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Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 35, Part A, No.

1, 2017

A.H. Fadhil Welding procedures of Turbine Blades by

Materials Engineering
Department- University of Using ER 309L Austenitic Filler Wire
Technology, Iraq
[email protected] Abstract-In the present work it has been investigated the repair of LP-
blades steam turbine made of AISI 410 martensitic stainless steels (MSS)
by GTAW welding, the repair welding carried out by using ER 309L as
S. A. Emad consumable filler wire. PWHT was carried out at 1100ᵒC for 1h. The
Materials Engineering structure-property relationships of the weldments were established based
Department- University of on the current modes employed by utilizing combined techniques of
Technology, Iraq optical microscopy, line/point and EDS analysis. Results showed that
Micro-hardness along the base and HAZ regions increased after PWHT
K.H. Abbas as compared to in state of as-welded. After welding process,
Materials Engineering microstructure photographs of weld-metal region revealed two phase the
Department- University of vermicular δ-Ferrite and γ-austenite matrix. HAZ region consisted of
Technology, Iraq tempered lath martensite with carbides. Line/Point analysis revealed the
direction of segregation, whereas chromium was increased in core and
H. A. Olaa depleted in boundary, while nickel was depleted in core and increased in
boundary, this support the δ – ferrite was primarily solidified.
Materials Engineering
Department- University of
Keywords- Steam Turbine, LP- blades, GTRW, Repair welding, PWHT,
Technology, Iraq
martensitic stainless steels (MSS).

Received on: 28/09/2016

Accepted on: 29/12/2016

How to cite this article: A.H. Fadhil, S.A. Emad, K.H. Abbas and H.A. Olaa, “Welding procedures of Turbine Blades
by Using ER 309L Austenitic Filler Wire,” Engineering and Technology Journal, Vol. 53, Part A, No. 1, pp. 68-75,
1. Introduction
Gas and steam power plants in Iraq appeared to consumable filler wire as ER 410 MSS and ER
be off important options of the electrical energy. 316L austenitic filler wires. Results showed that
These plants contain of several number of units employing ER 410 filler wire with preheating and
and components that must be work together in PWHT processes is appropriate to weld MSS
proper way to achieve the best efficiency and blades turbine. Divya [3] investigated the details
performance. In worldwide, Steam turbines in-situ weld repair of cracked shrouds of turbine
considered mainstay production of electricity and characterization the weld joint. Crack shrouds
worldwide, since nearly 80% of the whole of the 3rd stage of a Low Pressure turbine was in-
generated electricity by the use of steam turbines. situ repaired by removing the cracked pieces of
Today’s the competition in the market of the shroud that made of AISI 414 martensitic
electricity generation market has been increased stainless steel (SS) and welding using gas
the pressure to keep planet generation of power tungsten arc welding with ER 410NiMo
on line whenever required maintenance of steam consumable wire. Micro-hardness result showed
turbine is of quite importance to insurance the weld-metal region in state as welded and after
high steam turbines efficiency and to keep safety heat treated was reduced from 400-260 VHN with
standards in order to avoid any unexpected applied load 500g. Sara [4], studied the
dangers. The steam turbines operate under high metallurgical transformations accruing through
steam pressure, and have parts that require SMAW welding of AISI 316L austenitic stainless
extremely high velocities. Turbine nozzles and steel with AISI 430 ferritic stainless steel. AWS
blades are designed via accurate analysis and E309L austenitic and AWS E2209-16 duplex
manufactured with high degree of finishing and stainless steels were using as filler wires to
accuracy Patil [1]. Bhaduri [2] investigated the perform this study. Microstructural results of a
developed of welding repair procedure on dissimilar austenite- ferrite stainless steel welding
cracked blades steam turbine was made from using two different filler metals was showed, the
MSS (martensitic stainless steel) by using TIG morphology and amount of delta ferrite is a
(Tungsten Inert Gas) welding process with function of the chemical composition of the filler
2412-0758/University of Technology-Iraq, Baghdad, Iraq
This is an open access article under the CC BY 4.0 license 68
Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 35, Part A, No. 1, 2017

metal. Arivarasu [5] investigated dissimilar (25mm*100mm). Followed by, it is achieved

welding joint between AISI 304L (ASS) and low standard V-Butt configurations (single V-groove
alloyed AISI 4340 aeronautical steel that welded having a root face of 2 mm, size land of 1 mm
joint by CC (continuous current) and PC (pulsed and included angle of 70°) was worked on these
current) GTAW techniques, using two types of pair’s. Multi-pass welding was performed
consumables filler metal as ER309L and through TIG welding machine (type/ ESAB LRT
ERNiCr-3. optical microstructure results of the 160, Materials Engineering, University of
weldments joined by CCGTAW with 2 technology)and V-butt welding joint process was
consumable filler metals was showed weld-metal depended on the skill of welder; Figure 1,
was revealed coarser microstructure contained illustrated specimens after welding. No
columnar dendrites with appearances of preheating was made before welding to a void
secondary phase (s) at the interface of AISI 4340 hydrogen induced cracks. The parameters of
side. The aim of the present research is welding joint were fixed: - Main Supply 70-80
investigation the developed repair welding V/Hz, Current Range 130 A and Gas Flow Rate 6
procedure to repair turbine blades with using ER L/min-1. When welding process was completed,
309L austenitic filler wire. Also, the effects of the samples were cute by Wire Electrical
post-weld treatments were studied on the Discharge Machining (WEM) or Wire-Cut EDM
microstructural, hardness and chemical (type/ Smart DEM), to small specimens with
composition of the welded joints of AISI dimension (50 * 10 * 10) mm, as shown in Figure
410MSS/ER309L. 2. After welding and cutting process, each
sectioned specimen was subjected to PWHT (Post
2- Materials and Experimental Procedure Weld Heat Treatment) in order to obtained best
LP blades of a steam turbine made from AISI 410 mechanical properties and some stress relief.
martensitic stainless steel used as a base metal. PWHT method was conducted at 1100 ᵒC. PWHT
ER 309L austenitic filler metal is candidate and was carried out by using furnace (type/Carbolite
employed, chemical composition for 410MSS 1200). The holding time for PWHT was 1hr and
and ER309L is represented in Table 1. cooling rate 30 Cᵒ/min. The furnace was switched
The blades were sectioned by the spark discharge off and cross-section specimens were placed in to
machine (EDM) to the pair’s symmetry (each slowly cool to room temperature in order to
piece of pair’s has dimensioned approximately prevent high-temperature oxidation of the joint.

Table 1:- Chemical Composition of Base Metal and Filler Alloys

Base/Filler Chemical Composition (% by Weight)
metal C% Cr% Ni% Mo% Mn% Si% Fe% Creq Nieq req/Nieq
AISI 410 0.127 11.94 0.2 0.0109 0.755 0.38 B -- --- ---
ER 309L 3.79 21.24 14.24 1.04 1.87 0.73 57.1 23.3 15.2 1.53
Cr eq & Ni eq estimated from Shaeffler-Delong diagram assuming N=0.03wt%.

