Nepal Road Standard - 2027-Second Revision
Nepal Road Standard - 2027-Second Revision
Nepal Road Standard - 2027-Second Revision
Department of Roads
2070 BS
Nepal Roads Standard was first prepared and introduced in 1970 (2027 85), which was based on
design standard recommended by ESCAP for the Asia Pacific Region, in view to achieve
consistency in road design and construction in the country. The standard was very brief and only
basic design parameters were included. This design standard was followed by the designers till
1990 (2045 BS). In the past decade, there is considerable expansion of Strategic and Local
Roads Networks. The concept of expressways has already emerged in the country. There have
been several revisions in design standards and specifications in the country and also vast
advancement in design and construction technology. There was a need of accommodating such
aspects in the previous Nepal Roads Standard. This second revision to the Nepal Roads
Standard has incorporated all such necessary changes.
I hope this revised standard shall be helpful to guide Department of Roads and all other
concerned stakeholders maintaining uniform technical standard in design, construction and
maintenance of Strategic Roads in Nepal.
Finally, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all the members involved in preparing
this revision to Nepal Roads Standard. The Department of Roads is also thankful for taking the
initiatives to bring this revision timely.
Any standards require periodical review and updating incorporating latest research finding and
practice. Nepal Roads Standard was first issued by the Department of Roads in 1970, which was
further revised in 1988, incorporating the findings on traffic compositions based on the studies
conducted with almost identical geographical features and traffic compositions of that period. Till
then, even the most important highway of Nepal, the Mahendra (East West) highway was not fully
operational to its whole stretch.
The construction cost is very high due to difficult topographical, geographical and geological
conditions of the country. Similarly it was also felt that the design standard for Feeder Roads
needs to be elaborated, so that, low cost Feeder Roads can be constructed with appropriate
design standards suitable for mountains of Nepal. In 1990 (2045 BS), Department of Roads
prepared revised design standard for Feeder Roads with suitable modifications. This standard
was more elaborated and covered necessary design parameters such as standard for hair pin
bends etc. Road classification was also updated in second revision.
Now, the Kathmandu - Terai fast track or expressways connecting the capital to the Terai has
been planned. There are two districts yet to be connected with the road network. Therefore, the
Department of Roads is engaged in constructing high class roads as well as ordinary earthen
tracks to connect the remote inaccessible areas of the country simultaneously. There have been
several revisions in design standards and specifications in the country. The length of the roads
have been substantially increased and so the traffic and types of vehicles. To address new
technology and to make road construction more environmental friendly the consolidated design
standard for Strategic Road Network (Highways and Feeder Roads) felt more needed. Planning
and Design Branch took the initiatives to cater the requirement of design need of Strategic Road
Network and prepare this second Revision to Nepal Roads Standard, 1970.
It covers many new aspects of road design and is hoped that it will establish a common procedure
for design and construction of roads and related structures in Nepal. The Nepal Roads Standards
has been rewritten in rigorous consultation with consultants, Engineers and practitioners. In this
revision, major changes have been made on road classification, and new topics like Climbing
Lanes, Emergency escape Ramps, bicycle Tracks, Acceleration and Deceleration in intersections
and Tunnels have been incorporated.
Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the members involved in preparing this
revision to Nepal Roads Standard.
Devendra Karki
Director General
Department of Roads
The department of roads had initiated the revision of the Nepal Roads Standard 1970 (first
revision 1988) for Strategic Road Networks as an institutional Strengthening component of Road
Maintenance and Development Project in 2004 engaging local consultants M/s SILT- Full Bright -
CEMECAJV. But the Revision on the Standard could not be finalized due to various reasons.
Later, this year, the Planning and Design Branch again came forward and took the initiatives of
revising the Nepal Road Standard. A committee of following personnel was formed for the
preparation of Second Revision of NRS on 2 January 2013 (18 Poush 2069).
Later, Mr. Prabhat Kumar Jha and Mr. Saroj Kumar Pradhan were replaced by Mr. Ghanashyam
Gautam, SDE and Mr. Mukti Gautam, SDE respectively in 28 February 2013 (17 Falgun 2069)
due to their normal transfers. Mr. Rajendra Raj Sharma, SDE has given full efforts to during the
preparation of this revision. The Committee considered the previous draft submitted by M/s SILT -
Full Bright - CEMECA JV in 2007 as the basis. The committee took the service of M/s Eco-Code
Nepal as an expert and consultant for the preparation of the revision to NRS.
The Draft Revision on the Nepal Roads Standard prepared were thoroughly discussed by the
Committee and was presented at a large gathering of Engineers, Consultants and related
personnel on 19 June 2013 at the Department of Roads, where participants’ comments and views
were collected. All the comments were incorporated and reviewed in the revision. The final
version of the NRS (2nd Revision) incorporating all the comments at various stages was
approved by the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport on September 22, 2013 (2070
Ashwin 6).
The Planning and Design Branch of Department of Roads would like to thank all the personnel
involved in the preparation of this revision to NRS.
It is hoped that the Nepal Roads Standard (2nd Revision) would be helpful to all engineers
involved in design, construction and maintenance of Roads in the Country. Any comments and
suggestions to improve these Standards are always appreciated.
