Design and Implementation of A Smart Health Band For The Measurement of Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate and Body Temperature

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Design and Implementation of a Smart Health Band for the

Measurement of Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate and Body Temperature
Md. Hasibur Rahman1, Md. Rabiul Islam2 and Mohiuddin Ahmad3
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology
Khulna-9203, Bangladesh

Email: [email protected][email protected] DQG [email protected]

Abstract - In this paper an automated smart health band As an important indicator for reflecting physiological
which can measure blood pressure, body temperature and pulse parameters like the heart's ability to pump, vascular resistance,
rate at a same time of human body is presented. It uses Arduino blood viscosity and blood volume, the blood pressure has
Uno which contain a microcontroller as a controller unit. Firstly played an important role in the clinical and health care [2]. The
the tiny signal which is detected by pressure sensor is amplified by
medicare test equipment tend to be used personally, just like the
an instrument amplifier, then the amplified signal will be divided
into cuff-pressure oscillation signal (AC) and cuff pressure signal typical home-care sphygmomanometer. Currently, the
(DC). Operational amplifier (op-amp) is used for filtering and mercurial sphygmomanometer is commonly employed,
amplification of the signal. The filtered and amplified signal will however, it is not so easy for the common people,
be sampled by ADC module of microcontroller. From which AC especially for the old. Previously, the people have to go to
and DC voltage series will be the output. By oscillometric method, hospital for testing the blood pressure, of course that is not so
systolic pressure and diastolic pressure can be calculated out. convenient. So the sphygmomanometer with merits of precise
Secondly by sensing the signal of pulse sensor, pulse rate can be measurement, easy operation and portability is conducive to
detected. Thirdly, temperature signal from the human body is discover and identify blood-pressure disease and get
collected through the digital temperature sensor. These signals are
treatment by the patients from the doctors as soon as possible
sent to the microcontroller of Arduino Uno and calibrated into
degree Fahrenheit. All these output from health band as blood whenever it is necessary. By using the indirect approach to
pressure, pulse rate and body temperature are displayed into the measure the blood pressure, the electronic sphygmomanometer
LCD. The automated digital health band works quite well when is based on the fact that it is portable and convenient, making
compared with conventional measurement methods of blood up for the weaknesses of the mercurial sphygmomanometer [3].
pressure, body temperature and pulse rate. In the consideration of the oscillography, filtering method,
algorithm and the appropriate sensor, here employs the
Keywords - Arduino UNO, Pressure Sensor, Blood Pressure,
Heart Rate, Body Temperature, Signal Amplification, Filtering, oscillography to test the system parameters of arterial pressure
Signal Extraction [4].

Heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature are three
important factors for monitoring a person’s health condition. In
order to measure all these factors with great efficiency for
health care, a smart health-band has been designed.
It is very important to get the accurate blood pressure of the Body
patients for the diagnostic purpose. Among the routine Blood Pressure Multiplex Temperature
Measurement all the Measurement
physical checks done by the people themselves, the
monitoring of the blood pressure is also an essential item. 3 (three)
During the time of conventional measurement process cuff output
pressure is analyzed through a specific sound named as
Korotkoff sound [1] by the stethoscopic methods. But the
mercury in the mercury sphygmomanometer has potential Final
threaten to health and environment, the mercury sphygmom- Output in
LCD of
anometer must be operated by health care workers and the Health
measurement result is affected by operators. But in oscillation Pulse Rate
method except the use of pressure cuff there is no need to use
microphones or stethoscope or transducer. So the subject or any
normal people can easily measure blood pressure of the human
Fig. 1 Proposed System of Smart Health Band
body at any time in any place.