Figure 2: Specimen after cutting

Figure 1: Specimen after welding

Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 35, Part A, No. 1, 2017

and grown towards the center of the molten pool

I. Microstructure and Micro-hardness Testes (opposite to the direction of heat flow). The
After grinding, polishing and etching existence of columnar dendrites structure is
(metallography procedure), microstructure and predominantly due to the moderate cooling rate
micro hardness along weldments studied. Optical used in the TIG welded melt pool. HAZ affected
microscope with 5 mega pixel CCD camera into zone heated during welding to various temperatures
image pro software with the magnification of 5, ranging from ambient temperature to the melting
10, and 20X used to examine samples after range of the alloy. The grain growth occurs in the
grinding and polishing processes. HAZ AISI 410 MSS appeared tampered lath marten
The Vickers micro hardness test (HVS-1000) site with carbides as shown in Figure 4. Whereas,
with diamond indenter was conducted on the with high carbon content, carbon may precipitated
polished mounted weld cross section, with load of at HAZ region (α matrix (FCC)) in the form of
1Kg and duration time 15 seconds. Samples were carbides as M23C6 and M7C3 or M6C, due to
prepared in accordance with to ASTM E3-11 carbon solubility at ambient temperature became
standard [6]. very low about 0.006% in austenitic steels and even
lower in ferritic steels, as reported by Erich
II. Line/Point with EDS analysis Folkhard [7].
Electron probe micro-analyzer (EPMA), Houses a
JEOL 8200 Super probe EPMA device at 2. Weldment AISI 410/ER 309L after 1100ᵒC/1h
Microprobe Laboratory in the Department of Figure 5, showed the presence of fully austenite
Earth Sciences at the University of Dalhousie in (light etching) of ER 309 weld-metal zone after heat
Canada Country was used to complete these tests. treated 1100ᵒC/1h, this may belong to the
Specimens were prepared by grinding and dissolution of all phases residual δ-ferrite phase and
polishing with dimension (50 * 10 * 10) mm and carbides at 1100ᵒC and homogenous weld-metal
then making set of points along weldments across zone structure formed. According to Erich Folkhard
base, HAZ and weld-metal regions, each of these [7], austenitic steels always preferred subjected to a
points have been analyzed. solution annealing treatment between 1050-1100ᵒC
at which phases including carbide M23C6, sigma
3. Results and discussion phase and delta ferrite were completely dissolved
and the annealing process produces a homogenous
I. Microstructure Test Results
fully austenitic structure.
1. Weldment AISI 410/ER 309L before PWHT
Figure 6, illustrated liquid-solid interface and HAZ
Profile concentration of ER 309 stainless steel
regions. Liquid-solid interface appeared as sharp
consisted of 57.1% Fe, 21.24% Cr and 14.24% Ni
line between weld-metal zone and HAZ. Also, HAZ
by weight as mention in Table 1. Depending on Cr-
region has tempered lath marten site structure which
Ni content 21.24/14.24, weld-metal zone consist of
was consisted of α-Ferrite (BCC) and carbides.
two phases δ - ferrite in the vermicular or skeletal
form (dark etching) and austenite matrix (light
etching), as shown in Figure 3. δ - Ferrite crystals III. Line/Point and EDS Analysis Results
firstly formed from the melt. With higher nickel 1. Weldment AISI 410/ER 309L before PWHT
content, γ crystals are also precipitated from the Line/point analysis and EDS results showed the
melt apart from crystals in the three phase (L + δ + chemical composition of weld-metal region, as
γ) sector. After solidification completed, shown in Figure 7. These results showed presence
transformation of a ferrite into austenite (δ - γ of Mo in weld-metal zone center. Average Mo was
transformation starts almost simultaneously, the found equal 1.48% along weld-metal zone center,
structure being completely transformed into Mo element was constricted area of γ phase, while
austenite with residual δ - ferrite. When Cr:Ni ratio its supported δ – ferrite formation. Also it observed
is equal to 1.53%, the solidification mode found to from Figures 7 (A and B), that the line/point
be ferritic-austenitic (FA) with moderate cooling analysis was austenite at center of weld metal zone
rate and the final microstructure of weld-metal zone at point (Pt1) enricher by nickel, at which Cr and Ni
presents vermicular δ-Ferrite as a primary phase content were found 19.19% and 11.90%
within the dendritic arms enveloped by the respectively. While at point (Pt2) the analysis
austenite. Liquid-solid interface, also called appeared residual delta ferrite and the content of Cr
solidification front, represents the boundary and Ni elements were 20.22% and 9.67%
between melt and precipitated crystal. Weld-metal respectively. In electric arc welding, δ - γ
zone (fusion zone) is predominantly of columnar transformation is normally passed through rather
dendrites, which nucleated at the fusion boundary, quickly and an impeded equalization of alloy
concentration is to be expected. Impediment is

Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 35, Part A, No. 1, 2017

greater on the side of precipitated austenite crystals zone and initial weld boundary that at point (Pt1) in
than on the ferrite. Moreover, it can be noted from Figure 8 (A and B)
Figure (7) and (8), line/point analysis of weld-metal

Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 35, Part A, No. 1, 2017

Chromium and Nickel contents were 20.04% and supported the existence of austenite phase in all
4.63% respectively. While in Figure 7 (A and B) weld-metal rejoin. In addition, the analysis
at point (Pt1) at weld-metal zone, chromium and appeared presence of C and Mn in average 1.3%
Nickel contents were 19.19% and 11.90% and 1.3% respectively along weld zone, because
respectively. This was agreed with Erich during heat treatment carbon has more activity to
Folkhard [7], the author has reported when diffuse from carbides at HAZ regions and then
solidification is mainly δ - ferrite, the segregation cross interface toward weld-metal zone as
of chromium was increased in core and depleted compared weld-metal zone in state as-welded.
in boundary, while nickel was depleted in core These elements C, Ni and Mn act as stabilizer to
and increased in boundary, this means δ – ferrite austenite phase. Also, the presence of
was primarily solidified. molybdenum was of importance for this heat
Line/point analysis at HAZ showed; the presence treatment, since C and Mo elements shift the
of Fe, Cr and C elements richly along HAZ, as boundary of the γ range to higher temperatures.
shown in Figure 9. Average C content along HAZ Microstructure photographs of weld-metal shown
was 2.5%. Excess carbon may precipitate in the in Figure 5 revealed the presences of carbides in
form of chromium-iron carbides, mainly as weld-metal zone. Also, X-Ray analysis with
M23C6, and in rarely as M7C3 or M6C. M23C6 magnification 250µm shown in Figure 10
were agglomerated at liquid-solid interface and approved the presence of these carbides as black
precipitated as coarse or finer particles at the points, because as the temperature drops down to
grain boundaries and within the grain areas. ambient temperature the solubility of carbon
reduced and tend to precipitate as carbides.
2. Weldment AISI 410/ER 309L after 1100ᵒC/1h Figure 11, illustrated Line/point analysis with
Line/point analysis and EDS analysis results EDS analysis along HAZ region. This analysis
showed the chemical composition of weld-metal resulted the presences of Fe, Cr, C, Si, Mn, Al, V
zone after heat treated, as shown in Figure 10. As and Ni along HAZ region. And the average
can be noticed from Figure 10 (A and B) the content of C was 2.47 % along HAZ rejoin,
presence of Cr and Ni content along weld-metal which was precipitated as carbides with Cr or Fe
zone center at which Cr content were18.26%, or mixed carbides as former (FeCr)23C6.
19.69%, 19.33%, 17.84%, 18.29% and 19.34%. Chemical composition of HAZ after 1100ᵒC/1h
Also, Ni content were equal to12.83%, 8.76%, was similar to chemical composition for HAZ in
10.58%, 11.81%, 10.87% and 9.73%, this state as-welded.

