CT 2 Lessonplan
CT 2 Lessonplan
CT 2 Lessonplan
Grade Level Being Taught: 2nd Subject/Content: Science Group Size: Date of Lesson: 10/9/19
CT Observation #2 Name: Hannah Bishop
Grade Level Being Taught: 2nd Subject/Content: Science Group Size: Date of Lesson: 10/9/19
Level(s) of Thinking Using Bloom’s Taxonomy or Webb’s Depth of Knowledge, which level(s) of thinking is/are called
for in the standard? Understand
Which level(s) of thinking is/are called for in your objective? Understand
Why did you choose this level(s) of thinking? Students must identify the characteristics/properties of
solids therefore they are understanding solids.
Assessment Plan- How will you Describe your assessment plan:
know students have mastered I will be assessing the students as they are moving around in their partnership. I will be asking them
your objectives? additional properties questions while they are at each station. When the students are finished with the
activities they will be filling out in their science notebooks the properties that they used today to figure
out their solid. (texture, color, shape, size)
Is your assessment formative or summative? Why did you make that assessment decision?
Formative assessment because it is the beginning of discovering solids, so it is not the end of the unit.
How does it align with your objective?
This aligns with my objective because the students are discovering what their solid is only by knowing
its properties.
Assessment Scoring/Rubric (+,=,-) scale.
What are the criteria for how you + means they achieved the objective (all properties correct)
will assess student = means they were almost there, maybe they missed 1-2 things (got half of the properties)
learning/student work? If you’re _ means they need more practice, and did not meet the objective (wrote descriptions instead of
using a rubric, include your rubric properties)
Part 2: Lesson Implementation
Management & Environment I will use procedures that we use every day such as; table points, behavior sticks, bobcat
(integrated throughout your bucks, and positive reinforcement. For example, “I love how _______ is sitting quietly” to
step-by-step plan): promote the other students to follow their lead. I will communicate these procedures
How will you arrange throughout the lesson as needed and typically use them during transitions to get
yourself and the students
students to move faster.
(location in the classroom,
seating)? I will arrange myself and the students in multiple places around the room. We will begin
What processes & the lesson on the carpet, we will move into group work around the room, then come back
procedures will you use?
CT Observation #2 Name: Hannah Bishop
Grade Level Being Taught: 2nd Subject/Content: Science Group Size: Date of Lesson: 10/9/19
How and when will you to the carpet, and end at our seats doing individual work. I will rotate around the class to
communicate those to reach the students based on the location of them.
students? I will set very high expectations for the students at the beginning of the lesson. They will
What expectations will you be expected to use appropriate voice levels, follow cues on when to direct their attention
have for the students? How
to me, and will be expected to be working hard when they are doing their planning and
and when will you
writing. These students will be receiving reminders during the lesson when needed, as
communicate those to
students? well as before they are directed to move into a transition.
What strategies will you use I will use positive reinforcement strategies to redirect students, and I will use bobcat
if students do not meet your bucks for those on task. I will use table points to reward full tables on task and create
expectations? Are there competition in the classroom for students to try and out do their peers in a positive way.
specific students who I will also have students move to a quiet table if they are not meeting my expectations. If
require a more extensive the students are not meeting my expectations on the carpet, I will ask them to sit in their
management plan? What seats then invite them back after they “control their bodies”
will that consist of? Some students are on a management plan, and if they do not follow my expectations they
What will students do if will be asked to put their binder on my desk.
they complete the task
The students will be separated between the front of the class with me, and the back of
the class with my CT. The students will be rotating through stations to explore different
solids and find the mystery item. I will be rotating throughout the class as well to assess
and help individual groups.
The students will not go to all groups so there is always going to be a place for early
finishers because they rotate at their own pace.
Materials 18 brown paper bags
(What materials will you use? Why 18 classroom items
did you choose these materials? 5 gourds
Include any resources you used. 5 leaves
This can also include people!) 5 spiders
3 pumpkins
CT Observation #2 Name: Hannah Bishop
Grade Level Being Taught: 2nd Subject/Content: Science Group Size: Date of Lesson: 10/9/19
Differentiating Instruction How will you differentiate instruction in this lesson? Circle those that apply:
CT Observation #2 Name: Hannah Bishop
Grade Level Being Taught: 2nd Subject/Content: Science Group Size: Date of Lesson: 10/9/19
CT Observation #2 Name: Hannah Bishop
Grade Level Being Taught: 2nd Subject/Content: Science Group Size: Date of Lesson: 10/9/19
7-8min – I will then introduce the activity to the students. I will show them each station around the
room and explain that they will be trying to find the mystery item at each station. I will explain that they
are exploring secretively and they do not what to give the hints away to their friends because we want
everyone to explore and learn. The students are allowed to move to each station freely as they complete
each station. The stations will be gourdes, spiders, apples, and leaves. (fall themed) and each item will
have an A B C D E F on it, and the students will write the letter of the mystery item once they find it. The
properties of the item will be given to them on a worksheet. (there is multiple versions of the worksheet
so the students are looking for different mystery items to force them to actually explore)
CT will be placing worksheets on the middle of each table
8-9min – I will send the students back to their seats to grab their science notebooks and a worksheet
from the middle of their table. I will have the students glue the sheet onto page 24 of their science
notebook for better organization. I will be setting a minute timer for them to complete this task.