Just like blood pressure, heart rate is an important factor for Here doctor use a stethoscope in order to listen the sound of the
the people. Sometimes heartbeat goes very high and sometimes artery of the patient’s arm. When begins, air pump starts
goes very low. Low heartbeat is one of the main reasons for pumping above the systolic value of pressure. In this time,
heart attack. For this it is necessary to measure heartbeat. There nothing can be heard from the stethoscope. When pressure is
are some techniques available for the measurement of heartbeat. released slowly, at a certain point doctor can hear a sound which
Here the prototype designed for blood pressure will also able to is mainly heart beats sound. At this point, the arm cuff pressure
be measure of heartbeat. is the pressure of patient’s systolic pressure. When pressure
Normally it is used mercury thermometer for the check-up continuously releases again, with another characteristics will
of body temperature. The readings taken from the mercury continuously hear a sound [6]. This time the indicated pressure
thermometer is analog in nature and sometimes it doesn’t is the diastolic pressure of the arm cuff. And after this value, if
function properly. Moreover readings can’t be easily detected. pressure further decreases, there will be no sound appear into
This paper presents a smart health band design based on the stethoscope.
Arduino which can indicate systolic & diastolic pressure in Here in order to perform the measurement of blood
mmHg, pulse rate per minute and body temperature in degree pressure, oscillometric measurement method has been
Fahrenheit [5]. The oscillometric sphygmomanometer is very employed. First the pressure cuff will be pumped around 160
convenient for nonprofessional users who want to monitor mmHg pressure on an average which is above the systolic
their blood pressure at home. It is convenient and easy to pressure. Then the air of the cuff is continuously released so the
operate for those people who need to perform a daily self- pressure of the cuff is decreased in a controlled rate. When air
examination of body. is slowly released from the cuff, we will measure the oscillation
Here Section I describe the whole paper. Section II shows of the cuff through the pressure sensor and filtering circuit [7].
the system principle. Section III & IV describes the hardware When pulsation is started, the systolic pressure of the arm is
and software design for the whole paper respectively. Section recorded. Here in order to record systolic and diastolic pressure,
V describes the final output of the proposed method and the we will use Microcontroller Unit (MCU) to detect those two
comparison with the other methods. Finally section VI points. Again the arm cuff pressure is deflated slowly. When
concludes the paper. oscillation begins to disappear, that is the diastolic pressure and
this point is recorded.
A. How Blood Pressure is Measured

Start Temperature Pulse

Button Sensor Sensor

Air Pump
in LCD
Fig. 3 Measuring of BP by Oscillation Detection

B. How Pulse Rate is Measured

Pulse rate is the rate of circulation of blood from the heart
of the body. It is necessary to check regular pulse of body to
cuff estimate the body’s regular condition. There are several
techniques available for the measurement of pulse rate. Here to
measure the pulse rate a pulse sensor has been used. The sensor
has a small led which is used for the measurement of light.
Pressure Filtering
Sensor Circuit
When a finger is put on the led it sends signals to the
microcontroller. According to the signal it calculates and gives
the result in display.
Fig. 2 Schematic diagram of digital health band structure
C. How Body Temperature is Measured
During the measurement of a person blood pressure, the Normally body temperature is measured through mercury
doctor put the cuff onto the arm and pump the air to the cuff. thermometer. But it is analog in nature. There is a difficulty to
When pumping reach a certain pressure, he will stop pumping. measure the readings. Mercury is very harmful to our body. If


it breaks it could go into our stomach which could kill ߱௖ଵ ߱௖ଶ ݆߱
ourselves. For this digital temperature sensor is used to measure ൌ െ ൬ ൰൬ ൰൬ ൰ ሺͳሻ
݆߱ ൅ ߱௖ଵ ݆߱ ൅ ߱௖ଶ ߱௖ଷ
the body temperature which is merged with the cuff of the blood Where
pressure machine. It senses the temperature and sends the signal ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ ͳ
into the microcontroller. It analyses the signal and calibrate it ߱௖ଵ ൌ ൌ ǡ ߱௖ଶ ൌ ൌ ܽ݊݀߱௖ଷ ൌ ൌ
into degree Fahrenheit. Finally gives the output into the LCD. ߬ଵ ܴଵ ‫ܥ‬ଵ ߬ଶ ܴଶ ‫ܥ‬ଶ ߬ଷ ܴଶ ‫ܥ‬ଵ


A. Pressure Sensor
In order to sense the pressure of the arm cuff, it is used
pressure sensor MPX5050GP as pressure transducer which is
the most important for the design of digital health band. When
pressure is applied to the pressure cuff a voltage is the output
which is the proportional to the input pressure. One side of the
pressure sensor is connected to the pressure cuff and data pins
are connected to the microcontroller of the Arduino Uno. So the
difference between the pressure of the arm cuff and room air
pressure is directly proportional to the output voltage [8].

