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Blood Pressure Monitor Design Using MPX5050GP

Pressure Sensor and Visual C# 2010 Express
Ayu Jati Puspitasari,1 Endarko*,2 dan Iim Fatimah2
Prodi Elektronika Instrumentasi, Jurusan Teknofisika Nuklir, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi
Nuklir, Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional, Jl. Babarsari PO BOX 6101 YKBB, 55281 Yogyakarta
Departemen Fisika, Fakultas Sains, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya (ITS)
Kampus ITS Keputih Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111
Blood pressure monitor (BPM) using oscillometric method with MPX5050GP pressure sensor has been suc-
cessfully fabricated and calibrated. Oscillometric method is measurement method to observe cuff pressure
oscillations. In this study, the oscillometric waveform measured by fabricated BPM used Arduino Uno which
processes pulse rate, systolic and diastolic pressures. Measurement results of pulse rate, systolic and diastolic
pressures will be displayed and recorded in application designed using Visual C# 2010 Express. Fabricated
BPM capable of measuring pulse rate and blood pressure in the range of 40-260 mmHg with ratio of systolic
and diastolic pressures were achieved 0.48 and 0.78, respectively. The system has an average error of systolic
pressure, diastolic pressure, and pulse rate were -4.38 mmHg (2.72%), 0.10 mmHg (5,55%), and 4.48 bpm
Keywords: blood pressure; MPX5050GP pressure sensor; oscillometric; pulse rate.

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

2460-4682 c Departemen Fisika FSains-ITS

I. INTRODUCTION mmHg per second by opening the valve on the pump or bulb.
Pressure cuff will be recorded electronically or by computer-
Blood pressure measurements commonly used today is still based process instrumentation. Oscillations range in cuff pres-
conventional, i.e. using sphygmomanometer and stethoscope. sure is 1-5 mmHg [5]. The maximum oscillation associated
This method requires high precision eye to see the mercury with the cuff pressure is proportional to the mean arterial pres-
in sphygmomanometer and ears to hear Korotkoff sounds sure (MAP) [6]. Determination systolic and diastolic deter-
(sounds generated from blood pressure) on the stethoscope mined by the specific ratios. The ratios before the maximum
[1]. So it takes a special ability or experts who are used to amplitude are used to compare a certain ratio to determine
perform blood pressure measurement. In addition, mercury is systolic, whereas the ratios after the maximum amplitude are
also to be inert, so it cannot rise or fall rapidly. Rounding mea- used to compare to another ratio to find the diastolic. Some
surement is sometimes also performed by the examiner based researchers and manufacturers obtain different ratios as the
on estimates. Whereas, accurate data are needed for further selection criteria: Arteta C. et al defines a standard for ratios
diagnosis. In addition, mercury also dangerous if the sphyg- as 50% and 70% [7], devices Cuff Link as 50% and 67% and
momanometer is leaking and the skin. Some countries have BP Pump as 54% and 59% [3], Oktavianto H. et al as 85% and
banned the use of mercury. Thus, electronic measurement is 55% [1], Moraes et al as 55,73% and 76,08% [8] for systolic
the right choice [2]. and diastolic respectively. So we know that the ratios which
will be different every system, for systolic 0.45-0.57 and dias-
The automatic digital BPM is commonly used in Indonesia tolic 0.69-0.89 [9].
nowadays. The automatic method most widely used nowa-
days is oscillometric method, which operates on the principle Oscillometric signal actually indicates contraction and re-
of monitoring the variation or oscillation of the pressure sig- laxation pressure of the heart rhythm that gives the change in
nal in an inflatable cuff tied around the arm. By analyzing blood pressure along the walls of blood vessels. Pulsation of
the signal, the values of systolic, diastolic and pulse rate are blood vessels pressure can be detected by the pressure sensor
determined [1]. While the cuff deflates from a level above or piezosensor. Piezoresistive sensor consists four piezore-
the systole pressure the artery walls start to vibrate or oscil- sistors on the sensor membrane. These piezoresistors are ar-
late as blood flows through the partially occluded artery [3]. ranged on a square membrane using the Wheatstones bridge
Frequency of the oscillation represents the frequency of heart principle (two transverse and two longitudinal piezoresistors).
beating [4]. The membrane will deform when subjected to pressure. This
The cuff pressure will be increased 20 mmHg to 30 mmHg membrane deformation will change the resistivity of piezore-
above systolic pressure and a reduced pressure of 2 to 3 sistor which affects the piezoresistors resistance and output
100 Ayu J. Puspitasari, dkk. / J.Fis. dan Apl., vol. 15, no. 3, hlm. 99-103, 2019

