Wigner Function PDF
Wigner Function PDF
Wigner Function PDF
William B. Casea兲
Department of Physics, Grinnell College, P.O. Box 805, Grinnell, Iowa 50112
共Received 28 February 2007; accepted 24 June 2008兲
Wigner functions and Weyl transforms of operators offer a formulation of quantum mechanics that
is equivalent to the standard approach given by the Schrödinger equation. We give a short
introduction and emphasize features that give insight into the nature of quantum mechanics and its
relation to classical physics. A careful discussion of the classical limit and its difficulties is also
given. The discussion is self-contained and includes complete derivations of the results presented.
© 2008 American Association of Physics Teachers.
关DOI: 10.1119/1.2957889兴
I. INTRODUCTION: WHY WIGNER FUNCTIONS? 兰兰P共x , p兲A共x , p兲dxdp gives the expectation value of A共x , p兲.
In general, it is not possible to find such a probability distri-
In the standard formulation of quantum mechanics the bution in quantum mechanics,2 and so the Wigner function
probability density 共x兲 in position space x is given by the cannot be a simple probability distribution. For this reason, it
square of the magnitude of the wave function, 共x兲 = 兩共x兲兩2. is often called a quasidistribution. Of course, a simple prob-
Thus knowing 共x兲 it is easy to visualize the distribution ability distribution determining expectation values is pos-
共x兲. Obtaining the distribution in momentum p is also sible in the classical world.
straightforward. The wave function in p is found by A main goal of quantum mechanics is to obtain expecta-
tion values for physical observables. If the Wigner function
is to be a complete formulation of quantum mechanics, it
1 must also be able to reproduce these expectation values of all
共p兲 = e−ixp/ប共x兲dx = 具p兩典, 共1兲
冑h functions of x and p. When using Wigner functions the ex-
pectation values are obtained in conjunction with the closely
where all integrations are understood to be over the entire associated Weyl transforms of the operators corresponding to
space. The quantity 兩共p兲兩2 gives the probability density in physical observables. As shown in Sec. IV the correct Weyl
the momentum variable. Although straightforward, the mo- transform is critical for obtaining the spread of the energy of
mentum distribution is difficult to visualize if one only has a state; without it, the Wigner function is little more than a
共x兲. It would be desirable to have a function that displays visual aid for understanding quantum states.
the probability distribution simultaneously in the x and p The literature on Wigner functions is extensive. There are
variables. The Wigner function, introduced by Wigner in several fine review articles2,3 and chapters in books4,5 on the
1932,1 does just that. Wigner’s original goal was to find Wigner function, Weyl transforms, and related distributions.
quantum corrections to classical statistical mechanics where Several articles on the Wigner function alone without the
the Boltzmann factors contain energies which in turn are accompanying Weyl transform have appeared in this
expressed as functions of both x and p. As is well known journal.6–8 A paper by Snygg9 is similar in approach to the
from the Heisenberg uncertainty relation, there are con- present paper, but more formal and abstract. My goal is to
straints on this distribution and thus on the Wigner function. give a shorter and more focused presentation of these topics
Another reason for a representation of a quantum state in with an eye on the relation between quantum and classical
phase space is to examine the connection between quantum physics. I will also point out a few features that have not
and classical mechanics. Quantum mechanics inherently been emphasized previously. Special emphasis will also be
deals with probabilities, while classical mechanics deals with given to the Wigner–Weyl description’s ability to shed light
trajectories in phase space. If we wish to compare the two, on the classical limit of quantum mechanics.
we can consider ensembles of trajectories in phase space for The Weyl transform and Wigner function are introduced in
the classical case and density distributions in x and p or
Sec. II. Other characteristics are examined in Sec. III. Sec-
Wigner functions for the quantum case.
tion IV considers the harmonic oscillator as an example and
Given the wave function the standard way to obtain the
expectation value of a quantity A is by also contains some warnings. In Sec. V we find the time
dependence of the Wigner function. Up to this point the pre-
sentation is devoted to pure states. Section VI considers the
具A典 = 冕 *共x兲Â共x兲dx = 具兩Â兩典, 共2兲
generalization to mixed states. The relation between the
Wigner–Weyl formulation and other distributions is also dis-
cussed. Section VII examines the classical limit of the
Wigner–Weyl description of quantum mechanics. Finally,
where  is the operator corresponding to A. The operator  is Sec. VIII discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the
a function of the position and momentum operators x̂ and p̂, Wigner–Weyl description in comparison to the standard
 = A共x̂ , p̂兲. We would like to think of the state 共x兲 as de- Schrödinger equation approach. The Appendix contains a
scribing some probability distribution in phase space, call it few derivations to allow the main points of the presentation
P共x , p兲, which is everywhere positive and such that to flow more freely.
