10 1063@1 532989
10 1063@1 532989
10 1063@1 532989
Konrad Schmüdgen
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The idea to develop a q-deformed quantum mechanics by using quantum groups has been
investigated in several papers.1–5 Such approaches are usually based on a q-deformed phase space
algebra which is derived from the noncommutative differential calculus of the q-deformed con-
figuration space.6,7 Following the standard procedure in quantum mechanics one has to represent
the q-deformed position and momentum operators by essentially self-adjoint operators acting on a
Hilbert space. More precisely, one has to find appropriate *-representations of the phase space
*-algebra by unbounded operators in a Hilbert space. In the case of general Euclidean or
Minykowski phase spaces the study and classification of these *-representations turns out to be
technically complicated because of the many relations and also because of the various difficulties
concerning unbounded operators.
The aim of this paper is to give a rigorous treatment of well-behaved operator representations
for one of the simplest example—the one-dimensional q-deformed Heisenberg algebra which was
invented in Refs. 4 and 2. Representations of this algebra have been investigated in Ref. 2. Since
this *-algebra occurs as a subalgebra of other larger *-algebras, the study of general not neces-
sarily irreducible *-representations seems to be important as well. We shall develop and analyze
an operator-theoretic model for such general representations of the q-deformed Heisenberg alge-
bra. This model might be used as a tool kit for the study of representations of larger *-algebras.
This paper is organized as follows. Section II contains the definition and some simple alge-
braic properties of the q-deformed Heisenberg algebra A(q). In Sec. III we develop a general
operator-theoretic model for certain triples of operators which will lead in Sec. VI to representa-
tions of the *-algebra A(q). In Sec. IV the irreducibility and the unitary equivalence of these
operator triples are investigated and a number of examples are treated. In Sec. V we give a
characterization of these operator triples by a number of natural conditions. In Sec. VI we define
the self-adjoint *-representations of the *-algebra A(q) obtained by means of these operator
In a forthcoming paper we shall study the spectrum of the operator X. For this analysis the
q-Fourier transform8,9 will play a crucial role.
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J. Math. Phys., Vol. 40, No. 9, September 1999 Operator representations of a q-deformed . . . 4597
where i denotes the imaginary unit. An equivalent set of relations is obtained if 共2兲 is replaced by
From 共1兲 and 共2兲⬘ it follows that the set of elements 兵pr un ,xs un ; r苸N0 , s苸N, n苸Z其 is a vector
space basis of A(q).
The algebra A(q) becomes a *-algebra with involution defined on the generators by
Indeed, it suffices to check that the defining relations 共1兲 and 共2兲⬘ of A(q) are invariant under the
involution 共3兲 which is easily done.
From 共1兲, 共2兲⬘, and 共3兲 we conclude that there are *-isomorphisms 1 and 2 of the *-algebras
A(q) and A(q ⫺1 ) such that
Because the *-algebras A(q) and A(q ⫺1 ) are isomorphic, we shall assume in what follows that
共1兲 Let 1 be a finite positive Borel measure on the interval 关 q,1). The measure 1 extends
uniquely to a Borel measure on the half-axis R⫹ ⫽(0,⫹⬁) by setting (q n M)ªq n 1 (M) for
any Borel subset M of 关 q,1). Then has the property that (qN)⫽q (N) for an arbitrary Borel
subset N of R⫹ or equivalently that d (qt)/qt⫽d (t)/t for t苸R⫹ . We shall work with the
Hilbert spaces HªL 2 (R⫹ , ) and HªL 2 „关 q,1), 1 …. First we define three linear operators U, P,
and X on the Hilbert space H:
共i兲 (U f )(t)⫽q 1/2 f (qt) for f 苸H,
共ii兲 ( P f )(t)⫽t f (t) for f 苸D( P)ª 兵 f 苸H:t f (t)苸H其 ,
共iii兲 (X f )(t)⫽it ⫺1 „f (q ⫺1 t)⫺ f (qt)… for f 苸D(X)ª 兵 f 苸H:t ⫺1 f (t)苸H其 .
These operators will play a crucial role throughout this paper. Roughly speaking and ignoring
technical subtleties 共domains, boundary conditions, etc.兲, we shall show that for all ‘‘well-
behaved’’ *-representations of the q-deformed Heisenberg algebra A(q) the images of the gen-
erators u, p, and x act by the same formulas as the operators U, P, and X, respectively.
Obviously, P is an unbounded self-adjoint operator on H. Using the relation d (qt)/qt
⫽d (t)/t one easily verifies that U is a unitary operator and that X is a symmetric operator on H.
