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The Friendship Formula Dr Kyler Shumway PsyD

Chapter 1: The Seven Deadly Schemas

Unfurl a large blank scroll in your mind and stretch it across the table. This is your timeline, the
story of your life.

To your left, we see your birth. To the right, we see you. At this moment, staring down at this

There is a lot of story between these points. You might have memories that stand out; birthday
parties, the first days of school, that trip to the beach, that time you farted in a public elevator and
tried to cover it with a cough. But we knew. We knew.

These memories come together to form what psychologists call "schemas," or foundational
beliefs and feelings about yourself and about the world. Your life story is rich with memories of
relationships. Some of those relationships were helpful and positive, while others were toxic.
There may be significant gaps between these memories, where you felt invisible, disconnected
and friendless. Imagine what it would be like if you tried to tell your story using only those
relational memories. These are the building blocks of the schemas that shape your view of

Some of you may come to this book in a place of great pain, isolation, and rejection. You may
have powerful schemas about yourself and others that make you feel hopeless when it comes to
friendship. I know, I have some of those myself.

No matter how overwhelming these schemas feel, you have the power to find acceptance and
belonging. I believe that with all my heart. This chapter is all about recognizing unhelpful
relationship schemas, and learning how to challenge the beliefs that hold us back.

I give you… The Seven Deadly Schemas.

Schema #1: “I am not a social person”

Alas, many of us carry this schema around with us. We work up the courage to go to a party,
only to sit by the chip bowl avoiding eye contact with others. This belief is a self-fulfilling
prophecy, isn’t it? We sit back and watch the social people engage with one another while we
focus on eating snacks in comfort.

And that’s the problem. The comfort.

Those of us who agree with this schema tend to feel uncomfortable when they act
socially. There seems to be a powerful emotion that comes with that discomfort – fear. And it
happens even in the smallest of small talks. We are afraid of messing up and saying something
stupid. We are afraid of what the other person thinks of us. We are scared that they are going to
The Friendship Formula Dr Kyler Shumway PsyD

notice how anxious and uncomfortable we feel. As soon as the conversation ends, we breathe a
sigh of relief and return to our chip bowl.

The brain is very good at learning what feels unsafe. Although most social interactions are not
life-threatening, your mind is trying to get you back to that chip bowl, that safe haven. Each
time we avoid the discomfort our brains learn to reinforce the avoidant behavior. "Stay by the
bowl…" your brain rattles, "you are not a social person."

So, how do you challenge this schema?

It's simple, but easier said than done. You have to lean into the discomfort. You have to talk
back to your brain and tell it why you want to be social; give it a reason to push through the
pain. Sometimes, you can try adding something to the schema. "I am not a social person, but I
want to try and make a new friend today.” I use this all the time when I need to motivate myself
to do a workout. My body will screech “I don’t want to lift weights today,” and I will add “but I
want to get stronger and be healthy.” And just like with working out, challenging a schema
takes time and practice. It may be difficult at first, but I promise it gets easier.

Schema #2: “I just don’t fit in”

This schema is tricky. One time, I accidentally walked into a women’s bathroom. And, at least
last time I checked, I am not a woman. As soon as I realized that I did not fit in, I quickly
left. And I never went back to that McDonald’s again.

Sometimes, we really do not fit in. This is another lesson that our brains are really good at
learning, and it is an important skill to have. Otherwise, we might walk into the woods to try to
join a pack of hungry wolves. The feeling of not fitting in keeps us safe from potential threats
and keeps us in comfortable situations.

The problem is, this schema can grow into something much larger. We might feel like we do not
fit in with others at all, that we do not deserve relationships, or that we are too alien and weird to
connect with other people. Just like the schema of not being a social person, this schema is a
self-fulfilling prophecy. The partner in crime of “not fitting in” is “others will not accept
you.” So why bother? Why waste your precious time and energy trying to be social, trying to fit
in if you will only be met with rejection. In the great quest of making friends, you have decided
instead to stay in your cozy house under the hill.

So, how do you kick this schema?