937 Am. J. Phys. 76 共10兲, October 2008 http://aapt.org/ajp © 2008 American Association of Physics Teachers 937
FUNCTION 冕 W共x,p兲dp = *共x兲共x兲. 共12兲
The Weyl transform à of an operator  is defined by10 Equation 共12兲 gives the probability distribution for x. A simi-
lar integral over x gives
Ã共x,p兲 = 冕 e−ipy/ប具x + y/2兩Â兩x − y/2典dy, 共3兲
冕 W共x,p兲dx = *共p兲共p兲. 共13兲
where the operator has been expressed in the x basis as the
Equation 共13兲 gives the probability distribution for the mo-
matrix 具x⬘兩Â兩x典. The Weyl transform will be indicated by a mentum variable.
tilde. The Weyl transform converts an operator into a func- Thus we seemed to have achieved our goal. The Wigner
tion of x and p. As shown in the Appendix it can also be function represents the distribution in phase space repre-
expressed in terms of matrix elements of the operator in the sented by 共x兲. The projection of W共x , p兲 onto the x axis
momentum basis, gives the probability distribution in x, and the projection on
the p axis gives the distribution in p. Expectation values of
Ã共x,p兲 = eixu/ប具p + u/2兩Â兩p − u/2典du. 共4兲 physical quantities are obtained by averaging Ã共x , p兲 over
phase space. We will see that the interpretation of W共x , p兲 as
A key property of the Weyl transform is that the trace of the a simple probability distribution is spoiled by a number of
product of two operators  and B̂ is given by the integral features.
over phase space of the product of their Weyl transforms,
Tr关ÂB̂兴 =
冕冕 Ã共x,p兲B̃共x,p兲dx dp. 共5兲
The derivation of Eq. 共5兲 is straightforward, but is left for the A direct consequence of the definition of the Wigner func-
Appendix. tion in Eq. 共10兲 is that it is real, as can be seen by taking the
complex conjugate of Eq. 共10兲 and changing the variable of
To represent the state, we introduce the density operator ˆ .
integration from y to −y.
For a pure state 兩典 it is given by
Using Eq. 共4兲 we can also express the Wigner function in
ˆ = 兩典具兩, 共6兲 terms of the momentum representation of 兩典,
The Wigner function is defined as W共x,p兲dxdp = Tr关ˆ 兴 = 1. 共16兲
W共x,p兲 = ˜/h =
冕 e−ipy/ប共x + y/2兲*共x − y/2兲dy, 共10兲 Thus W共x , p兲 is normalized in x , p space. Also from the defi-
nition of the density operator we see that for pure states ˆ 2
= ˆ , and thus Tr关ˆ 2兴 = Tr关ˆ 兴 = 1. From this relation and Eqs.
and the expectation value of A is given by
共5兲 and 共10兲 we see that
We see that the expectation value of A has been obtained by The Wigner functions have a reasonable translation prop-
what looks like the average of the physical quantity repre- erty. If the wave function 共x兲 gives the Wigner function
sented by Ã共x , p兲 over phase space with probability density W共x , p兲, then the wave function 共x − b兲 will give W共x
W共x , p兲 characterizing the state. − b , p兲. Shifts in the wave function lead to corresponding
If the Wigner function is integrated over p alone and use is shifts in the Wigner function in the position variable x. Also,
made of 兰eipx/បdp = h␦共x兲, we have if the original wave function is replaced with
938 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 76, No. 10, October 2008 William B. Case 938
共x兲exp共ixb p / ប兲, the new Wigner function becomes W共x , p Given the Wigner function W共x , p兲 we can recover the
− b p兲. Shifts in momentum of the original wave function lead original wave function 共x兲.11 We multiply the definition of
to corresponding shifts of the Wigner function in the momen- the Wigner function in Eq. 共10兲 by eipx⬘/ប and integrate over
tum variable p. Both of these properties follow directly from p to obtain
the definition of the Wigner function, Eq. 共10兲. The signs in
these shifts might be a little disturbing. If 共x兲 is concen-
trated about x0, then 共x − b兲 will be concentrated about x0
+ b. If 共x兲 has a certain momentum distribution, then
冕 W共x,p兲eipx⬘/បdp = *共x − x⬘/2兲共x + x⬘/2兲. 共24兲
共x兲exp共ixb p / ប兲 will have the same distribution shifted by We set x = x / 2 and then x⬘ = x in Eq. 共24兲 and recover 共x兲 up
+b p. Each of the shifts shift their respective distribution by to an overall constant with
+b or +b p, respectively.
