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Course Syllabus: Web Design

Career, Technical and Agricultural Education

Newton County Schools
Course Syllabus
Information Technology Career Cluster

Web Design

Course Number: Prerequisite: Digital Design

Semester/School Year: 2019-2020

Instructor: Mrs. Jasmine El-Jourbagy School Name: NCCA

E-mail: [email protected] Room Number: 3.334
Planning Period: 8:00 – 9:30 am Phone: 678-625-6769

Course Description: Can you think of any company that does not have a web presence? Taking this
course will equip students will the ability to plan, design, and create a web site. Students will move past
learning how to write code and progress to designing a professional looking web site using graphical
authoring tools that contains multimedia elements. Working individually and in teams, students will
learn to work with web page layout and graphical elements to create a professional looking web site.
Various forms of technologies will be used to expose students to resources, software, and
applications of web design. Professional communication skills and practices, problem- solving, ethical
and legal issues, and the impact of effective presentation skills are enhanced in this course to prepare
students to be college and career ready. Employability skills are integrated into activities, tasks, and
projects throughout the course standards to demonstrate the skills required by business and industry.
Competencies in the co-curricular student organization, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA),
are integral components of the employability skills standard for this course. Web Design is the
third course in the Web & Digital Design pathway in the Information Technology cluster.
Students enrolled in this course should have successfully completed Introduction to Digital Technology
and Digital Design. After mastery of the standards in this course, students should be prepared to take the
end of pathway assessment in this career area.

Career Opportunities in Web and Digital Design: Digital Designer: A digital designer is a creative
who combines their graphic design skills with imagination, vision and technological savvy to produce a
large range of visual media, from websites, to advertising, digital imaging, animation, 2D and 3D
modelling, and graphics.

Basically a digital designer is responsible for how something looks on a computer, mobile phone, or in

The growth of the web over the last couple of decades has brought with it some new job titles. For
example, had anyone ever heard of a webmaster prior to the mid-1990s? It has also redefined some older
titles like advertising sales rep. Advertising sales reps used to sell ad space or time only in magazines
and newspapers and on radio and television. Over the last two decades, they've added Websites to their

Course Syllabus: Web Design

repertoire. As you can see, web careers aren't just for techies. This growing industry welcomes those
who are creative and business-minded as well.

Required Textbook(s):
CS5: Dreamweaver

Supplemental Materials:
W3C schools online modules.

EOPA Information:
Students will be tested in the Microsoft Technology Associate Exam in HTML 5 during the third course
Web Design.

Course Outline:
1. Explore Careers in Web
2. HTML Coding for EOPA
3. CSS Coding
4. E-Commerce
5. Portfolio

Grading Procedures:
Grading Scale Categories

Daily Assignments = 20%

A = 90-100 Projects = 50%
B = 80-89 Tests/Quizzes = 15%
C = 70-79 Final = 15%
F = Below 70

Attendance Policy:
Students enrolled in CTAE classes are expected to follow the same guidelines for attendance as
exemplified in the world of work and/or post-secondary educational institutions. Personnel at Newton
County Schools follow the guidelines (approved by the Board of Education) related to absences and
opportunities for students to make up missed work. Students and parents/guardians should refer to the
specific course syllabus and the Student Handbook for additional information.

Classroom Expectations:
Students enrolled in all CTAE classes are preparing to compete in the world of work and/or for a post-
secondary education. Therefore, all work must exhibit a professional level of competency. Since
honesty is expected in the work place, CTAE instructors demand a high level of expectation with each
student being responsible for his/her own work; therefore, plagiarism will not be tolerated. In order to
provide quality and up-to-date instruction, various types of equipment are necessary. Students must use

Course Syllabus: Web Design

all equipment as designed; respecting all property associated with the CTAE labs/classrooms, as well as
the property of other students. Another aspect of preparing students for success in future endeavors is
the expectation of appropriate career related attire and appearance. Students are expected to dress
appropriately for school, community and business functions.

Relevant vocabulary words will be emphasized throughout this course; these words may often be
important in other courses, including non-CTAE courses. Students will be introduced to these key
words in context of various units of instruction and students may also access the words through the
following methods:

●Canvas ●flash drive (student)

●student share drive ●printed copy as requested from teacher

Information for Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

It is the goal of Newton County educators to provide students with the appropriate background
knowledge in order to be successful when taking different local, state and national standardized tests.
Research indicates that information introduced, received and reviewed in a repetitive manner provides
students with an opportunity for greater success in the assessment arena. Therefore, vocabulary will be
stressed throughout this and all CTAE courses as well as other key academic core classes.
Parents/guardians may obtain a list of key vocabulary words relevant to this course through the
following media:

●teacher’s Canvas group

●digital copy for student(s)
●printed copy as requested from teacher

I would like for your student to strongly consider being part of FBLA (Future Business Leaders of
America), they would be a strong candidate to compete in events regional and state wide.

Syllabus Confirmation
(A copy of this document will be kept on file by the teacher of this course.)

I have read the course syllabus and understand information contained therein.

Student’s Printed Name

_________________________________________ _________________________

Course Syllabus: Web Design

Student’s Signature Date

Parent/Guardian Printed Name

Parent/Guardian Contact Information:

Cell:___________________________ Home:_______________________

Work:__________________________ E-mail: ______________________

_______________________________________ _________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date

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