Foreword_______________________________________________________________ i
Preface ________________________________________________________________ii
Acknowledgements _____________________________________________________ iii
Table of contents _______________________________________________________ iv
List of figures __________________________________________________________ vii
List of tables __________________________________________________________ viii
Abbreviations __________________________________________________________ ix
1 Introduction ________________________________________________________ 1
2 Scope of use ________________________________________________________ 1
3 Road Classification __________________________________________________ 1
4 Traffic Characteristics ________________________________________________ 3
4.1 Vehicle Dimensions _____________________________________________________ 3
4.2 Equivalency Factors _____________________________________________________ 3
10.1.3 Maximum (critical) Length of Grade ____________________________________________ 10
16.2 Types of intersections __________________________________________________ 29
17 Structures _________________________________________________________ 29
17.1 Bridges, culverts and other cross drainage structures _________________________ 29
17.2 Retaining Walls _______________________________________________________ 29
17.3 Road Tunnels _________________________________________________________ 30
18 Maintenance ______________________________________________________ 31
19 Aesthetics and Landscape Design ______________________________________ 31
20 Roadside Arboriculture ______________________________________________ 32
21 Environmental Consideration _________________________________________ 33
22 Roadside Service Facilities ____________________________________________ 33
23 Glossary __________________________________________________________ 34
24 Annexes __________________________________________________________ 35
24.1 Recommended Design Parameters for various classes of Roads ________________ 35
24.2 Sight Distance Formulas ________________________________________________ 36
24.2.1 Stopping Distance __________________________________________________________ 36
24.2.2 Overtaking Distance ________________________________________________________ 36
Figure 9-1 Set Back Distance ........................................................................................................... 9
Figure 10-1: Emergency Escape Ramp ......................................................................................... 12
Figure 11-1: Road sections ............................................................................................................ 20
Figure 13-1: Safety Barriers ........................................................................................................... 22
Figure 13-2 Road Hump ................................................................................................................. 23
Figure 13-3 :Bus Lay Bys Plan ....................................................................................................... 25
Figure 13-4 Typical curb designs ................................................................................................... 25
Figure 16-1: Deceleration(a) and Acceleration(b) Lanes ............................................................... 28
Figure 16-2: Intersection type selection ......................................................................................... 29
Figure 17-1Typical tunnel clearances............................................................................................. 31
Figure 24-1: Elements of a transition or spiral curve ...................................................................... 39
Figure 24-2: Summit Curve ............................................................................................................ 41
Figure 24-3: Minimum Length of Summit Vertical curve ................................................................ 43
Figure 24-4: Valley Curve from headlight illumination criteria ........................................................ 44
Figure 24-5:Minimum Length of Valley Curve ................................................................................ 45
Table 3-1 :Approximate Correlation between administrative and functional classification .............. 3
Table 4-1 Vehicle types, Equivalency Factors ................................................................................. 4
Table 5-1:Capacity of Roads, PCU/day ........................................................................................... 4
Table 6-1 Terrain Classification ........................................................................................................ 5
Table 7-1 Design Speeds, km/h ....................................................................................................... 5
Table 8-1: Stopping distance ............................................................................................................ 5
Table 8-2: Overtaking distance......................................................................................................... 6
Table 9-1 Minimum radius of horizontal curves ................................................................................ 7
Table 9-2 Length of Transition Curves ............................................................................................. 7
Table 9-3 Hair Pin bends design parametres ................................................................................... 8
Table 9-4 Extrawidening on curves .................................................................................................. 8
Table 10-1: Maximum gradients ..................................................................................................... 10
Table 10-2: Maximum(critical) length of gradient ........................................................................... 10
Table 10-3: Minimum value of K for summit curves ....................................................................... 14
Table 10-4: Minimum value of K for valley curves .......................................................................... 15
Table 11-1Width of Carriageways, m ............................................................................................. 16
Table 11-2 Width of Shoulders, m .................................................................................................. 16
Table 11-3 Camber, % ................................................................................................................... 17
Table 11-4: Embankment Side Slopes ........................................................................................... 18
Table 11-5 Cuttings side slopes ..................................................................................................... 18
Table 11-6: Right of way ................................................................................................................. 20
Table 11-7 Vertical Clearances for Electric wires and cables ........................................................ 21
Table 13-1: Width of footpath ......................................................................................................... 24
Table 13-2 : Return periods for calculating design discharges ...................................................... 26
Table 13-3 Type of lining of side drains ......................................................................................... 27
Table 16-1: Length of acceleration, deceleration lanes and tapers ............................................... 28
Table 24-1 Recommended design Parameters .............................................................................. 35
Table 24-2 : Coefficient of longitudinal friction ............................................................................... 36
Table 24-3 :Overtaking Distance Calculations ............................................................................... 37
Table 24-4 : Coefficient of lateral friction ........................................................................................ 38
AASHTO- Association of American State Highway and Transportation Officials.
AADT-Average Annual Daily Traffic
ADT-Average Daily Traffic
B.S.-Bikram Sambat
CE-Common Era
DOLIDAR-Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads
DOR-Department of Roads
IP-Intersection Point
IRC-Indian Roads Congress
LOS-Level of Service
LRN-Local roads network
NRS-Nepal Roads Standards
ORN-Overseas Road Notes
PCU-Passenger Car Unit
SRN-Strategic Roads Network
Nepal Road Standards -2027(Second Revision 2070), in short called NRS-2070, shall apply to all
Strategic Roads in rural areas being constructed within Nepal. For non-strategic (Local Roads)
and urban roads separate standards shall be considered.
With the objectives of achieving consistency in road design and construction, NRS was first
introduced by DOR in B.S. 2027 (1970 CE) and was revised in B.S 2045 (1988 CE).Minor
revisions were made in B.S 2051 (1994 CE) and in 1997 CE to incorporate certain changes,
which were relevant at the time of revisions. But those revisions were treated separately, not as
an official version of the NRS-2027.
Based on NRS (2027), standard design for roads and bridges including typical drawings were
prepared in 1978 CE. They are being used till now. The standard design prepared in 1978 CE
was based on the standard code of practice of that time.
Since then, there have been several revisions in design standards and specifications in Nepal and
also vast advancement in design and construction technology have occurred.
In the past, roads have been designed and constructed using either DOR standard guidelines or
using the design standard adopted by various aid agencies or consultants.
Due to non-uniformity in design and construction of roads and bridges, DOR has been facing
difficulties in maintenance and management of roads and bridges.
In this context and as demanded by the modern technological development, there is a need to
revise NRS-2027 and this is the second official revision.
These standards are to be applied for all roads being constructed in Nepal. These standards
apply mostly for non-urban roads (in open country outside built-up area.)
These requirements can be relaxed in some very difficult situations by the Government of Nepal.