Consider two density operators, ˆ a and ˆ b, from different
states a and b, respectively. We can form the combination 共x兲 =
冕 W共x/2,p兲eipx/បdp. 共25兲
x and p which obey the previously listed constraints given in
Eqs. 共16兲, 共17兲, and 共23兲 are acceptable Wigner functions.
Wa共x,p兲Wb共x,p兲dx dp = h−1兩具a兩b典兩2 . 共19兲 For pure states a test would be to first use the W共x , p兲 to find
the wave function 共x兲 using Eq. 共25兲. Then use this 共x兲 in
The product of Wigner functions integrated over phase space Eq. 共10兲 to determine if the original Wigner function W共x , p兲
is the square of the inner product of the original wave func- is recovered.
tions divided by h. The left-hand side of Eq. 共19兲 acts as a Now consider the Weyl transform of the operators corre-
positive inner product of the original states. If we now con-
sider orthogonal states where 具a 兩 b典 = 0, we have sponding to the observables. Suppose that the operator  is
only a function of the operator x̂, which allows us to write
冕冕 Wa共x,p兲Wb共x,p兲dx dp = 0. 共20兲
 = A共x̂兲. The Weyl transform in this case is particularly
simple. From Eq. 共3兲 we have
冕 共x − y/2兲*共x − y/2兲dy We see that if the operator  is purely a function of x̂, then its
Weyl transform is just the original function with the operator
x̂ or p̂. Thus the Weyl transform of the Hamiltonian operator
W共x,p兲 = 共2/h兲 1共y兲2*共y兲dy. 共22兲 Ĥ共x̂ , p̂兲 = T̂共p̂兲 + Û共x̂兲 becomes H共x , p兲 = T共p兲 + U共x兲, where T
and U are the kinetic and potential energies. The expectation
values of x, p, T, U, and H are given by
兩W共x,p兲兩 艋 2/h, 共23兲 具x典 = 冕冕 W共x,p兲xdx dp, 共27a兲
and the distribution W共x , p兲 cannot take on arbitrarily large
values as would be allowed in a classical distribution in
phase space. From the definition of the Wigner function in 具p典 = W共x,p兲pdx dp, 共27b兲
Eq. 共10兲 we see that all even wave functions reach +2 / h at
共x , p兲 = 共0 , 0兲, and all odd wave functions reach −2 / h at the
same point. Thus a symmetric wave function with widely
separated peaks will have a Wigner function with the maxi-
mum possible value, +2 / h, at 共x , p兲 = 共0 , 0兲. A similar anti-
具T典 = 冕冕 W共x,p兲T共p兲dx dp, 共27c兲
939 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 76, No. 10, October 2008 William B. Case 939
W0 equals +2 at 共x , p兲 = 共0 , 0兲 and W1 equals −2 at the same
0 point.
2 We now take a closer look at the lowest energy state, Eq.
1.5 共31兲. The expectation value of the energy can be determined
W 1 using Eq. 共27e兲, and we find
具H典 = 冕冕 W0共x,p兲 冉 p 2 m 2x 2
冊dx dp =
. 共33兲
(a) x 2
equal to 1.
