Beam Design

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The document discusses the design calculations and process for a concrete beam including design for bending moment, shear strength, reinforcement requirements, and limiting moment capacity of a T-beam.

The design process involves calculating the required reinforcement for hogging and sagging moments based on the ultimate bending moments. It also includes calculating the minimum and maximum reinforcement limits.

When designing for shear strength, factors like the tensile steel percentage, permissible shear stress of concrete, design shear strength, and required shear reinforcement spacing are considered.

Design of Beam

Concrete grade = M 20
Steel grade = Fe500 and Fe 415 for stirrups
Beam along Grid B1-B2 at First Floor
Ref. Step Calculation Output
1 Known Data
Overall Depth, D = 380.00 mm D = 380 mm
Width, B = 300.00 mm B = 300 mm
Lenth of Beam, L = 5,880 mm
Considering 20 mm dia bar, f = 20.00 mm
clear cover = 25mm c = 25.00 mm
effective depth ,d = D - clear cover- f/2
d = D - clear cover- f/2 d = 345.00 mm
d' = clear cover +f/2 d' = 35.00 mm

characteristic strength of concrete fck = 20.00 N/mm2

Strength of steel fy = 500.00 N/mm2
IS:13920-1993 L/D = 15.47 >4
cl. 6.1.4 2 Minimum reinforcement Hence ok
IS13920:1993 0.24 fck
Ast min  bd Astmin = 222.176
cl. 6.2.1.b fy mm2 Astmin =222.18 mm2
pt,min= 0.215%
IS13920:1993 Maximum reinforcement
cl. 6.2.2 Ast max = 0.025bd Astmax = 2,587.50 mm2 Astmax=2587.50 mm2
limiting moment, Mulim = 2.76bd2 Mulim = 78.56 KNm Mulim =78.56 KNm
3 Beam 4A-4B; ID B25
At right end m2

-131.65 KN-m -6.26kN-m -135.95kN-m

+0kN-m +82.096kN-m +0kN-m

Sp16 Table2 1. Design for Hogging Moment

Ultimate moment Mu = 135.95 KNm (Hogging moment) -ve

Mu > Mulim DoublyReinforcedSection

For Doubly Reinforced Beam
Table 54, SP16 d' / d = 0.10
Mu / bd2 = 3.81
Percentage of steel at tension zone pt = 1.046 %
Required area of steel at tension zone Ast = 1,082.61 mm2 Astmin =1082.61mm2 (Top)
Percentage of steel at compression zone pc = 0.314 %
Required area of steel at compression zone Asc = 324.99 mm2 Ascmin =324.99mm2(Bot)
Since, Ascmin < Ast, Providing Ast = 1,082.61 mm2

Asc at bottom is not required but as per IS

13920:1993, cl.6.2.3 Asc must be at least 50% of Ast
Percentage of steel at compression zone pc = 0.52 %
Design of Beam
Concrete grade = M 20
Steel grade = Fe500 and Fe 415 for stirrups
Beam along Grid B1-B2 at First Floor
Ref. Step Calculation Output
Required area of steel at compression zone Asc = 541.31 mm
2 Ascmin =541.31 mm2(Bot)
Design of Beam
Concrete grade = M 20
Steel grade = Fe500 and Fe 415 for stirrups
Beam along Grid B1-B2 at First Floor
Ref. Step Calculation Output
2. Design for Sagging Moment
The beam is designed as T beam
The limiting capacity of the T-beam assuming xu < Df and
xu < xu,max may be calculated as follows.
Ultimate moment Mu = 82.10 KNm (Sagging moment) +ve

IS 456: 20
cl. 23.1.2

Where Df = Depth of flange 125 mm Slab thickness

bw = width of web / rib 300 mm
bf = width of flange
Lowest of above 2

1970 mm
Ast= 558.53 mm2
33.20 mm
< Df
< xu,max xu,max=158.7 mm
Hence OK
But Asc must be at least 50% of Ast hence,
Asc = 279.27 mm2
3. Required Reinforcement
A st,Top = 1082.61 mm 2
A st,Bott = 558.53 mm 2

