BLAS 115 (41431) Syllabus
BLAS 115 (41431) Syllabus
BLAS 115 (41431) Syllabus
Course Syllabus
REQUIRED TEXTS ............................................................................................................................................ 2
COURSE DESCRIPTION & STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES ........................................................................... 2
COURSE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................................ 2
ATTENDANCE AND GRADING ......................................................................................................................... 4
HONEST ACADEMIC CONDUCT ....................................................................................................................... 6
DISABILITY SUPPORT SERVICES (DSS) STATEMENT ...................................................................................... 6
COURSE SCHEDULE ........................................................................................................................................ 8
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Course Syllabus
1. Bullard, Robert D. et. al., Race, Place, and Environmental Justice After Hurrican Katrina:
Struggles to Reclaim, Rebuild, and Revitalize New Orleans and the Gulf Coast, Westview
Press (2009); ISBN: 0813344247
2. Gallagher, Charles A., Rethinking the Color Line: Readings in Race and Ethnicity, 3rd ed.,
McGraw-Hill, 2009, ISBN: 0073404276
3. Smiley, Tavis, ed., The Covenant with Black America, 1st ed., Third World Press, 2006,
ISBN: 978-0883782774
Upon successful completion of the course the student will have gained experience in:
This is a web enhanced course. We have created an online companion to this course that will
allow you to communicate with your online community and access useful tools. After the first
week of class you will be automatically enrolled in the Blackboard community. To log on:
Key points must be supported and cited with evidence from the required readings. You MUST
cite from at least two sources per paper – i.e. (Author, p. 10). Allow the material to speak to you
and for you. Doing so should also permit you to be creative in how you piece the material
together. Be SPECIFIC in your answer. Eliminate the following words from your vocabulary:
“this,” “these,” “that,” “they,” “its.”
Please see the Response Paper Grading Rubric for specific details on how you will be assessed
for this assignment.
Oral Presentation – OR – Research Paper (50 points)
Write a 5-7 page research paper on the topic of your choice. Your paper should include no less
than four print sources such as books or scholarly journals – no more than two of those sources
may be from texts used in the classroom.
Your oral presentation will be 5-7 minutes in length, and the topic will interweave a particular
theme or question relevant to the class with your own outside research. I place special emphasis
on the term “research.” Your presentation should include no less than four print sources such as
books or scholarly journals – no more than two of those sources may be from texts used in the
classroom. Please discuss and clear your topic with me by 9/24/2010.
You should be creative and use at least one visual aid (such as overheads, charts, handouts), you
may also use demonstrations and other techniques to inform and interest the class. Please let me
know if you need University audio visual equipment, well in advance of your presentation.
Please see Oral Presentation Grading Rubric for specific details on how you will be assessed for
this assignment. Additionally, class participation will be based in part on your feedback given to
fellow classmates.
Please contact the Honors Department for details in room A1-N (619) 388-3512, or
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Course Syllabus
All assignments are considered due at the BEGINNING of the class period of the due date:
Please contact the Honors Department for details in room A1-N (619) 388-3512, or
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Course Syllabus