具H2典 =
W0共x,p兲Ĥ 2
dx dp. 共34兲
IV. AN EXAMPLE: THE HARMONIC OSCILLATOR The first two terms on the right are p4 / 共2m兲2 + m24x4 / 4.
We apply the developments in the previous two sections to The last term is determined with the help of
the harmonic oscillator. Its Hamiltonian and two lowest en-
x̂p̂ + p̂
ergy states are given by 2 2
x̂ = 2x2 p2 − ប2 ,
2 2
p̂ m 2
2 2
Ĥ = + x̂ , 共28兲
2m 2 which is derived in the Appendix. When this expression is
included we find
1 −x2/共2a2兲
0共x兲 = 共29兲
冑冑a e
4 ,
Ĥ2 = H2共x,p兲 − . 共37兲
1 2 x −x2/共2a2兲
1共x兲 = e , 共30兲
aa Thus we find after carrying out the integration that
where a2 = ប / 共m兲. The corresponding Wigner functions for
0 and 1 can be found using Eq. 共10兲, 具H2典 = 共 21 ប兲2 , 共38兲
W0共x,p兲 = exp共− a2 p2/ប2 − x2/a2兲, 共31兲 and the resulting spread ⌬ is equal to zero as it should.
We see that even for the Wigner function of Eq. 共31兲,
which is positive everywhere, quantum behavior is still
2 present. It is the way the physical results are extracted, using
W1共x,p兲 = 共− 1 + 2共ap/ប兲2
h not only the Wigner function, but also the Weyl transform of
+ 2共x/a兲2兲exp共− a2 p2/ប2 − x2/a2兲. 共32兲 the desired operator, which give this system its quantum be-
havior. It is widely believed that a Wigner function which is
Plots of W0 and W1 with a = 1 and h = 1 are shown in Fig. 1. positive everywhere can exhibit only classical phenomena.12
We see that both functions obey the inequality in Eq. 共23兲. As we see from this example, this belief is incorrect.
940 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 76, No. 10, October 2008 William B. Case 940
FUNCTION = . 共45兲
t x p
By taking the derivative of Eq. 共10兲 with respect to time With this assumption the expression governing the evolution
we have of the Wigner function becomes
W 1
t h
冕 冋
*共x − y/2兲
共x + y/2兲
p W共x,p兲 U共x兲 W共x,p兲
m x
x p
. 共46兲
共x + y/2兲
*共x − y/2兲 dy. 册 共39兲
Equation 共46兲 is the classical Liouville equation. In such a
regime the motion of the Wigner function in phase space is
exactly that of classical physics under the influence of the
The partial derivatives on the right-hand side can be ex- potential U共x兲. If higher derivatives of U共x兲 are present, then
pressed using the Schrödinger equation, the additional terms will give a diffusion-like behavior.
For a harmonic oscillator the motion in x , p space is purely
共x,t兲 ប 2共x,t兲 1
=− + U共x兲共x,t兲. 共40兲 classical. The time evolution of the classical harmonic oscil-
t 2im x2 iប lator is described by
We use Eq. 共40兲 to write Eq. 共39兲 as p
x0 = x cos共t兲 − sin共t兲, 共47a兲
= + , 共41兲
t t t
p0 = p cos共t兲 + mx sin共t兲, 共47b兲
冕 冋
where x and p are the values of the position and momentum
WT 1 2*共x − y/2兲 at time t, and x0 and p0 are the values at t = 0. We need only
= e−ipy/ប 共x + y/2兲 to require that each point of the Wigner function moves in
t 4im x2
elliptical paths in phase space. Thus if the Wigner function at
2共x + y/2兲 time t = 0 is W共x , p , 0兲, the Wigner function at a future time t
− *共x − y/2兲 dy, 共42兲
x2 is given by
WU 2
= 2 冕 e −ipy/ប
关U共x + y/2兲 − U共x − y/2兲兴*共x − y/2兲
W共x,p,t兲 = W x cos共t兲 −
sin共t兲,p cos共t兲
t ih
⫻共x + y/2兲dy. 共43兲 + mx sin共t兲,0 . 共48兲
We consider each of these terms in the Appendix and find For the harmonic oscillator all the analysis with Hermite
WT p W共x,p兲 polynomials and exponentials has only to do with the sort of
=− , 共44a兲 state that can be prepared and not with the physics of its time
t m x evolution.