4 Design Shear Strength of Concrete

Tensile steel provided at right end = 1.05% pt
IS:456:2000 Permissible design shear stress of concrete
Table 19 Ʈc= 0.620 MPa
Vc = 64.17 kN
Maximun shear at right end, Vu = 157.67 kN

Design Shear
Vus = Vu – Vc 93.50 kN
Vus / d = 2.71 kN/cm
Referring to Table 62 of SP:16, we get the
required spacing of 2 legged 8φ stirrups as
400mm c/c

As per Clause 6.3.5 of IS 13920:1993, the spacing

of stirrups in the mid-span shall not exceed
Design of Beam
Concrete grade = M 20
Steel grade = Fe500 and Fe 415 for stirrups
Beam along Grid B1-B2 at First Floor
Ref. Step Calculation Output
d/2 = 297.2/2 =148.6 mm
Design of Beam
Concrete grade = M 20
Steel grade = Fe500 and Fe 415 for stirrups
Beam along Grid B1-B2 at First Floor
Ref. Step Calculation Output
Minimum shear reinforcement as per
Clause of IS 456:2000 is given by:
Sv = Asv x 0.87 fy /(0.4 b)
= 2 x 50 x 0.87 x 415 / (300 x 0.4)
= 300 mm.

Spacing of links over a length of 2d at either end

of beam as per Clause 6.3.5 of IS13920: 1993
shall be the least of:
i) d/4 = 297.2 /4 =74.3 mm
ii) 8 times diameter of smallest bar
= 8 x 16 = 128 mm
However, it need not be less than 100 mm.
Hence, provide 2 Legged - 8 φ stirrups @100mm
c/c at left and at right end over a length of 2d = Provide 8 φ stirrups @100mm c/c
2 x 297.2 = 594.4 mm over a length of 594.4mm

Elsewhere, provide stirrups at 150 mm c/c

547.5092 -1891.92 6865.373 -95.4342 282.7887 11549.19 2897.275 -54.7983
734.2823 -1566.82 11755.11 -97.7263 309.9277 12992.86 3355.606 -56.1144
623.4258 -2607.11 -70122.6 -397.869 153.0228 9114.411 -30777.29 -228.456
551.426 100.1874 88930.72 241.5066 342.8616 11674.17 36146.26 138.6731
603.114 62181.07 11687.36 168.839 272.6738 50839.26 994.707 96.9474
571.7379 -64688 7120.805 -325.201 223.2105 -30050.7 4374.264 -186.731
592.5091 -3583.98 -92542.9 -495.044 164.1394 9949.341 -38929.95 -284.254
502.5093 -199.863 106273.7 304.1753 401.4379 13149.04 44724.49 174.6575
567.1193 77401.25 9719.472 213.3408 313.7032 62105.4 785.0518 122.5003
527.8991 -81185.1 4011.274 -404.209 251.8741 -39007 5009.498 -232.097
373.5054 -2827.21 -95289.1 -456.87 51.02391 5329.666 -40088.86 -262.335
283.5056 556.9053 103527.5 342.349 288.3225 8529.36 43565.58 196.5768
348.1156 78158.02 6973.323 251.5145 200.5878 57485.73 -373.8581 144.4197
308.8954 -80428.3 1265.125 -366.036 138.7586 -43626.7 3850.588 -210.178
734.2823 78.15802 106.2737 0.342349 401.4379 62.1054 44.72449 0.196577

267.6253 0.131051

Story Column Combo Loc P V2 V3 T M2

STORY2 C167 DCON10-1 0 -827.68 -0.12 -75.13 561.707 -142063
STORY2 C167 DCON10-1 1333.5 -820.84 -0.12 -75.13 561.707 -41872.2
STORY2 C167 DCON10-1 2667 -814 -0.12 -75.13 561.707 58319.02
-814 58.31902

