Lesson Plan Saint John BOSCO

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Saint John Bosco College

San Fernando, La Union

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

Date/Day: March 8, 2019 -Friday

Learning Area: English

I. Lesson Objectives

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

a. Make them realized what figures of speech is:

b. Identify the figures of speech used in the sentences.
c. Explain figures of speech used in the sentences.
d. Perform group given activities:

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Figures of Speech: Simile, Metaphor and Personification

References: English Arts I pp. 39-45

Materials: Laptop, Visual Aids, Power point presentation and Chalkboard

III. Procedures

Learning Activities

Teacher’ Activity Student’s Activity

A. Daily Routine
(Students Pray)
I. Opening Prayer
“Everybody, kindly stand for a short
opening prayer.”

II. Greetings

“Good morning everybody!” “Good morning Ma’am!”

“Kindly take your seat.” “Thank you Ma’am.”

“Hi everyone! How are you today?” “We are pretty good Ma’am.”

“Alright! So are you excited to what we are “Yes we are!”

going to learn today?”

“That’s absolutely great!”

III. Classroom Management

“Now kindly align your chairs properly (Students align their chairs and they pick up all the
and pick up the pieces of paper under it.” pieces of paper)

a. Activity
“Now class I brought two pictures, and I
want you to tell what you see!”

“Which of these two photos are more

attractive than the other? Why?

“Very good!”
“The coloured picture is more attractive than the
picture with white and black colour, Ma’am. The
“Alright! That is why I gave you a
coloured picture and a black and white picture coloured picture has different colours. These colours
and I as you which one is attractive. You have said are important to create nice mood on pictures.
that the coloured one is attractive. It is the same
with figurative language. Figurative language
paints meaningful and colourful picture to every
minds of the reader to be interested to what
particular literary text they are reading.

V. Lesson Proper

“Our lesson for today is about figures of

speech. In this lesson, we will be dealing with
these objectives."

- Identify figures of speech that show

comparison (simile, metaphor,

“Now, let us know what simile is. Can you please

read the meaning of simile?”


A simile is a figure of speech that makes a

comparison, showing similarities between two
different things. Unlike a metaphor, a simile
draws resemblance with the help of the words
“like” or “as”.
Therefore, it is direct comparison.

“Everybody please read the given examples

of simile.”


1. The baby sleeps like a Koala.

2. My best friend is as stubborn as a mule.
3. After that meal, I feel as fat as a pig

Note: Using “like” or “as” doesn’t make a (Students’ answer may vary)

Not a simile: I like pizza.

Simile: The moon is like a pizza.

“Everybody, let us now read what metaphor



Metaphor is a figure of speech that makes an

implicit, implied, or hidden comparison between
two things that are unrelated without the use of
like or as, but which share common
characteristics. In other words, a resemblance of
two contradictory or different objects is made
based on a single or some common


1. Men are dogs.

2. That boy is a pig.
3. Her dance is a great poem.

“Did you understand class?”

“Yes Ma’am!”
“Now read the meaning and examples of
personification class.”

(Students read)
3. Personification

When you speak of things as though they

were persons, you are using personification.
Personification is giving human traits to objects
or ideas.


. 1. The flowers dancing in the breeze.

2. The willow tree shook her long hair.

3. Justice is blind and, at times, deaf.

(Teacher gives further explanation of


“Did you understand class?”

“Now, let’s check your understanding of the

“Yes Ma’am!”

V. Abstraction

“WHAT do you mean by figurative language

“A figurative language paints meaningful and
colourful picture to every minds of the reader to be
“HOW many figures of speech we have
interested to what particularly text they are
discussed class?”
“WHAT are those three commonly used figures
of speech class?” “We only have discussed the three commonly used
figures of speech, Ma’am.

“CAN you give me an example of simile class?” “Those are commonly used figures of speech are
simile, metaphor and personification.
“HOW about metaphor?”
(Students’ answer may vary)

“CAN you define personification?”

“Personification is the attribution of a personal

nature or human characteristics to something
VI. Application nonhuman, or the representation of an abstract
quality in human form.”
“Now, let’s see if you really understand the
lesson by answering this question. This game is
called “Figures of Speech game”. Let’s read first the
game mechanics before we answer..

“Figures of Speech Game”


Game Directions

Form a circle
Create 2 sentences each (simile, metaphor,
Write in on a ½ sheet of paper.
And decide who will present in front of the
(Students read the game direction)
The first group that will finish the activity will
be given a price.

“Are you now ready class?” “Yes Sir!”

“Alright! Let’s play.” (Students play the game)

“How did you find the game class?”

“We find the game exciting, Ma’am.”
VII. Evaluation

Identify the type of figures of speech used in the following sentences. Choose your answer from the
words in the parenthesis (SIMILE, METAPHOR, PERSONIFICATION). Write it on a ¼ sheet of paper.

1. My heart is like an open highway.

2. It’s late night but still I’ve been working like a dog.

3. The hungry chainsaw growled loudly.

4. My cat is a book of lightning.

5. The lonely train whistle cried out in the night.

6. She is as fast as a cheetah!

7. The angry clouds marched across the sky.

8. The stubborn dense fog swallowed us.

9. She is black as a coal.

10. This test is a piece of cake.


1. Simile

2. Simile

3. Personification

4. Metaphor

5. Personification

6. Simile

7. Personification

8. Personification

9. Simile

10. Metaphor

VIII. Remarks

“Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.” ( Proverbs 16:3)

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