Figure 7: A) Line Analysis B) Point Analysis C) EDS Analysis at Weld-Metal Zone for Weldment AISI 410MSS/ ER
309L (As-Welded)

Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 35, Part A, No. 1, 2017

Figure 8:- A) Line Analysis B) Point Analysis C) EDS Analysis at Interface for Weldment AISI 410MSS/ ER
309L (As-Welded)

Figure 9: A) Line Analysis B) Point Analysis C) EDS Analysis at HAZ Region for Weldment AISI 410MSS/
ER 309L (As-Welded)

Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 35, Part A, No. 1, 2017

Figure 10: A) Line Analysis B) Point Analysis C) EDS Analysis at Weld-Metal Regionfor AISI 410MSS/ ER
309L after PWHT 1100ᵒC/1h

Figure 11: A) Line Analysis B) Point Analysis C) EDS Analysis at HAZ Regions Weldment AISI 410MSS/
ER 309L after PWHT 1100ᵒC/1h

Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 35, Part A, No. 1, 2017

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martensitic stainless-steel consumables,” Nuclear
dilution from the base metal and weld-metal zone.
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Moreover, the average hardness of the HAZ and base 2001.
regions was increased from HV 416.9, 251.3 in state
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as-welded to HV 449, 426.3 after PWHT 1100ᵒC/1h
A.K. Bhaduri and P. Sivaraman., “In-situ weld repair
respectively. Finally, hardness results showed of cracked shrouds of turbine and characterization of
increment along HAZ region in state as welded due the weld joint,” Ommi, 1-11, 2011.
to carbon aggregated at interface and increased again
[4] A. Sara, T. Ramón, S. Claudia,“Microstructural
after heat treatment due to more carbides formed transformations of dissimilar austenite-ferrite stainless
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[5] M. Arivarasua, D.R. Kasinatha, A. Natarajan,
“Effect of continuous and pulsed current on the
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[6] E3-11 “Standard guide for preparation of
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Figure12: Micro-hardness Variation across the 410 MSS/ ER [7] E. Folkhard, “Welding metallurgy of stainless
309L before PWHT (as-welded) and after PWHT 1100ᵒC/1h steels,””, Springer-Verlag/Wien,” New York, ISBN-
13978-3-7091-8967-2, 1988.
4. Conclusions
The present study has investigated the repair of Author’s biography
turbine blades by using ER309L as austenitic filler
metals and studied the effect PWHT on structure Assist. Prof. A.H. Fadhil is with metal
and properties of weldments: engineering, Department of Materials
Engineering, University of Technology,
 After welding process, weld-metal region
Iraq. He has been working on various
consisted of two phases δ - ferrite in the skeletal aspects related to welding of materials.
form and austenite matrix, while after heat treated His areas of interest include repair
weld-metal region consisted of homogenous welding, dissimilar metal joining, development of hard
austenite phase. facing technology.
 C, Mn, Ti, V and Al elements moved toward Assist. Prof. S.A. Emad is with metal
weld-metal region after heat treatment. engineering, Materials Engineering
 Large amounts from carbon elements aggregated Department, University of Technology,
Iraq. He has been working on various
at HAZ region close to interface in state as-welded
aspects related to shape memory alloys
and after 1100ᵒC/1h. and biomedical metals.
 Average hardness at the weld-metal zone was Assist. Prof. Abbas K. Husain is with
increased from HV 172.2 to 176.1, also, the metal engineering, Materials Engineering
hardness of the alloy increased after heat treated Department, University of Technology,
along base and HAZ regions. Iraq. He has been working on various
 Segregation of elements was reduced after aspects related to welding, corrosion and
1100ᵒC/1h. coating of materials.
5. Acknowledgement Dr. H.A. Ola is withmetal engineering,
This work didn’t fund by any government institution. engineering, Materials Engineering
Department- University of Technology,
References Baghdad, Iraq. She has been working on
[1] H.G. Patil and V.G. Arajpure, “Improvements to welding of materials and composite
opening and closing appraisal method of low pressure material


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