B. Filter Design
In our model we designed a band pass filter where we have
been used an operational amplifier (op-amp) as LM324. We
have also required some resistors and capacitors to make the Fig. 5 First Band Pass Filter Design
filter. We designed an equation for calculating the frequency of
the filter as well as to calculate the gain of the band pass filter. First Band-pass filter:
The lower frequency cutoff is
݂௟௢௪ ൌ ൌ ͲǤ͵͵ͺ‫ܪ‬ ሺʹሻ
ʹߨ ൈ Ͷ͹ߤ‫ ܨ‬ൈ ͳͲ‫ܭ‬ȳ
The higher frequency cutoff is
݂௛௜௚௛ ൌ ൌ ͸Ǥ͸͵ͳ‫ݖܪ‬ሺ͵ሻ
ʹߨ ൈ ʹͲͲ݊‫ ܨ‬ൈ ͳʹͲ‫ܭ‬ȳ
The mid-band gain of the first filter is
‫ ܣ‬ൌ െ ൌ െͳʹ ሺͶሻ

Fig. 4 Band Pass Filter

ͳ ͳ
ܼଵ ሺ߱ሻ ൌ ܴଵ ȁȁሺ ሻܼܽ݊݀ଶ ሺ߱ሻ ൌ ܴଶ ൅  ሺ ሻ
݆߱‫ܥ‬ଵ ݆߱‫ܥ‬ଶ
So the transfer function is
ܼଶ ሺ߱ሻ ܴଶ ൅  ሺ ሻ
‫ܪ‬஻௉ ሺ݆߱ሻ ൌ െ ൌെ
ܼଵ ሺ߱ሻ ͳ
ܴଵ ȁȁሺ ሻ
ൌ െ
ͳ ͳ Fig. 6 Second Band Pass Filter Design
൬ܴଵ ൅ ൰ ൬ܴଶ ൅ ൰
݆߱‫ܥ‬ଵ ݆߱‫ܥ‬ଶ
݆ܴ߱ଶ ‫ܥ‬ଵ Second Band-pass filter:
ൌ െ The lower frequency cutoff is
ሺ݆ܴ߱ଵ ‫ܥ‬ଵ ൅ ͳሻሺ݆ܴ߱ଶ ‫ܥ‬ଶ ൅ ͳሻ
݆߱߬ଷ ͳ
ൌ െ ݂௟௢௪ ൌ ൌ ͲǤ͵͵ͺ‫ݖܪ‬ ሺͷሻ
ሺͳ ൅ ݆߱߬ଵ ሻሺͳ ൅ ݆߱߬ଶ ሻ ʹߨ ൈ Ͷ͹ߤ‫ ܨ‬ൈ ͳͲ‫ܭ‬ȳ


