4929 16355 1 PB
4929 16355 1 PB
4929 16355 1 PB
2460-4682 c Departemen Fisika FSains-ITS
I. INTRODUCTION mmHg per second by opening the valve on the pump or bulb.
Pressure cuff will be recorded electronically or by computer-
Blood pressure measurements commonly used today is still based process instrumentation. Oscillations range in cuff pres-
conventional, i.e. using sphygmomanometer and stethoscope. sure is 1-5 mmHg [5]. The maximum oscillation associated
This method requires high precision eye to see the mercury with the cuff pressure is proportional to the mean arterial pres-
in sphygmomanometer and ears to hear Korotkoff sounds sure (MAP) [6]. Determination systolic and diastolic deter-
(sounds generated from blood pressure) on the stethoscope mined by the specific ratios. The ratios before the maximum
[1]. So it takes a special ability or experts who are used to amplitude are used to compare a certain ratio to determine
perform blood pressure measurement. In addition, mercury is systolic, whereas the ratios after the maximum amplitude are
also to be inert, so it cannot rise or fall rapidly. Rounding mea- used to compare to another ratio to find the diastolic. Some
surement is sometimes also performed by the examiner based researchers and manufacturers obtain different ratios as the
on estimates. Whereas, accurate data are needed for further selection criteria: Arteta C. et al defines a standard for ratios
diagnosis. In addition, mercury also dangerous if the sphyg- as 50% and 70% [7], devices Cuff Link as 50% and 67% and
momanometer is leaking and the skin. Some countries have BP Pump as 54% and 59% [3], Oktavianto H. et al as 85% and
banned the use of mercury. Thus, electronic measurement is 55% [1], Moraes et al as 55,73% and 76,08% [8] for systolic
the right choice [2]. and diastolic respectively. So we know that the ratios which
will be different every system, for systolic 0.45-0.57 and dias-
The automatic digital BPM is commonly used in Indonesia tolic 0.69-0.89 [9].
nowadays. The automatic method most widely used nowa-
days is oscillometric method, which operates on the principle Oscillometric signal actually indicates contraction and re-
of monitoring the variation or oscillation of the pressure sig- laxation pressure of the heart rhythm that gives the change in
nal in an inflatable cuff tied around the arm. By analyzing blood pressure along the walls of blood vessels. Pulsation of
the signal, the values of systolic, diastolic and pulse rate are blood vessels pressure can be detected by the pressure sensor
determined [1]. While the cuff deflates from a level above or piezosensor. Piezoresistive sensor consists four piezore-
the systole pressure the artery walls start to vibrate or oscil- sistors on the sensor membrane. These piezoresistors are ar-
late as blood flows through the partially occluded artery [3]. ranged on a square membrane using the Wheatstones bridge
Frequency of the oscillation represents the frequency of heart principle (two transverse and two longitudinal piezoresistors).
beating [4]. The membrane will deform when subjected to pressure. This
The cuff pressure will be increased 20 mmHg to 30 mmHg membrane deformation will change the resistivity of piezore-
above systolic pressure and a reduced pressure of 2 to 3 sistor which affects the piezoresistors resistance and output
100 Ayu J. Puspitasari, dkk. / J.Fis. dan Apl., vol. 15, no. 3, hlm. 99-103, 2019
Fasilitas Kesehatan (BPFK) Surabaya using BPM calibrator with ratio of systolic and diastolic pressures were achieved
called BP Pump 2. BP Pump 2 is blood pressure monitor cal- 0.48 and 0.78, respectively. This BPM is working good, be-
ibrator. The principle is like a human heart simulator that can cause theres no error more than 20%. The average error of
generate static systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, and pulse systolic pressure was -4.38 mmHg (2.72%) whereas an aver-
rate. BP Pump 2 connected with the fabricated BPM and the age error of diastolic pressure was achieved at 0.10 mmHg
measurement data would be compared. Then error value is (5,55%). Meanwhile, pulse rate of the system has an average
determined by equation 1. From Table II, we know that that error of 4.48 bpm (6.07%).
preliminary data showed a good agreed because theres no er-
ror more than 20% [7]. The average error of systolic pressure
was -4.38 mmHg (2.72%) whereas an average error of dias-
tolic pressure was achieved at 0.10 mmHg (5,55%).
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