Violation of Hudson's Theorem in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics

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Violation of Hudson’s theorem in relativistic quantum mechanics

Andre G. Campos,1, ∗ Renan Cabrera,1 Denys I. Bondar,1 and Herschel A. Rabitz1

Department of Chemistry, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA
(Dated: September 4, 2018)
In non-relativistic quantum mechanics, Hudson’s theorem states that a Gaussian wave-function
is the only pure state corresponding to a positive Wigner function (WF). We explicitly construct
non-Gaussian Dirac spinors with positive relativistic WF. These pure relativistic states are coherent
superpositions of particles and antiparticles, while the existence of positive WF exclusive composed
of particles is conjectured. These observations may open new directions in relativistic quantum
information theory.

PACS numbers: 03.65.Pm, 05.60.Gg, 05.20.Dd, 52.65.Ff, 03.50.Kk

arXiv:1402.1768v2 [quant-ph] 10 Oct 2014

Introduction. In non-relativistic quantum mechanics Refs. [16–20], while a non-explicitly covariant form in
the phase-space representation of the density operator is quantum field theory was developed in Ref. [21]. The
known as the Wigner quasi-probability distribution [1– non-explicitly covariant form of the relativistic Wigner
4], which is broadly applied in studying the quantum-to- function is employed throughout because of its conve-
classical transition [5–10], optics, signal processing [11], nient direct comparison with the non-relativistic coun-
and quantum computing [12, 13]. The Wigner function terpart.
is not an ordinary phase-space distribution as it is often A relativistic extension of the phase-space formalism
negative. Moreover, the Wigner function’s negativity is leads to the following Wigner matrix
a resource for quantum computation speed up, whereas
strictly positive Wigner functions can be efficiently sim-
ulated by classical algorithms [12, 13]. W (t, x, p) = d3 θ B(t, x, θ) exp(ip · θ), (2)
In an influential paper, Hudson [14] demonstrated that,
in non-relativistic quantum mechanics, the only pure where
state with a positive Wigner function is a Gaussian. In    
this Letter we show that there are non-Gaussian relativis- ~ ~
tic pure states corresponding to positive Wigner func- B(t, x, θ) ≡ ψ t, x − θ ψ † t, x + θ γ 0 , (3)
2 2
tions. Moreover, the explicitly constructed states are
shown to be a superposition of positive energy (usually with ψ being a solution of the Dirac equation (1). The
interpreted as particles) as well as negative energy (inter- zeroth component of the Wigner matrix (2), defined as
preted as antiparticles) solutions of the Dirac equation.
Furthermore, the time evolution of a free particle does W 0 (t, x, p) = Tr [W (t, x, p)γ 0 ]/4, (4)
not preserve positivity of the Wigner function, while the
evolution of a coherent superposition of the first two Lan-
realizes a phase-space representationR 0 of the Dirac
dau states in the presence of a homogenous magnetic field
spinor ψ, namely the marginals W (t, x, p)dp and
preserves positivity of the Wigner function. Due to a vi- R 0
W (t, x, p)dx coincide with the coordinate and momen-
tal role of the Wigner’s function negativity in quantum
tum probability distributions, respectively. Moreover,
information processing [12, 13], these unique features of
the expectation value of an observable Ĝ = G(x̂, p̂) obeys
relativistic systems open new opportunities in the emerg-
ing field of relativistic quantum computation [15]. Z
Relativistic quantum mechanics in the phase space. hĜi = hψ|Ĝ|ψi = dxdpW 0 (x, p)G(x, p), (5)
The celebrated Dirac equation reads
where G(x, p) = dθhx − ~θ/2|G(x̂, p̂)|x + ~θ/2ieipθ .
h e i
cγ γ (i~∂ˆµ − Aµ ) − γ 0 mc2 ψ(x) = 0,
0 µ
(1) Therefore, we shall refer to W 0 (t, x, p) as the relativistic
Wigner function. Further details about the phase-space
where γ 0 = β and γ k = βαk with αk and β being the representation of relativistic quantum mechanics can be
Dirac matrices and repeated indices are summed over found in Refs. [16, 20, 22–24].
µ = 0, 1, 2, 3 and k = 1, 2, 3. States with positive relativistic Wigner functions.
The relativistic matrix-valued Wigner function for spin First, consider the spinor
1/2 particles in explicitly covariant form was put forth in
p0 + mc

x 2
− 2σ
Ce 2
ψ=p , (6)
 
