206 Red Hooded Childs Jacket PDF

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#206 A-Line Child’s Coat Row 2: Work patt row 4 to last 5 sts, w&t.

Row 3: Work patt row 1 to last 7 sts, w&t.

To Fit Sizes: Row 4: work patt row 2 to last 7 sts, w&t.
Child sizes 2 (4, 6) Row 5: Work patt row 3 across all sts working wraps into
Finished Sizes: Row 6: Work patt row 4 across all sts working wraps into
26”(28”,30”) pattern.
Note: Garment is slightly Repeat these last 6 rows once more beg with patt row 1
oversized. instead of row 3; then continue in pattern until center
section of hood measures 6”(6 ½”,7”), ending with a WS
Materials: row.
6(7,8) skeins Valley Yarns Next row: Bind off 27 sts, work across center 26 sts, bind off
Berkshire, (100g, 85% Wool, 15% last 27sts. Cut yarn and reattach to WS of center 26 sts.
Alpaca, 141 yards) #16 Burgundy. Continue in pattern decreasing 1 st each end of 14th and
Size 7 36” circular and size 10 28th row, 22 sts. Bind off.
straight needles. Sew bound off edges to back flap of hood.
3 1” buttons.
1 3/8” snap (optional). Hood I-cord:
With smaller circular needle, cast on 2 sts. K2 sts. Slip these
Gauge: sts back on left needle and knit again. Con’t until cord
16 sts and 21 rows = 4” with larger needles in pattern st. measures 36” Bind off and fasten off.

Abbreviations: Pockets (make 2):

W&T = wrap and turn. Slip next st with yarn in back, move With larger needles, cast on 18(20,22) sts. Work patt for 4”,
yarn to front, slip st back to LH needle, turn work. ending with a RS row. Knit 1 row garter st and place on
holder. Work I-cord bind off as for body (see below) along
Pattern Stitch (multiple of 4+2): all 4 sides of pockets picking ups sts as you go after first
Rows 1 and 3 (RS): Knit side. Fasten off.
Row 2 (WS): P1, *yo, p2, pass yo over p2, p2; rep from *,
end p1. Finishing:
Row 4: P1, *p2, yo, p2, pass yo over p2; rep from *, end p1. Work 3 needle bind off for shoulders or sew tog with
Rep these 4 rows for pattern. kitchener st. Set in sleeves, weaving tog 5 bound off sts of
armholes to top 5 rows of each sleeve. Sew side seams. Sew
Back: in hood, easing in fullness. Fold facing to inside and hem in
With larger needles, cast on 70(74,78) sts. Beg pattern st, place. Thread I-cord into facing. Knot each end of I-cord.
decreasing 1 st at each side edge every 8 (9,10)th row 9
times, 52(56,60)sts. Work even in pattern until total length I-cord edging for body:
is 14”(16”,18”). With circular needle, RS facing and beg at right front neck
Shape armhole: Bind off 4(5,5) sts at beg of the next 2 rows, edge, pick up and knit 4 out of 5 sts along right front, 1 st in
44(46,50) sts. Work even in pattern for 6”(6½”, 7”). corner, 34(36,38) sts along bottom edge of right front,
Shape shoulders: Work across first 12(13,14) sts and place 68(72,76) sts along lower back edge, 34(36,38) sts along left
on holder. Bind off center 20(20,22) and place remaining front edge, 1 st in corner and 4 out of 5 sts up left front
12(13,14) sts on a holder. edge. Turn and knit 1 row back.
I-cord bind off: K3 sts, *slip same 3 sts back to LH needle,
Fronts (Make two reversing shapings): k2, sl1, k1, psso; rep from * to corner. Turn corner as folls:
With larger needles, cast on 36(38,40) sts. Work in pattern *K3 sts, slip same 3 sts back to LH needle; rep from * twice
st, decreasing 1 st at side edge every 8(9,10)th row 9 times, more, then continue in bind off pattern all around piece.
27(29,31)sts. Work even to 14”(16”,18”) total length. Shape
armholes: Bind off 4(5,5) sts at side edge, 23(24,26) sts. I-cord edging for Sleeves:
Work even for 3 ¼”(3¾”, 4¼”). With smaller needles and RS facing, pick up and knit
Shape neck: At neck edge, bind off 5 sts once, 3 sts once, 2 40(44,48) sts. Turn and knit 1 row back. Work I-cord bind
sts once, dec 1 st every other row 1(1,2) times, 12(13,14) sts. off as for body. Sew sleeve seams.
Work even to match back length. Place rem sts on holders.
Sew on pockets 1” below armhole bind offs, having opening
Sleeves (make 2): at side edges. The garter row edge is the side that remains
With larger needles, cast on 40(44,48) sts. Work in patt st open.
for 10”(11”,12”) or desired length to shoulder, increasing 1 st
at each end every 10(12,14)th row 4 times, 48(52,56) sts. I-cord button loops:
Bind off. Make 3 4” two-stitch I-cords. Attach to inside of I-cord
edging of left front at 3” intervals. Use picture as a guide.
Hood: Sew on buttons and optional snap at top edge of corner.
With smaller needles, cast on 80 sts. Beg with a RS row, Block.
work 5 rows of St st ending with a RS row. Knit the next row
on the ws for the fold line. Change to larger needles. Work
pattern st, beg with Row 3, for 4 rows.
Short row shaping:
Row1: Work patt row 3 to last 5 sts, w&t.

Valley Yarns ©2006

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