Metal Siding Deflection Limit

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TABLE 1604.3 1604.4 Analysis. Load effects on structural members and their
connections shall be determined by methods of structural anal-
CONSTRUCTION L S or W f D + Ld,g ysis that take into account equilibrium, general stability, geo-
metric compatibility and both short- and long-term material
Roof members:e
Supporting plaster ceiling l/360 l/360 l/240
Supporting nonplaster ceiling l/240 l/240 l/180 Members that tend to accumulate residual deformations
Not supporting ceiling l/180 l/180 l/120 under repeated service loads shall have included in their analy-
sis the added eccentricities expected to occur during their ser-
Floor members l/360 — l/240
vice life.
Exterior walls and interior Any system or method of construction to be used shall be
partitions: based on a rational analysis in accordance with well-established
— l/240 —
With brittle finishes
With flexible finishes
— l/120 — principles of mechanics. Such analysis shall result in a system
that provides a complete load path capable of transferring loads
Farm buildings — — l/180 from their point of origin to the load-resisting elements.
Greenhouses — — l/120 The total lateral force shall be distributed to the various verti-
cal elements of the lateral-force-resisting system in proportion
For SI: 1 foot = 304.8 mm. to their rigidities, considering the rigidity of the horizontal
a. For structural roofing and siding made of formed metal sheets, the total load
deflection shall not exceed l/60. For secondary roof structural members sup-
bracing system or diaphragm. Rigid elements assumed not to
porting formed metal roofing, the live load deflection shall not exceed l/150. be a part of the lateral-force-resisting system are permitted to
For secondary wall members supporting formed metal siding, the design be incorporated into buildings provided their effect on the
wind load deflection shall not exceed l/90. For roofs, this exception only action of the system is considered and provided for in the
applies when the metal sheets have no roof covering.
design. Except where diaphragms are flexible, or are permitted
b. Interior partitions not exceeding 6 feet in height and flexible, folding and
portable partitions are not governed by the provisions of this section. The to be analyzed as flexible, provisions shall be made for the
deflection criterion for interior partitions is based on the horizontal load increased forces induced on resisting elements of the structural
defined in Section 1607.13. system resulting from torsion due to eccentricity between the
c. See Section 2403 for glass supports. center of application of the lateral forces and the center of rigid-
d. For wood structural members having a moisture content of less than 16 per- ity of the lateral-force-resisting system.
cent at time of installation and used under dry conditions, the deflection
resulting from L + 0.5D is permitted to be substituted for the deflection Every structure shall be designed to resist the overturning
resulting from L + D. effects caused by the lateral forces specified in this chapter. See
e. The above deflections do not ensure against ponding. Roofs that do not have
sufficient slope or camber to assure adequate drainage shall be investigated Section 1609 for wind loads, Section 1610 for lateral soil loads
for ponding. See Section 1611 for rain and ponding requirements and Sec- and Section 1613 for earthquake loads.
tion 1503.4 for roof drainage requirements.
f. The wind load is permitted to be taken as 0.7 times the “component and clad-
1604.5 Occupancy category. Buildings shall be assigned an
ding” loads for the purpose of determining deflection limits herein. occupancy category in accordance with Table 1604.5.
g. For steel structural members, the dead load shall be taken as zero.
1604.5.1 Multiple occupancies. Where a structure is occu-
h. For aluminum structural members or aluminum panels used in skylights and
sloped glazing framing, roofs or walls of sunroom additions or patio covers, pied by two or more occupancies not included in the same
not supporting edge of glass or aluminum sandwich panels, the total load occupancy category, the structure shall be assigned the clas-
deflection shall not exceed l/60. For aluminum sandwich panels used in roofs sification of the highest occupancy category corresponding
or walls of sunroom additions or patio covers, the total load deflection shall to the various occupancies. Where structures have two or
not exceed l/120.
i. For cantilever members, l shall be taken as twice the length of the cantilever.
more portions that are structurally separated, each portion
shall be separately classified. Where a separated portion of a
structure provides required access to, required egress from
1604.3.3 Steel. The deflection of steel structural members or shares life safety components with another portion hav-
shall not exceed that permitted by AISC 360, AISI-NAS, ing a higher occupancy category, both portions shall be
AISI-General, AISI-Truss, ASCE 3, ASCE 8, SJI JG-1.1, assigned to the higher occupancy category.
SJI K-1.1 or SJI LH/DLH-1.1, as applicable. 1604.6 In-situ load tests. The building official is authorized to
require an engineering analysis or a load test, or both, of any
1604.3.4 Masonry. The deflection of masonry structural construction whenever there is reason to question the safety of
members shall not exceed that permitted by ACI 530/ASCE the construction for the intended occupancy. Engineering anal-
5/TMS 402. ysis and load tests shall be conducted in accordance with Sec-
tion 1713.
1604.3.5 Aluminum. The deflection of aluminum struc- 1604.7 Preconstruction load tests. Materials and methods of
tural members shall not exceed that permitted by AA construction that are not capable of being designed by
ADM1. approved engineering analysis or that do not comply with the
applicable material design standards listed in Chapter 35, or
1604.3.6 Limits. Deflection of structural members over alternative test procedures in accordance with Section 1711,
span, l, shall not exceed that permitted by Table 1604.3. shall be load tested in accordance with Section 1714.


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