Exercitii Cu Verbe Modale
Exercitii Cu Verbe Modale
Exercitii Cu Verbe Modale
1. Treceti urmatoarele propozitii la Past Tense Simple si Future Tense Simple, folosind
inlocuitorii verbelor modale respective, acolo unde este necesar:
1. Man …travel through space now. 2. He …reach the Moon and walk there. 3. He …
even drive on its surface. 4. But one still …breathe without extra oxygen and one
certainly …stay there very long. 5. When we … fly there as easily as we fly to other
countries of the world, holidays will be very different.
10.Completati spatiile goale cu didn’t need to sau needn’t have + forma III a verbului:
1. I …(answer) the questions, which was very convenient.
2. I …(answer) the questions, which would have saved me a lot of work.
3. I …(buy) a new map of London as I already had one.
4. You …(lend) him so many books; he will never read them all.
5. We …(wait) too long; he was back soon.
6. I …(see) him for that. I wrote him a letter.
7. I …(get up) so early today, but I forgot it was Sunday.
8. You …(wait) for me. I am sorry you wasted your time.
9. The student …(write) such a long composition, because the teacher won’t have time to
read it all.
10. You …(buy) so much bread. It’ll get stale.
11. Completati spatiile goale cu must, can’t sau needn’t + infinitivul trecut: