Sound Production

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The lesson discusses different types of sounds like consonants, vowels, diphthongs, blends and glides. It teaches students how to correctly pronounce and identify these sounds in words.

The objectives are to pronounce sounds correctly, identify words with different sounds, and build confidence in self-introductions.

The different types of sounds discussed are consonants, vowels, diphthongs (two vowels in one syllable), blends (groups of two or three consonants), and glides.

Lesson Plan in English 7

I. Objectives
At the end of the discussion, students should be able to:
A. Pronounce correctly vowel and consonant sounds, diphthongs, blends, and glides when
reading words, phrases, clauses and sentences.
B. Identify words, phrases, clauses and sentences with vowel and consonant sounds,
diphthongs, blends and glides.
C. Enhance their confidence in introducing one’s self and their classmate/s in class.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic : Sound Production

 Vowel and Consonant Sounds, Diphthongs, Blends and Glides
B. Skills :
1. Pronouncing correctly vowel and consonant sounds, diphthongs, blends,
and glides
when reading words, phrases, clauses and sentences.
2. Identifying words, phrases, clauses and sentences with vowel and
consonant sounds, diphthongs, blends and glides.
3. Enhancing one’s confidence in introducing one’s self and his/her
classmate/s in class.
C. References :
D. Instructional Materials :

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. COB
2. Prayer
3. Checking of Attendance

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Responses

B. Motivation

“Class, since it’s our first day for

the calendar School Year 2019-
2020, let’s start our period
interactively by means of
(Students will listen attentively to
introducing ourselves to one
another or to the ones’ whom teacher’s instructions)
we’re not familiar with yet. The
information that we’re going to
share with each other are one’s
name, place of residence, favorite
hobby/hobbies and
We have five minutes to introduce
ourselves to the class by talking
and roaming around but kindly “Yes, Ma’am...”
minimize your voice to avoid
disturbing other classes...”

“Are the instructions clear?”

(Students will roam around the
to interact and introduce
(The teacher will start the activity themselves to
by introducing herself to the class, their classmates.)
followed by the students talking
and roaming around to introduce
themselves to one another (Selected students will introduce
themselves in front of the
(After 5 minutes, the teacher will
ask three students to introduce themselves
in front of the class. The teacher will write
some important information on the board
based on details shared by them.)

“Very good, I’m happy that we’re

able to familiarize ourselves with one
(Students will listen attentively to
another. I’m very pleased meeting you

“As you can see on the board, I’ve

wrote some important information about
your classmates…” (The written or
underline words/phrases will depend on the
personal details provided by the three
(Students will read the underline
words or
phrases from the information or
( The teacher will let the students details
read provided by the students.)
the underline words or phrases:
 Salve
 resident of Paulog, Ligao
“Consonant and vowel sounds,
 English Teacher Ma’am.”

“What are the dominant sounds that

we’re able to pronounce as we read each
word or phrase? “

C. Presentation

“Very good! “ (Students will read the

(The teacher will post the objectives
objectives for the day.) for the day.)

D. Discussion

“Now, let’s start dealing with each


The teacher will post the words (Students will look at the
below on the board: posted
words on the board
- melt
- bound
- flamingo
- west
- fake
- friction
- yarn

(Students will read the posted

words on the board.)

“Class, let’s read the words on the

board...” “Ma’am, all the posted words
have consonant and vowel...”

“Words with diphthongs are

“Which among the words on the bound and fake.”
board have the vowel and consonant
“Ma’am, diphthong is a sound
formed by the combination of a two
“Indeed, all the listed words have vowels in a single syllable.”
vowel and consonant sounds... but which do
you think are words with diphthongs?”
(Students listen attentively while
jotting down notes of important ideas
“Perfect! Based on the given
about the lesson.)
examples, what is a diphthong?”

(The teacher will write the answers “The words flamingo and
of the students on the board.) friction are under the category of
consonant blends.”
Diphthong is a sound formed by the
combination of a two vowels in a
single “Consonant blends are groups of
two or three consonants in words that
makes a distinct consonant sound.”
“How about words under the
category of consonant blends?”
(Students listen attentively while
“Good! Based on the given down notes of important ideas about
examples, what are blends?” the lesson.)