FIG. 1: (a) MPX5050GP pressure sensor’s basic circuit; (b)

oscillometric circuit.

voltage of sensor [10]. The pressure sensor used is the type

MPX5050GP are easily available in the market and this type is
gauge (not depends on the atmospheric pressure). The change
in pressure will then be recorded and processed by the Ar-
duino Uno.
The weakness of the existing blood pressure monitor
(BPM) is not able to record the measurement results based
on each user, it can only record based on time. Therefore,
a designed application that can display measurement results,
classify the results (low, high, or normal) based on the pa-
tients age, and save the results to user account will be made.
The users can make their account by name and birth date. FIG. 2: Fabricated BPM measurement flowchart.
Thus, only the account owner can access measurement re-
sults. Users can access their medical records at any time dur-
ing the measurement result has been saved. This application Oscillation signal amplifier circuit consists of several com-
was made using the software Microsoft Visual C # (C sharp) ponents such as op-amps LM324N, capacitors and resistors
2010 Express. are arranged as in Fig. 1(b). Filter consists of two series RC
to define two cut-off frequency. These are 4.83 Hz and 0.48
Hz [12].
Software Design
Hardware Design
There are 2 softwares that used in this study. These are the Ar-
The pressure sensor used is MPX5050GP with working pres- duino software and Microsoft Visual C # 2010 Express. The
sure range 0-50 kPa or 0-375 mmHg, sensitivity of 90 mV/kPa Arduino software is used to design the program to Arduino
or 12 mV/mmHg, and output voltage range between 0-5 V Uno which contains commands for controlling and process-
[11]. The sensor has a built in miniature Wheatstone bridge ing data from the measurement results of blood pressure and
and square membrane with 4 piezoresistors (2 transverse and pulse rate. While the Visual C # 2010 Express is used to make
2 longitudinal). The square membrane will be deformed when application that can display measurements, such as systolic,
pressurized [10]. diastolic, pulse rate, and also the result of the condition state-
There are 2 circuits to be designed. These are MPX5050GP ment (low, normal, or high) based on patients age. Fig. 2 is a
pressure sensors basic circuit and oscillometric circuit. Sen- picture showing the design of software using Visual C # 2010
sor must be assembled with other components to generate re- Express.
sources and filter output voltage accordingly. Basic circuit The cuff should be pumped up to 270 mmHg and then
MPX5050GP sensor can be seen in Fig. 1(a). Oscillomet- slowly open the valve cuff so that the cuff pressure will de-
ric circuit consists of an amplifier and high pass filter circuit. crease. When the cuff pressure of 260 mmHg, the Arduino
High pass filter is used to pass frequencies above 1 Hz which Uno will start recording and processing information received
is the frequency of the signal and restrict blood pressure cuff from the sensor. When the cuff pressure has reached 40
pressure signal is about 0.04 Hz [12]. mmHg, the measurement will be stopped so it will show the
Ayu J. Puspitasari, dkk. / J.Fis. dan Apl., vol. 15, no. 3, hlm. 99-103, 2019 101

FIG. 4: Oscillometric pressure curve.