As an application of the time evolution of a harmonic
WU 1 1
2s 2s+1
= 兺 共− ប2兲s
oscillator state we take the Wigner function at time t = 0 to be
t s=0 共2s + 1兲! 2 x 2s+1 the lowest energy state of the harmonic oscillator shifted by
冉 冊
b in the x direction. If we use the rule for translation given in
Sec. III, W共x , p , 0兲 is easily obtained from Eq. 共31兲,
⫻ W共x,p兲. 共44b兲
p 2
W共x,p,0兲 = exp共− a2 p2/ប2 − 共x − b兲2/a2兲. 共49兲
Equation 共41兲 with Eq. 共44兲 is equivalent to solving the h
Schrödinger equation, as can be seen by the following argu-
ment: Consider the wave function 共x , 0兲 and its correspond- From the previous discussion we see that the time evolution
ing Wigner function W共x , p , 0兲. As we saw in Eq. 共25兲 the of the state is motion in an ellipse in the 共x , p兲 plane centered
relation between and W is one to one except for an overall about 共0,0兲. The Wigner function at other times becomes
constant phase. We then use the Schrödinger equation to de-
termine 共x , t兲 and Eqs. 共41兲 and 共44兲 to find W共x , p , t兲. Be- W共x,p,t兲 =
exp − 2 共p cos共t兲 + mx sin共t兲兲2
冉 冊册
cause both equations are linear and first order in t, these
solutions will be unique once the initial functions are given. 1 p
Since Eqs. 共41兲 and 共44兲 were derived from the Schrödinger − 2 x cos共t兲 − sin共t兲 − b . 共50兲
a m
equation, these solutions must have the same one-to-one re-
lation as the original wave function and Wigner function. We note that although the source of the Wigner function was
Thus the two methods must be equivalent. the ground state of the harmonic oscillator and thus a proper
Note that the result in Eq. 共44a兲 is entirely classical in that Wigner function, the oscillator dictating the motion may be a
it contains no ប, while Eq. 共44b兲 is more complicated. If all different one; the a in Eq. 共50兲 can be taken as arbitrary and
derivatives of U共x兲 higher than the second order are zero, as need not be constrained by the relation a2 = ប / 共m兲. If we do
for a free particle, a constant force, and a harmonic oscillator, add the requirement that this state be the shifted ground state
then Eq. 共44b兲 becomes of the same oscillator, we may use a2 = ប / 共m兲 and find
941 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 76, No. 10, October 2008 William B. Case 941
A similar treatment can be given of the free particle. Here
each point would move in a straight line parallel to the x axis
in phase space as dictated by its position and momentum.
The Wigner function evolves as
W共x,p,t兲 = W x −冉 p
t,p,0 . 共52兲
0 Equation 共52兲 corresponds to a shear of the distribution.
p Parts of the Wigner function above the x axis move to the
right in proportion to how far above the x axis they lie.
-1 Points below the axis move to the left in a similar fashion.
(a) 5 Many of these results would be difficult to obtain starting
from the Schrödinger equation.
1.5 There is an interesting complementarity between classical
1 physics and quantum physics. In quantum mechanics, linear
combinations of wave functions 共x , t兲 that satisfy the
Schrödinger equation are also solutions to the Schrödinger
equation. This property is the usual linearity of quantum me-
-1 chanics. When the transformation is made to the correspond-
(b) 5 ing Wigner functions and the x , p space, this linearity is lost.
Suppose that = ␣ + . As can be seen from Eq. 共10兲, we
Fig. 2. Plots of the Wigner functions of a 共a兲 coherent state and a 共b兲 will not have W = W␣ + W. For classical systems there is
squeezed state. The state starts at the right and moves in a clockwise fashion linearity in phase space. If we have one distribution Da共x , p兲
about 共0,0兲. Both are shown at times t = 0, t = T / 4, and t = T / 2, where T is the
period for the harmonic oscillator. In generating these plots the following and add another Db共x , p兲, we obtain the proper representation
values were used: h = 1, = 1, m = 2, b = 5; for the coherent state, a = 1 as of the sum of the two by taking D共x , p兲 = 共Da共x , p兲
follows from a2 = ប / 共m兲. For the squeezed state, a = 2. + Db共x , p兲兲 / 2. Classical distributions are linear in phase
冋 冉 冊
For mixed states the definition of the density operator,
2 a2 bប 2 Eq. 共6兲, is generalized by replacing it with
W共x,p,t兲 = exp − 2 p + 2 sin共t兲
h ប a ˆ = 兺 P j兩 j典具 j兩. 共53兲
− 2 共x − b cos共t兲兲2 .