Efforts in general should, however, be to aim at standards higher than the minimum indicated
The geometric features of roads except cross sectional elements do not lend to stage
construction. Geometric deficiencies are costly and sometimes impossible to rectify later on due
to subsequent road development. Therefore, it is essential that geometric requirements should be
kept in view right in the beginning.
Roads in Nepal are classified as follows:
A. Administrative Classification
Administrative classification of roads is intended for assigning national importance and level of
government responsible for overall management and methods of financing. According to this
classification roads are classified into:
National Highways
Feeder Roads
District Roads and
Urban Roads
National Highways
National Highways are main roads connecting East to West and North to South of the Nation.
These serve directly the greater portion of the longer distance travel, provide consistently
higher level of service in terms of travel speeds, and bear the inter-community mobility. These
roads shall be the main arterial routes passing through the length and breadth of the country
as a whole. They are designated by letter ‘H’ followed by a two-digit number.
Feeder Roads
Feeder roads are important roads of localized nature. These serve the community's wide
interest and connect District Headquarters, Major economic centres, Tourism centres to
National Highways or other feeder roads. They are designated by letter ‘F’ followed by 3-digit
District Roads
District Roads are important roads within a district serving areas of production and markets,
and connecting with each other or with the main highways.
Urban Roads
Urban Roads are the roads serving within the urban municipalities.
In Nepal the overall management of National Highways and Feeder Roads comes within the
responsibility of the Department of Roads (DOR). These roads are collectively called Strategic
Roads Network (SRN) roads. District Roads and Urban Roads are managed by Department of
Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads (DOLIDAR). These roads are
collectively called Local Roads Network (LRN) roads.
B.Technical/ Functional Classification
For assigning various geometric and technical parameters for design, roads are categorized into
classes as follows:
Class –I
Class I roads are the highest standard roads with divided carriageway and access control
(Expressways) with ADT of 20,000 PCU or more in 20 yrs perspective period.
Design speed adopted for design of this class of roads in plain terrain is120 km/h.
Class II
Class II roads are those with ADT of 5000-20000 PCU in 20 yrs perspective period.
Design speed adopted for design of this class of roads in plain terrain is 100 km/h.
Class III
Class III roads are those with ADT of 2000-5000 PCU in 20 yrs perspective period.
Design speed adopted for design of this class of roads in plain terrain is 80 km/h
Approximate equivalence with road classification in other countries is as follows: class I roads
correspond to expressways, class II –to arterial roads, class III-to collector roads and class IV-to
local roads.
Class IV
Class IV roads are those with ADT of less than 2000 PCU in 20 yrs perspective period.
Design speed adopted for design of this class of roads in plain terrain is 60 km/h
Design parameters for various classes of roads are given in Table 24-1.
For the design of roads the class of the road is taken as the basic deciding factor, which is
ascertained based on the traffic volume on the road. But an approximate correlation can be
established between the administrative and functional classifications of the roads as follows in
Table 3-1.
Table 3-1 :Approximate Correlation between administrative and functional classification
Table 4-1 Vehicle types, Equivalency Factors
SN Vehicle Type Equivalency Factor
4 Bicycle,Motorcycle 0.5
1 Car, Auto Rickshaw, SUV,Light Van and Pick Up 1.0
2 Light (Mini) Truck, Tractor, Rickshaw 1.5
3 Truck,Bus,Minibus,Tractor with trailer 3.0
5 Non-motorized carts 6
Geometric design of roads depends significantly on the terrain conditions. Economy in the design
usually dictates to change standards to suit the terrain.
Terrain is classified according to the percent slope of the country across road alignment (Table
6-1). Percent slope can be estimated by counting the number of 1m contours crossed by a 100m
long line. While classifying the terrain, short stretches of varying terrain should be ignored.
Table 6-1 Terrain Classification
S.No. Terrain Type Percent Cross Slope Degree
o o
1 Plain 0-10 0 – 5.7
o o
2 Rolling > 10-25 > 5.7 – 14
o o
3 Mountainous >25-60 > 14 – 31
4 Steep >60 > 31
Overall geometric design of a road is a function of design speed. Design speed is decided based
on the importance of the road (road class) and the type of terrain. The design speed to be
adopted for various classes of roads is given in Table 7-1
Table 7-1 Design Speeds, km/h
Road Class Plain Rolling Mountainous Steep
I 120 100 80 60
II 100 80 60 40
III 80 60 40 30
IV 60 40 30 20
Design speed should be the guiding criterion for geometric design of the road. But in very difficult
terrains and unavoidable circumstances design speed can be reduced to 75% of the values given
on the Table 7-1.
For safety it is necessary that sight distance of adequate length should be available to permit
drivers enough time and distance to control their vehicles. Sight distances are usually governed
by the distance required for stopping(stopping distance) and overtaking(overtaking distance).
8.2 Overtaking Distance
(See also Annex 24.2.2)
Overtaking distance is the minimum distance that should be available to the driver to overtake
another vehicle safely. Overtaking distances for various design speeds are given in Table 8-2
Table 8-2: Overtaking distance
Table 9-1 Minimum radius of horizontal curves
Minimum Recommended Radius, m
When no From the comfort
superelevation When Maximum criteria of
Road Class Speed,
provided(2.5% Superelevation of passengers(Max
camber i.e. negative 10% provided lateral force 15% of
superelevation) vertical force)
120 1730 600 760
100 870 370 530
II 80 440 210 340
III 60 200 110 190
IV 40 70 40 90
30 30 20 50
20 20 10 30
Some theoretical background for the selection of radius of horizontal curve is given in annex
The lengths of the spirals given on the table are applicable only when condition set by equation
24.5 is fulfilled
Table 9-3 Hair Pin bends design parametres
A minimum distance of 60m should be provided between successive bends of consecutive hair
pin bends.
At hair pin bends it is preferable to pave the road to the full width of the roadway.
9.4 Extrawidening
When a vehicle negotiates a horizontal curve the rear wheels do not exactly follow the path of the
front wheels. Their path is shifted towards the centre of the curve in relation to the front wheels’
In curves the drivers of the vehicles have a tendency to keep a greater clearance between them
as compared to the straight sections of the road.
For the reasons mentioned above the width of carriageway of roads at the curves is made wider
than on the straight sections.
Value of extrawidening is adopted as shown below in Table 9-4
Table 9-4 Extrawidening on curves
Radius of
20 20-40 40-60 60-100 100-300 >300
lane 0.9 0.6 0.6 Nil Nil Nil
Extra lane 1.5 1.5 1.2 0.9 0.6 Nil
width,m road
0.75n 0.75n 0.6n 0.45n 0.3n Nil
9.5 Set-Back Distance at Horizontal Curves
Adequate sight distance should be available across the inside of horizontal curves. Distance from
the road centre line within which the obstructions should be cleared to ensure the needed visibility
i.e. the “ set-back distance”, can be calculated from geometrical considerations as shown in
Figure 9-1
The set-back distance is calculated as follows:
2( R n)
m-minimum set-back distance to sight obstruction in metres(measured from the centre line of
the road)
R-radius at the centre line of the road in metres
n-distance between the centre line of the road and the centre line of the inside lane in metres
S-sight distance in metres(measured along the centre line of the road)
The vertical alignment of the road should provide for a smooth longitudinal profile without any
kinks and visual discontinuities in the profile. Grade changes in vertical alignments should be as
less frequent as possible.
10.1 Gradients
Maximum Gradient,% 12 10 9 7 6 5 4
30 R
Grade compensation (%)= ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10-1
subject to a maximum of 75/R, where R-radius in m.
It is not necessary to compensate grades below 4%.
Gradient,% 4 5 6 7 9 10 12
600 450 400 300 200 150 150
Climbing lanes are generally not necessary on low traffic multilane highways.
Width of climbing lanes should be minimum 3.5m.Length should be such that these lanes start at
least 50m before the upgrade starts and should continue at least 100 m beyond it.
L ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10-2
254( F i )
V-speed at the entrance, km/h
Value of F depends on the rolling resistance of the piling material of the escape ramp. It should
be found by actual testing.
Figure 10-1: Emergency Escape Ramp
Design of vertical curve is controlled by K-value and length of the curve (L-value).
K and L are related as follows:
K ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10-3
K-maximum radius of curvature i.e. curvature at the vertex of the parabola of the vertical
curve divided by 100, m/%.
L-Length of the vertical curve,m
A- algebraic difference of longitudinal grades of the vertical alignment,%
AS 2
L ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10-4
In this case
K ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10-5
When sight distance(S) is more than L
L 2S ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10-6
L-Length of summit curve ,m
A-Algebraic difference in approach grades,%
S- sight distance taken equal to the stopping distance, m
From the consideration of providing sight distance equal to the overtaking distance or twice the
stopping distance for single lane road (whichever is higher) with the height of driver’s eye 1.2 m
above pavement surface.
The physical meaning of K-value is the length of vertical curve per unit algebraic difference of
grades. It gives the minimum radius (i.e. radius at the vertex) of parabola if algebraic difference of
grades is expressed in absolute value and not in %.
When sight distance (S) is less than L
AS 2
L ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10-7
In this case
K ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10-8
When sight distance (S) is more than L
L 2S ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10-9
L-Length of summit curve ,m
A-Algebraic difference in approach grades,%
S-overtaking distance or twice the stopping distance (whichever gives greater value), m
Higher of the values from (b) and (c) above should be taken for design.
Minimum length of the summit vertical curves should be taken from the graph on Figure 24-3.
It is easier to design vertical summit curve based on the K-value since it takes values of both L
and A into consideration (K=L/A). Minimum value of K for various design speeds are given below
in Table 10-3.
When the change of grade at vertical curve is very small it is always better to provide a vertical
curve as per the following table than not to provide at all.
Table 10-3: Minimum value of K for summit curves
AS 2
L ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10-10
150 3.5S
In this case
K ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10-11
150 3.5S
When stopping distance(S) is more than L
L 2S
150 3.5S ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10-12
L-Length of valley curve ,m
A-Algebraic difference in approach grades,%
S-stopping distance, m
Minimum length of valley curve (L) from the consideration of the riding comfort of the passengers
and overloading on the suspension system of the automobile is found as follows:
AV 2
L ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10-13
K ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10-14
L-Length of valley curve ,m
A-Algebraic difference in approach grades,%
V-design speed in km/h
Higher of the values from (b) and (c) are to be adopted in the design.
Minimum length of the valley vertical curves should be taken from the graph on Figure 24-5.
As in the case of summit curve minimum value of K for valley curves for various design speeds
are given below in Table 10-4
When the change of grade at vertical curve is very small it is always better to provide a vertical
curve as per the following table than not to provide at all.
Table 10-4: Minimum value of K for valley curves
20 30 40 60 80 100 120
11.1 Carriageway
The standard width of carriageway shall be as shown on the following table. Total width of
pavement shall be determined based on the volume of the traffic and capacity of each lane as
given on clause 5.
Table 11-1Width of Carriageways, m
Multilane pavements width per
Single lane road Intermediate lane
(upto 3.0 m in difficult 5.5 3.5
In case of single lane roads it is recommended to have two treated shoulders on either side to
make a total width of 5.5m of treated surface.
11.2 Shoulder
The width of shoulders on either side of the carriageway shall be at least 0.75m. Recommended
width of shoulder for various classes of roads is given below in Table 11-2.
For protection of pavement from water percolating under it from shoulder it is recommended to
treat at least a 0.50-0.75m wide strip of shoulder near the edge of the pavement with impervious
to water surfacing.
If a small gap(<1m) of untreated shoulder is formed between the edge of the pavement and edge
of the side drain in hill roads it is recommended to treat this gap with appropriate surface
Table 11-2 Width of Shoulders, m
Road Class Class I Class II Class III Class IV
3.75 2.5 2.0 1.5
shoulder width, m
For mountainous and steep terrains the above values can be reduced to a minimum value for a
lower class of the road but not less than 0.75m.
It is desirable that the color and texture of shoulders be different from those of the carriageway.
This contrast serves to clearly define the carriage way at all times, particularly at night and during
inclement weather, while discouraging the use of shoulders as additional through lanes.
Very wide shoulders (more than 3.75m wide) are also not desirable due to tendency of vehicles
misusing it as a carriageway.
11.3 Medians
For roads with 4 or more lanes, it is recommended to provide medians or traffic separators.
Medians should be as wide as possible.
A minimum median width of 5m is recommended. But a width of 3m can be adopted in areas
where land is restricted.
In mountainous and steep terrains maximum possible width of median dictated by the topography
should be provided. In such situations simple barriers may be provided to function as a median or
individual carriageways could be designed at different levels.
On long bridges and viaducts the width of the median may be reduced to 1.5m, but in no case this
should be less than 1.2m.
The median should be of uniform width in a particular section of the highway. However, where
changes are unavoidable, a transition of 1 in 20 must be provided.
11.4 Formation or Roadway Width
Formation width shall be a total of widths of carriageways, medians and shoulders as discussed
in previous paragraphs.
11.5 Camber
All straight sections of roads shall have a camber or crossfall as given on the Table 11-3.
On roads with undivided carriageways the camber shall be on both directions from the centre line
of the road. On roads with divided carriageways unidirectional camber can be provided.
However on some sections of hill roads with undivided carriageway a unidirectional camber can
be adopted. In this case the adverse effect of negative camber on movement of vehicles on
curves should be properly checked.
Table 11-3 Camber, %
Pavement type Cement Concrete Bituminous Gravel Earthen
Camber, % 1.5 to 2.0 2.5 4.0 5.0
On straight sections of roads, shoulders should have a higher crossfall than that of the
carriageway by 0.5%.
11.6 Superelevation
Superelevation is provided on horizontal curves. Value of superelevation is calculated using
following formula:
e f ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11-1
127 R
e-value of superelevation, m/m
R-Radius of horizontal curve
V-Design Speed, km/h
f-co-efficient of lateral friction, depends on the vehicle speed and taken as in Table 24-4
Maximum superelevation to be provided is limited to:
In plain and rolling terrain 7%
11.7 Side slopes
Side slopes of embankment and cuttings depend on the type of fill/cut materials and height/depth
of filling/cutting.
Recommended side slopes for embankments are given below. But wherever possible flatter
slopes are recommended for aesthetic reason and traffic safety.
Table 11-4: Embankment Side Slopes
<1.5 1:4
1.5-3.0 1:3
3.0-4.5 1:2.5
4.5-12.0 1:2
If natural cross slope of the ground is more than 1:5 then the ground should be cut with more than
2m wide horizontal steps.
Recommended values of side slopes in cutting are given in Table 11-5
Table 11-5 Cuttings side slopes
11.8 Typical Cross Sections
Figure 11-1: Road sections
On roads with divided carriageway, left hand side lateral clearance should be as given on (a.) and
(b.) above.
Right hand side clearance should be 2.0 m (desirable) with 1.5m minimum.
Figure 13-1: Safety Barriers
Figure 13-2 Road Hump
13.4.1 Footpaths
Provision of footpaths should be made on all roads passing through populated areas.
On high traffic non-urban roads footpaths should be constructed outside of the roadway on
separate formation or buffer areas should be established so as to separate them from the
carriage way.
Width of the footpath depends on the volume of anticipated pedestrian traffic. But a minimum
width of 1.5 m is required.
In case of narrow footpaths(<1.8m wide) a passing zone of a minimum width of 1.8m and length
of 2.0 m is to be provided at every 50m or less for passing of two wheelchairs.
The minimum width of footpaths for various volumes of pedestrian traffic should be as shown in
Table 13-1
Table 13-1: Width of footpath
500-1500 2.0
1500-2500 2.5
2500-3500 3.0
Figure 13-3 :Bus Lay Bys Plan
13.6 Curbs
Curbs are classified as “Barrier” or vertical type (with vertical road side face) and “Mountable” or
sloping type(with sloping roadside face).
The height of curbs ranges from 10 to 20 cm.
Barrier curbs are designed to discourage vehicles leaving the pavement. Mountable curbs are
provided at medians or channelizing islands.
Vertical curbs should not be used along freeways or other high-speed roads.
Design may vary in shape or size. But they should be good in appearance and strong.
Some recommended designs are shown in Figure 13-4
13.7 Road Lighting
Rural highways should be designed with an open cross section and horizontal and vertical
alignment of a fairly high type. Accordingly, they offer an opportunity for near maximum use of
vehicle headlights, resulting in reduced justification for fixed highway lighting.
Provision of artificial lighting should be made on all roads near populated areas, on major bridges,
bus stops, roads and railroads intersections (up to a distance of 250m from the point of
intersections), tunnels and approaches to them and toll plazas.
Light mounting poles should be at least 9m high(but mounting heights of 10 to 15 m are usually
preferable). They should be located outside the edge of the roadway or on wide central medians.
Level of illumination should be 30 lux on important high speed roads and 15 lux on other main
The ratio of minimum to average illuminations should be about 0.4.
Return Period in 50 33 25
Outlets from the side drains should be provided at no more than 500m intervals.
Sides and bottoms of the drains should be lined according to the longitudinal slope of the drain as
shown in Table 13-3.Size of the drain should be worked out based on the discharge, longitudinal
slope and type of lining.
Table 13-3 Type of lining of side drains
Longitudinal slopes,%
Type of lining
Sandy Soil Clayey Soil
Stone Rip
3~5 3~5
Subsurface Drainage
Subsurface water table should always be kept 1 to 1.2 m below the subgrade level to protect
pavement layers from excessive moisture.