Let D0 be the set of functions f 苸H such that supp f 苸 关 a, b 兴 for some a⬎0 and b⬎0. 共Note that
a and b may depend on f.兲 Clearly, D0 is dense linear subspace of H which is invariant under U,
P, and X. It is straightforward to check that the operators P, X, and U applied to functions f
苸D0 satisfy the defining relations 共1兲, 共2兲, and 共3兲 of the *-algebra A(q). In turns out that the
symmetric operator X is not essentially self-adjoint. Our next aim is to characterize the domain of
the adjoint operator X * .
For f 苸H⫽L 2 „关 q,1), 1 … let f e and f o be the functions on R⫹ defined by
Clearly, f e and f o are in H⫽L 2 (R⫹ , ) and we have U( f e )⫺q 1/2 f 苸D(X) and U( f o )⫺q 1/2 f e
苸D(X). Let He and Ho denote the set of functions f e and f o , respectively, where f 苸H
⫽L 2 „关 q,1), 1 ….
Lemma 1: The domain D(X * ) is the direct sum of vector spaces D(X), He and Ho .
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4598 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 40, No. 9, September 1999 Konrad Schmüdgen
Proof: It is straightforward to check that D(X)⫹He ⫹Ho 債D(X * ). In order to prove the
converse, let g苸D(X * ). Then, by definition there is an h苸H such that 具 X f ,g 典 ⫽ 具 f ,h 典 for all f
苸D(X). Inserting the definition of X and using once more the fact that (qN)⫽q (N) for an
arbitrary Borel subset N of R⫹ we easily conclude that h(t)⫽it ⫺1 „g(q ⫺1 t)⫺g(qt)…. For a
function f 苸H let f n denote the function in L 2 „关 q,1), ⫹
1 … given by f n (t)⫽ f (q t). Then we get
⬁ ⬁
储 g n⫹1 ⫺g n⫺1 储 2 n
储 h 储 L 2共 R , 兲⫽
兺 储 h n 储 q ⭓ n⫽0
2 n
q 2n
q .
For n苸N we set ␣ n ª 储 g n⫹1 ⫺g n⫺1 储 q ⫺n/2. Since h苸L 2 (R, ), the sequence ( ␣ n ) is in l 2 . From
the inequality
we obtain
储 g 2r ⫺g 2s 储 2 ⭐ 冉兺 冊 ⬁
兩 ␣ i 兩 2 q 2s⫹1 共 1⫺q 2 兲 ⫺1 , r⭓s. 共5兲
Since ( ␣ n )苸l 2 , this implies that the sequence (g 2n ) n苸N converges in the Hilbert space
L 2 „关 q,1), 1 …. Let us denote its limit by . We extend to a function e on R⫹ by setting
e (q 2n t)ª (t) and e (q 2n⫹1 t)ª0 for n苸N0 , t苸 关 q,1), and e (t)⫽0 for t⭓1. Replacing even
indices by odd indices, a similar reasoning yields functions 苸L 2 „关 q,1), 1 … and o on R⫹ such
that o (q 2n⫹1 t)⫽ (t) and o (q 2n t)⫽0 for n苸N, t苸 关 q,1), and o (t)⫽0 for t⭓1. By construc-
tion, e 苸He and o 苸Ho . Our proof is complete once we have shown that f ªg⫺ e ⫺ o belongs
to the domain D(X) of the operator X.
Letting r˜⬁ in 共5兲, we get
储 ⫺g 2s 储 2 ⭐q 2s⫹1 共 1⫺q 2 兲 ⫺1 兺
兩 ␣ 2n 兩 2 . 共6兲
具 X * f ,g 典 ⫺ 具 f ,X * g 典 ⫽
兵 共 f ⫹ f ,g ⫹g o 兲 ⫺ 共 f e ⫺ f o ,g e ⫺g o 兲 其 . 共7兲⫹
2i e o e
Proof: Let h苸L 2 „( 关 q,1), 1 …. From the definitions of the operator X and of the functions h e ,h o
苸L 2 (R, ) we easily derive that (X * h e )(t)⫽⫺it ⫺1 h(qt) for t苸 关 1,q ⫺1 ), (X * h e )(t)⫽0 for t
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J. Math. Phys., Vol. 40, No. 9, September 1999 Operator representations of a q-deformed . . . 4599
苸R⫹ 关 1,q ⫺1 ), (X * h o )(t)⫽⫺it ⫺1 h(t) for t苸 关 q,1), and (X * h o )(t)⫽0 for t苸R⫹ 关 q,1). Insert-
ing these expressions and using the symmetry of the operator X we compute
具 X * f ,g 典 ⫺ 具 f ,X * g 典 ⫽ 具 X * f o ,g e 典 ⫺ 具 f e ,X * g o 典
⫽⫺i 冕 q
„f o 共 t 兲 g e 共 t 兲 ⫹ f e 共 t 兲 g o 共 t 兲 …t ⫺1 d 共 t 兲
⫽⫺i兵 共 f o ,g e 兲 ⫹ 共 f e ,g o 兲 其 ⫽ 兵 共 f ⫹ f ,g ⫹g o 兲 ⫺ 共 f e ⫺ f o ,g e ⫺g o 兲 其 .