(The teacher will write the answers of

the students on the board.)
“Words with glides are yarn and
Consonant blends are groups of
two or three
consonants in words that makes a “Glides are semivowels like h, w and
distinct y.”
consonant sound.

“How about words with glides?”

“Good! Based on the given
examples, what are glides?”

(The teacher will write the answers

of the students on the board.)

Glides are semivowels like h, w

and y.
(Students will read the
phrases, clauses and sentences
emphasis to their sounds and
“Let’s have more examples
class…” pronunciation of the posted
(The teacher will post the visual
materials about examples of phrases and
sentences with sounds of consonant and
vowels, diphthongs, blends and glides and
will let students read them.)


1. men fled from homes

2. breeze in the morning
3. car struck the barricade
4. team played well
5. bird pecked a hole in the tree


6. The men fled from homes

because of terrorism. (Students will listen
7. The breeze in the morning
welcomed the visitors.
8. The bird pecked a hole in the

(Students will answer the

9. The school’s basketball team question of the teacher based on their
played well. mastery of the subject matter or
10.The bank seized the property. learning outcomes.)


( The teacher will also make sure to provide

the meaning of some unfamiliar words) “Ma’am, The first phrase consists
of words having consonant and vowel
Example: seized - the use of legal or sounds, diphthong and consonant
official power to take something blend.”

“After reading, what are the specific sounds

that we’re able to produce in each
example? In the first example? Second
example? Third...”
“After reading, what are the specific sounds
that we’re able to produce in each
example? In the first example? Second
example? Third...”

E. Exercise

“It seems that you’ve really

mastered our lesson for the day.
Let’s have another activity. You
have to pronounce and identify
again the dominant sounds of the
words, phrases and sentences that
I will be flashing.”
(Students will listen attentively to
“Let’s make it more exciting...” the

 Stamp your foot (2x) - If the

dominant sounds of words, phrases
or sentences are merely
consonant and vowel sounds

 Oppa Pose - If the

dominant sounds of words, phrases
or sentences are consist of

 Wacky Pose - If the

dominant sounds of words, phrases
or sentences are consist of
consonant blends

 Raise your right hand - If the Oppa Pose

dominant sounds of words, phrases Stamp one’s foot (2x)
or sentences are consist of glides Wacky Pose
Raise right hand
Oppa Pose
1. veil
2. be respectful to elders
3. Fred dreams to become a
priest Wacky Pose
4. “Yes, we love walnuts!” Oppa Pose
5. aisle

6. Brea will slide on the

7. long vacation near the

F. Generalization

“What did you do to pronounce “Ma’am, we utter the word and

correctly or identify the words, look
phrases, clauses and sentences with at its spelling for us to pronounce
consonant and vowel sounds, correctly or identify the words,
diphthongs, blends and glides? phrases,
clauses and sentences with
and vowel sounds, diphthongs,
“Very good! The important blends
techniques to and glides.”
observe the correct production of
consonant and vowel sounds,
blends and glides are to utter the (The students will listen
words attentively.)
and be aware with their spellings.”

“Now let’s see if we have attained

our objectives for today...”

“Do you think we were able

correctly vowel and consonant
sounds, “Yes, Ma’am!”
diphthongs, blends, and glides when
reading words, phrases, clauses and

“Were we able to Identify words, “Yes, Ma’am!”

clauses and sentences with vowel
consonant sounds, diphthongs,
blends and
glides. “


IV. Evaluation

A. DIRECTIONS : Read and underline words/phrases that have the indicated dominant
sounds for
each of the following sentences below:
1. diphtongs Rain used a bowl of flour to bake apple pie.
2. glides Duck’s egg yolk weighs heavier than chicken’s.
3 consonant blends The class played flag football on the muddy

B. DIRECTIONS : Using the details you’ve gathered while roaming around the class to
be acquainted with your new classmates, write down two examples of words, phrases
or 1 example of sentence having consonant and vowel sounds, diphthongs, blends
and glides.

Consonant and Diphthongs Consonant blends Glides

Vowel Sounds


DIRECTIONS: List down at least three examples for words, phrases or sentences
with consonant and vowel sounds, diphthongs, consonant blends and glides.

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