Why We Feel Awkward: Cringeworthy in February 2018 and Discussed Why Awkwardness Should Be Cherished and
Why We Feel Awkward: Cringeworthy in February 2018 and Discussed Why Awkwardness Should Be Cherished and
Why We Feel Awkward: Cringeworthy in February 2018 and Discussed Why Awkwardness Should Be Cherished and
Embracing It
Being different doesn't necessarily mean you stay different. Those people like me and some of
you have found ways to overcome innate challenges. In 2017, psychology today wrote that we
should embrace our awkwardness. So don’t be ashamed to tell people you’re strange or
different, it’s okay to say “I am a communications major” and people going ew. The first step to
embracing your awkwardness is explained by Communications professor (ew) Svendd
Brinkman from Aalborg University that we should own our actions. Whenever we feel bad or
embarrassed, we should own it not forget it. During awkward moments, we feel wounded and
tied down, but that makes us unable to stand up for our action or make a proper response. The
second step is practice memento mori, the fancy way or saying “YOLO.” Or if 2011 feels “too
longgg ago too” then sorry that your generation is so cool and up to date. I don’t get what you
get, do you get that? I was born in an era where we’re close but we’ll see never live long
enough to get the benefits of space travel by the time it progresses enough to be available to
the public. Yeah, I think about that at the coffee machine. That’s why I’m 5 minutes late Janice
from HR. Awkward moments can affect our lives. Kinda. If we think about it. Like if we keep
remembering that time we forgot to say thanks to the bus driver, or that moment when you
approach a girl or guy and say “you’re as cute as my parent” or whenever we remember that
time you told you were in forensics and for once they thought you were cool! The last step to
embracing your awkwardness is to have some confidence. Embrace the encounter and focus
on the outcome, learn from your mistakes and take note of them, but don’t ever feel defeated
when a judge writes the number 6 on your ballot and circles that. I’m awkward, I make other
people feel awkward, and I’m proud.
Awkwardness is at its core is a human trait. It is no different than being happy, sad, or aroused.
It’s innate to humans to feel that way in social encounters. I explained how it is a natural trait,
the benefits of being prone to awkwardness, and how to embrace it. I’ll leave you with this. Do
or don’t. If yes, do. If no, don’t. If you do a don’t. don’t and if you do a yes, yes. Don’t Yes a don’t
Don’t yes a don’t….