Materials and Design: I. Hajiannia, M. Shamanian, M. Kasiri

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Materials and Design 50 (2013) 566–573

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Microstructure and mechanical properties of AISI 347 stainless steel/

A335 low alloy steel dissimilar joint produced by gas tungsten arc
I. Hajiannia a, M. Shamanian b,⇑, M. Kasiri a
Department of Materials Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad 85141-43131, Iran
Department of Materials Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan 84156-83111, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In the present study, microstructure and mechanical properties of AISI 347 austenitic stainless steel/
Received 16 January 2013 ASTM A335 low alloy steel dissimilar joint were investigated. For this purpose, two filler metals including
Accepted 10 March 2013 ER309L and ERNiCr-3 were selected to be used during the gas tungsten arc welding process. In tension
Available online 27 March 2013
tests, all weldments failed in the HAZ of A335. The impact test results indicated that all specimens exhib-
ited ductile fracture. The maximum fracture energy was related to the ERNiCr-3 weld metal specimen.
Keywords: The maximum and minimum hardness corresponded to the ERNICr-3 and ER309L. Finally, it was con-
Dissimilar welding
cluded that ERNiCr-3 filler metal was the best choice for the joint between 347 austenitic stainless steel
Austenitic stainless steel
Low alloy steels
and A335 low alloy steel.
Microstructures Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Mechanical properties

1. Introduction studied the effect of heat input on the microstructure and mechan-
ical properties of welding sections of 304 austenitic stainless steel
Three hundred and forty-seven austenitic stainless steel is one and 4140 low alloy steel by gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW). The
of the most common types of steel used in industries, especially results showed that high heat input enhanced the micro-segrega-
in oil and gas industry, refinery and electric power stations because tion of alloy elements and created a non-chromium zone in the
of its corrosion resistance to water environments and high temper- grain boundaries; therefore, the mechanical properties of the joints
atures [1,2]. This alloy has good resistance to intergranular decreased [11,12].
corrosion in many corrosive environments [3,4]. Chromium– In another study, Falat et al. [13] investigated the microstruc-
molybdenum low alloy steels are other types of steel which are ture and creep characteristics of dissimilar T91/TP316H martens-
resistant to erosion and corrosion [5,6]. These steels are mostly itic/austenitic welded joint with Ni-based weld metal, and
used in producing gear wheels, steam utilities, petroleum and realized that microstructure of Ni weld metal was very heteroge-
power stations [7,8]. Dissimilar joint of 347 austenitic stainless neous. Also, the martensitic part of the welded joint showed a wide
steel and A335 low alloy steel pipes have been widely employed heat-affected zone (HAZ). Conversely, the HAZ of the austenitic
in the oil and gas industry especially in heat exchangers. In dissim- steel was limited to only a narrow region with coarsened polygonal
ilar welding, one of the most important concerns is the selection of grains.
a proper filler material. In recent years, some studies on the evalu- Rao et al. [14] investigated the structure–property correlations
ation of dissimilar welding of stainless steel and low alloy steel in weld overlay clad high strength low alloy steel with austenitic
have been conducted. stainless steel (AISI) grade 347. It was observed that grain coarsen-
Klueh and King [9] investigated the failure of a transferred joint ing and decarburization occurred near the interface and that there
between 2.25Cr–1Mo steel and 321 austenitic stainless steel which was maximum microhardness on the clad layer near the interface.
was made using Ni-based Inconel 182 filler metal. It was illustrated It was also found that Charpy impact specimens of the interface
that after heating this joint in high temperatures for 10–15 years, failed in the mixed mode while impact specimens of the base plate
the heat-affected zone contained large ferrite grains; and hence, failed in the ductile mode. The effect of Nb and Mo on the micro-
cracking happened in this zone. Also Arivazhagan et al. [10] structure, mechanical properties, and flow behavior of Ni–Cr–Fe
GTAW welds was investigated by Jeng and Chang [15,16]. They
illustrated that Nb and Mo increased the tensile strength, and that
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +98 311 3915737. the hardness measurements of the fusion zone increased
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Shamanian).