FIG. 3: MPX5050GP pressure sensor response.

signal (Fig. 4) is an indication of the pulses. When the heart

results of measurements of blood pressure, pulse, and a de- is pumping, blood pressure will be higher. Changes in blood
scription of the condition of the measurement results. pressure is forming peaks on the oscillation signal. Therefore,
the oscillation signal has a frequency and a certain period.

III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Blood Pressure Ratio Determination

Because every system measurement has different ratios of
Hardware Testing MAP, the blood pressure ratios determination is needed. The
ratio of determining the systole and diastole values is changed
Hardware testing consists of pressure sensor testing and os- directly on prototype BPM program.These prototype mea-
cillometric circuit testing. Pressure sensor testing is to know surement resultis compared to calibrated OMRON SEM-1
the sensitivity and offset voltage of MPX5050GP pressure measurement results. The error value is obtained by equa-
sensor.The test used calibrated sphygmomanometer that con- tion 1. The ratio that produces the smallest error will be used
nected with the sensor. From the results of sensor testing, as the multiplier ratio of the peak value or MAP. Table I is the
the actual measured sensitivity of the pressure sensor obtained result of an average error blood pressure ratio testing.
from the slope of the line of sensor response (Fig.3) is 12.08 The smallest error for systolic ratio is 0.48 and diastolic
mV/mmHg. The offset voltage obtained from the test is 189 ratio is 0.78. These ratios will be used as a multiplier ratio of
mV. These values will be used to convert voltage value to pres- the highest peak (MAP) to determine systolic and diastolic
sure value on mmHg. peaks.
The second test was used to obtain and find out the oscil-
lometric signals produced by the both circuits (Fig. 1(a) and
1(b)). This test is carried out using a cuff looped on the arm. Software Testing
Pressure sensor and oscillometric circuit are connected. The
cuff is pumped until the voltage shows 3 V, then the cuff is Designed application is equipped with a sign-up process, lo-
deflated slowly. Both signal from these 2 circuits are recorded gin, form measurement, and measurement data record (Fig.5
using Arduino Uno, so that the Fig. 4 is obtained. to Fig.7). After measuring, the measurement result displayed
The output of the sensor consists of two signals; the oscil- with classification of condition systolic, diastolic, and pulse
lation signal ( 1 Hz) riding on the cuff pressure signal ( 0.04 rate (Fig.8). Users can save the result by clicking simpan data
Hz). Hence, a 2-pole high pass filter is designed to block the and see the record at storage form (Fig.9).
cuff pressure signal before the amplification of the oscillation Fabricated BPM Testing and Calibrating
signal. The filter consists of two RC networks which deter-
mine two cut-off frequencies, 4.8 Hz and 0.48 Hz. These two Program on Arduino is designed to record pumping and defla-
poles are chosen to make the oscillation signal is not distorted tion of the cuff. The program recorded data until 270 mmHg
or lost [12]. when pumping, then the array will be reset. When the valve is
The red graph on the left side (0-10 s) shows the voltage opened and the cuff deflated to a pressure of 260 mmHg, the
changes when pumping. After deflating, we will get the os- data began to be recorded again. The difference of 10 mmHg
cillation signal which is the result of amplifying and filtering is used as a valve opening lag time to avoid big noise or over-
of cuff pressure signal (blue signal). From these signals, we shoot. So, this fabricated BPM capable of measuring pulse
can determine systolic, diastolic, and pulse rate. Peaks at red rate and blood pressure in the range of 40-260 mmHg.
102 Ayu J. Puspitasari, dkk. / J.Fis. dan Apl., vol. 15, no. 3, hlm. 99-103, 2019

TABLE I: Blood pressure ratio testing.

