OpenRoads ConceptStation
Rapid Conceptual Design
For example, if the road is at grade, the bridge will be placed at grade Render in Real Time with Cinematic Quality
as well. Edit the road vertical alignment and the bridge alignment Create stunning photo-realistic visualizations in seconds using the
will automatically adjust. The bridge template defines the typical dynamic immersive visualization engine platform. Simply click on the
cross-section to apply to the bridge deck. This includes the number of Visualize tab and it will launch the LumenRT mode. Using the embed-
lanes, the barriers, medians, sidewalks, and other artifacts you need ded LumenRT engine, you can visualize your model into a rich 3D
to apply to the top of the bridge. environmental context with vehicles, water, skies, trees, plants, and
The template also drives the bridge width and ensures the super- characters. This platform provides natural-looking light and shadows,
structure adapts to it. You can choose from prestressed concrete real-time global illumination, IES point and spotlights, lens flares, and
girder, cast-in-place slab bridge, or cast-in-place box girder. In luminous materials.
addition, you can utilize the bridge library to pick a variety of beams Interactively adjust time of day, add lens flares, and apply depth of
and girders, support types, abutments, and wing walls. To edit the field while benefiting from highly accurate reflections, anti-aliasing,
bridge supports, simply use the handler manipulator on the support. and motion blur. OpenRoads ConceptStation enables you to readily
Click on the arrows in the design and move the mouse to the desired share your concept with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders.
direction. Rotate the arrows and watch the support rotate with ease. You can present alternative civil design concepts in real time and
Make any necessary edits to the spans, piers, and abutments to make edits on the fly to meet design needs. Using a photo-like
design the bridge needed for the optimized design. presentation helps your firm present technical information to the
public to help explain project impact to the local environment.
Create Conceptual Designs The 3D model is a great tool to help win public or client approval
OpenRoads ConceptStation enables you to create multiple designs for the project.
with associated costs for better decision making. You can quickly con-
sider different scenarios to discover the best road and bridge designs in Transition Conceptual Design to Detailed Design
context. Make better decisions with interactive discussions with other Move your optimized conceptual design to the detailed design phase
experts, contractors, and stakeholders early in the design process. The while maintaining geometric integrity. Ensure your digital model is
software helps you explore more options to identify high-cost items utilized in OpenRoads for accelerated project delivery and better
and potential issues in the preliminary design phase. design quality. Simply click on the Export tab and you will see a
dialog to help you browse for the location and name of the
OpenRoads ConceptStation provides a cost tab that lets you access
files to be exported into OpenRoads.
estimated costs for the project. As soon as new design elements are
added to the concept, the refresh tool can be utilized to provide up-to- Once you have specified the file name and saved the data,
date cost estimates for the design. You can easily create a detailed OpenRoads ConceptStation will automatically create the .alg,
quantities and cost report with each design scenario. You also have the .ird, .itl, and .rwk files to provide the geometry, templates, and
opportunity to include allowances to ensure real-world estimates. superelevation to export to OpenRoads for the detailed design phase.
The software helps you become more competitive and win more Your designers can move conceptual design to detailed design with
business by generating better, cost-effective designs. just a click of the mouse.
“Using OpenRoads ConceptStation, we can identify high-cost items,
issues, and propose alternative technical concepts when
appropriate for our clients.”
– Mark Urban, Senior Vice President, Design-Build Projects, HNTB Corporation
Engineers and designers can evaluate more options with associated costs during the planning and pre-bid stage of the project.
System Requirements OpenRoads ConceptStation At-A-Glance (continued)
Intel Pentium-based or AMD Athlon- Design Ramps associated quantities
based processor 2.0 GHz or greater • Place ramps Interoperability with Detailed Civil Design
Operating System »» Connects two roads with the desired alignment • Export to OpenRoads
Windows 10 (64-bit) – Home, Pro, »» Automatic auxiliary lane creation based on »» Export ALG, IRD, ITL, RWK
Enterprise, and Education; Windows design speed
»» Supports geometry, template, template drop transition,
8 (64-bit) – Standard, Pro, and Enter- »» Default taper length, taper width design radius, superelevation
prise; Windows 8.1 (64-bit) – gore radius
Standard, Pro, and Enterprise; »» Default marking Lane Marking
Windows 7 SP1 (64-bit) – Home
• Edit ramps • Lane marking automatically created
Basic, Home Premium, Professional,
Enterprise, and Ultimate »» Modification of taper length, taper width design radius, • Edit lane marking
gore radius »» Change the lane marking for the full road
• Ramp Designer »» Change the lane marking for portion of the road inde-
1 GB minimum, 2 GB recommended
pendently of the road template itself
(more memory typically results in Design Roads
better performance) Pavement marking
• Place roads
2 GB GPU graphic cards for »» Follows AASHTO standards; class, design speed, • Ability to place punctual pavement marking, like turn
optimal performance in the default curve radius arrows, etc.
real-time rendering engine »» Best fit existing ground vertically • Ability to place linear pavement marking such as
Disk Space »» Template (typical cross-section) based approach crosswalk
5.5 GB minimum free disk space »» Super elevation determined automatically (Method 5) Place City Furniture
»» Named Roads
• Place and edit guardrails
• Editing of horizontal alignment
Find out about Bentley »» Insert PI, delete PI, move PI
»» Ability to choose what symbol to use
at: »» Ability to set offset from alignment
»» Edit curve radius graphically or precisely using heads-
»» Ability to set angle from alignment
Bentley Systems Europe B.V. up text editing
• Place and edit street lights and other city furniture
(Dubai Branch) • Editing of vertical alignment
»» Ability to choose what symbol to use
City Tower 2, 12th floor »» Insert PVI, Delete PVI, Move PVI
Office no. 1201 »» Ability to set offset from alignment
»» Edit vertical curve length and slope graphically or
Sheikh Zayed Road, precisely using heads-up text editing »» Ability to set angle from alignment
Dubai, P O Box 28149
• Template drop editing Roadway Template
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 331 2666 »» Easy editing of template drops, editing transition stationing • Create new template
• Roundabouts Design »» Easy component based creation
Contact Bentley
1-800-BENTLEY (1-800-236-8539)
• Tunnels Design
Aerial Imageries
Outside the US +1 610-458-5000 Estimate Cost and Quantities • Bing Map as images provider
Global Office Listings • Project cost overview »» High level overall design cost
»» Includes allowance by default • LumenRT Designer
• Detailed quantities/cost, listing cost items, and
You can easily import a wide range of data including terrain Create stunning photo-realistic visualizations in seconds
models, raster DEMs, images, GIS, reality meshes, and more using dynamic immersive visualization capabilities.
to create intelligent 3D models.
© 2018 Bentley Systems, Incorporated. Bentley, the Bentley logo, and OpenRoads ConceptStation are either registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks
of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries. Other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective
owners. 19910 07/18