册 共51兲
942 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 76, No. 10, October 2008 William B. Case 942
Ã共x1,x2, . . . ,p1,p2, . . . 兲
= 冕冕 ¯ e−i共p1y1+p2y2+¯兲/ប
1 ⫻具x1 + y 1/2,x2 + y 2/2, . . .兩Â兩x1
0 0.4
-1 0.2 − y 1/2,x2 − y 2/2, . . . 典dy 1dy 2 ¯ . 共58兲
-5 0
p The defining equation for the Wigner function for a pure
-0.2 state 共x1 , x2 , . . . 兲 becomes
x 2.5 -0.4 W共x1,x2, . . . ,p1,p2, . . . 兲
= ¯ e−i共p1y1+p2y2+¯兲/ប
⫻共x1 + y 1/2,x2 + y 2/2, . . . 兲
⫻*共x1 − y 1/2,x2 − y 2/2, . . . 兲dy 1dy 2 ¯ , 共59兲
1 where n is the dimension of the system.
0 0.4
The Wigner function is not the only candidate that gives a
-1 0.2
distribution in x , p space and a representation of expectation
-5 0
p values for quantum mechanics in the form of Eq. 共11兲. The
-0.2 other candidates represent trade-offs between the distribution
function and the transformed operators, some making the
x -0.4
(b) 5 distribution look tamer at the expense of the transform of the
operator.3 All are capable of giving all of the quantum de-
Fig. 3. Plots of the Wigner functions for a 共a兲 pure state and a 共b兲 mixed tails. It is not surprising that this ambiguity exists and that
state consisting of two coherent states. In generating these plots the follow- there is no unique choice. As pointed out in Sec. I, finding a
ing values were used: h = 1, a = 1, and b = 4.
proper probability distribution in phase space to represent
quantum mechanics is impossible. Thus it is not surprising
that there are many ways of approximately performing this
task, each falling short of the goal.
1 2/ប2 2/a2 2/a2
W共x,p兲 = e−共ap兲 关e−共x − b兲 + e−共x + b兲 VII. CLASSICAL LIMIT
h共1 + e 兲
+ 2e−x
cos共2bp/ប兲兴. 共56兲 At this point it might seem that we could take the limit
ប → 0 and obtain classical physics. We might insist that we
begin with a positive distribution in phase space at t = 0 either
For the mixed state of the same two coherent states we can by the classical nature of the preparation or by using some
just sum the Wigner functions of the shifted ground states, smoothing scheme based on the inability to observe details in
Eq. 共31兲, inserting a factor of 1 / 2 representing the equal the distribution in phase space 共coarse graining兲. The equa-
probability of obtaining each, tion of evolution of W共x , p , t兲, Eqs. 共41兲, 共44a兲, and 共44b兲,
reduces to the classical case when ប → 0. The difference be-
1 tween the Weyl transform, Ã共x , p兲, of the operator Â
W共x,p兲 = 关W0共x − b,p兲 + W0共x + b,p兲兴 共57a兲 = A共x̂ , p̂兲 and the function A共x , p兲 disappears when ប → 0.
This difference is due to the fact that x̂ and p̂ do not com-
mute 共关x̂ , p̂兴 = iប兲, which led to the extra term in Eq. 共37兲.
1 22 2 2 2 2 2 Thus in this limit we can calculate expectation values in the
= e−a p /ប 关e−共x − b兲 /a + e−共x + b兲 /a 兴. 共57b兲 usual way as an integral of W共x , p兲A共x , p兲 over x and p. We
might try to give such an argument but we cannot.