0261-3069/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
I. Hajiannia et al. / Materials and Design 50 (2013) 566–573 567

Table 1
The chemical composition of used materials (based on wt.%).

Element C Cr Ni Mo Mn Si Ti Cu Nb Fe
A335 0.1 1.12 – 0.5 .03 1.0 – 0.08 – BAL
AISI 347 0.08 17.36 10.65 0.37 2.0 1.0 0.01 0.35 0.55 BAL
ER309L 0.02 23.7 13.9 0.04 1.8 0.51 – 0.05 – BAL
ERNiCr- 0.1 16 BAL 3 0.5 0.75 .05 0.12 3 3

Table 2
The welding parameters and the heat input in each welding pass.

Filler Welding parameters

Pass Current Volt Welding speed Heat input
no. (A) (V) (mm s1) (kJ mm1)
ER309L 1 150 12 1.1 0.981
2 140 10 1.0 0.840
3 130 11 1.1 0.709
4 110 12 1.1 0.720
Fig. 2. Schaeffler diagram for both 309L and ERNiCr-3 filler metal.
ERNiCr- 1 150 10 1.1 0.818
3 2 140 10 1.0 0.840
3 140 10 1.0 0.840
4 130 11 1.2 0.715
Table 3
The calculated values of Creq/Nieq base and filler metals.

Type Creq/Nieq values calculated

proportionally with the content of Nb and Mo. However, no sys-
tematic work has been conducted on the joint between 347 Creq Nieq Creq/Nieq
austenitic stainless steel and A335 low alloy steel pipes. The aim AISI 347 19.52 14.05 1.39
of this study is to investigate the mechanical properties and micro- ASTM A335 3.12 3.15 0.99
structure of different welding zones in order to find the best filler ER309L 24.50 15.40 1.59
ERNiCr-3 19.75 71.50 0.27

Table 4
Percentage changes of austenite for both weld filler metal.

Filler metal Percentage of austenite Percent of error

ERNiCr-3 99.7 0.1
ER309L 94.5 1.5

metal with the proper engineering properties for these dissimilar


2. Experimental procedure

The base metals used in this study were A335 low alloy steel
and 347 austenitic stainless steel pipes which were under rolled

Fig. 1. Optical micrographs (a): A335 low alloy steel and (b): 347 austenitic
stainless steel. Fig. 3. Microstructure of ER309L weld metal.
568 I. Hajiannia et al. / Materials and Design 50 (2013) 566–573

tensile properties. The tensile test was carried out by an Instron

8055 tensile machine. The elongation ratio, tensile strength and
yield strength of specimens were calculated, and then the bending
test was conducted to test the precision degree of welded parts.
Based on ASME SEC.IX, two specimens were prepared and loaded
by a shaper. Afterwards, two specimens for the surface test and
two for the root tests were bended by a 266 Senze bending ma-
chine with a bending angle of 180°.
The impact test specimens with the dimensions of
55 mm  10 mm  10 mm and 2-mm notches with angle 45° were
prepared based on ASME SEC.IX to compare the impact resistance
of weld metals. The weld metal was placed in the centre of the spec-
imens. There were three specimens for each joint in this test. The
Charpy impact test was performed on the specimens in 20 °C
Fig. 4. Microstructure of ERNiCr-3 weld metal. and 27 °C by using Santum machine, and the absorbed force was re-
ported during the test. The crack surfaces of specimens were evalu-
ated by scanning electron microscopy after the test. Microindention
hardness measurement was performed across the welds to obtain
the hardness profiles in the weld metal, the heat-affected zone
and the base metal at a load of 100 g by using Buehler microinden-
tion hardness tester. Metallography procedure was used to study
the microstructure of base metals, weld metals, heat-affected zone
and microstructure changes [19]; therefore, for each joint, two spec-
imens with proper size were prepared by grinding using 80–2000
grits silicon carbide paper, followed by final polishing with 0.3 lm
alumina powders. The specimens were etched for 15 s using Nital
solution (2% nitrate acid in alcohol) to show the structure of low al-
loy steel, and also they were etched by Marbel solution (10 g of
CuSO4 + 50 cc HCI + 50 cc H2O) to find the microstructure of austen-
itic stainless steel weld metal. The specimens were elecroetched by
a solution (60 ml water and 40 ml nitrate acid), with 5 V for 10 s; as
a result, the microstructure of nickel-based weld metal was found
The microstructure of different weld areas was examined by
(CK40M Olympus) optical microscope at different magnifications.
A scanning electron microscope (Zeiss) equipped with chemical
analysis was used to study the microstructure and the fracture sur-
face interpretation of the specimens. The (FMP30 Fischer) ferrite-
scope was also used to determine the ferrite and austenitic phase

