energy Council—DEN
(Dewan Energy Nasional), established in 2008. DEN consists of stakeholders of energy that
includes seven ministers and high-rank government officials, and eight stakeholder members
from industry, academia, technology experts, representative of environmental concerns, and
Presidential Decree No. 43/1991 mandates relevant government departments and agencies to
coordinate in issuing government rulings and to develop programs within their respective
jurisdictions and regulatory roles8. Ministerial coordination is relevant in the implementation
of incentives and disincentives for energy conservation.
The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is responsible for implementing energy
efficiency and conservation programs. The regional governments are responsible for
implementing energy efficiency/conservation programs within their jurisdiction in the
a) Name of organisation
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR), Directorate General of Electricity and
Energy Utilization (DGEEU), Directorate of New Renewable Energy and Energy
Conservation, and the Sub-Directorate of Energy Conservation
The following refers to the Sub-Directorate of Energy Conservation:
b) Status of organisation
c) Role and responsibility
To develop energy conservation programs and to implement energy conservation
d) Covered sectors
Industry, transport, commercial sector, and the residential sector
e) Established dates
The Directorate General of Electricity and Energy Utilization, formerly the Directorate
General of Power, and its Sub-Directorates, was established in 1978
f) Number of staff
The Sub-Directorate of Energy Conservation has about 12 permanent government officials
and administrative staff members
1.5. Information Dissemination, Awareness-raising and Capacity-building
a) Information collection and dissemination
The Clearing House of Energy Conservation (CHEC) is the centre for data and information
related to energy efficiency and conservation activities. However the operation of the CHEC
is still inadequate because of limited capacity. The Government of Indonesia, assisted by
Danida, are cooperating with the CHEC.
b) Awareness-raising
The ‘National Energy Efficiency Movement’ implemented by the Ministry of Energy and
Mineral Resources promotes energy conservation awareness through seminars and
workshops, talk shows, public advertisements, brochures and leaflets; it is directed to
households, specific industries and transport. The state-owned electricity company PLN

Presidential Decree (KEPRES) No. 43/1991 on Energy Conservation.

Compendium of Energy Efficiency Policies of APEC Economies Indonesia

promotes energy conservation in electricity use. Other institutions that promote awareness
include the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT).
c) Capacity-building
Formal training of energy managers and the accreditation of energy managers is being
developed. Training is given to government officials responsible for mandatory energy
savings and reporting of energy use in government office buildings. Voluntary capacity
building on energy efficiency in industry and commercial buildings is being implemented.
The Centre of Education and Training on Electricity and Renewable Energy within the
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources actively organises training related to energy
efficiency and conservation activities. The centre is also responsible for training energy
managers and energy auditors.
1.6. Research and Development in Energy Efficiency and Conservation
The Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) had developed an energy
audit mobile unit, for energy auditing and assessment of energy efficiency in industrial energy
use and energy use in commercial buildings. The Centre of Education and Training on
Electricity and Renewable Energy conducts testing of compact fluorescent lamps.


2.1. Government Laws, Decrees, Acts
a) Name
Republic of Indonesia, Law No. 30/2007 regarding Energy (The Energy Law)
b) Purpose
The Energy Law is the legally binding legislation on energy, including energy conservation.
c) Applicable sectors
All sectors of the economy, government departments and agencies, and regional governments
d) Outline
The Energy Law outlines the economy’s philosophy on the management of energy resources,
the environment and energy, energy conservation, energy pricing, international cooperation,
institutional aspects with regard to formulation of energy policy, business in energy, and rights
and responsibilities.
e) Financial resources and budget allocation
Sourced from the Government budget
f) Expected results
Under Energy Law No. 30/2007, Indonesia will draft a new National Energy Policy and a new
National Energy Conservation Master Plan (RIKEN) and implement measures under
Governmental Regulation No. 70/2009 regarding Energy Conservation.
2.2. Regulatory Measures
On 16 November 2009, the government issued Governmental Regulation (Peraturan
Pemerintah) No. 70/2009 on Energy Conservation, as called for by the Energy Law.
Regulatory measures addressed included:
• the formulation of a National Energy Conservation Master Plan (RIKEN, Rencana
Induk Konservasi Energi Nasional), which is to be updated every five years, or
annually, as required

