(Learn) (Not / Work) (Not / Be) (Pass / Want) (Study) : Fill The Gaps With The Correct Tenses
(Learn) (Not / Work) (Not / Be) (Pass / Want) (Study) : Fill The Gaps With The Correct Tenses
(Learn) (Not / Work) (Not / Be) (Pass / Want) (Study) : Fill The Gaps With The Correct Tenses
2. But last year I (not / work) hard enough for English, that's why my marks
(not / be) really that good then.
11. And I (begin / already) to read the texts in my English textbooks again.
15. And after my apprenticeship, maybe I (go) back to London to work there for
a while.
26. "What have you decided to do?" she asked him. She asked him
30. There are plenty of tomatoes in the fridge. You buy any.
32. He had been working for more than 11 hours. He be tired after such hard
33. I speak Arabic fluently when I was a child and we lived in Morocco. But after
we moved back to Canada, I had very little exposure to the language and forgot almost
everything I knew as a child. Now, I just say a few things in the language.
34. The teacher said we read this book for our own pleasure as it is optional.
35. you stand on your head for more than a minute? No, I .
11. With (close) eyes ha sat in his armchair (listen) to the favourite music.
12. Why not …..
a. come
b. coming
c. to come
d. to be coming
17. Jane has several books about plants. She …. Be a serious botanist.
a. Was to
b. Must
c. Ought
d. Will be able
Я розповім вам смішну історію, яка сталася зі мною і моєю мамою учора увечері. Мені дванадцять
років і я дівчинка. Моїй мамі тридцять чотири роки, але я вже майже її роста.
Учора після обіду ми з мамою їздили до Лондона до лікаря стоматолога. Він знайшов одну дірку.
Вона була в задньому зубі, і він запломбував її, майже безболісно. Потім ми пішли в кафе. Я їла
бананове морозиво, а мама пила каву. Коли ми встали, щоб піти, було близько шести.
- Може повернемося до кафе і почекаємо, поки закінчиться дощ? - запропонувала я. Мені хотілося ще
одну порцію бананового морозива. Воно було чудове.
Ми стояли на тротуарі під дощем, намагаючись зловити таксі. Багато з них проїзжало повз нас, але усі
вони були зайняті.
І тут до нас підійшов чоловік. Це був невисокий, досить старий чоловік років, напевно, сімдесяти або
навіть більше. Він ввічливо припідняв свій капелюх і сказав мамі:
- А що?
- Не знаю, - відрізала мама. - Але хочу дізнатися. Йдемо. Вона взяла мене за руку, і ми перейшли
вулицю. Потім згорнули наліво.
Ми дійшли до кута і теж повернули направо. Старий був метрах в двадцяти від нас. Він тікав, як
кролик, і нам доводилося доганяти його. Тепер дощ полив сильніше, і я бачила, як вода крапає з
полів його капелюха на плечі. А нам було сухе і затишне, адже у нас була дивовижна велика шовкова
- Ну і нехай, - сказала мама. - Він нам збрехав. Сказав, що занадто втомився, щоб йти пішки, а сам
майже загнав нас! Безсоромний брехун! Брехун!
Я бачила, як ворушилися його губи, коли він робив замовлення. Бармен на декілька секунд
відвернувся, а коли обернувся знову, то тримав невелику склянку, посамі вінця наповнену світло-
коричневою рідиною. Старий поклав на стойку фунтову банкноту.
- Це мій фунт! - прошипіла мама. - Ти тільки подивися, який нахаба!
- А що в склянці? - запитала я.
- Віскі, - відповіла мама. - Чистий віскі.
Бармен не дав йому решти.
- Це, напевно, потрійний віскі, - сказала мама.
- Що означає потрійний? - запитала я.
- Три звичайні порції, - відповіла вона.
Старий взяв склянку і підніс до губ. Злегка нахилив його. Потім нахилив сильніше… сильніше… ще
сильніше… і незабаром весь віскі одним ковтком зник у нього в горлі.
- Смішно! - сказала мама. – Уяви, заплатити фунт і випити все умить!
- Він заплатив більше фунта, - заперечила я. - Адже він віддав шовкову парасольку за двадцять
фунтів.- Вірно, - сказала мама. - У нього, напевно, не всі дома.
Старий стояв біля стійки бару з порожньою склянкою. Тепер він посміхався і від задоволення його
кругле рожеве обличчя світилося золотим сяйвом. Я помітила, як він лизнув білі вуса начебто
намагался зловити останні краплі коштовного напою.
Потім він відвернувся від стойки і став повільно пробиратися крізь натовп туди, де висіли його
капелюх і пальто. Він надів капелюх. Надів пальто. Потім, дуже спокійно і недбало, так, що навряд чи
можна було щось запідозрити, зняв з вішалки одну з численних мокрих парасольок і вийшов.
- Ти бачила? - вискнула мама. - Бачила, що він зробив?
- Тс-с-с! - прошепотіла я! - Він йде!
Ми нижче опустили парасольку так, щоб можна було тільки виглядати з-під неї.
Він вийшов. Жодного разу не подивився в нашу сторону. Розкрив над головою свою нову парасольку і
заспішив вниз по вулиці, туди, звідки прийшов.
- Ось він в які ігри грає! - сказала мама.
- Чиста робота! - сказала я. - Здорово!
Ми проїхали за ним назад до тієї вулиці, де вперше зустріли його, і побачили, як він спокійнісінько
обмінює свою нову парасольку на черговий фунт. Цього разу він мінявся з худорлявим хлопцем, у
якого взагалі не було ні капелюха, ні пальта. Як тільки угода відбулася, наш старий побіг вниз по
вулиці і загубився в натовпі. Але тепер він побіг в інший бік.