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Microstructural features

Fig. 5. SEM micrographs (a) microstructure of ERNiCr-3 weld metal and (b)
precipitations in ERNiCr-3 weld metal. 3.1.1. Base metal and weld metal microstructures
Fig. 1a shows the microstructure of A335 chromium–molybde-
num low alloy steel in which ferrite grains with dark pearlite
and solution annealed conditions, respectively. The pipes were
grains can be observed. The microstructure of 347 austenitic stain-
8 mm thick, 400 mm long and 200 mm in outer diameter. The
less steel contains on austenitic field with equiaxed grains as
two filler metals, ER309L and ERNiCr-3 were used to join the base
shown in Fig. 1b. Schaeffler diagram (Fig. 2) [20] was used in this
metals. The nominal chemical compositions of the base and filler
study to predict the weld metal microstructure for two filler metals
metals are given in Table 1. Wires 2.4 mm in diameter were used
and to compare them.
for root pass and hot and cover passes. Before welding the pipes
The equivalent chromium and nickel were calculated by Schaef-
were prepared to make a single V groove butt configuration. The
fler equations. Table 3 shows the calculated amounts for equivalent
welding was done by gas tungsten arc welding process with
chromium and nickel [20]. Based on Fig. 2, in the Schaeffler diagram,
Direct-Current Electrode Negative (GTAW-DCEN) and argon gas
A335 low alloy steel and 347 austenitic stainless steel base metals
shield of 99.99% purity. The inter-pass temperature was selected
are shown by square sign; ER309L filler metal by circle sign and ER-
150 °C in order to minimize the tension of the weld metal solidifi-
NiCr-3 is shown by triangle sign. In 309L point toward the base me-
cation [17]. The heat input was calculated by the following:
tal, the weld metal is approximately in a place where the second
contact line cuts the Iso-ferrite line which contains 5% ferrite. The
H:I ¼ g  I  V=S ð1Þ
studies showed that the control of weld metal ferrite content is
The welding parameters and the heat input in each welding important to predict cracking in several passes of the weld. ER-
pass are given in Table 2. According to ASME SEC.IX [18], two spec- NiCr-3 weld metal has a complete austenitic solidification because
imens from each weldment metal were selected to evaluate the of the presence of nickel which is an austenitic promoter element.
I. Hajiannia et al. / Materials and Design 50 (2013) 566–573 569

Fig. 6. EDS of deposits between dendritic of ERNiCr-3 weld metal.

Fig. 7. Interface between the 309L weld metal and 347 stainless steel base metal. Fig. 9. Interfaces between the ERNiCr-3 weld metal and the 347 stainless steel base

Fig. 8. Interfaces between the 309L weld metal and the A335 base metal.

Fig. 10. Interfaces between the ERNiCr-3 weld metal and the A335 base metal.
The austenite percent alterations of root pass for both used filler
metals are shown in Table 4 using a ferritescope. As it is observed, The microstructure of 309L austenitic stainless steel weld metal
these results correspond to the results in Schaeffler diagram [20,21]. (which was related to the root pass) is shown in Fig. 3. The solidi-
570 I. Hajiannia et al. / Materials and Design 50 (2013) 566–573

Fig. 11. Bending test specimens.

Table 5 Table 6
The results of the tension test. The average of Charpy V-notch impact energy for weld metals.