Story Beam Combo Loc P V2 V3 T M2

STORY2 B226 DCON10-1 658.5 0 12.78 0 -349.509 0
STORY2 B226 DCON10-1 1594.5 0 40.96 0 -349.509 0
STORY2 B226 DCON10-1 2998.5 0 87.69 0 -349.509 0
-6477.618 17243.96 -4387.26
-408.3906 18479.84 -10401.4
-39805.99 10321.3 28298.68
32919.98 25402.49 -43087.3
-7391.621 17189.12 -3406.89
194.9124 18733.97 -10924.6
FZ MY MZ -49052.09 8535.806 37450.52
223.9834 -719.027 -54.79834 41855.38 27387.29 -51782
245.6806 -766.366 -56.11443 -5952.279 10004.5 -540.601
263.8347 -34709.5 -228.4562 1634.254 11549.35 -8058.27
129.2543 33483.36 138.6731 -47612.75 1351.187 40316.82
163.2396 -932.955 96.9474 43294.72 20202.67 -48915.7
229.8494 -293.231 -186.7305 -3620.593 17773.2 -7603.24
308.0962 -43339.6 -284.2542 -4445.872 22106.19 -9582.7
139.8706 41901.54 174.6575 -4781.25 17434.72 -6454.91
182.3522 -1118.85 122.5003 -2332.144 17935.18 -8877.41
265.6145 -319.199 -232.097 -48496.86 9086.47 38247.89
218.5028 -43052 -262.3349 41383.47 26283.43 -53580.2
50.27724 42189.15 196.5768 -5151.284 17460.41 -6089.18
92.75889 -831.244 144.4197 -2089.901 18085.99 -9117.3
176.0212 -31.5884 -210.1777 -59795.8 7025.102 49789.33
308.0962 42.18915 0.1965768 52554.62 28521.3 -64995.8
-3703.047 10351.13 -3047.88
-641.6642 10976.71 -6076.01
205.3974667 -58347.56 -84.1784 52830.63
54002.85 21412.02 -61954.5
54.00285 -59.7958 28.5213 -0.08418 52.83063 -64.9958
M3 M3 M3
-8299.18 45332.41 -28571.8
-10824.6 58380.04 -36571.2
4256.435 46702.43 -45405.8
-21575.8 46705.64 -13108.2
-9019.44 46700.47 -28815.3
-8299.95 46707.6 -29698.6
7845.982 45330.41 -48757.8
-24444.3 45334.42 -8385.81
-8748.86 45327.96 -28019.7
-7849.5 45336.87 -29123.9
11165.65 27197.44 -37329
-21124.7 27201.46 3042.901
-5429.19 27195 -16591
-4529.83 27203.9 -17695.2
-11947.8 64577.68 -46528.8
-15295.7 81426.68 -58451.6
12131.35 65286.65 -76894.2
-36604.5 64996.04 -16628.3
-12641.6 65137.46 -46263.6
-11831.5 65145.22 -47258.9
18512.08 64759.31 -84195
-42407.7 64396.05 -8862.62
-12454.2 64572.83 -45906.8
-11441.5 64582.53 -47150.8
23291.2 38928.24 -65583.5
-37628.6 38564.97 9748.901
-7675.04 38741.76 -27295.3
-6662.33 38751.46 -28539.3
-12524.7 65434.83 -43879.1
-15517.9 81654.83 -57660.5
17045.84 65453.84 -82661.1
-41874.5 65193.89 -9595.64
-12858.1 65319.9 -45582.6
-11970.5 65327.83 -46674.2
24300.51 65597.3 -89545.1
-49349.9 65272.36 1786.793
-13079.4 65429.88 -43196.9
-11970 65439.79 -44561.4
29310.38 39423.37 -71993.4
-44340 39098.42 19338.44
-8069.52 39255.94 -25645.2
-6960.09 39265.85 -27009.7
29.31038 -49.3499 81.65483 27.195 19.33844 -89.5451
853934 35 29887690 3588.34 35
4395716.5 25491973.5 25390000 -101973.5
Story Beam Load Loc V2 M3 Loc V2 M3 Loc V2 M3
STORY2 B67 COMB1 0.203017 -77.2078 -55.7832 2.539794 -8.21626 49.8189 5.343927 71.26617 -48.0461
STORY2 B67 COMB2 0.203017 -92.5136 -67.8006 2.539794 -9.61948 60.28373 5.343927 84.85646 -59.5034
STORY2 B67 COMB3 0.203017 -25.9297 74.76976 2.539794 40.38559 64.88221 5.343927 115.9663 -165.774
STORY2 B67 COMB4 0.203017 -122.092 -183.251 2.539794 -55.7768 31.57176 5.343927 19.804 70.56809
STORY2 B67 COMB5 0.203017 -79.3116 -68.5756 2.539794 -12.9963 46.27843 5.343927 62.58447 -34.6874
STORY2 B67 COMB6 0.203017 -68.7102 -39.9054 2.539794 -2.39489 50.17554 5.343927 73.18587 -60.518
STORY2 B67 COMB7 0.203017 -17.1063 105.4796 2.539794 51.88521 70.63793 5.343927 131.3676 -195.76
STORY2 B67 COMB8 0.203017 -137.309 -217.046 2.539794 -68.3177 28.99988 5.343927 11.16471 99.66741
STORY2 B67 COMB9 0.203017 -83.8337 -73.702 2.539794 -14.8421 47.38322 5.343927 64.6403 -31.9019
STORY2 B67 COMB10 0.203017 -70.5819 -37.8643 2.539794 -1.59039 52.25459 5.343927 77.89204 -64.1902
STORY2 B67 COMB11 0.203017 13.77678 127.7929 2.539794 55.17171 50.71037 5.343927 102.8612 -176.541
STORY2 B67 COMB12 0.203017 -106.426 -194.733 2.539794 -65.0312 9.072317 5.343927 -17.3418 118.8858
STORY2 B67 COMB13 0.203017 13.77678 127.7929 2.539794 55.17171 50.71037 5.343927 102.8612 -176.541
STORY2 B67 COMB14 0.203017 -39.6988 -15.551 2.539794 1.696115 32.32703 5.343927 49.38557 -44.9718
127.7929 131.3676 118.8858