- Дивися, який хитрий! - сказала мама. - Ніколи не заходить в один і той же бар двічі!
- Так він може продовжувати ввесь вечір, - сказала я.
- Так, - відповіла мама, - звичайно. Але, тримаю парі, він, як божевільний, молиться на дощовиті дні.
1. Task 1. Say if the statements are true or false. Correct the false
statements and expand on the true ones.
1. The girl and her mother went to London to visit a doctor.(true)
The mother took the girl up to London to see the dentist.
2. The filling was rather painful and to sooth the daughter the mother took
her to a café.(false)
The girl had one hole in a back tooth and the dentist filled it without
hurting her too much.
3. They had a substantial meal in a café.(false)
The girl had a banana split and her mother had a cup of coffee.
4. The girl and her mother wanted to take a taxi because they were very
tired and it was rather late.(false)
By the time they got up to leave, it was about six o’clock. When they
came out of the café it had started to rain.
5. While the girl and her mother were waiting for a taxi they were
approaching by a small middle-aged man who was holding an umbrella
over his head.(false)
He was a small man and he was pretty old. He was sheltering under an
umbrella which he held high over his head.
6. The girl’s mother wasn’t inclined to a conversation with the old man.
The girl’s mother said very cool and distant and saw at him
7. The old man made a favourable impression on the girl.(true)
He was polite, well-spoken and well- dressed and he was a real
8. The girl didn’t’ like the way her mother spoke to the old man. (true)
She felt quite embarrassed by her mother’s sharpness.
9. The old man wanted to help the girl and her mother catch a taxi. (false)
The old man wanted to offer his umbrella to protect them and take a
pound for taxi-fare just to get home.
10. The girl’s mother didn’t want to give a pound for the umbrella because
it was worth more.(true)
She said to the little man, “I don’t think it’s quite right that I should take
a silk umbrella from you worth twenty pounds”.
11. The old man declined the girl’s mother’s offer to give him the taxi fare.
“No, no, no!” he cried. “It’s out of the question! I wouldn’t dream of it!
Not a million a year! I would never accept money from you like that!
Take the umbrella, dear lady, and keep the rain off your shoulders!”.
12. The girl and her mother decided to follow the man because his
behavior surprised them. (true)
The watched the little man as he dodged nimbly in and out of the traffic.
He was bustling along the pavement sidestepping the other pedestrians
and swinging his arms like a soldier on the march. He didn’t look very
13. The girl and her mother followed the old man and saw him enter a big
He went into that house! It’s pub. In big letters right across the front it
14. The girl and her mother could hardly see what the old man was doing
inside through the window.(false)
The was a big plate-glass window along the front of the pub, and
although it was a bit steamy on the inside, we could see through it very
well if we went close.
15. The old man emptied his glass, put on his coat and hat and, making
sure that no one could see him, took an umbrella from the coat-rack
and quickly went out.(false)
Slowly, he turned away from the bar and edged back through the crowd
to where his hat and coat were hanging. He put on his hat. He put on
his coat. Then, in a manner so superbly cool and casual that you hardly
noticed anything at all, he lifted from the coat-rack one of the many wet
umbrellas hanging there, and went off.
16. The girl and her mother saw the old man find another person to make
his little dishonest deal.(true)
They watched him to proceeded, with no trouble at all, to exchange his
new umbrella for another pound note.
17. The old man’s new target was a tall thin fellow who had no protection
from the rain. (true)
At this time it was a tall thin fellow who didn’t even have a coat or hat.
18. After exchanging his new umbrella for another pound note the old man
hurried to same pub. (false)
And as soon as the transaction was completed, our little man trotted off
down the street and was lost in the crowd. But this time he went in the
opposite direction.
1. back tooth
It(hole) was in the back tooth and the dentist filled it without hurting
the girl too much.
2. suspicious person
The girl’s mother was a suspicious person.
3. fearsome thing
It is a fearsome thing, this frosty-nosed stare of her mother’s.
4. favourite saying
“you can always spot a gentlemen by shoes he wears”, was
another of her mother’s favourite sayings.
5. gentle smile
the old man gave a gentle smile and said, “I beg you to believe,
madam, that I am not in the habit of stopping ladies in the street
and telling them my troubles”.
6. silk umbrella
“It’s a lovely umbrella, it’s silk”, said the little man. The mother has
never had a silk umbrella before, she couldn’t afford it.
7. barefaced liar
The mother said about the old man that he was a crook and a
barefaced liar
8. golden rule
With a strange man the mother has a golden rule which says, “the
nicer the man seems to be, the more suspicious you must become”
9. titled gentlemen
The mother said about the old man that he was a crook and a
barefaced liar and he wasn’t a titled gentleman
10. neat whisky
The old man entered the pub and ordered the glass of neat whisky
11. ordinary hats and coats
When they came out of café it had started to rain, but the were
wearing ordinary hats and coats.
4. Find in the story some details that describe the British way of
There are some words and expressions which describe and show
the British way of life: banana split, gentleman, lady, pound,
yard, pub, whisky.
5. How far do you agree with the girl’s mother who said: “the
nicer the man seems to be, the more suspicious you must
become”. “You can always spot a gentleman by the shoes he
I disagree with it. The lesson form this story: don’t let
appearances fool you. They had just met the old man and trusted
him because he seemed very sincere when he had actually been
lying to them.
And in real life we may have a lot of such situations.
6. What would you do if the old man from the story asked you
for help?
My behavior would be the same, I am very trustful person.
Imagine the situation: the old man asks me for a favor. He is
pretty old, well-spoken, well-dressed. He seems gentle and
sympathetic. I would help him, of course I understand the risk of
the situation. But we must trust and believe in people, or life
becomes impossible.