If it is difficult to achieve the above difference in levels, subsurface drains need to be provided.
To save road subgrade from detrimental effects of moisture from the capillary rise of water a layer
of granular materials is provided between the subgrade and the highest level of subsurface water.
Sometimes geotextiles are laid over the subgrade soil to stop the migration of small clay particles
upwards that increase the capillary rise of water to the pavement.
Subsurface drains are constructed with 150mm-200mm dia perforated pipes with well designed
filter material around them and subsequently wrapped by geotextile with adequate longitudinal
slopes. Numbers and spacing of subsurface drains should be decided by the design.
For smooth flow of traffic and reducing ribbon development on non-urban highways number of
accesses to it from side roads should be restricted.
No direct access is allowed on class I roads.
Access to private property from class II, III and IV roads should not be at less than 300m interval.
If parallel service road (frontage road) is provided the connection from these roads to highways
should not be at less than 750m interval.
The selection of pavement type is determined based on the traffic volume and composition, soil
characteristics, weather, performance of pavements in the area, availability of materials, energy
conservation, initial cost, and the overall annual maintenance and service-life cost.
Pavement surface type provided should be consistent with the selected design speed for the
For selection and design of road pavements guidelines published by the Department of Roads
shall be followed.
60 130 70 30
80 240 120 60
16.2 Types of intersections
Intersections may be at grade (roads crossing at the same level) or grade separated(roads
crossing at different levels).
Grade separated intersections with ramps are called interchanges. They may be simple without
any ramps.
Type of intersection depends on the volume of traffic on crossing roads and angle of crossing.
Intersection at grade is not allowed when one of the crossing roads is a class I road.
Roads should cross each other at right angle as far as possible
Approach sections of intersecting grades should not be steeper than 4%.
Detailed design for each intersection should be carried out separately.
For a general guidance following graph can be used to select the type of intersections.
ADT on secondary road,PCU
1. Simple intersection
2. With channelizing islands on secondary road
3. With channelizing islands on both roads
4. Grade separated intersections
Retaining walls are designed to withstand the lateral pressure from the soil or the filling materials
so as to be stable against overturning, sliding, foundation failure due to excessive bearing
pressure with adequate structural strength.
Vehicle load is replaced by an equivalent surcharge of additional height of filling materials for
When the height of retaining walls becomes large, overpass or half-bridges are constructed.
400-750 lux during day time near the portals and 30 lux at the middle.
Illumination of tunnels should be changed gradually from entrance to the interior so as to provide
smooth light adaptation. To achieve this, sometimes the entrance of the tunnel is located on slight
horizontal curvature or covered by gratings.
Minimum and desirable clearances for tunnel are shown in Figure 17-1
Maintenance of Road should be carried out as per the guidelines provided by the DOR(Routine,
Recurrent, Periodic, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction).
Horizontal and vertical alignments of the road should not be designed independently but in
coordination with each other so as to produce a smoothly flowing line that is nicely blended with
the surrounding ground contour. Proper coordination in this respect will ensure safety, improve
utility of highway and contribute to overall aesthetics.
Length of straight sections and curved sections in the plan must be almost equal.
Maximum length of straight sections in plan should be limited to 3-5km
Two curves in the same direction separated by a short straight should be avoided.
Compound curves should be avoided as far as possible.
As far as possible horizontal and vertical curves should be overlapped. It is desirable that
horizontal curve be slightly longer than vertical curve. The IP’s of horizontal and vertical curves
should be offset to a distance not more than ¼ of the length of shorter of these curves.
Sharp horizontal curve should be avoided at or near the apex of the pronounced vertical curves.
The minimum radius of the sag vertical curve(100 times K-value) should be at least 6 times the
radius of overlapping horizontal curve.
Ends of horizontal curves should not coincide with the beginnings of vertical curves.
Sharp vertical curves at the end of long straight sections or curved sections of large radius should
be avoided.
It is recommended to evaluate the spatial smoothness of the designed road by constructing the
perspective views simulating the views that would be seen by the driver on the road after
A general rule for the designer is to achieve a “flowing” line, with a natural and smooth
appearance on the land, and a sensuous, rhythmic continuity for the driver. This effect results
from following the natural contours of the land, using graceful and gradual horizontal and vertical
transitions, and relating the alignment to permanent features of the landscape such as rivers or
In many multilane hill roads, there is a potential for designing a divided highway with independent
horizontal and vertical alignments for each direction of traffic with minimization of adverse effects
on environment.
Roadside plantation of trees and shrubs should be encouraged as far as possible on all urban
and non-urban roads
For roadside plantation ornamental and flowering species are selected.
Trees are usually planted on roadsides and shrubs are planted on medians for good visibility.
Wide crowned trees are not preferred for roadside plantation.
Crown of the trees planted on roadsides should not go beyond the edges of the pavements.
In rural open areas it is desirable to plant trees at a distance of 12m from the edge of
Selection of species and their architectural composition with the surrounding landscape should be
entitled to specialized landscape designers, architects and professionals in this field.
All roads should be designed and constructed with proper assessment of all Environmental and
Social aspects and their impacts.
Environment Protection Acts and Rules of Government of Nepal should be followed.
All design elements of highways should properly blend with the surrounding elements of nature.
Road alignment should avoid preserved zones like national parks, historical monuments and
other sensitive to flora, fauna and people.
Highways should be located away from the populated areas so as to minimize the disturbance to
people from construction activities and noise from moving vehicles.
As far as possible road alignments should be located on wind leeward (opposite to windward)
side of the populated areas so as to minimize the effect of dust and smoke pollution during
construction and vehicle movement.
Proper provisions of path should be made for migration of animals across the roads located in
forest areas.In access controlled highways provisions of under/overpass bridges for movement of
people should be made at required intervals.
Provisions of sound barriers should be made on roads passing through populated areas.
Removal of top soil before road construction should be done and used for land recultivation,
reclamation and road slope stabilizations.
Bio-engineering techniques should be applied on road slope stabilization.
