Annotatedlesson Harpernathalie
Annotatedlesson Harpernathalie
Annotatedlesson Harpernathalie
● 9-10.RI.1 Cite strong and thorough textual
evidence to support analysis of what the text
says explicitly as well as inferences drawn
from the text.
● 9-10.W.7 Conduct short as well as more
sustained research projects to answer a
question (including a self-generated question)
or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the
inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple
sources on the subject, demonstrating
understanding of the subject under
What will your students need to know to master How will you assess students’ mastery of these
the grade-level objective? foundational skills?
● Students will need to be able to comprehend The students have been assessed on these skills
texts at or above grade level. previously and have been placed in strategic
● Students will need to be able to identify groups with built in scaffolds and differentiation
important details in a text to summarize. available to students struggling with these skills.
● Students will need to be able to synthesize
ideas from multiple texts. They will also be assessed in these skills in the
● Students will need to be able to have basic beginning part of the lesson, which allows
skills in Google Classroom as well as Google interventions to be provided if need be.
3. What Would You Do? Think-Pair-Share Activity (6 min)- Students will think
about each question, then discuss with their partner, then share in a class
● You witness a kid in your class call a Muslim student a terrorist.
● Your female friend’s mom wants her to drop out of school to help take care
of the other kids at home while her brothers finish high school.
● Your teacher makes a comment about illegal immigrants needing to be
● You witness a manager at a restaurant tell a gay couple to leave because
they are holding hands.
● Your parents disapprove of a boyfriend or girlfriend you are dating because
they are a different race.
● Your school does not allow a student with autism to audition for the school
Essential Questions:
1) When is it justified to be selfish over selfless?
2) To what extent do individuals have control over their lives? What role does
chance, choice, or fate play?
Step 2: Students will reflect on the question below and respond in writing.
1) How did your answers to the Essential Questions change after reading
these articles?
How will you vary your approach to make information accessible to all students?
● Anchor charts - Anchor Charts
● Strategic partnerships - Seating Chart
● Sentence Stems - Sentence
● Student Choice Stems on ppt
● Appeal to Different Learning Styles - Multiple texts
● Think-Pair-Share for interest and
- PowerPoint
with videos and
Christensen, L. (2009). Teaching for joy and justice: Re-imagining the language arts classroom.
Maxwell, R. J., Meiser, M. J., & McKnight, K. S. (2011). Teaching English in middle and
National Council of Teachers of English. (2009). CEE position statement: Beliefs about social