Papper Curtido PDF
Papper Curtido PDF
Papper Curtido PDF
Volume 2, No.5, May 2013
The term “eco friendly” leather meant the “chrome free” leather. Around 80% of leather is tanned using
chromium. The chromium used in the tannery may be in the form of chromium III, IV and chromium VI
compounds. The chromium tanned leathers use chromium III salts (Trivalent chromium) in the form of
chromium sulfate. This form of chromium is found naturally in the environment and is necessary nutrient for the
human body. However the chromium III oxidizes to chromium VI (Hexavalent chromium) in the presence of
oxygen combined with other factors, such as extremes in pH. This happens during the tanning process. The
hexavalent chromium produces allergic reaction and easily moves across the membranes such as skin, and it is
a major cause for many diseases. This research work suggests using silicate tanning process by eliminating the
chrome tanning process to make eco friendly leather. The present tanneries which use chrome tanning process
can be modified in to silicate tanning process to make pollution free tanneries and the future generations can be
protected from very dangerous environmental impacts caused by chromium compounds.
Key words: Eco friendly leather, Chrome free leather, tanning, trivalent chromium, hexavalent chromium,
chrome tanning, silicate tanning. Blue Ocean Research Journals 17
Journal of Engineering, Computers & Applied Sciences (JEC&AS) ISSN No: 2319‐5606
Volume 2, No.5, May 2013
_________________________________________________________________________________ Blue Ocean Research Journals 18
Journal of Engineering, Computers & Applied Sciences (JEC&AS) ISSN No: 2319‐5606
Volume 2, No.5, May 2013
Inside the cell, Cr (VI) is reduced first to Meta amounts of hexavalent chromium even for long
stable pentavalent chromium (Cr (V)) and then to periods does not cause respiratory tract irritation in
trivalent chromium (Cr (III)). Chromate-dyed most people. Some employees become allergic to
textiles or chromate-tanned leather shoes can cause hexavalent chromium so that inhaling the chromate
or exacerbate contact dermatitis. Vitamin C and compounds can cause asthma symptoms such as
other reducing agents combine with chromate to wheezing and shortness of breath.
give Cr (III) products inside the cell. Skin: Prolonged skin contact can result in
Chromium Hexavalent Cr (VI) compounds, often dermatitis and skin ulcers. Some workers develop
called Hexavalent chromium, exist in several an allergic sensitization to chromium. In sensitized
forms. Industrial uses of Hexavalent chromium workers, contact with even small amounts can
compounds include chromate pigments in dyes, cause a serious skin rash.
paints, inks, and plastics; chromates added as
anticorrosive agents to paints, primers, and other 2. PROCESS DESCRIPTION
surface coatings; and chromic acid electroplated A. Silicates
onto metal parts to provide a decorative or Silicon dioxide consists of 60% of earth’s crust,
protective coating. Hexavalent chromium can also either in the free form or in the combined form
be formed when performing "hot work" such as with other silicates.
welding on stainless steel or melting chromium Composition of silicates:
metal. In these situations the chromium is not Soluble silicates contain three components
originally Hexavalent, but the high temperatures 1. Silica-this is the primary constituent of all
involved in the process result in oxidation that silicates
converts the chromium to a Hexavalent state. 2. Alkali-a key component of soluble
silicates. It can either be sodium oxide or potassium
E. Chromium hazards to humans oxide form
Workers in many different occupations are 3. Water
exposed to chromium. Occupational exposures B. Physical properties of silicates
occur mainly among workers who handle pigments The raw materials needed to produce soluble
containing dry chromate, spray paints and coatings silicates are silica sand, soda ash/potash and water.
containing chromate, operate chrome plating baths, Alkali is determined using pH or total titrate able
and weld or cut metals containing chromium, such alkali content.
as stainless steel. The following references aid in 1. Total solid is the sum of silica and alkali.
recognizing hazards and health effects associated 2. Weight ratio is the most important silicate
with chromium. Workers who breathe Hexavalent variable. Ratio determines the product solubility,
chromium compounds at their jobs for many years reactivity and physical properties.
may be at increased risk of developing lung cancer. 3. Ratio is either the weight or molar
Irritation or damage to the eyes and skin can occur production of silica to alkali.
if Hexavalent chromium contacts these organs in 4. Density is an expression of total solids and
high concentrations or for a prolonged period of is typically determined using hydrometer. As
time. temperature density increases and as solid content
Cancer: All forms of hexavalent chromium are increases density increases.
regarded as carcinogenic to workers. The risk of 5. pH is a function of silicate composition
developing lung cancer increases with the amount and solid concentration. The pH value of silicates
of hexavalent chromium inhaled and the length of does not truly reflect the alkali content of solution.
time the worker are exposed. Studies of workers in C. Silica chemistry
chromate production, chromate pigment, and Sodium Silicates (Na2O.XSiO2) are metal oxides
chrome electroplating industries employed before of silica. All soluble silicates can be differentiated
the 1980s show increased rates of lung cancer by their ratio, defined as the weight proportion of
mortality. Certain hexavalent chromium silica to alkali (SiO2/Na2O) ratio determines the
compounds produced lung cancer in animals that physical and chemical properties of product. Using
had the compounds placed directly in their lungs. silicates to tie up metal ions is an inexpensive way
Eyes: Direct eye contact with chromic acid or to enhance the performance of many processes.
chromate dusts can cause permanent eye damage. Soluble silica reacts with all multivalent cationic
Hexavalent chromium can irritate the nose, throat, metal ions to form the corresponding insoluble
and lungs. Repeated or prolonged exposure can metal silicates. Silicates will precipitate these
damage the mucous membranes of the nasal metals out of solution and render them insoluble or
passages and result in ulcers. In severe cases, non reactive. The reactant by-product normally
exposure causes perforation of the septum (the wall displays long term stability.
separating the nasal passages). Breathing small Blue Ocean Research Journals 19
Journal of Engineering, Computers & Applied Sciences (JEC&AS) ISSN No: 2319‐5606
Volume 2, No.5, May 2013
_________________________________________________________________________________ Blue Ocean Research Journals 20
Journal of Engineering, Computers & Applied Sciences (JEC&AS) ISSN No: 2319‐5606
Volume 2, No.5, May 2013
The below table mentioned the list of chemicals process for the leather and the modern silicate
used in the normal conventional chrome tanning tanning process for the eco-friendly leather.
The conventional leather processing by chrome out from the tanned leather was clamped between
tanning can be modified by the above mentioned the jaws of the clamp, which in turn was immersed
silicate tanning process to make the eco friendly in a mixture of glycerol and water (3:1) and the
leather which contains no chromium and the very solution was stirred vigorously using mechanical
dangerous environmental impacts caused by stirrer. The temperature of the solution was
chromium can be protected. gradually increased and the temperature at which
the sample shrinks was noted.
G. Shrinkage test Table 4: Leather shrinkage temperature
In this research work many parameters has been
tested for the different types of leather The
Leather Shrinkage temperature
shrinkage temperature which is measure of
hydrothermal stability of leather is determine using
Chrome tanned 1100C
a shrink of test shrinkage tester. A 2cm 2 sample cut Blue Ocean Research Journals 21
Journal of Engineering, Computers & Applied Sciences (JEC&AS) ISSN No: 2319‐5606
Volume 2, No.5, May 2013
_________________________________________________________________________________ Blue Ocean Research Journals 22