Course Outline and Requirement-Entrep
Course Outline and Requirement-Entrep
Course Outline and Requirement-Entrep
Desired Learning Outcomes Course Content/Subject Teaching and Learning Activities Printed and Online References Assessment of Tasks
(DLO) Matter (TLAs) (ATs)
4 1-2 Entrepreneurship: Evolution and Revolution
1 .To begin our exploration Course overview Classroom sharing Entrpreneurship: Theory, Process and Critical Thinking
of entrepreneurship and the Classroom policies (Introductions) Practices by: Kuratko (Self Evaluation)
environment. Entrepreneurs Lecture Case Study
2. To distinguish between Facing the Entrepreneurship exercises Entrepreneurship journals Quizzes (online)
business and social Unknown Videoclips via Youtube Major Exams
entrepreneurs. Are You a
3. To distinguish between Business or Social
entrepreneurs and small-
business owners.
4. To explain the importance
of entrepreneurs for have a particular
economic growth enterprising
5. To examine the mindset
historical. .development of The Evolution of
entrepreneurs and of Undertaking
entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship
6. To define entrepreneurship through Ages
and explore the major Early Definitions
schools of entrepreneurial of
thought. Entrepreneurship
7. To realize that Approaches to
entrepreneurship is a Entrepreneurship
pathway to freedom.
1 To profile demographic Entrepreneurial Lecture/discussion Entrpreneurship: Theory, Process and Case Study
features of entrepreneurs from Mind, Behavior Video Presentation Practices by: Kuratko
around the globe. and Career Entrepreneurial Self- Interviewing an
2 To identify and discuss the
Entrepreneurship Assessment Entrepreneurship journals Entrepreneur
most commonly cited
characteristics found in In Practice: Are
successful entrepreneurs. You Cut Out to be Online Study Resources Quizzes
3 To examine entrepreneurial an Entrepreneur?
psychology. Entrepreneurial Major Exams
Watch How This Entrepreneur Started His Multi-Million Dollar Company in His 20s
I have read the course outline and I understand that I have to comply with the Prepared by:
requirements of the course and the expectations from me as a student of Bachelor of Prof. Leslie Ann U. Gamundoy
_______________________________________________during the FIRST semester of AY
2020-21. I am fully aware that If I do not comply, I will fail the subject. Approved by:
Printed Name and Signature of Student