2i e o e
具 f ,g 典 ⫽ 兺
f 共 aq n 兲 g 共 aq n 兲 q n .
Let e n 苸H be the function e n (t)⫽q ⫺n/2␦ aq n , where ␦ st is the usual Kronecker symbol. Then the
vectors e n ,n苸Z, form an orthonormal basis of H and the actions of the operators U, P, and X on
these vectors are given by
Ue n ⫽e n⫺1 , Pe n ⫽aq n e n , Xe n ⫽ 共 q ⫺1/2e n⫹1 ⫺q 1/2e n⫺1 兲 .
aq n
These equations are in accordance with formulas 共5兲 in Ref. 2. If f is the function in
L 2 „关 q,1), 1 …⬵C with f (a)⫽1, then by definition f e (aq 2n )⫽ f o (aq 2n⫹1 )⫽1, f e (aq 2n⫹1 )
⫽ f o (aq 2n )⫽0 for n苸N0 , and f e (t)⫽ f o (t)⫽0 for t⭓1. Then we have D(X * )⫽D(X)⫹C• f e
⫹C• f o by Lemma 1 and formula (7) ⫹ reads as
具 X * 共 ⫹ ␣ 1 f e ⫹  1 f o 兲 , ⫹ ␣ 2 f e ⫹  2 f o 典 ⫺ 具 ⫹ ␣ 1 f e ⫹  1 f o ,X * 共 ⫹ ␣ 2 f e ⫹  2 f o 兲 典
⫽⫺ia ⫺1 兵  1 ¯␣ 2 ⫹ ␣ 1 ¯ 2 其
⫽ 兵 共 ␣ 1 ⫹  1 兲共 ␣ 2 ⫹  2 兲 ⫺ 共 ␣ 1 ⫺  1 兲共 ␣ 2 ⫺  2 兲 其
for ␣ 1 ,  1 , ␣ 2 ,  2 苸C. 䊏
共2兲 The above considerations carry over almost verbatim to the case where the positive
half-axis R⫹ is replaced by the negative half-axis R⫺ ⫽(⫺⬁,0). Any positive finite Borel measure
1 on the interval 关 q,1) induces a positive Borel measure on R⫺ by defining (⫺q n M)
ªq n 1 (M) for a Borel subset M of 关 q,1). The operators U, P, and X on the Hilbert space
H⫺ ªL 2 (R⫺ , ) are defined by the same formulas as in the preceding subsection and Lemma 1
and its proof remain valid in this case as well. However, there is an essential difference which will
be crucial in the sequel: Since in the proof of Lemma 2 the integration is over the interval
(⫺1,⫺q 兴 , the expression on the right-hand side of (7) ⫹ must be multiplied by ⫺1. That is,
instead of (7) ⫹ we now have
具 X * f ,g 典 ⫺ 具 f ,X * g 典 ⫽ 兵 共 f ⫹ f ,g ⫹g o 兲 ⫺ 共 f e ⫺ f o ,g e ⫺g o 兲 其 共7兲⫺
2i e o e
for f ,g苸D(X * ).
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4600 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 40, No. 9, September 1999 Konrad Schmüdgen
共3兲 After the preceding preparations we are now able to develop the operator-theoretic model
for the description of *-representations of the q-Heisenberg algebra A(q). For this let us fix two
families 兵 1j,⫹ ; j苸I ⫹ 其 and 兵 1j,⫺ ; j苸I ⫺ 其 of finite positive Borel measures on the interval 关 q,1).