 0
2mc(mc + p0 ) i(p + mc)
∗ Electronic address: [email protected] 0

where C is a normalization constant. The state (6) corre-

sponds to a strictly positive relativistic Wigner function,
Z 4
1 X k
W 0 (x, p) = d3 θ ψn (xL )ψn† (xR )eipk θ
(2π)3 n=1
(xL )2 (xR )2
3 ipk θ k − 2σ − 2σ
= d θe e 2
e 2
√ x2 +σ 4 p2
= 2 π|σ|N e− σ2 , (7)
where N is a positive constant, xL = x − ~θ/2, and
xR = x+~θ/2. The following non-Gaussian modification FIG. 1: (color online) (A) The relativistic Wigner function
of the state (6) of the spinor (6) at time t = 0 in natural units. (B) The
relativistic Wigner function of the time-propagate state at
  t = 7.7 in natural units. Blue and red colors denote negative
−a2 x2  0 
and positive values, correspondingly.
ψ(x) = Ce ax , (8)
corresponds to the positive relativistic Wigner function antiparticles) energy solutions [27]. In particular, time-
(Fig. 5): propagation of the initial state (6) by the free Dirac equa-
1 p2 2 2
tion is shown in Fig. 1, where we see the formation of an
W 0 (x, p) = Ce− 2a2 −2a x p2 + 4a4 x2 .

(9) x-shaped packet at a later time due to zitterbewegung [27–
2a π
29] – the interference between particles and antiparticles.
Note that the states (6) and (8) are the ground and first The origin of the ‘x’ shape is elucidated by dynamics de-
excited states for an electron in a homogenous magnetic picted in Figs. 2 and 3. If the antiparticles (particles) are
field [25], respectively. projected out [27] from the initial state (6), then subse-
Additionally, the state quent time propagation by the Dirac equation forms the
 2 2 2 2
first (second) half of the x-shaped wave packet in Fig.
e−(−b+x) /a + e−(b+x) /a 1(B).
 0 
ψ(x) = C e−(−b+x)2 /a2 − e−(b+x)2 /a2  ,
 (10) The phase-space dynamics of the state in Fig. 2, ex-
0 clusively composed of particles, is consistent with non-
relativistic dynamics: Positive momentum wave packets
has a strictly positive relativistic Wigner function move in positive directions. However, the dynamics of
antiparticles (Fig. 3) is a mirror image of the dynamics

a2 p2 2 2 2 4bx in Fig. 2: Positive momentum wave packets move in neg-
W 0 (x, p) = 4 2π|a|Ce− 2 − a2 (b +x ) cosh ,
a2 ative directions. The latter is a direct consequence of the
(11) CPT theorem [27], stating that the Dirac equation is in-
variant under simultaneous charge conjugation C (which
for any values of real parameters a and b. The following replaces particles by antiparticles and vice versa), parity
generalization of the state (10) transformation P, and time reversal T.
 2 2 2 2
qe−(−d+x) /a + (1 − q)e−(b+x) /a According to Figs. 1-3, the negativity of the relativistic
 0  Wigner function (blue color) is not preserved during the
ψ(x) = C  qe−(x−d)2 /a2 − (1 − q)e−(b+x)2 /a2  , (12)

free particle evolution of the Dirac equation. This even
0 holds for wave packets initially consisting of only parti-
cles (Fig. 2) or antiparticles (Fig. 3). This situation is
has also a positive Wigner distribution significantly different from non-relativistic free particle

a4 p2 +4(b+x)2
evolution, which always conserves the Wigner function’s
W 0 (x, p) = 2 2πC|a| e− 2a2 (q − 1)2 + negativity [30]. Moreover, contrary to the non-relativistic
 case, a superposition of states (7) and (8) maintains the
a4 p2 +4(d−x)2
+ q 2 e− 2a2 , (13) positivity of the Wigner function during propagation in
a homogeneous magnetic field, complying with the fact
that magnetic fields block pair creation [31].
for any real values of q, b, a, and d.
Illustrations. Employing the numerical method for the Particles or antiparticles can be projected out di-
single-particle Dirac equation from Ref. [26], we estab- rectly in the Wigner picture without involving the Dirac
lish that the states (6), (10), and (12) are coherent su- spinors. Utilizing the Hilbert phase space approach
perpositions of positive (i.e., particles) and negative (i.e., [32, 33], we can obtain the following projector in the

phase space
1 c(pk ± ~λk /2)αk + βmc2
Ps± = 1 + sp , (14)
2 (pk ± ~λk /2)2 c2 + m2 c4

