Quantum Mechanics L1
Quantum Mechanics L1
Quantum Mechanics L1
Department of Sciences
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1. Introduction
2. de- Broglie waves
3. Uncertainty principle
4. Wave function
5. Postulates of Quantum Mechanics
6. Wave equation
7. Schrödinger equation(time dependent)
8. Expectation values
9. Operators
10. Schrödinger equation(Steady state)
11. Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions
12. One dimensional potential well (particle in a box)
13. Finite potential well
14. The Tunnel Effect
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Wave function
In water waves – the quantity that varies periodically – the height of the water surface;
In sound waves – Pressure;
In light waves –Electric and magnetic fields….
The quantity whose variations make up matter waves is called the wave function (Ѱ-
Variable quantity that mathematically describes the wave characteristics of a particle.
The value of the wave function of a particle at a given point of space (x, y, z) and time
(t) is related to the likelihood of finding the particle there at the time.
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Wave function………..
1. It explains the motion of quantum mechanics particle when operated with Schrodinger’s
Wave Equation.
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Wave function..........
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Wave function..........
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Well behaved wave function
Condition for a Well behaved wave function............
Thus for a particle restricted to motion in the x direction, the probability (P) of
finding it between x1 and x2 is given by
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Postulates of Quantum Mechanics
If Ѱ1 and Ѱ2 represent two physically-realizable states of the system, then the linear
combination represents a third physically realizable state of the
system. c1 and c2 are arbitrary complex constants.
Note: Wave function Ѱ(x,t) position and time probability amplitude.
Quantum mechanics describes the outcome of an ensemble of measurements, where
an ensemble of measurements consists of a very large number of identical
experiments performed on identical non-interacting systems, all of which have been
01/31/2024 prepared so as to be in the same state. 8
Second Postulate
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Third Postulate:
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More on Operators…..
In mathematics, an operator is generally a mapping or function that acts on
elements of a space to produce elements of another space (possibly the same
space, sometimes required to be the same space).
An operator is an instruction, a symbol which tells us to perform one or more
mathematical acts on a function, say f(x). The essential point is that they act on a
Operators act on everything to the right, unless the action is constrained by brackets.
Addition and subtraction rule for operators:
Q1 Q2 f ( x) Q1 f ( x) Q2 f ( x)
The product of two operators implies succesive operation:
Q1Q2 f ( x) Q1 Q2 f ( x)
The product of two operators is a third operator:
Q3 Q1Q2
Two operators commute if they obey the simple operator expression:
Q1 , Q2 Q1Q2 Q2Q1 0 Q1Q2 Q2Q1
Fourth Postulate
1926 Erwin Schrodinger proposed an equation that describes the evolution of
quantum mechanical system. SWE which represents the quantum equations of
motion, and is of the form
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