No Systolic Systolic Diastolic Diastolic
Ratio Average Error (%) Ratio Average Error (%)

1 0,45 7,26 0,69 15,08

2 0,46 10,27 0,70 19,88
3 0,47 5,24 0,71 26,03
4 0,48 2,07 0,72 26,98 FIG. 8: Measurement result form.
5 0,49 8,62 0,73 12,74
6 0,50 8,03 0,74 39,73
7 0,51 3,27 0,75 30,63
8 0,52 7,06 0,76 36,26
9 0,53 2,30 0,77 34,66
10 0,54 6,65 0,78 10,53
11 0,55 9,60 0,79 43,47
12 0,56 10,63 0,80 23,63
13 0,57 5,95 0,81 24,69
14 - - 0,82 24,35
15 - - 0,83 21,16
16 - - 0,84 35,49
17 - - 0,85 44,22 FIG. 9: Measurement result database form.
18 - - 0,86 25,98
19 - - 0,87 32,09
20 - - 0,88 28,38
21 - - 0,89 11,71
Arduino Uno was programmed that the threshold level of
a valid pulse is set to be 1.75 V to eliminate noise or spike.
The Arduino Uno will ignore the signal for 450 ms to prevent
any false identification due to the presence of premature pulse
overshoot due to oscillation [12]. When the cuff pressure has
reached less than 40 mmHg, then array recording is stopped.
Fabricated BPM testing is used to determine the measure-
ment error. This test was conducted in Balai Pengamanan

TABLE II: Fabricated BPM calibrating.

BP Fabricated Average
FIG. 5: Designed login form.
No Condition Pump 2 BPM Deviation Error
Preset Result (%)

1 Systolic (mmHg) 120 120,17 0,17 0,14

Pulse (bpm) 80 84,00 4,00 5,00
Diastolic (mmHg) 80 90,50 10,50 13,13
2 Systolic (mmHg) 150 138,17 -11,83 7,89
Pulse (bpm) 80 82,83 2,83 3,54
Diastolic (mmHg) 100 102,17 2,17 2,17
3 Systolic (mmHg) 200 195,00 -5,00 2,50
Pulse (bpm) 80 85,67 5,67 7,08
Diastolic (mmHg) 150 150,00 0,00 0,00
FIG. 6: Designed user adding form.
4 Systolic (mmHg) 255 242,67 -12,33 4,84
Pulse (bpm) 80 90,33 10,33 12,92
Diastolic (mmHg) 195 176,83 -18,17 9,32
5 Systolic (mmHg) 60 58,00 -2,00 3,33
Pulse (bpm) 80 83,00 3,00 3,75
Diastolic (mmHg) 30 32,00 2,00 6,67
6 Systolic (mmHg) 80 80,00 0,00 0,00
Pulse (bpm) 80 78,67 -1,33 1,67
Diastolic (mmHg) 50 52,50 2,50 5,00
7 Systolic (mmHg) 100 100,33 0,33 0,33
Pulse (bpm) 80 86,83 6,83 8,54
FIG. 7: Designed main measurement form. Diastolic (mmHg) 65 66,67 1,67 2,56
Ayu J. Puspitasari, dkk. / J.Fis. dan Apl., vol. 15, no. 3, hlm. 99-103, 2019 103

Fasilitas Kesehatan (BPFK) Surabaya using BPM calibrator with ratio of systolic and diastolic pressures were achieved
called BP Pump 2. BP Pump 2 is blood pressure monitor cal- 0.48 and 0.78, respectively. This BPM is working good, be-
ibrator. The principle is like a human heart simulator that can cause theres no error more than 20%. The average error of
generate static systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, and pulse systolic pressure was -4.38 mmHg (2.72%) whereas an aver-
rate. BP Pump 2 connected with the fabricated BPM and the age error of diastolic pressure was achieved at 0.10 mmHg
measurement data would be compared. Then error value is (5,55%). Meanwhile, pulse rate of the system has an average
determined by equation 1. From Table II, we know that that error of 4.48 bpm (6.07%).
preliminary data showed a good agreed because theres no er-
ror more than 20% [7]. The average error of systolic pressure
was -4.38 mmHg (2.72%) whereas an average error of dias-
tolic pressure was achieved at 0.10 mmHg (5,55%).


Fabricated blood pressure monitor capable of measuring

pulse rate and blood pressure in the range of 40-260 mmHg

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