Story Beam Load Loc V2 M3 Loc V2 M3 Loc V2 M3

STORY2 B67 COMB1 0.1524 -76.991 -53.4094 2.512185 -7.85303 52.8971 5.343927 72.53362 -48.3176
STORY2 B67 COMB2 0.1524 -92.5192 -66.2275 2.512185 -9.61391 63.64527 5.343927 85.97601 -59.0311
STORY2 B67 COMB3 0.1524 -46.9189 17.2663 2.512185 19.40531 57.22277 5.343927 95.87725 -117.649
STORY2 B67 COMB4 0.1524 -101.112 -123.23 2.512185 -34.7876 44.60966 5.343927 41.68436 23.19868
STORY2 B67 COMB5 0.1524 -76.7521 -59.9831 2.512185 -10.4279 50.37337 5.343927 66.04403 -40.0179
STORY2 B67 COMB6 0.1524 -71.2786 -45.981 2.512185 -4.95436 51.45906 5.343927 71.51758 -54.4319
STORY2 B67 COMB7 0.1524 -43.1205 34.40098 2.512185 26.01752 60.78029 5.343927 106.4042 -136.347
STORY2 B67 COMB8 0.1524 -110.862 -141.22 2.512185 -41.7236 45.01391 5.343927 38.66307 39.71185
STORY2 B67 COMB9 0.1524 -80.412 -62.1607 2.512185 -11.274 52.21854 5.343927 69.11265 -39.3089
STORY2 B67 COMB10 0.1524 -73.5701 -44.6581 2.512185 -4.43206 53.57566 5.343927 75.95458 -57.3264
STORY2 B67 COMB11 0.1524 -12.3241 55.76476 2.512185 29.15874 39.62145 5.343927 77.39072 -117.02
STORY2 B67 COMB12 0.1524 -80.0652 -119.856 2.512185 -38.5824 23.85507 5.343927 9.649619 59.0389
STORY2 B67 COMB13 0.1524 -12.3241 55.76476 2.512185 29.15874 39.62145 5.343927 77.39072 -117.02
STORY2 B67 COMB14 0.1524 -42.7736 -23.2944 2.512185 -1.29085 32.41682 5.343927 46.94114 -37.9993

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