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Diploma PPTT End Term Assignment1

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Diploma in Pre & Primary Teacher Training


Kindly note that “Term End Assignment” consists of three questions :
A. Project for Primary Classroom
B. Teaching Practice
C. Research Study

The Diploma in PPTT requires you to research and study the given topics on
your own and complete the assignments. Certain books and websites have
been suggested; however you are free to refer to other resources. You need
to complete the assignments and send the same for evaluation.

As a requisite for this course you are required to also undertake atleast one
session of teaching practice of approximately 40 to 60 minutes duration.
Though teaching practice is an optional component, it is strongly
recommended that you take it up. Please get in touch with your course
coordinator in case you have any issues regarding the same. The alternative
is an assignment that you have to write which your coordinator will let you
know if need be.

Please copy the entire question on a MS Word file and write the answers and
send the assignments to your course coordinator
([email protected])

( A ) Project for Primary classroom

You have been given a choice of the following projects, out of which you
have to integrate any 1 in the primary classroom. You may refer to the
content on Thematic Teaching.

 The tropical rainforests

 The world from the railway carriage (R.L. Stevenson)

 Egypt, the land of the Pharaohs.

 Colors in nature.

Instructions :

a) Choose any 1 topic from above.

b) Integrate that topic with at least 3 subjects. Eg. For Tropical rainforest integrate
Geography/ Botany or biology / English. Mention the appropriate Level / class
and age of the students.

c) Suggest how art or music can be integrated appropriately with the chosen topic.

d) Please scan and send the photographs of the teaching aids used. If that is not
possible then please write in detail the teaching aids used for each subject.

e) A format is being enclosed. Kindly fill in the format and send it along with the
detailed Project report.

Project Plan – Guidelines

Remember: Students do not learn from what you do, but from what you have them do.

See that your plan covers if not all but most of the following:
 Integration of technology
 Story telling/anecdotal information
 Non-competitive group and team work
 Performance-based assessment and rubrics
 Visual presentations and practice through technology and other means
 Project-based assignments that integrate family and community
 Activities appealing to multiple intelligences (Gardner)

Before the project:

1. Think of an educational project where students can design, build, create, or
otherwise use hands-on or production-oriented skills to make or do “something.

2. Academic skills(reading, writing, math, science, etc.) are then incorporated into making
3. Created items can include anything made by hand: artwork, community service
projects, publications, designs, games, science experiments and displays. Projects may also
be developed out of relevant community or life events (the change of seasons, traditional
ceremonies or rituals, building community playgrounds, rites of passage, working with

Think of the lesson over view - What will the students be doing/making?
What will they use to do/make it?
What additional educational activities are included?
What is the outcome and who is it for (self, family, community, office, school, etc)?

Example of writing lesson over view: “Students can create a travel game using a common
road map of the state or area of their choice. The students will be able to interpret map
symbols, calculate mileages and scales, use creative writing, and develop map interpretation
skills using a fun and creative approach. The game may also be applied to other maps
(country or world maps) once the basic game has been created.
Now for the stepwise lesson format:

Step 1.

Name of Project: State the Name of the Project here. (Examples: Make a Quilt, Make a
School Newsletter, Design a Flower Garden for a Community Center, Design and Create
flying objects, study and write poetry or other creative writing…)

Step 2.

Project Objectives: When students complete this project, they will be able to…
(Use following key verbs):
 Identify.
 Interview
 Locate
 Measure and Calculate
 .Assemble 
 Design and Create
 Apply.
 Write
 Read and Research
 Use technology

Example of a clearly written objective:

Here is an example:
Project: Create and play a travel game with common road maps.
Project Objectives: When students complete this session, they will be able to…
 Understand and Use a road map.
 Create travel games using a common road map.
 Work together as a group to accomplish game creation and completion.
 Research and Interpret general map symbols and meanings.
 Calculate map mileage and scale.
 Write creative playing cards depicting game rules and travel events.
 Use technology to research maps and map interpretation

Step 3.