Type of Yield Ultimate tensile Elongation Location of Weld metal Impact energy (J) Impact energy (J) Fracture
filler metal strength strength (MPa) (%) failure type 27 °C 20 °C type
ERNiCr3 110 89 Ductile
ERNiCr-3 427 586 44 HAZ A335 ER309L 91 74 Ductile
ER309L 444 572 42 HAZ A335

Fig. 13. SEM fractographs of fractured Charpy impact specimens, (a) ERNiCr-3 and
(b) ER309L.
Fig. 12. SEM fractographs of fractured tensile specimens: (a): ERNiCr-3 and (b):

fication of 309L as a primary ferrite exhibited a skeletal ferrite

morphology and solidification of FA type. The same results were The granular structure of ERNiCr-3 weld metal which is related
gained by Lippold and Koteki [1] for the solidification of this weld to root pass is shown in Fig. 4. The weld metal ERNiCr-3 contains
metal. They showed that when the cooling rate of weldment is about 67 wt.% nickel and its solidification is fully austenitic, and
moderate and/or when the Creq/Nieq is low, though still in the FA also a two-phase structure, which contains dendrite and interden-
range, a skeletal ferrite morphology is produced. The ferrite con- drite zones, can be observed. This weld metal contains 3% Nb
tent of root pass of 309L filler metal was about 5.7% (by a which can stabilize austenite at high temperatures and also in-
ferritescope). crease the solidification temperature range [22]. According to pre-
I. Hajiannia et al. / Materials and Design 50 (2013) 566–573 571

Moreover, in the transformation zone, melt boundary changes

impressively in a very short distance (about 1 mm). There is a car-
bon migration from HAZ to the melt zone during the welding be-
cause of the change in the chemical composition of A335 which
contains more carbon (Quintuple) than 309L weld metal.
The interface between 347 austenitic stainless steel base metal
and ERNiCr-3 weld metal is shown in Fig. 9. A continuous interface
is observed all over the weld boundary which is of planar mode. An
unmixed zone can be seen in a small fraction of the base metal be-
cause a part of the 347 austenitic stainless steel base metal, which
is beside the melting pool, melts and then re-solidifies without
dilution with the weld metal. Shahhosseini [23] observed an un-
mixed zone in 310 austenitic stainless steel base metal when it
was welded with Inconel 82 filler metal. Therefore, this zone has
chemical composition of base metal, the unmixed zone is revealed
in EDS result analysis, and the chemical composition of this zone is
similar to 347 austenitic stainless steel.
The interface between A335 low alloy steel base metal and ER-
NiCr-3 weld metal is displayed in Fig. 10. In this figure, the grains
growth in HAZ of A335 low alloy steel as well as the planar mode
can be seen. The partially melting zone and unmixed zone do not
have much width in this part of the joint [24,25].