As above, we define the Hilbert spaces H j,⫾ ªL 2 (R⫾ , j,⫾ ), j苸I ⫾ , and the operators U j,⫾ ,
P j,⫾ , and X j,⫾ acting therein. We shall work with the representation Hilbert space H⫽H⫹
丣 H⫺ , where H⫹ ª 丣 j苸I H j,⫹ and H⫺ ª 丣 j苸I H j,⫺ . The elements of H are pairs f
⫹ ⫺
⫽(f⫹ ,f⫺ ), where f⫹ ⫽( f j,⫹ ; j苸I ⫹ )苸H⫹ and f⫺ ⫽( f j,⫺ ; j苸I)苸H⫺ . Let U, P, and X denote the
operators on H which are defined as the direct sums of the operators U j,⫹ ,U j,⫺ ; P j,⫹ , P j,⫺ ; and
X j,⫹ ,X j,⫺ , respectively. Clearly, U is a unitary operator and P is a self-adjoint operator on H.
The operator X is only symmetric, but not self-adjoint. Our next aim is to describe all self-adjoint
extensions X̃ of X on H which have the property that UX̃U ⫺1 ⫽qX̃.
Let V and W be two unitary linear transformations of the Hilbert space H⫺
ª 丣 j苸I ⫺ L 2 „关 q,1),t ⫺1 1j,⫺ … on the Hilbert space H⫹ ª 丣 j苸I ⫹ L 2 „关 q,1),t ⫺1 1j,⫹ …. We define a
linear operator X V,W as being the restriction of the adjoint operator X * to the domain
Proposition 1: X V,W is a self-adjoint operator on H such that X債X V,W and UX V,W U *
⫽qX V,W . In particular, we have UD(X V,W )⫽D(X V,W ). Conversely, for any self-adjoint exten-
sion X̃ of X satisfying UD(X̃)債D(X̃) there exist unitary transformations V,W of H⫹ onto H⫺
such that X̃⫽X V,W .
Proof: From (7) ⫹ and (7) ⫺ we obtain
⫺ 共 f⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹
e ⫺fo ,ge ⫺go 兲 共9兲
for arbitrary elements f⫽fX ⫹fe ⫹fo and g⫽gX ⫹ge ⫹go of D(X * ). Here f⫹ e denotes the sequence
( f ej,⫹ ; j苸I ⫹ )苸H⫹ with f ej,⫹ 苸L 2 „关 q,1), 1j … such that the extension ( f ej,⫹ ) e of f ej,⫹ to R⫹ by
means of formula 共4兲 is just the ( j,⫹)-component of the vector fe 苸H. A similar meaning at-
tached to the other symbols f ⫺ ⫹ ⫺ ⫹ ⫺ ⫹ ⫺
e , f o , f o ,ge ,go ,go ,go occuring in 共9兲. If f,g苸D(X V,W ), then we
have f e ⫹fo ⫽V(fe ⫹fo ), ge ⫹g⫺
⫹ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫹ ⫺ ⫺ ⫹ ⫹ ⫺ ⫺
o ⫽V(ge ⫹go ), fe ⫺fo ⫽W(fe ⫺fo ), and ge ⫺go ⫽W(ge
⫹ ⫹ ⫺
⫺go ) by 共8兲. Since X V,W 債X * , we therefore obtain that 具 X V,W f,g典 ⫺ 具 f,X V,W g典 ⫽0 by 共9兲, that is,
the operator X V,W is symmetric. Now let g苸D„(X V,W ) * …. Since X債X V,W 債(X V,W ) * 債X * , we
then have 具 X * f,g典 ⫽ 具 f,X * g典 and hence
共 f⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹
e ⫹fo ,ge ⫹go 兲 ⫹ 共 fe ⫺fo ,ge ⫺go 兲 ⫽ 共 fe ⫹fo ,ge ⫹go 兲 ⫹ 共 fe ⫺fo ,ge ⫺go 兲 共10兲
for all f苸D(X V,W ) by 共9兲. Inserting 共8兲 into 共10兲, we get
„f ⫺ ⫺ ⫹ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫹ ⫹
e ⫹fo ,V * 共 ge ⫹go 兲 …⫹ 共 fe ⫺fo ,ge ⫺go 兲 ⫽ 共 fe ⫹fo ,ge ⫹go 兲 ⫹„fe ⫺fo ,W * 共 ge ⫺go 兲 ….