Compendium of Energy Efficiency Policies of APEC Economies Indonesia

• the mandatory assignment of an energy manager, energy auditing, and the

implementation of an energy conservation program for users of final energy of
6000 toe (tonnes of oil equivalent) or more
• mandatory energy-efficiency standards and energy labelling
• the implementation of government incentives, including tax exemptions and fiscal
incentives for imports of energy-saving equipment and appliances, and special low
interest rates for investments in energy conservation
• the implementation of government disincentives, including written notices to comply,
public announcements of noncompliance, monetary fines, and reductions in energy
supply for noncompliance.
At the time of writing, the government was drafting specific rulings and regulatory
frameworks to implement Governmental Regulation No. 70/2009 regarding Energy
Conservation in Indonesia.
Regulations on energy conservation that were issued prior to the Energy Law that may still
apply or provisionally apply include:
• Presidential Instruction No. 9/1982 on Energy Conservation (in government
departments and agencies, and state owned enterprise office buildings and official
• Presidential Decree No. 43/1991 on Energy Conservation.
This Presidential Decree calls for inter-ministerial coordination on policies and
programs on energy conservation that includes, policy on investment, funding of
energy conservation programs and pricing of energy in relation to achieving energy
conservation goals. The contents of this regulation appear in Government Regulation
No. 70/2009.
• Ministerial Decree No. 100.k/48/M.PE/1995 National Energy Conservation Master
Plan (RIKEN) and revision in 2005. RIKEN was revised in 2005. RIKEN is an
economy-wide plan on energy conservation.
• Ministerial Decree No. 0002/2004 regarding Development Policy on Renewable
Energy and Energy Conservation - The Green Energy Policy. The Green Energy
Policy is an economy-wide policy.
• Presidential Instruction No. 10/2005 regarding Energy Saving (for government
and regional government office buildings).
• Ministerial Regulation No. 0031/2005 regarding Process of Energy Saving,
which is the guidelines of implementation of Presidential Instruction No.
• Presidential Regulation No. 5/2006 regarding National Energy Policy.
• Blueprint National Energy Management 2008 – (Blueprint Pengelolaan Energi
Nasional – Blueprint PEN) revises the National Energy Policy of Presidential
Regulation No. 5/2006. Blueprint PEN elaborates on the energy policy, including on
energy conservation.
• Presidential Instruction No. 2/2008 regarding Conservation of Energy and Water as
revised version of Presidential Decree No. 10/2005 on Energy Efficiency. Under the
Instruction, government agencies should report energy and water use twice a year.
2.2.1. Minimum Energy Performance Standards and Labelling
a) Name
Indonesia has some minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) for electrical appliances
based on the Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) and other technical standards on energy
performance testing standards (EPTS) for electrical appliances.

Compendium of Energy Efficiency Policies of APEC Economies Indonesia

b) Purpose
To specify the general requirements for energy labelling and to improve energy efficiency and
c) Applicable sectors
Appliances, lighting and equipment

Table 1: MEPS and EPTS

Product EPTS
1. Ballast (magnetic) SNI IEC 60929-2009
2. Fluorescent lamps SNI IEC 60901-2009
3. Incandescent lamps SNI IEC 60432-1-2009
4. Room air conditioners—split type ISO 5151
5. Room air conditioners—window ISO 5151
6. Household refrigerators SNI IEC 15502-2009
7. Clothes washers SNI IEC 60456-2009
8. Electric irons SNI IEC 60311-2009
9. Vacuum cleaner SNI IEC 60312-2009

d) Outline
SNI is drafted and registered under the strict system and guidelines of the National
Standardization Agency (Badan Standardisasi Nasional—BSN). Additional energy standards
on electrical appliances are being developed.
2.2.2. Building Energy Codes
Government Regulation No. 36/2005 explains that under Law No. 28/2002 on Buildings all
buildings must comply with existing standards. Indonesia has four energy standards (SNI) for
buildings, the standards cover: (1) the building envelope, (2) air conditioning, (3) lighting,
and (4) building energy auditing. Energy building standards have yet to be mandated.
However, voluntarily energy conservation and efficiency measures in commercial buildings
are widely implemented.
a) Name
SNI for buildings
b) Purpose
To improve energy efficiency performance of existing and new buildings and structures
c) Applicable sectors
Residential and commercial
d) Outline
The standards outline:
• building envelope: design criteria, design procedures, energy conservation
• air conditioning systems: technical calculation, selection, measurement and
assessment, energy conservation
• lighting systems: lighting guidelines for optimal and efficient operation
• energy audit procedure: energy audit procedures for offices, hotels, shopping centres,
hospitals, apartments and residences.
The standards also provide recommendations that take into account productivity, comfort and
Compendium of Energy Efficiency Policies of APEC Economies Indonesia