3.2. Mechanical properties

Fig. 11 shows the specimens of the bending test whose results

are acceptable for all specimens. The study of references shows
that if the obtained microstructure of weld has little ferrite in its
root pass, the solidification cracking of the weld is not expected
[10,12]. The results of tensile tests showed that fracture of all spec-
imens happened in A335 base metal, especially at the HAZ zone. It
means that the weakest part of the joints is in A335 base metal. In
comparison to common tension specimens, the transformation and
fracture processes are more complicated in welded specimens
Fig. 14. The hardness profile of dissimilar welding part of 347 stainless steel to
especially in dissimilar welding which contains different zones
A335 low alloy steel: (a) with ERNiCr-3 filler metal and (b) with ER309L filler metal.
with different properties and behaviors. The behavior of one zone
in a joint can have an effect on its adjacent zones [26]. The infor-
mation obtained from the tension–strain graphs is given in Table
vious studies, the microstructure changes from cellular to colum- 5. As the results show, the carbon migration makes a relatively soft
nar dendritic. This can be rationalized in terms of the degree of ferrite region between the stronger weld metal and base metal
constitutional undercooling [22]. The scanning electron micros- (Fig. 15). The results of the tensile test, which was conducted by
copy was used for more precise examination of weld microstruc- Arivazhagan and Chen [10,11] for dissimilar welds of low alloy
ture. The small white precipitates which were sometimes steel to austenitic stainless steel, showed that fracture happened
segregated clearly from the field were observed in the interden- in the HAZ of low alloy steel. As mentioned before (in Figs. 8 and
dritic region. Fig. 5a shows the SEM micrographs of ERNiCr-3 weld 10), grain growth happened at the HAZ zone of A335 low alloy
metal, Fig. 5b displays the precipitates of ERNiCr-3 weld metal, and steel. In Fig. 12a and b, the fractured surface of the tensile speci-
Fig. 6 shows the EDS results analysis of the precipitates. These pre- mens is analyzed using SEM. This fracture surface consists of uni-
cipitates do not have certain geometric forms, and their lengths are form dimples which show failure in a ductile manner. Based on
about 2 lm. They are enriched with Nb and are formed as NbC car- the references, it is considered that ERNiCr-3, the completely
bides. Also, there is some Ti in the EDS results analysis; therefore, welded metal, has more elongation and high tension strength than
the complex carbide from these elements is observed. Precipitates base metals and ER309L weld metal [3,22]. Failure in the adjacent
including NbC and TiC were also observed in the study of this weld region of the weld of A335 base metal has happened in a region
metal by Shahhosseini [23]. with less hardness in which grain growth and carbon reduction
3.1.2. Interfacial microstructures All these factors can justify the fracture process of specimens at
The interface between 347 austenitic stainless steel and 309L the HAZ zone of A335 base metal. The results of Charpy impact test
weld metal is displayed in Fig. 7. The morphology of delta ferrite for weld metals in 20 °C and 27 °C are given in Table 6. The frac-
which is solidified as a skeleton form is clearly observed in the im- ture energy amounts of weld metals determine that the ductile
age. Ferrite is formed in the grain boundaries. When the Creq/Nieq fracture happened to all of them among which ERNiCr-3 filler me-
ratio is high, ferrite is more likely to be formed [1]. There is a tal has the most impact fracture energy in both temperatures. The
restriction in grain growth and also minimum susceptibility to scanning electron microscopy micrographs are related to fracture
HAZ liquation cracking possibility due to the ferrite produced in surface of ERNiCr-3 (Fig. 13a) and ER309L (Fig. 13b) weld metals.
the HAZ grain boundaries. For both specimens, the images which contain uniform and small
The interface between A335 low alloy steel base metal and 309L dimples show that the specimens were cracked under the tension
weld metal is presented in Fig. 8. The figure shows that the grain pressure in a ductile state, which can be explained in terms of the
growth has occurred in the HAZ of low alloy steel which is planar. microstructure of the weld metals (Figs. 3 and 4) and the volume
572 I. Hajiannia et al. / Materials and Design 50 (2013) 566–573

1. The solidification of ERNiCr-3 weld metal is similar to the pri-

mary austenite, and there is a two-phase structure which con-
tains dendritic and interdendritic zones. The NbC precipitates
and complex carbides are seen in the interdendritic zones.
The microstructure of the ER309L weld metal includes primary
ferrite with some austenite at the end of solidification which
contains skeleton ferrite.
2. There is a carbon migration from HAZ to the melt zone in the
interface between A335 low alloy steel and 309L filler metal.
A tiny martensitic zone is formed in the melt boundary with a
high hardness value, which was not found using ERNiCr-3 filler
3. In the tensile test, all specimens were broken in the HAZ of
A335 low alloy base metal. ERNiCr-3 filler metal had the most
impact energy in 20 °C and 27 °C. The welded specimens
showed ductile fracture and the maximum and minimum hard-
ness values of the weldments belonged to ERNiCr-3 and ER309L
austenitic stainless steel filler metals, respectively.
Fig. 15. SEM/EDS line scans image. Redistribution of Cr (blue) and C (red) across the
4. It can be concluded that for dissimilar 347 stainless steel to low
weld interface. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend,
the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) alloy steel A335 joints, ERNiCr-3 filler material presents the
optimum mechanical properties.

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