From the construction it is clear that for arbitrary h,k苸H⫺ there exists f苸D(X V,W ) such that f⫺e
⫹f⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫹ ⫹
o ⫽h and fe ⫺fo ⫽k. Therefore, it follows from 共11兲 that V * (ge ⫹go )⫽ge ⫹go and
⫹ ⫺
W * (g⫹ ⫹ ⫺ ⫺
e ⫺go )⫽ge ⫺go , which in turn implies that g苸D(X V,W ). Thus we have shown that the
operator X V,W is self-adjoint. From the relations U(fe )⫺q 1/2fo 苸D(X) and U(fo )⫺q 1/2fe 苸 (X)
we see that UD(X V,W )⫽D(X V,W ). Since UXU * ⫽qX and hence UX * U * ⫽qX * and X V,W is the
restriction of X * to D(X V,W ), the latter yields UX V,W U * ⫽qX V,W .
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J. Math. Phys., Vol. 40, No. 9, September 1999 Operator representations of a q-deformed . . . 4601
共 f⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹
e ⫹fo ,ge ⫹go 兲 ⫹ 共 fo ⫺fe ,ge ⫺go 兲 ⫽ 共 fe ⫹fo ,ge ⫹go 兲 ⫹ 共 fo ⫺fe ,ge ⫺go 兲 . 共12兲
储 f⫹ ⫹ ⫺ ⫺
e ⫹fo 储 ⫽ 储 fe ⫹fo 储 and 储 f⫹ ⫹ ⫺ ⫺
e ⫺fo 储 ⫽ 储 fe ⫺fo 储 共13兲
共1兲 The next two propositions decide when a triple of operators 兵 P,X V,W ,U 其 defined in the
preceding section is irreducible and when two such triples are unitarily equivalent. Here we shall
say that the triple 兵 P,X V,W ,U 其 on H is irreducible if any bounded operator A on H satisfying
are unitary.
Proposition 2: The triple 兵 P,X V,W ,U 其 as defined above is irreducible if and only if any
bounded self-adjoint operators A ⫹ on K⫹ and A ⫺ on K⫺ satisfying
A ⫹ P ⫹ ⫽ P ⫹ A ⫹ , A ⫺ P ⫺ ⫽ P ⫺ A ⫺ , A ⫹ V ⬘ ⫽V ⬘ A ⫺ , A ⫹ W ⬘ ⫽W ⬘ A ⫺ 共16兲
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4602 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 40, No. 9, September 1999 Konrad Schmüdgen
or equivalently
where the tilde refers to the corresponding operators and spaces for the triple 兵 P̃,X ˜V ,W ˜ ,Ũ 其 .
共2兲 We shall illustrate the preceding by describing a few examples of irreducible representa-
tions. We begin with the simplest possible case.
Example 2: Suppose that the Hilbert spaces K⫹ and K⫺ are one-dimensional. Then the fami-
lies of measure 兵 ij,⫹ ;苸I ⫹ 其 and 兵 1j,⫺ ; j苸I ⫺ 其 consist only of single Dirac measures ␦ a and ␦ b ,
respectively, where a,b苸 关 q,1). Then the triples 兵 P,X V,W ,U 其 are parametrized by complex num-
bers V⫽V ⬘ ⫽e i and W⫽W ⬘ ⫽e i , , 苸R. The self-adjoint extension X V,W is then characterized
by the boundary condition 共8兲, that is,
f⫹ ⫹ i ⫺ ⫺
e ⫹fo ⫽e 共 fe ⫹fo 兲 , f⫹ ⫹ i ⫺ ⫺
e ⫺fo ⫽e 共 fe ⫺fo 兲 .
Each such triple is irreducible because the condition in Proposition 2 is trivially fulfilled. Two
triples with different numbers VW ⫺1 are not unitarily equivalent. The case where e i ⫽e i ⫽1 and
a⫽b has been treated in detail in Ref. 3.
Example 3: Let P ⫹ be a self-adjoint operator and Z a unitary operator on a Hilbert space K⫹
such that the commutant 兵 P ⫹ ,Z 其 ⬘ is equal to C•I. Such operators exist on any separable Hilbert
space.10 Upon scaling we can assume that the spectrum of P ⫹ is contained in 关 q,1). By the
spectral representation theorem 共Ref. 11, chap. X, 5兲, we can represent P ⫹ up to unitary equiva-
lence as the multiplication operator by the independent variable t on some direct sum Hilbert space
K⫹ ⫽ 丣 j苸I ⫹ L 2 „关 q,1); 1j,⫹ …. Let 兵 1j,⫺ ; j苸I 其 be an arbitrary family of measures on 关 q,1) such
that dim K⫹ ⫽dim K⫺ , where K⫺ ª 丣 j苸I ⫺ L 2 „关 q,1); 1j,⫺ …. Let W ⬘ be a unitary operator from K⫺
to K⫹ . We set V ⬘ ªZW ⬘ and define V and W by 共15兲. Then the triple 兵 P,X V,W ,U 其 is irreducible.
