An A in STEM Education
An A in STEM Education
An A in STEM Education
Michael K. Daugherty
University of Arkansas
Introduction would argue that STEM is missing a key set of creativity-related components
Although the roots of the science, technology, engineering, and mathemat- that are equally critical to fostering a competitive and innovative workforce,
ics (STEM) movement date back to President Dwight D. Eisenhower, and the and those skills are summarized under the letter A for Arts (White, 2011).
formation of NASA and NSF in 1958, the acronym STEM was coined by Dr.
Judith Ramaley, assistant director of the Education and Human Resources Di- A Place for the Arts
rectorate, at NSF in 2001 (Chute, 2009). She defined STEM as an educational
inquiry where learning was placed in context, where students solved real- Like technology education, arts education has always struggled with a
world problems and created opportunitiesthe pursuit of innovation. tenuous position in PK-12 education. Often the arts have been considered a
STEM education has since become perhaps the largest reform movement in luxury in public schools-- an arena for self-expression, perhaps, but not a vital
PK-12 education over the last decade. It seems that everywhere you look there part of education. A sense of elitism clings to the teaching of the arts. Many
are stories about STEM education. Politicians are promoting STEM, federal schools regard the arts as special subjects to be pursued by a privileged or
and state agencies are promoting and funding STEM initiatives, for-profit and talented few. In very early times, the arts were either learned through group
non-profit groups are discussing the importance of STEM education and cor- rituals that were an integral part of worship or taught to a selected few through
porations, and the media are promoting the idea, as well (Puffenberger, 2010). arduous apprenticeship. While some societies regarded knowledge of the arts
Within these education, media, corporate and policy circles, the acronym STEM as the privilege of the social elite, others believed that the arts were subjects fit
has become commonplace. It is used frequently when referring to a broad only for slaves and the children of artisans (Eisner, 2004). The conflicted his-
area of scholarship and instruction that many deem particularly connected tory of art education in modern American schools is surprisingly similar to the
(i.e., those four subjects). Whether the acronym is understood and fashion- history of technology education. Lewis (2004) noted that in the long march
able outside these education groups is not well known. What is known is that from manual training, the subject which today we call technology education
the acronym and associated term is not well-defined, even within groups that has always had to contend with the question of its legitimacy as valid school
make heavy use of it (Storksdieck, 2011). knowledge. In this regard, it shares a similar history of struggle with other sub-
It is not clear whether, when referring to STEM, individuals are addressing jects (like art) whose initial entry into the curriculum was based on a utilitarian
any of the four subjects or those areas in which all four disciplines overlap rather than an academic rationale.
(Storksdieck, 2011). Casual conversations with many professionals in science, As early as 1960, Snow (1960) wrote about the Two Cultures in education
technology, engineering and mathematics will quickly reveal a great deal of where the scientists and perhaps mathematicians were on one side and the
confusion and a sense that most individuals referring to STEM are really speak- other subject matter specialists on the other. Even though the individuals in
ing of science or technology or engineering or mathematics individually. To be the various fields were comparable in intelligence, comparable in ethnicity, not
fair, there are some efforts under way, including a Promising Practices study at grossly different in social origin, and earned about the same salary, they had
the National Academies, where researchers are attempting to explore whether almost ceased to communicate at all (Snow, 1960). Between the two cultures
education can benefit when the four disciplines are linked. existed a gulf of mutual incomprehension and sometimes, particularly among
The rationale for increased emphasis in STEM education is driven largely by the young, hostility and dislike, but most of all there was a lack of understand-
lackluster national assessments of PK-12 students over the last decade or two. ing. Professionals in these disconnected fields have a curious distorted image
These assessments continue to indicate that the United States is failing to com- of each other (Snow, 1960). In an effort to illustrate the gulf between the sci-
pete with other countries when it comes to student performance and interest entific disciplines and the non-scientific disciplines, Snow shared the following:
in STEM subject areas. The argument for STEM education is that if the U.S. is to I have learned the story attributed to A. L. Smith- came over to Cambridge
compete with other nations, our children must be well-versed in 21st century to dine. The date is perhaps the 1890s. I think it must have been at St
workforce skills related to STEM education. We are also often reminded that a Johns, or possibly Trinity. Anyway, Smith was sitting at the right hand of
lack of investiture in STEM will have dire consequences for the economic and the president or Vice Master and he was a man who liked to include all
political power of the United States (Puffenberger, 2010). round him in the conversation, although he was not immediately encour-
White (n.d.) suggests that, in addition to STEM, the future of the U.S. econ- aged by the expressions of his neighbours. He addressed some cheerful
omy rests on its ability to be a leader in the innovation that will be essential in Oxonian chit-chat at the one opposite to him, and got grunt. He then tried
creating the new industries and jobs that will be at the heart of our new econ- the man on his own right hand and got another grunt. Then, rather to his
omy. Where the U.S. has historically ranked first in innovation, it now ranks be- surprise, one looked at the other and said, Do you know what hes talking
tween third and eighth, depending on the survey (White, n.d.). Nationally, we about? I havent the least idea. At this, even Smith was getting out of his
have taken steps to reverse this slide by embracing and funding much needed depth. But the President, acting as a social emollient, put him at ease by
improvements in STEM education (White, n.d.). When American education is saying, Oh, those are mathematicians! We never talk to them (p. 2).
in crisis, policy makers and educational leaders roll out the STEM argument, The gulf between academic and applied disciplines in PK-12 schools has
that the science, technology, engineering and math curriculum needs to be grown unchecked for more than a century. In some cases, educators have
emphasized as the cornerstone of U.S. competitiveness in a world where Chi- seemed to take pleasure that their particular discipline held little in common
nese students do lightening drills on the periodic table of elements at age 4 with the other fields of study represented in the school curriculum. Ellis (2011)
(White, n.d.). There is certainly no question that STEM education and STEM noted that educational silos developed early in American educational institu-
skills are a vital part of this countrys perceived edge, but many educators tions as a method of control and a mechanism for wrestling the largest share of
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