The higher frequency cutoff is IV. SOFTWARE DESIGN

ͳ A. Systolic Pressure Measurement
݂௛௜௚௛ ൌ ൌ ʹͳǤͻʹʹ‫ݖܪ‬ሺ͸ሻ When motor starts the pumping of the arm cuff about 160-
ʹߨ ൈ ʹʹ݊‫ ܨ‬ൈ ͵͵Ͳ‫ܭ‬ȳ
The mid-band gain of the first filter is 170 mmHg which is normally more higher value than the
͵͵Ͳ‫ܭ‬ȳ systolic pressure of a healthy and normal people, the solenoid
‫ ܣ‬ൌ െ ൌ െ͵͵ሺ͹ሻ
ͳͲ‫ܭ‬ȳ valve opens and cuff pressure starts decreasing. Then the
systolic measurement stage is reached. Firstly the program
Thus for the band-pass filter stage, the overall gain is 399.6. takes the signal from ADC0 pin of the microcontroller which
Combining this gain with the gain from the DC amplifier, the mainly gives AC part of the signal after filtering. When pressure
total AC gain for the circuit is ͺǤͷͳ ൈ ͳͲସ . releases into a certain value, it starts flow of the blood into the
arm. At this time oscillation changes which can be shown
B. For Pulse Rate through the oscilloscope. This level indicates the systolic
Photoplethysmography is process through which we can pressure of the body. In Fig. 8 we have seen the main flowchart
measure the change the volume of blood into the tissue of the of blood Pressure monitoring.
body. Heartbeat sensor works under the basis of this technique.
According to this principle, when light pass through the tissue
of the organ blood volume is changes with the change of the
intensity of light. Infrared Light Emitting Diode (LED) is used
as the main source of light for the heartbeat sensor and for the
AC voltages
detection purpose photo detector is used. It is normally used DC voltages
photo transistor or photo diode as Light Dependent Resistor
(LDR). By using these two detector, it can be possible to make Air Pump Inflation
a transmitter and a receiver sensor.
When using Transmissive sensor, the main source of light No
and the detector are placed face-to-face keeping a small Pressure
distance and the finger is placed inside between the transmitter Hg
and receiver. But for the reflective sensor, the main source of No
light and the detector are placed adjoin to each other. So the >160mm
finger is put front side of the reflective sensor [9]. Hg
C. For Temperature
The temperature sensor probes is attached with the Yes Exhaust fast
pressure sensor cuff through glue or tapes. Sensor senses the Calculating SP and DP
signal and sends it into the microcontroller. Microcontroller Exhaust slowly
receives the signal and calculates it into degree Celsius or
degree Fahrenheit.
Temperature sensor DS18B20 is normally waterproof and
pre-wired which is made of Teflon based cable as End
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). It is very light and works A/D sample
under the wet conditions. It is much expensive as it uses Teflon
cable than PVC cable on the basis of waterproofness. This
sensor can measure temperature up to 125 0C. So it can be used
for measurement of body temperature. As stainless steel is used,
it performs more satisfactory on salt-water or corrosive Data process
surroundings [10].
The output of the temperature sensor used here is digital,
but it does not change its output with the change of distances. Fig. 7 Flowchart for the Measurement of Blood Pressure
For a short and long cable of this sensor the temperature range
changes very little as ±0.5°C. When convert analog-to-digital it During programming, it has been put a threshold voltage
can give up to 12 bits of exactness. They can perform any about 4-5V for taking the AC part signal. When begins there is
microcontroller digital pin and multiple output can be taken no pulse appears into the oscilloscope and voltage is about 2-
from it. It can works satisfactorily with the supply of 3.0V- 2.5V constant. When pressure reach at the level of systolic
3.5V. state it begins the oscillation and increase slowly. For
measuring maximum levels above the threshold voltage a
counter has employed which count number of pulses in
oscillation. When the program finishes it counts with the range
of 4, it enters systolic calculation state. The DC voltage from
the pin of microcontroller ADC1 is recorded in this state.