The problem with these naive assumptions can be seen
The Wigner functions given in Eqs. 共56兲 and 共57b兲 are shown easily. Dropping the higher order terms in ប in Eq. 共44b兲 is
in Fig. 3. As we can see, the mixed state has two peaks suspect. Note that from the definition of the Wigner function
centered at x = ⫾ b, and the pure state is similar to the mixed Eq. 共10兲, 共 / p兲2s+1 will bring a factor of 1 / ប2s+1, which will
state with nonclassical behavior between the two peaks more than offset the ប2s factor unless some help can be found
where the wave function is small. This behavior near 共0,0兲 in the density operator. This issue has been considered by
for symmetric or antisymmetric states was discussed in Sec. Heller,15 who reached similar conclusions to those expressed
III. here. As an example, consider the ground state of the har-
As was indicated in Sec. I, the Weyl transform and the monic oscillator given in Eq. 共31兲. Although we are using
Wigner function can be easily generalized to many dimen- states of the harmonic oscillator, we are not assuming that
sions. For the Weyl transform of operator  we replace Eq. the Hamiltonian dictating the motion is that of the harmonic
共3兲 with oscillator. This construction is simply a way of getting a
943 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 76, No. 10, October 2008 William B. Case 943
proper Wigner function. If we take 共 / p兲2s+1 of this Wigner It is well known that many classical nonlinear systems
function and the limit ប → 0, we obtain exhibit very complicated behavior which can evolve into dis-
共−2a2 p / ប2兲2s+1 exp关−a2 p2 / ប2兴 for the dependence on p and tributions that we would expect to have large higher order
ប. As ប → 0 the exponential becomes narrower with signifi- derivatives.16 The issue of the incompatibility of classical
cant values only for p ⬃ ប / a. With this constraint mechanics and quantum mechanics has been pointed out by
共W0 / p兲2s+1 goes as 1 / ប2s+1. Thus the terms in Eq. 共44b兲 Ford17 based on information theory arguments and is a cen-
that appear to go as ប2s actually go as 1 / ប and prevent their tral question in quantum chaos. This question is still open.18
neglect in the ប → 0 limit. Part of the problem is that as ប A recent paper19 analyzed the nonlinear Duffing oscillator as
→ 0 the Wigner function of the pure state becomes very nar- a classical system and as a quantum system. Their respective
row in the p direction because for a pure state the width in p evolutions in phase space are then shown side by side and
is tied to the width in x via ប. It might be argued that we clearly show a classical system that develops fine structures
should have taken the width in p as fixed in the ប → 0 limit, in phase space, while the quantum system develops negative
allowing the Wigner function to become narrow in the x regions in the corresponding Wigner function.
distribution. It might seem that this limit would avoid the We may also consider systems that start off classically but
problems with the higher order derivatives in p. In general, evolve into the quantum regime. In the experiments of Arndt
such an approach would not be satisfactory. As we saw in and co-workers20 a beam of C60 molecules from an oven
Fig. 2 for the harmonic oscillator, initial distributions can passes through a grating with a grating constant of 100 nm.
become rotated in phase space interchanging the widths of This experiment reveals an interference pattern at a distance
the distributions in x and p. of 1.2 m. The interference pattern is clearly a quantum ef-
It is expected that in the classical limit we cannot deter- fect. The grating spacing, although fine, is much larger than
mine distributions with higher and higher precision. We want the de Broglie wavelength of the molecules, which is about
to control the widths in x and p independently. Once the 2.8 pm. The reason that the pattern is revealed is due to the
width in x is fixed we cannot make the width in p arbitrarily growth of transverse coherence with distance from the grat-
small, but we can construct a mixed state that has an arbi- ing. Thus we have a seemingly classical system that evolves
trarily wide distribution in p. This construction is done by into a quantum system. We could argue that making ប very
forming a mixed state of ground states of the harmonic os- small would reduce the effect, but propagation over a greater
cillator in Eq. 共31兲 shifted in the p direction with normalized length would bring the pattern back.
probability density, In the end, what can we say about the classical limit? As
we can see the limit is subtle and involves not just the time
1 2 2 dependence of the states, but the operators and nature of the
P共p0兲 = e−p0/c , 共60兲
c 冑 states themselves. If we can say that the initial distribution in
phase space is positive and smooth everywhere and if the
where c is a positive constant. The Wigner function of the Hamiltonian is such as to leave the distribution sufficiently
mixed state is smooth so as to allow us to neglect the higher order terms in
ប with their high order derivatives with respect to p, then the
W共x,p兲 = W0共x,p − p0兲P共p0兲dp0 opening argument of this section should hold. In the end, we
believe that the quantum description correctly describes our
1 2/a2 p2/共c2+ប2/a2兲
= e−x e . 共61兲 We note that the distinction between classical and quan-
冑a c + ប2
2 2
tum is not simply the distinction between large and small,
We now have a Wigner function with width a in the x direc- but the extent to which we know the distribution. If we pin
tion and width 冑c2 + ប2 / a2 in p. The ប → 0 limit can be taken
down the distribution in phase space, either due to the details
of preparation, details of evolution, or fineness of measure-
of this Wigner function and the neglect of the derivatives
ment, to details approaching ⌬x⌬p = ប, the quantum nature
with respect to p beyond the first in Eq. 共44b兲 can now be
will emerge.
