1, 2017
How to cite this article: A.H. Fadhil, S.A. Emad, K.H. Abbas and H.A. Olaa, “Welding procedures of Turbine Blades
by Using ER 309L Austenitic Filler Wire,” Engineering and Technology Journal, Vol. 53, Part A, No. 1, pp. 68-75,
1. Introduction
Gas and steam power plants in Iraq appeared to consumable filler wire as ER 410 MSS and ER
be off important options of the electrical energy. 316L austenitic filler wires. Results showed that
These plants contain of several number of units employing ER 410 filler wire with preheating and
and components that must be work together in PWHT processes is appropriate to weld MSS
proper way to achieve the best efficiency and blades turbine. Divya [3] investigated the details
performance. In worldwide, Steam turbines in-situ weld repair of cracked shrouds of turbine
considered mainstay production of electricity and characterization the weld joint. Crack shrouds
worldwide, since nearly 80% of the whole of the 3rd stage of a Low Pressure turbine was in-
generated electricity by the use of steam turbines. situ repaired by removing the cracked pieces of
Today’s the competition in the market of the shroud that made of AISI 414 martensitic
electricity generation market has been increased stainless steel (SS) and welding using gas
the pressure to keep planet generation of power tungsten arc welding with ER 410NiMo
on line whenever required maintenance of steam consumable wire. Micro-hardness result showed
turbine is of quite importance to insurance the weld-metal region in state as welded and after
high steam turbines efficiency and to keep safety heat treated was reduced from 400-260 VHN with
standards in order to avoid any unexpected applied load 500g. Sara [4], studied the
dangers. The steam turbines operate under high metallurgical transformations accruing through
steam pressure, and have parts that require SMAW welding of AISI 316L austenitic stainless
extremely high velocities. Turbine nozzles and steel with AISI 430 ferritic stainless steel. AWS
blades are designed via accurate analysis and E309L austenitic and AWS E2209-16 duplex
manufactured with high degree of finishing and stainless steels were using as filler wires to
accuracy Patil [1]. Bhaduri [2] investigated the perform this study. Microstructural results of a
developed of welding repair procedure on dissimilar austenite- ferrite stainless steel welding
cracked blades steam turbine was made from using two different filler metals was showed, the
MSS (martensitic stainless steel) by using TIG morphology and amount of delta ferrite is a
(Tungsten Inert Gas) welding process with function of the chemical composition of the filler
2412-0758/University of Technology-Iraq, Baghdad, Iraq
This is an open access article under the CC BY 4.0 license 68
Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 35, Part A, No. 1, 2017
Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 35, Part A, No. 1, 2017
Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 35, Part A, No. 1, 2017
greater on the side of precipitated austenite crystals zone and initial weld boundary that at point (Pt1) in
than on the ferrite. Moreover, it can be noted from Figure 8 (A and B)
Figure (7) and (8), line/point analysis of weld-metal
Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 35, Part A, No. 1, 2017
Chromium and Nickel contents were 20.04% and supported the existence of austenite phase in all
4.63% respectively. While in Figure 7 (A and B) weld-metal rejoin. In addition, the analysis
at point (Pt1) at weld-metal zone, chromium and appeared presence of C and Mn in average 1.3%
Nickel contents were 19.19% and 11.90% and 1.3% respectively along weld zone, because
respectively. This was agreed with Erich during heat treatment carbon has more activity to
Folkhard [7], the author has reported when diffuse from carbides at HAZ regions and then
solidification is mainly δ - ferrite, the segregation cross interface toward weld-metal zone as
of chromium was increased in core and depleted compared weld-metal zone in state as-welded.
in boundary, while nickel was depleted in core These elements C, Ni and Mn act as stabilizer to
and increased in boundary, this means δ – ferrite austenite phase. Also, the presence of
was primarily solidified. molybdenum was of importance for this heat
Line/point analysis at HAZ showed; the presence treatment, since C and Mo elements shift the
of Fe, Cr and C elements richly along HAZ, as boundary of the γ range to higher temperatures.
shown in Figure 9. Average C content along HAZ Microstructure photographs of weld-metal shown
was 2.5%. Excess carbon may precipitate in the in Figure 5 revealed the presences of carbides in
form of chromium-iron carbides, mainly as weld-metal zone. Also, X-Ray analysis with
M23C6, and in rarely as M7C3 or M6C. M23C6 magnification 250µm shown in Figure 10
were agglomerated at liquid-solid interface and approved the presence of these carbides as black
precipitated as coarse or finer particles at the points, because as the temperature drops down to
grain boundaries and within the grain areas. ambient temperature the solubility of carbon
reduced and tend to precipitate as carbides.
2. Weldment AISI 410/ER 309L after 1100ᵒC/1h Figure 11, illustrated Line/point analysis with
Line/point analysis and EDS analysis results EDS analysis along HAZ region. This analysis
showed the chemical composition of weld-metal resulted the presences of Fe, Cr, C, Si, Mn, Al, V
zone after heat treated, as shown in Figure 10. As and Ni along HAZ region. And the average
can be noticed from Figure 10 (A and B) the content of C was 2.47 % along HAZ rejoin,
presence of Cr and Ni content along weld-metal which was precipitated as carbides with Cr or Fe
zone center at which Cr content were18.26%, or mixed carbides as former (FeCr)23C6.
19.69%, 19.33%, 17.84%, 18.29% and 19.34%. Chemical composition of HAZ after 1100ᵒC/1h
Also, Ni content were equal to12.83%, 8.76%, was similar to chemical composition for HAZ in
10.58%, 11.81%, 10.87% and 9.73%, this state as-welded.
Figure 7: A) Line Analysis B) Point Analysis C) EDS Analysis at Weld-Metal Zone for Weldment AISI 410MSS/ ER
309L (As-Welded)
Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 35, Part A, No. 1, 2017
Figure 8:- A) Line Analysis B) Point Analysis C) EDS Analysis at Interface for Weldment AISI 410MSS/ ER
309L (As-Welded)
Figure 9: A) Line Analysis B) Point Analysis C) EDS Analysis at HAZ Region for Weldment AISI 410MSS/
ER 309L (As-Welded)
Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 35, Part A, No. 1, 2017
Figure 10: A) Line Analysis B) Point Analysis C) EDS Analysis at Weld-Metal Regionfor AISI 410MSS/ ER
309L after PWHT 1100ᵒC/1h
Figure 11: A) Line Analysis B) Point Analysis C) EDS Analysis at HAZ Regions Weldment AISI 410MSS/
ER 309L after PWHT 1100ᵒC/1h
Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 35, Part A, No. 1, 2017