This one is all about risks. Every wager comes with odds, and in a way, every social interaction
is a gamble. We cannot control what others might think or say, and so we cannot predict the
social outcome. What odds might you give being rejected by others? Probably not one hundred
percent, right? But that is how this schema makes us feel. We feel unacceptable, unlovable, and
The Friendship Formula Dr Kyler Shumway PsyD

In a way, fishing is a bit like gambling. People wager their time and money to get out on the
lake and try to catch a fish. Try. They might cast their line a hundred times with no luck. And
yet, people keep fishing. As far as I know, people who fish do not start the day by saying
“there’s no way any fish will want to bite my lure, I should probably just stay home.”

Take the risk.

Recognize that there is a risk of being rejected, of others not making space for you. And if you
are rejected, that is okay. You can always fish again tomorrow.

Schema #3: “I am so awkward”

I hear this all the time in therapy sessions, and I tell it to myself sometimes. Just like the other
schemas, this feeling of awkwardness has a purpose. Feeling awkward is the mind’s way of
alerting us that we may be doing something inappropriate or wrong. Think of it as a sort of
internal radar that pings every time something out of place happens.

People on the autism spectrum or who identify as autistic tend to have trouble with this
radar. They are not always able to pick up on social cues, which means they have to learn them
manually. Nonetheless, autistic people can still have these same feelings of being awkward
because of how others might treat them.

Sometimes the thought of being awkward is helpful. It helps regulate our behavior and keep us
from doing something bizarre or dangerous, like biting someone just for fun. No, please don’t
do that. That would be awkward. And for the right reasons.

But mostly, the thought of being awkward keeps us from taking risks and being ourselves. We
get so caught up in how we think our hair looks, how our words are coming out, and how that
little bit of spit just flew out of our mouth, it distracts us from being fully present and in the

Think about the last time you tried to talk to someone while they were distracted. Maybe they
were talking and texting, or trying to make eye contact with someone else, or late for a meeting
somewhere. It probably felt, well, a little awkward for you. This is what happens when we get
caught up feeling awkward. We are not focused on the person we are talking to, we are focused
on ourselves and all of our little imperfections.

The key to overcoming this schema comes in one word: acceptance. You have to radically
accept that, unless you are a flawlessly designed social robot that communicates with perfection,
you are going to be awkward sometimes. And that is okay. You can let yourself be a human
being, foibles and all.

You are a complex creature, gifted with talents and flaws that make you interesting.

Have you ever thought about what makes superheroes so exciting? Superheroes are entertaining
to watch because they come with great power - while also being vulnerable. Superhero shows
The Friendship Formula Dr Kyler Shumway PsyD

would be far less attractive if the hero had no weaknesses, no areas for improvement. Imagine a
hero that could never be killed or harmed and who could stop any enemy at any time. Although
that hero may be impressive, their story would get boring after a while. There's no adventure
when the outcome is certain, and the hero has no room to grow. This is why we love characters
like Batman, who, despite having riches and gadgets and wicked black spandex, can still be hurt
by bullets and mean words.

You are incredibly human, which makes you incredibly imperfect and incredibly valuable.

Schema #4: “I am boring”

When I was in the 3 grade, I suddenly realized how boring I was.


Even with a weird name like “Kyler,” people didn’t seem to remember me for anything. I wasn’t
the cool kid, the smart kid, the pretty kid, or even the mean kid no one likes to be around. I was
the invisible kid. And then one day, I came up with a brilliant solution to my problem: I decided
to take on a British accent. The Harry Potter books and films were booming back then, and so I
had plenty of exposure, and I was ready. "'Ello guvnor! ‘Tis quite hot out t'day, yeah?"

What I wasn't ready for was the way people reacted. "What's wrong with you?" "Why are you
talking like that?" "You're weird." Weird? Wrong? I was trying to not be boring, but I did not
like being those things. So, I went back to being the invisible kid.

The fear of boring-ness is seated right next to the fear of rejection. Perhaps worse, the fear of
being boring is the fear that others will feel nothing towards us. How are we supposed to make
new friends if others do not seem interested in spending times with us?

The trouble with being boring is it puts us at a nasty fork in the road. Option one, we keep being
boring and avoid making a total doofus of ourselves. Option two, we try something new to try to
be less boring. But, there is another option.