Indeed, if A ⫹ and A ⫺ be bounded self-adjoint operators satisfying 共17兲, then we have A ⫹ Z
⫽A ⫹ V ⬘ W ⬘ * ⫽V ⬘ A ⫺ W ⬘ * ⫽V ⬘ W ⬘ * A ⫹ ⫽ZA ⫹ and A ⫹ P ⫹ ⫽ P ⫹ A ⫹ , so that A ⫹ ⫽•I for some
苸C and hence A ⫺ ⫽V ⬘ * A ⫹ V ⬘ ⫽•I. By Proposition 2, the triple is irreducible. 䊏
Example 4: For this example we assume that there exist numbers a,b苸 关 q,1) such that
1j,⫹ ⫽ ␦ a and k,⫺
1 ⫽ ␦ b for all j苸I ⫹ and k苸I ⫺ . We shall show that in this case an irreducible
triple 兵 P,X V,W ,U 其 can be only obtained if both index sets I ⫹ and I ⫺ are singletons or equivalently
if dim K⫹ ⫽dim K⫺ ⫽1. Indeed, otherwise we take a self-adjoint operator A ⫹ on K⫹ such that
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J. Math. Phys., Vol. 40, No. 9, September 1999 Operator representations of a q-deformed . . . 4603
A ⫹ V ⬘ W ⬘ * ⫽V ⬘ W ⬘ * A ⫹ and A ⫹ 苸C•I and set A ⫺ ªV ⬘ * A ⫹ V ⬘ . Then the conditions 共16兲 are ful-
filled, hence the triple is not irreducible. 䊏
Example 5: If the spectra of the operators P ⫹ on K⫹ and P ⫺ on K⫺ are singletons, then we
have seen in Example 4 that irreducible triples exist only in the trivial case where I ⫹ and I ⫺ are
singletons. We now show that this is no longer true if both spectra consist of two points. To be
more precise, we shall consider the following situation: The index sets I ⫾ are disjoint unions of
two countable infinite sets I ⫾ 1 2
and I ⫾ and there are numbers a 1 ,a 2 ,b 1 ,b 2 苸 关 q,1), a 1 ⫽a 2 , such
that 1 ⫽ ␦ a 1 for j苸I ⫹ , 1 ⫽ ␦ a 2 for j苸I ⫹
j,⫹ 1 j,⫹ 2
, 1j,⫺ ⫽ ␦ b 1 for j苸I ⫺
, and 1j,⫺ ⫽ ␦ b 2 for j苸I ⫺
By identifying I ⫾ with the natural numbers the Hilbert spaces K⫹ and K⫺ become the direct sum
l 2 (N) 丣 l 2 (N) of two l 2 -spaces. We choose a bounded operator T on l 2 (N) such that 兵 T,T * 其 ⬘
⫽C•I and I⭐3T * T⭐2•I. It is well known 共see Ref. 12, Anhang, §4兲 that the operator matrix
Z⫽ 冉 T
⫺ 冑I⫺T * T
冑I⫺TT *
defines a unitary operator Z on K⫹ ⫽K⫺ ⫽l 2 (N) 丣 l 2 (N). Let W ⬘ be an arbitrary unitary operator
on K⫹ ⫽K⫺ and set V ⬘ ªZW ⬘ . Then the triple ( P,X V,W ,U) is irreducible.