where the operators xk , pk , and λk obey [xk , λl ] = iδk,l ,

[xk , pl ] = [λk , pl ] = 0, 1 is a 4×4 identity matrix, and s =
1 (s = −1) is chosen to filter antiparticles (particles) out.
Then, the filtering of an arbitrary state is accomplished
FIG. 2: (color online) (A) The relativistic Wigner function in two steps
after filtering out antiparticles in the state (6) at time t = 0 Z Z
in natural units. (B) The relativistic Wigner function of the 1
Cs (t, λ, p) = d3 θd3 x Ps+ B(t, x, θ)
time-propagate state at t = 7.7 in natural units. Blue and red (2π)6
colors denote negative and positive values, correspondingly.
×Ps− exp(ip · θ) exp(−ix · λ)
Ws (t, x, p) = d3 λCs (t, λ, p) exp(iλ · x),(15)
where Ws (t, x, p) is the resulting Wigner distribution and
B(t, x, θ) is defined in Eq. (2). Note that Eqs. (14) and
(15) are applicable to pure as well as mixed relativistic
Figure 4(a), depicting the Wigner function for the state
(10), reveals another unique feature: The relativistic
Wigner function of a coherent superposition of two spa-
FIG. 3: (color online) (A) The relativistic Wigner function tially non-overlaping wave packets need not display in-
after filtering out particles in the state (6) at time t = 0 terference, which always shows up in the non-relativistic
in natural units. (B) The relativistic Wigner function of the phase space [34]. To clarify this observation, consider
time-propagate state at t = 7.7 in natural units. Blue and red a family of strictly positive Wigner functions Wψ0n (x, p)
colors denote negative and positive values, correspondingly. for the spinors ψn (x). For χ(x) = aψ1 (x) + bψ2 (x), one
Wχ0 (x, p) =|a|2 Wψ01 (x, p) + |b|2 Wψ02 (x, p)+
+ a∗ bWψ0† ψ (x, p) + b∗ aWψ0† ψ (x, p). (16)
1 2 2 1

The relativistic Wigner function (16) remains strictly

positive as long as ψ1 (x) is orthogonal to ψ2 (x). For
example, the spinor (10) can be represented as the su-
perposition of the following spinors
1 1
   
FIG. 4: (color online) (A) The
√ positive Wigner function for 2 2 0 2 2  0 
the spinor (10) with a = 2 and b = 3 in natural units. ψ1 = e −(x−b) /a −(x+b) /a
1 , ψ2 = e −1 .(17)
(B) The Wigner function for the spinor (12) with q = 0.1,
a = 5, b = 3, and d = 0.1 (in natural units) after removal of 0 0
such that Wψ0† ψ (x, p) = Wψ0† ψ (x, p) = 0, leading to a
1 2 2 1
strictly positive phase space distribution. On the other
hand, the superposition of
1 1
   
−(x−6)2 /2 0 −(x+6)2 /2 0
ψ1 = e  i  , ψ2 = e  i  , (18)
0 0
displays a significant interference as typically observed in
the non-relativistic phase space [35].
FIG. 5: (color online) The positive Wigner function for the Note that according to Eq. (7), the relativistic Wigner
non-Gaussian spinor in Eq. (8) for a = 1, which can be
function for a spinor with components φn (x) is mathe-
associated to the first excited state of the Dirac equation for
an electron in a constant and homogenous magnetic field.
matically analogous to the non-relativistic
P4 Wigner func-
tion for the density matrix ρ = n=1 φn (x)φ∗n (x). This

correspondence not only is responsible for the violation of and (8)] has a strictly positive Wigner function at any
Hudson’s theorem in relativity, but also allows to adapt time during evolution in a homogeneous magnetic field.
non-relativistic bounds on Wigner’s function positivity Further departing from the non-relativistic picture, the
[36]. explicitly constructed states are composed of both parti-
Given the discussion so far one may ask, are there cles and antiparticles. It is also shown that the free Dirac
Dirac spinors with positive Wigner functions made only evolution does not preserve the volume of negativity in
of particles? We have not found a conclusive answer the phase space.
to this question. However, the following numerical evi-
We additionally developed the procedure of filtering
dence allows us to conjecture the existence of such states:
particles or antiparticles out directly in the phase space
Figure 4(B) depicts the numerical Wigner transform of
[Eq. (15)], which can be applied not only to pure states
the state resulting from projecting out antiparticles from
(i.e., what a majority of other methods perform) but
spinor (12) with q = 0.1, a = 5, b = 3, and d = 0.1. The
also to an arbitrary mixed state. This procedure further
area of negative values in Figure 4(B) are of the order of
extends the techniques currently utilized in relativistic
round-off errors (∼ 10−15 ).
quantum chemistry [37, 38].
Outlook. Contrary to non-relativistic mechanics, there
exist whole families [e.g., see Eqs. (8), (10) and (12)] of Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge financial
pure non-Gaussian states underlying positive relativistic support from NSF CHE 1058644, DOE DE-FG02-02-ER-
Wigner functions (4). Additionally, a superposition of 15344 and ONR-MURI W911-NF-11-1-2068. A.G.C was
the first two (but not higher) Landau levels [Eqs. (7) also supported by the Fulbright foundation.

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