Table 2: SNI for Buildings

1. SNI 03-6389-2000 Energy conservation for building envelope of building structures
(Konservasi energy selubung bangunan pada bangunan gedung)
2. SNI 03-6390-2000 Energy conservation for air conditioning systems in building
(Konservasi energy system tata udara pada bangunan gedung)
3. SNI 03-6197-2000 Energy conservation for lighting systems in building structures
(Konservasi energy system pencahayaan pada bangunan sedung)
4. SNI 03-6196-2000 Energy auditing procedure for building structures
(Prosedur audit energy pada bangunan gedung)
e) Financial resources and budget allocation
Funding from the Government budget and international donor agencies
f) Expected results
The construction of more efficient buildings and improved efficiency of existing buildings
(through retrofit)
2.2.3. Fuel Efficiency Standards
Indonesia currently does not have minimum fuel efficiency standards; however, fuel
efficiency standards are expected to be implemented in the near future, as they were
confirmed at COP-15 in December 2009.
Current emissions standards are equivalent to Euro II, implemented in 2006. Indonesia
expects to advance to Euro IV-equivalent emission standards by 2012. The state-owned oil
company Pertamina is working on plans to upgrade their refineries to produce Euro IV
compliant gasoline. The refinery upgrading projects are expected to be completed during
2.3. Voluntary Measures
Voluntary energy savings and conservation measures are being implemented by industry and
commercial buildings that involve commercial financing. This implementation had involved
energy intensive industries such as the fertiliser, cement, pulp and paper and steel industries.
Commercial buildings have implemented various EE&C measures including installation of
automated building energy management.
2.4. Financial Measures Taken by the Government
2.4.1. Tax Scheme
The government currently does not have a tax scheme, such as tax deductions, in relation to
investments in energy efficiency and conservation.
2.4.2. Low-Interest Loans
The government currently does not have low-interest loans for investments in energy
efficiency and conservation measures, devices and equipment to reduce and conserve energy
2.4.3. Subsidies and Budgetary Measures
Government subsidies and budgetary measures are provided for energy conservation
programs such as the (1) partnership program on energy conservation in energy auditing, (2)
the lighting program—for eligible households in relation to demand-side management (DSM)
programs and saving energy, (3) BRESL, and (4) other programs such as for information

Compendium of Energy Efficiency Policies of APEC Economies Indonesia

2.4.4. Other Incentives

In accordance with the action plan (Governmental Regulation No. 70/2009), the government
is expected to introduce government incentives that include tax exemption and fiscal
incentives on imports of energy saving equipment and appliances, and special low interest
rates on investments in energy conservation in the near future.
2.5. Energy Pricing
The government seeks to gradually remove energy subsidies. However, substantial
government subsidies continue to be applied with regard to: lower octane gasoline (RON 88
octane), which is the gasoline grade most consumed in Indonesia; diesel fuel for transport;
kerosene for households, as the government is expanding the kerosene-to-LPG conversion
program in households; and subsidies to certain classes of electricity of low capacity supply
contracts in households and small businesses, this group constitute a large share of electricity
demand. Direct government subsidies on fuels could total more than USD 6 billion, in 2010.
2.6. Other Efforts for Energy Efficiency Improvements
2.6.1. Cooperation with Non-Government Organisations
Non-government organisations (NGOs) are actively involved in the development of energy
efficiency actions that could be considered as contributing to the general conservation of
fossil energy use.
2.6.2. Cooperation through Bilateral, Regional and Multilateral Schemes
Examples of notable ongoing cooperation in energy efficiency and conservation are: (1)
Indonesia-JICA (Japan): Study on Energy Conservation and Efficiency Improvement in the
Republic of Indonesia; (2) Indonesia—Denmark: Energy Efficiency in Industrial,
Commercial, and Public Sector (EINCOPS); (3) Indonesia—UNDP/GEF: Barrier Removal to
the Cost-Effective Development and Implementation of Energy Efficiency Standards and
Labelling (BRESL); (4) Indonesia—the Netherlands: Energy Efficiency Improvement in
Industry; (5) Indonesia—ASEAN: Promotion of Energy Efficiency and Conservation; (6)
Indonesia-UNIDO: Promoting Energy Efficiency in the Industries through System
Optimization and Energy Management Standard.
2.6.3. Other Cooperation/Efforts for Energy Efficiency Improvements
Indonesia is considering hosting the APEC—Energy Working Group (EWG) Peer Review on
Energy Efficiency.

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (DESDM), Blueprint Pengelolaan Energi
Nasional 2006-2025, in accordance with Presidential Regulation No.
Directorate General of Electricity and Energy Utilization (DJLPE),
Clearinghouse Energi Terbarukan & Konservasi Energy, Konservasi Energi,
Badan Pembina Hukum Nasional (BPHN), Pusat Jaringan Dokumentasi dan Informasi
Hukum (JDIH) Nasional.
Presidential Instruction (Instruksi Presiden - INPRES) No. 9/1982 regarding Energy
Conservation; Presidential Decree (Keputusan Presiden –KEPRES) No. 43/1991 regarding
Energy Conservation; Presidential Instruction (INPRES) No. 10/2005 regarding Energy
Savings, Presidential Instruction (INPRES) No. 2/2008 regarding Energy and Water

Compendium of Energy Efficiency Policies of APEC Economies Indonesia

CLASP, Energy Efficiency Standards & Labelling Information Clearinghouse, Standards &
Labelling Program Summary Worldwide, Refrigerators – Indonesia,
Han Wei (2009), Barrier removal to the cost-effective development and implementation of
energy efficiency standards and labelling (BRESL), UNDP-GEF (2009).


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