Indeed, let A ⫹ and A ⫺ be self-adjoint bounded operators on K⫹ ⫽K⫺ satisfying 共17兲. Since
a 1 ⫽a 2 , the relation A ⫹ P ⫹ ⫽ P ⫹ A ⫹ implies that A ⫹ is given by a diagonal operator matrix
A ⫹⫽ 冉 冊
0 C
From 共17兲 we get A ⫹ Z⫽ZA ⫹ . Comparing the matrix entries of the first line yields BT⫽TB and
B 冑I⫺T * T⫽ 冑I⫺T * TC. Since B⫽B * , we have BT * ⫽T * B. Therefore, B commutes with T and
T * and so with 冑I⫺T * T which in turn gives 冑I⫺T * TB⫽ 冑I⫺T * TC. Because 冑I⫺T * T is
invertible, we get B⫽C. Since B苸 兵 T,T * 其 ⬘ , we obtain B⫽C⫽•I for some 苸C. Thus, A ⫹
⫽•I and A ⫺ ⫽V ⬘ * A ⫹ V ⬘ ⫽•I, so that the triple is irreducible by Proposition 2. 䊏
Let 兵 P,X V,W ,U 其 be an operator triple as in Sec. II and let D1 be the set of all vectors f⫽fX
⫹fe ⫹fo 苸D(X V,W ) with fX 苸Do , where Do is as defined in Sec. II. Then D1 is a dense linear
subspace of the Hilbert space H such that D1 is invariant under the operators P, X V,W , and U and
the restrictions of P and X V,W to D1 are essentially self-adjoint. Further, the three operators P,
X V,W , and U applied to vectors f苸D1 satisfy the relations 共1兲 and 共2兲. From the construction it is
clear that the range E„关 q,1)…H(⬵K⫹ ) of the spectral projection E„关 q,1)… of the operator P is
contained in D1 . Our next proposition says that the operator triples 兵 P,X V,W ,U 其 can be charac-
terized by some of the properties just mentioned.
Proposition 4: Let 兵 P ⬘ ,X ⬘ ,U ⬘ 其 be a triple of two self-adjoint operators P ⬘ and X ⬘ and a
unitary operator U ⬘ on a Hilbert space H⬘ . Let E(•) denote the spectral measure of P ⬘ . Suppose
that there exists a linear subspace D1 債D( P ⬘ X ⬘ )艚D(X ⬘ P ⬘ ) of H such that
共i兲 E„关 q,1)…H債D1 and E„(⫺1,⫺q 兴 …H債D1 .
共ii兲 The operators P ⬘ ,X ⬘ ,U ⬘ satisfy the relations (1) and (2) for vectors in D1 .
共iii兲 The restrictions P ⬘ d D1 and X ⬘ d D1 of P ⬘ and X ⬘ to D1 are essentially self-adjoint.
Then 兵 P ⬘ ,X ⬘ ,U ⬘ 其 is unitarily equivalent to an operator triple 兵 P,X V,W ,U 其 defined in
Sec. II.
Sketch of proof: The restriction P 1⬘ of P ⬘ to the invariant subspace H1 ªE„关 q,1)…H̃ is obvi-
ously a bounded self-adjoint operator on the Hilbert space H1 with spectrum contained in the
interval 关 q,1兴 . By the spectral representation theorem11, there is a family 兵 1j,⫹ ; j苸I ⫹ 其 of finite
positive Borel measures on 关 q, 1 兴 and a unitary isomorphism of H1 on K⫹ ª 丣 j L 2 „关 q, 1 兴 , 1j,⫹ …
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4604 J. Math. Phys., Vol. 40, No. 9, September 1999 Konrad Schmüdgen
such that P 1⬘ is unitarily equivalent to the operator P 1 on K⫹ which acts componentwise as the
multiplication by the variable t. Since 1 is not an eigenvalue of P ⬘1 by construction, we have
1j,⫹ ( 兵 1 其 )⫽0 for all j苸I ⫹ . For simplicity let us identify H1 with K⫹ and P 1⬘ with P 1 .
Next we show that ker P ⬘ ⫽ 兵 0 其 . Let f苸ker P ⬘ . Since P ⬘ d D1 is essentially self-adjoint by 共iii兲,
there exists a sequence 兵 fn 其 of vectors fn 苸D1 such that fn ˜f and P ⬘ fn ˜ P ⬘ f⫽0 in H. Since
X ⬘ P ⬘ fn ⫽i(q 1/2U ⬘ * ⫹q 1/2U ⬘ )fn by 共ii兲 and the operators U ⬘ and U ⬘ * are bounded, we obtain
(q ⫺1/2U ⬘ * ⫹q 1/2U ⬘ )f⫽0 in the limit. This in turn yields that q 储 f储 ⫽ 储 f储 and so f⫽0.