If we apply this same procedure to the double coherent
pure state in Eq. 共56兲, we obtain in the limit ប → 0,
W共x,p兲 = e−p 关e−共x − b兲 SCHRÖDINGER
2ac共1 + e 兲
−共x + b兲2/a2 2/a2 −b2/a2
+e + 2e−x e 兴. 共62兲 Almost all quantum mechanics texts present the subject
based on the Schrödinger equation, wave functions, and op-
Again we see that the behavior is considerably smoother than erators. The Wigner–Weyl approach presented here is com-
the pure state and closely resembles the expression for the pletely equivalent. The question of which approach is to be
mixed state of two coherent states given in Eq. 共57b兲. All that used depends on the system under consideration and the
remains of the nonclassical behavior near 共0,0兲 shown in Fig. questions asked. Our initial goal was to find a phase space
2 2
3 is a peak suppressed by a factor of 2e−b /a . Again the representation of the quantum state. This representation was
neglect of terms containing derivatives with respect to p be- given by the Wigner function. It was found to possess some
yond the first order is justified. Can we carry out this pro- disappointing features due to the quantum character of the
gram of introducing mixed states and successfully taking the system, which is completely described by the formulation.
ប → 0 for all cases? That is not so clear. Note the concern is What was accomplished beyond a visual description of a
not just that W might become negative, although that would quantum system? Two were discussed in the paper. For the
be a problem, but the rapid variation of W. harmonic oscillator and the free particle the time evolution of
944 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 76, No. 10, October 2008 William B. Case 944
the system is simple in this formulation and is identical to
that of the classical system. These features are hidden in the
standard Schrödinger approach.
à = 冕冕 ␦共v − 2p兲具共v + u兲/2兩Â兩共v − u兲/2典eixu/បdu dv ,
time evolution of the Wigner function given in Eqs. 共41兲 and Equation 共5兲. We next derive the key relation between the
共44兲 was in a form that helped us understand the classical trace of two operators and their respective Weyl transforms.
limit. There are still open questions, but we gained a clearer
picture of the problem. Had we started with the Schrödinger Suppose we have two operators  and B̂ and their Weyl
equation and taken ប → 0 we would conclude that we should transforms
drop the kinetic energy.
It is also possible to obtain the Wigner functions corre-
sponding to the energy eigenstates directly from the time
Ã共x,p兲 = 冕 e−ipy/ប具x + y/2兩Â兩x − y/2典dy, 共A6a兲
and ideal for finding approximate solutions. However, there
is much to be gained by studying the Wigner–Weyl descrip- Ã共x,p兲B̃共x,p兲dx dp
= h Tr关ÂB̂兴, 共A9兲
à = e−ipy/ប具x + y/2兩p⬘典具p⬘兩Â兩p⬙典
which is Eq. 共5兲, the desired relation between the trace of
two operators and their Weyl transforms.
⫻具p⬙兩x − y/2典dydp⬘ dp⬙ . 共A1兲 Equation 共36兲. From the definition of the Weyl transform
Next we note that 具x 兩 p典 = h−1/2 exp共ixp / ប兲 共see, for example, in Eq. 共3兲 we have
Ref. 21兲 and use
p̂x̂ + x̂ 冕 e−ipv/ប具x + v/2兩p̂2x̂2 + x̂2 p̂2兩x − v/2典dv
2 2 2 2
p̂ =
exp共iyp/ប兲dy = h␦共p兲 共A2兲
to carry out the y integration giving
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= 2dp⬘ dp⬙. With this change of variables Eq. 共A1兲 becomes We insert the identity 1̂ = 兰兩p⬘典具p⬘兩dp⬘ just after p̂2 and find
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− e−ipy/ប 共x + y/2兲dy
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2s 2s+1
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Electronic mail: [email protected] exp共−ipy / ប − ⑀y 2兲, where ⑀ is a small positive constant. The calculation
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946 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 76, No. 10, October 2008 William B. Case 946