Finally it converts the DC voltage into pressure at mmHg which C. Temperature and Pulse Rate Measurement
is the systolic pressure of the patient. During pulse rate measurement, when push button is
We can measure systolic pressure from the characteristics started, sensor takes the signal only for a few seconds. This
of pressure sensor and the gain of the DC amplifier from DC signal goes to the Arduino Uno and it calibrates the signal for a
voltage and ADC1 pin respectively. Now suppose that DC minute. Finally gives the output in per minute into the LCD.
voltage from ADC1 pin is DC_voltage and gain is DC_gain. Similarly for temperature measurement Arduino Uno takes
Then the differential voltage that comes out of the DC amplifier signal from the sensor. But it takes temperature for two minutes.
is calculated as It’s because temperature sensor takes some time to reach body
‫ܥܦ‬௩௢௟௧௔௚௘ temperature. After taking the signals it sends to the Arduino
‫ݎ݁ܿݑ݀ݏ݊ܽݎݐ‬௩௢௟௧௔௚௘ ൌ ሺͺሻ Uno and process it. After processing it gives the output into the
LCD at degree Celsius or degree Fahrenheit whenever
From the pressure transducers characteristic given in Fig. 2, we necessary. The flowchart for temperature and pulse rate
can calculate the pressure of the human body based on the measurement is shown below:
transducer voltage [7]. The slope of the oscillation detection
curve is calculated as V. OUTCOMES AND COMPARISON
‫ ݁݌݋݈ݏ‬ൌ ൌ ͺ ൈ ͳͲିସ ܸȀ‫ܹܭ‬ሺͻሻ The schematic of the final implemented project of digital
Thus, the pressure in the arm cuff in KPa unit can be expressed health band is:
‫݁ݎݑݏ݁ݎ݌‬௄௉௔ ൌ ሺͳͲሻ
Then we can convert the pressure to mmHg unit multiplying by
the value
Thus the pressure in the arm cuff at mmHg unit is expressed as
‫݁ݎݑݏݏ݁ݎ݌‬௠௠ு௚ ൌ ‫݁ݎݑݏݏ݁ݎ݌‬௄௉௔ ൈ ሺͳͳሻ
After the combination of all these conversion together the final
formula we obtained as for the measurement of DC voltage to
pressure in mmHg is
‫݁ݎݑݏݏ݁ݎ݌‬௠௠ு௚ ൌ ൈ ͻ͵͹ͷሺͳʹሻ

B. Diastolic Pressure Measurement

In the diastolic state the program is continuously take the
signal at every 40-45 milliseconds. As like the threshold level
of systolic pressure the threshold voltage for the diastolic
pressure is given. When the arm cuff pressure is releases
slowly, at a certain point oscillation starts decreasing, which is
the diastolic pressure of the body. Then when the magnitude of
DC value is gone under the threshold level, the DC value of the Fig. 8 Final Schematic of Digital Health Band
cuff is recorded. It is performed in every 2 seconds of the air
cuff. This recorded DC value then calibrated into pressure of During the time of measuring the cuff of the health band
mmHg as diastolic pressure which is described in the Systolic is put onto the upper portion of the arm. Meanwhile the push
Pressure Measurement section. button is started and cuff is pressurized by air. Then the
In the measurement of diastolic pressure it should be noted microcontroller of the Arduino Uno takes the signals and
that diastolic pressure is difficult and varies threshold level process it. It gives the blood pressure in mmHg into the display.
from person to person. For this, it is necessary to adjust the At the same time body temperature and pulse rate is measured
voltage threshold for the measurement of diastolic pressure that and gives the output in degree Fahrenheit and per minute
we obtain corresponds to the known value we usually get when simultaneously. In Fig. 8, S stands for systolic pressure in
we measure it using the available commercial product. When mmHg, D for diastolic pressure in mmHg, P for pulse rate per
program finishes calculating the diastolic pressure at mmHg, it minute and F for temperature in degree Fahrenheit.
gives the measurement result into the LCD along with the There is a necessary to check-up a person health condition
systolic pressure and other measurements. So the blood regularly. It can be measured with the analog blood pressure
pressure measurement is now finished. machine, which is bulky and heavy, mercury thermometer
which is very sensitive and mercury is very injurious to health
if it breaks and enter into the body and pulse rate check-up is
also important for health. It is sometimes necessary to measure


Table 1. Comparison between digital health band output and normal process output

Proposed Method Output Output by Physician

SP DP Heart rate Body SP DP Heart rate Body
(mmHg) (mmHg) (/min) temperature (mmHg) (mmHg) (/min) temperature
ሺԬሻ ሺԬሻ
S1 72 110 65 97.4 75 112 67 97.8

S2 77 118 69 97.6 77 120 70 98.2

S3 81 119 71 98.2 80 120 75 98.2

S4 83 122 75 98.6 83 125 73 98.8

S5 82 122 75 98.4 85 122 74 98.8

S6 87 127 77 98.2 92 130 80 98.4

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