By 共ii兲, we have U ⬘ P ⬘ f⫽q P ⬘ U ⬘ f for all f苸D1 . Since p ⬘ d D1 is essentially self-adjoint, this
remains valid for f苸D( P ⬘ ), so that P ⬘ 債qU ⬘ * P ⬘ U ⬘ . Since P ⬘ is self-adjoint, we conclude that
P ⬘ ⫽qU ⬘ * P ⬘ U ⬘ . Hence we have U ⬘ n E(N)⫽E(q ⫺n N) for any Borel subset N of R and arbitrary
n苸Z. Let j,⫹ be the extension of the measure 1j,⫹ to R⫹ as in Sec. II 共1兲. From the preceding
considerations it follows that E(R⫹ )H⫽ 丣 j L 2 (R⫹ , j,⫹ )⬅H⫹ and that U ⬘ acts in each compo-
nent by formula 共i兲 in Sec. II 共1兲. Proceeding in a similar manner, we obtain a family 兵 1j,⫺ ; j
苸I ⫺ 其 of measures on 关 q,1兴 such that 1j,⫺ ( 兵 1 其 )⫽0 for j苸I ⫺ ,E(R⫺ )H⫽ 丣 j L 2 (R⫺ , j,⫺ )
⬅H⫺ in the notation of Sec. II and U ⬘ acts componentwise as given by formula 共i兲 in Sec. II 共1兲.
Since E( 兵 0 其 )H⫽ker P ⬘ ⫽ 兵 0 其 as proved in the preceding paragraph, we conclude that H⫽H⫹
丣 H⫺ .
From the construction it is clear that P ⬘ and U ⬘ are the operators P and U, respectively, as in
Sec. II. Let us finally turn to the operator X ⬘ . Recall that we have X ⬘ P ⬘ f⫽i(q ⫺1/2U ⬘ *
⫹q 1/2U ⬘ )f for f苸D1 . By arguing as in the paragraph before last, this relation remains valid for all
f苸D( P ⬘ ). If f denotes a component of the vector f, then the preceding equation yields that
gªt f 苸H, t ⫺1 g⫽ f 苸H and (X ⬘ g)(t)⫽i„q ⫺1 f (q ⫺1 t)⫺q f (qt)…⫽it ⫺1 „g(q ⫺1 t)⫺g(qt)…⫽(Xg)
⫻(t). Hence X ⬘ f⫽Xf for all f苸D( P ⬘ ). Since X ⬘ d D1 is essentially self-adjoint, the relation
U ⬘ X ⬘ f⫽q ⫺1 X ⬘ U ⬘ f for f苸D1 by 共ii兲 extends to vectors f苸D(X ⬘ ), so that U ⬘ X ⬘ U ⬘ * ⫽q ⫺1 X ⬘ .
Thus, X ⬘ is a self-adjoint extension of the operator X such that UD(X ⬘ )⫽D(X ⬘ ). By Proposition
1, X ⬘ is of the form X V,W . 䊏
共1兲 We have considered so far only operator triples and operator relations rather than repre-
sentations of the algebra A(q). However, any operator triple 兵 P,X V,W ,U 其 gives rise to a self-
adjoint representation of the *-algebra as follows. Indeed, let D1 be the domain defined at the
beginning of Sec. IV. For vectors in D1 the operators P,X V,W ,U satisfy the defining relations 共1兲
and 共2兲 of the algebra A(q). Hence there exists a unique *-representation 1 of the *-algebra
A(q) on the domain D1 such that
1 共 p 兲 ⫽ P d D1 , 1 共 x 兲 ⫽X V,W d D1 , 1 共 u 兲 ⫽U d D1 .
共For the notions on unbounded *-representations used in what follows we refer to Ref. 13. Recall
that the symbol T d D1 means the restriction of T to D1 .兲
The *-representation 1 is not yet self-adjoint 共see Ref. 13, Definition 8.1.10兲, because,
roughly speaking, D1 is not the largest possible domain. However, since the operators 1 (p) and
1 (x) are essentially self-adjoint, it follows at once from Proposition 8.1.12共v兲 in Ref. 13 that the
adjoint representation ª( 1 ) * is self-adjoint. It is not difficult to verify that the domain D of
the *-representation is just the intersection of domains of all possible products of the operators
P,X V,W ,U 共see Ref. 13, Proposition 8.1.17兲. From these facts it follows that the operator triple
兵 P,X V,W ,U 其 is irreducible if and only if the *-representation is so and that two triples are
unitarily equivalent if and only if the corresponding *-representations are so. That is, Propositions
2 and 3 provide also the conditions for the irreducibility and the unitary equivalence of these
*-representations of the *-algebra A(q).
共2兲 Finally, we briefly discuss how operator representations of the q-deformed Heisenberg
algebra A(q) can be constructed by means of the Schrödinger representation Pª⫺i(d/dt) and
Qªt of the ‘‘ordinary’’ momentum and position operators.
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J. Math. Phys., Vol. 40, No. 9, September 1999 Operator representations of a q-deformed . . . 4605
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