9-10min – I will have the students look at the top corner of their worksheet. If there is a ghost they will
come to the front of the room, and if they have a bat in the corner they will go to the back of the room.
This was an easy way to split the students into half between my CT and I. Once the students are split in
half they will be partnered up for the friend they will be traveling to each station with and exploring
with. I will pick partners that I know work well together.
10-15min – The students will have 5 minutes to get through as many stations (4) as they can get
through. The goal is not to finish the stations, but instead get used to finding a solid based solely on the
properties to describe it.
I will be circulating during this time to each group and formatively assessing the students to see if they
are using the correct science language, and if they are using the proper properties to find their item. Also
I will be checking if they are finding the correct item. (if they are measuring the item correctly, and
eliminating the correct items based on the correct properties then they will receive a +, if they are getting
some things but not the rest they will receive a =, and if they need a lot of teacher support then they will
get a – because they need more practice)
15-16min – I will bring the students back down to the carpet and we will discuss the activity. I will ask
the students to vote to see if it was easy or hard for them. I will ask them to show me on their thumbs up
down or to the side. (this is important for the students to self-assess themselves even if it is very
informal) I will then go into explaining the students independent work.
16-17min – The students will then be given a chance to try this on their own. This time they will be
given an item and they must create the properties of the item given to them. The catch is the item is in a
mystery bag because everyone has their own mystery bag. = students will be given the properties to find
CT Observation #2 Name: Hannah Bishop
Grade Level Being Taught: 2nd Subject/Content: Science Group Size: Date of Lesson: 10/9/19
of their objects. The + students will have to create them on their own. The – students will be given a
special item that they must circle between options of what fits their item (ex: red or black, short or long)
17-19min – Students will have 2 minutes to go anywhere in the room to describe their item using
properties of a solid. (I will be circulating and helping the students as needed but I want them to be as
independent as possible during this to see if they truly understand the properties)
19-20min – Students will head back to their seats after time is up and there will be items in the middle
of their table (duplicates of the items the students had in their bags) They will begin with the #1 person
at their table according to their Kagan maps. That student will describe their item and the other students
have to guess what item was theirs. I will remind them they need to be respectful of their peers and
listen to them when they are taking, they are not allowed to guess the item until the student has fully
described the item, and they will all be at a whisper level because the only people that need to hear them
are right next to them.
20-25min - Students will be given 5 minutes to explore their items and guess each other’s items. A timer
will be set, and after the 5 minutes I will ensure that each student has gotten to their turn because it is
important that every “scientist” gets to talk. I will be circulating the room at this time listening to the
student’s discussions at their tables. I will ensure they are topic as well as using the proper property
names (ex: texture, size, shape NOT lumpy, big, round) Using our science language. If the students finish
early I will tell them to go in order by describing a new object at their table following the same
25-27min - we will come back to the carpet and discuss the properties one more time, to ensure they
know them. We will discuss things that were easy for them and things they found that were challenging.
(what was challenging for you at any point during this lesson?) (what could you use more practice with?)
I will then explain their exit tickets for the day. (They will writing the properties they used today, and
when they used them) Ask if anyone has any questions from the day.
27-30min – students will have 3 minutes to complete their exit ticket about what properties they used
today and when they used them. This could be tricky because I don’t want the description I need them to
actually say texture, size, shape, color. We did NOT use buoyancy or magnetism today. I will be walking
around and assessing the students for the final time on this activity on my ipad. (store all data there so I
can compare to how they did during the lesson)
During the entire lesson I will be rotating myself around the students depending on where they
are in the classroom. My CT will be doing the same thing and adding to anything I say throughout
the lesson.
I will be collecting data on the students and will be collecting their notebooks at the end to
actually check their answers and give them a +, =, or – for the lesson as a whole.
CT Observation #2 Name: Hannah Bishop
Grade Level Being Taught: 2nd Subject/Content: Science Group Size: Date of Lesson: 10/9/19
Students will be separated in half and then partnered up on the spot, there is only a few students
that cannot work together, and we know those students ahead of time. We will make smart
decisions when picking partners, they will not be choosing their own. When they are at their
groups they will be working with their table partners.