Road side arboriculture should be implemented.
Road embankments should be constructed using imported materials as far as possible. Road side
excavation and burrow pits should not be encouraged especially on highly fertile lands.
Quarries for construction materials should be properly managed and provisions for reinstatement
to an acceptable condition should be made in the project.
Dust/smoke producing pavement technology shall not be adopted near populated areas.
Average Daily Traffic (ADT)- ADT is the total volume of traffic across a road section during a
given time period (in whole days), greater than one day and less than one year, divided by the
number of days in that time period.
Bridge- A high level cross drainage structure across the roads with more than 6m length.
Bus lay by- A bus lay-by (also called bus turnout) is a special zone on the side of the main
roadway for primarily buses to stop in order to pick up and drop off passengers.
Design Speed-It is the maximum safe speed that can be maintained over a specified section of
highway when conditions are so favorable that the design features of the highway govern
Camber-Transverse slope given to the road surface to facilitate drainage.
Carriageway- The portion of the roadway for the movement of vehicles, exclusive of shoulders
Climbing Lane-It is an extra lane in the upgrade direction of a highway for use by heavy vehicles
whose speeds are significantly reduced by the grade
Culvert- A cross drainage structure on the road usually less than 6m length.
Formation or Subgrade- It is the top surface of the embankment or cutting where the roadway
Lateral Clearance-It is the horizontal distance between the extreme edge of the carriageway to
the face of the structure
Level of Service (LOS)-It is a qualitative measure describing operational conditions within a
traffic stream and their perception by drivers/passengers.
Lux- is the SI unit of luminance, measuring luminous flux per unit area. It is equal to one lumen
per square metre. It can be understood as a measure of the total "amount" of visible light present,
per unit area of a surface.
Medians-That portion of a divided highway separating the traveled ways for traffic in opposite
directions including inside shoulders.
Right of Way-A general term denoting land, property of interest therein, usually in a strip,
acquired for or devoted to transportation purposes.
Roadway: The portion of a highway, including shoulders, for vehicular use. A divided highway
has two or more roadways.
Shoulder- A shoulder is the portion of the roadway contiguous with the carriageway that
accommodates stopped vehicles, emergency use, and lateral support of subbase, base, and
surface courses.
Superelevation-One sided transverse slope given to the pavement surface on curved sections of
the road
Vertical Clearance-It is the height above the highest point of the carriageway to the lowest point
of overhead structure.
3.0 m in difficult situations
24.2 Sight Distance Formulas
Vt V2
S ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24-1
3.6 254
V-design speed
t-perception and brake reaction time, taken as 2.5 s
- co-efficient of longitudinal friction, depends on the speed (taken as per Table 24-2)
Table 24-2 : Coefficient of longitudinal friction
20 0.40
30 0.39
40 0.39
60 0.38
80 0.36
100 0.35
120 0.34
Table 24-3 :Overtaking Distance Calculations
Time Components,s
Speed, km/h For
For Opposing Distance,m
Overtaking Total
40 9 6 15 165
100 14 9 23 640
120 16 10 26 880
The road should be visible to a sufficient distance that is illuminated in a horizontal plane
by the headlight of the vehicle during night driving time.
The visibility of the road ahead should not be obstructed by objects on the inner side of
the horizontal curve.
The wear and tear of vehicle tires should be minimum.
Passengers and drivers of the vehicle should not feel excessive lateral force from the
view point of comfort of travel.
Among all above criteria the first one usually governs in the road design.
Radius of horizontal curves is decided in such a way that the centrifugal force acting on the
vehicle is balanced by superelevation and side friction.
Basic equation for finding the radius of horizontal curve from the condition of equilibrium of
centrifugal force, superelevation and friction is given below:
R ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24-2
127(e f )
R-Radius of Horizontal Curves, m
V-Design speed in km/h
e- Superelevation provided
f- co-efficient of lateral friction, depends on the speed (taken as per Table 24-4)
Table 24-4 : Coefficient of lateral friction
Speed(km/h) f
120 0.09
100 0.12
80 0.14
60 0.17
40 0.23
30 0.28
20 0.33
Radius of curve calculated from the above consideration usually gives a very sharp curve. As a
consequence passengers travelling on such curves experience discomfort with high lateral force
acting on their body.
So where site conditions permit it is recommended that radius of horizontal curve be decided
based on the lateral force acting on the passenger caused by the centrifugal force thereby limiting
the ratio of lateral to vertical forces to 0.15.
From the consideration of passengers comfort
R ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24-3
R-Radius of Horizontal Curve, m
V-Design speed in km/h
L ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24-4
L = minimum length of spiral, m;
V = speed, km/h;
R = curve radius, m;
C = rate of increase of lateral acceleration, m/s ( C
, subject to the condition
75 V
0.5 C 0.8 )
It is not possible to place a transition curve between straight and circular sections if following
condition is not fulfilled
-Deflection angle, in radians
R-Radius of circular curve,m
L R ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24-6 i.e L cannot be more than R .
No transition curve is required if the lateral shift (S in Figure 24-1) of the circular curve due to
transition curve is less than 0.25m.i.e.
0.25 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24-7
24 R
L-length of the spiral,m
R-Radius of circular curve,m
l- length of the spiral from BC to the current point(xs,ys)
xc,yc-abscissa and ordinate of any point on the circular curve(origin of coordinates at the BCC with
direction of abscissa along the tangent at that point)
L-length of the spiral
T- tangent length
IP-Intersection point
Lc-length of the circular curve
s-shift of the spiral
-Deflection angle
-angle of the spiral
Coordinates of points along the spiral are found as follows:
l5 l9
xs l ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24-8
40 A4 3456 A8
l3 l7 l11
ys ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24-9
6 A2 336 A6 42240 A10
Lc R ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24-10
Coordinates of circular curve are calculated as follows
xc R sin c ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24-11
yc R1 cos c ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24-12
Shift s equals
s ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24-13
24 R
Angle of the spiral (in radians) equals
... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24-14
Length of the tangent T equals
L L3
T R tan ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24-15
2 2 1280 R 2
the required visibility of at least overtaking distance as given on Table 8-2 or twice the
stopping distance. For this purpose the driver’s eye is assumed to be located at 1.2 m
above the road surface.