Integration of Other Functional/Academic Skills: (Critical thinking is required throughout

the lesson. Each one of these fundamental academic skills can be integrated with the other
to produce a project-based outcome.) Students will be able to…
Math: Use math to make necessary calculations for measurements, numbers, or equivalents
as necessary for project completion.
Reading: Read information on mate rials related to the project.
Writing: Write statements, steps, summaries, outlines, scientific procedures, etc for project.
Writing outcomes can include reports, presentations, posters, computer-generated
brochures or publications. There are endless possibilities for project-based
reading and writing!
Technology: Use computers as part of project –based learning to give students hands-on
opportunities with technology. Search the internet for relevant sites, use computers to write
publications, brochures, design and make spreadsheets, or anything a computer can do to
assist in a project outcome.
Science Apply scientific method/observation to experiments, procedures, observation,
deductions, and conclusions.
Step 4.
Materials required:
List all materials needed for your project here. You may include any materials needed
to build, make, or otherwise complete your project, as well as places, catalogs, or
websites to acquire your materials.
Step 5.
Estimated time required for the completion of the entire project. No of hours required and
how many hours per week.
Step 6.
The age and level of the students (you may include the previous knowledge required)
Step 7.
A brief outline of a) Phase wise activity of students b) Instruction by Teacher (remember it is
not what you will do but what you will make them do) c) estimated time for that phase
Step 8.
What will be the assessment and evaluation process and criteria? How will you assess/
evaluate the students’ work?




Age group

Teaching Aids

Subject 1:

Subject 2:

Subject 3:

Music/ Art


(if any )
B ) Based on your own teaching of any one lesson complete the forms given below.
1) Teaching Practice Observation Sheet
2) Teaching Practice – Self Evaluation Form
3) Teaching Practice Material Compilation / Evaluation
4) Please send the lesson format/plan along with the above documents

Please use the pre-primary or the Primary lesson plan format to fill in the lesson

Lesson Plan for young learners: ( Pre – Primary )

Name of the Teacher : Date:

Age Group : Number of Students :

Name of the activity : Material(s) used

How is it going to benefit the child



Lesson Plan for young learners: ( Primary )

Lesson plan no. Date :

Teachers name :

Topic : Subject :

Number of students :

Duration of the class :

Teaching Aids used :

Aim of the lesson :

Concepts introduced :

Vocabulary / New word introduced :

Time Activity planned Teacher’s Student’s Anticipated

allotted Activity Activity / Problems
Response (These should
be all the
problems that
may crop up
from the
teacher’s point
of view )
Pre & Primary Teacher Training Course - Teaching Practice Observation Sheet

To be filled in by the school authority

Name of the Trainee teacher :

Number of classes taken:

Class : No. of students:

Class duration:

Areas Excellent Good Average Needs

Lesson content

Class control

Time management

Interaction with

Handling problems
,if any
Use of teaching aids

General remark

Name of evaluator: Signature:


Name of School: School stamp:

Diploma Program

Teaching Practice – Self Evaluation Form

Name : Age group :

Achievement of objectives Group organization

Adherence to lesson plans Seating arrangement

Appropriateness of content Handwriting and blackboard work

Effectiveness of materials used Voice modulation

Student participation Confidence level

Class control Establishing eye contact

Movement in class Scope for improvement

Date :
Pre & Primary Teacher Training Course

Teaching Practice Material Compilation / Evaluation

1. Choose any lesson that you have taught during the course. Describe the
lesson (objective, skills, age and level)

2. What materials/ aids did you use? Why did you choose these?

3. How effective were they in practice? Would you change anything in those

4. How might these materials be applied for future lessons?

C) Research Study
Select any two from the following 4 questions:

Q1. With reference to the areas of study mentioned below, discuss briefly the
development of ELT. (300 to 350 words approximately)

 Relevance of a theoretical basis to language teaching

 Theories related to language teaching
 Stimulus Response and Behaviorist theories
 Cognitive Theories
 Second Language Acquisition
 Theories of Multiple Intelligence
 Recent trends in Language Teaching


Brown, H.D - Principles of Language Learning and Teaching

Cohen, A – Language Learning

Carroll and Freedle – Language Comprehension and the Acquisition of Knowledge

You may also refer to the internet. The following are a few helpful sites:



Q2. How are Krashen and Vygotsky similar in their perceptions on SLA?

(Please fill in your responses in the tabular format given below)

Krashen & Vygotsky

( similarities in perceptions in Second Language Acquisition )




Your own analytical perception:

Q3. With reference to the following framework, enumerate with examples the
application of methodologies.

 What is methodology?
 How does methodology operate?
 Where does methodology derive from?
 ELT methodologies:

 Grammar Translation
 Direct Method
 Oral and Situational Language Teaching
 Audio-Lingual Method
 The Communicative Approach
 Total Physical Response
 The Silent Way
 The Natural Approach
 Suggestopedia
 Current Trends

Larsen-Freeman, Diane – Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. OUP

Richards, Jack C and Theodore S Rodgers – Approaches and Methods in Language

Teaching. OUP

Howatt, A – A History of English Language Teaching. OUP

You may also refer to the internet. The following are a few helpful sites:




Q4. How is the role of a student in CLT different from that in the Audio-lingual
method? (300-350 words)


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