When S<L
h2=0.15m for stopping sight distance
h2=1.2m for overtaking sight distance
When S>L
h2=0.15m for stopping sight distance
h2=1.2m for overtaking sight distance
AS 2 AS 2
L i.e. L ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24-16
200 h1 h2 2
L 2S
200 h1 h2 2
i.e. L 2S
... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24-17
L-Length of summit curve ,m
A-Algebraic difference in approach grades,%
S-stopping distance, m
h1-height of driver’s eye above the pavement surface, m(taken as 1.2m)
h2-height of object above the pavement surface, m(taken as 0.15m)
Minimum length of summit curve from the consideration of overtaking distance and twice the
stopping distance is to be found as follows:
When overtaking distance or twice the stopping distance (whichever is higher)(S) is
less than L
AS 2 AS 2
L i.e. L ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24-18
200 h1 h2
L 2S
200 h1 h2 2
i.e. L 2S
... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24-19
L-Length of summit curve ,m
A-Algebraic difference in approach grades,%
S-stopping distance, m
h1 and h2-height of driver’s eye above the pavement surface, m(taken as 1.2m)
Minimum length of summit vertical curve can be found from the following graph (see Figure
24-3) which is a plot of the above formulas.
Minimum Length of Summit Curve
Length of summit Curve(L),m
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Algebraic Difference of Grades,A(%)
Figure 24-4: Valley Curve from headlight illumination criteria
When stopping distance(S) is less than L
AS 2 AS 2
L i.e. L ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24-20
200H S sin 150 3.5S
When stopping distance(S) is more than L
200H S sin 150 3.5S ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24-21
L 2S i.e. L 2S
L-Length of valley curve ,m
A-Algebraic difference in approach grades,%
S-stopping distance, m
H-height of headlight above the pavement surface, m (taken as 0.75m)
-half of the angle of the headlight beam, deg (taken as 1 deg)
Minimum length of valley curve (L) from the consideration of the riding comfort of the passengers
and overloading on the suspension system of the automobile is found as follows:
AV 2 AV 2
L i.e L .... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24-22
1296a 390
L-Length of valley curve ,m
A-Algebraic difference in approach grades,%
V-design speed in km/h
a-maximum allowable overloading coefficient(taken as 0.3 m/s )
Higher of the values obtained from the above considerations is taken for the design.
Minimum length of valley vertical curve can be found from the following graph (see Figure 24-5)
which is a plot of the above formulas.
Length of valley Curve(L),m
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Algebraic Difference of Grades,A(%)
24.7 References
a. AASHTO: A policy on Geometric Design of highways and streets,Washington
b. ESCAP:Asian Highway Handbook,United Nations,New York,2003
c. IRC 64:1990 : Guidelines for capacity of Roads in Rural Areas,New Delhi,IRC,1990
d. IRC 73:1980:Geometric Design Standards for Rural (Non-urban)-Highways,New
e. SNIP 2.05.08: Awtomobilnye Dorogi(Russian Roads Standards),Moscow,2008
f. NRS 2045:Nepal Roads Standards,Kathmandu,Department of Roads,2045 BS
g. TRRL:ORN-6 A Guide to Geometric Design:TRRL, Crowthorne Berkshire United
h. Babkov V F:Design of Highways(in Russian),Transport,Moscow,1988
i. Traffic Safety Unit: Traffic Signs Manuals Vol-I and Vol II,Department of
j. Garber,Hoel:Principles of Traffic And Highway Engineering,Cengage Learning,New
k. Kadiyali,Lal:Principle and Practices of Highway Engineering,Khanna Publishers,New
acceleration, 28, 38 K-value, 13, 14, 32, 41, 43
access, 2, 27, 33 landscape design, 31
ADT, ix, 2, 3, 23, 34 length of valley curve, 15, 44
aesthetic, 18, 31 Levels of Services, 4
barriers, 16, 21, 33 lighting, 26, 30
bicycle track, 23 Local Roads Network, 2
Bridge, 29, 34 Lux, 34
bus lay bys, 24 medians, 16, 17, 21, 25, 26, 32
camber, 7, 17, 26 National Highways, 1
capacity, 3, 4, 15, 24, 46 pavement, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 25, 26, 27, 30,
carriageway, 2, 8, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 26, 30, 33, 34, 42, 44
34 pedestrian, 23, 24
classification, 1, 3 plantation, 32
Climbing Lane, 34 quadratic parabola, 12
Climbing lanes, 10, 11 radius, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38
Cross Section, 15 retaining walls, 29, 30
Culvert, 34 Right of way, 20
Curbs, 25 Road Humps, 22
deceleration, 24, 28 set-back distance, 9
design speed, 5, 8, 10, 15, 27, 28, 36, 44 shoulder, 16, 20, 26, 34
Design Speed, 5, 7, 10, 14, 15, 17, 28, 34 sight distance, 5, 6, 9, 13, 14, 30
Design Vehicles, 3 slopes, 18, 21, 22, 26, 27, 29
District Roads, 1 Strategic Roads Network, 2
drainage, 10, 26, 29, 30, 34 summit curve, 12, 13, 14, 15, 41, 42
Emergency escape ramps, 11 superelevation, 7, 8, 17, 35, 37
extrawidening, 8 terrain, 2, 3, 4, 5, 16, 17
Feeder Roads, 1 Terrain, 5
footpaths, 20, 23 Transition Curves, 7
Formation width, 17 tunnels, 26, 30
Functional Classification, 2 Urban Roads, 1
gradients, 10, 11 valley curve, 12, 14, 15, 43, 44
hair pin bends, 7, 8 vertical clearance, 21, 24
Intersections, 28, 29 vertical curves, 12, 14, 15, 32, 35