Imagine you are in a courtroom. There is a judge, two lawyers, and you. You have just been put
on trial for the heinous crime of being boring. One lawyer is putting forth all of the evidence that
you are, indeed, boring. The other lawyer is putting forth evidence to the contrary, anything that
indicates that you are even the slightest bit interesting. What do you think these lawyers might

If you were to look at a chicken’s egg, just a plain old white egg, you might say that it is
boring. But if you look closely, you might notice that the shell is rough and textured. There
might be a slight curve to the side of the egg that sets it apart from the others in the crate. Even
this egg has something special. What makes you so sure that you are more boring than this little

Each of us has a story to tell. Each of us has memories and experiences that make us who we
are, and guess what? There are exactly zero people in this universe that are exactly like
The Friendship Formula Dr Kyler Shumway PsyD

you. Think about it. If you had an identical clone, that clone would see the world through an
entirely separate pair of eyes and form different ideas and interests.

And, even if you were totally boring, that doesn’t mean you cannot be special. In the story of
The Little Prince, a young boy encounters a fox. The fox asks the prince for deeper connection,
to be “tamed” by the boy. The fox explains that without the connection, the boy is just like any
other boy, and the fox is just like any other fox. When the two became friends, the boy said “He
was only a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But I have made him my friend, and now he
is unique in all the world.”

Schema #5: “People don’t want to make new friends”

This is our first schema that deals with others, rather than ourselves. You can almost hear the
echoes of feeling left out and unwanted.

The harsh reality with this schema is that it is (mostly) true. Some people just do not want to
make new friends. Some people are happy with their current circle of friendship. Some people
believe one of their other schemas, and so they do not respond when others try to connect with
them. And some people are just jerks. This is all part of the glorious existence we live in.

I know, it sucks.

But you know what, this schema is not entirely accurate. There have to be people out there who
want to make friends, right? Look at you, reading this book! You must be one of those
people. One of the good ones.

Just like with the schema of being awkward, we have to learn to accept this part of our
society. Life is not all rainbows and tacos. But, sometimes we do get tacos, and sometimes the
rainbows give a sendoff to the storm.

You are not alone. Mark Watney from The Martian was stranded on a distant planet. He was
very much alone. But you are not. You, unlike Mark, have the distinct advantage of being on
planet Earth – a place filled to the brim with lonely souls just like you. Do not give up so
quickly, my friends. Intelligent life is out there.

Schema #6: “That person is too cool/pretty/smart/funny for me”

Ah yes, this is the Goldilocks schema. We want to be friends with people that interest us, but if
they are too interesting, we think they are out of our league. In order for someone to be a good
friend candidate, they have to be just right.

I remember the first time my friend Dan and I did anything together. This was before we were
friends, and I was quite intimidated by him. He was always cracking good jokes in class, he
drove a nice car, and not to mention that he was a published author and executive of the largest
The Friendship Formula Dr Kyler Shumway PsyD

social skills platform I had ever heard of. During our second year of graduate school, Dan
helped me get my first website set up, and so I decided to take him out to lunch.

When I was in grade school, I did not sit at the cool kids' table during lunch. I didn't even sit at
the uncool kids' table. I used to skip lunch altogether, just to avoid being rejected or feeling
awkward. Even as a grown man, I was terrified by the idea of taking the Daniel Wendler, the
cool kid, to eat out at a local burger joint.

The funny thing is, I later found out that Dan felt the same way about me. He saw me as the
jock, the D1 college athlete, the neuroscience whiz, the cool kid. Once we had the chance to get
to know each other, the possibility of friendship emerged.

You see, cool kids need friends too. Sometimes the cool kids are the ones that feel the most
insecure inside, and would gladly welcome your friendship. And, just as you look at others and
think, “Wow, they are way too cool for me,” there is a pretty good chance other people think that
about you as well.

Schema #7: “I am not good at making friends”

I used to think I was really, really good at baking cookies. I used to pretend I was a hotshot chef,
tossing ingredients across the counter, throwing the dough in the air like pizza, you know the
drill. Don’t judge me, I was eight. I would bake these peanut butter cookies for my parents and
siblings all the time. Everyone would take one, smile, and say thank you as I happily skipped
back to the kitchen to clean up.

And then one day, I caught my mom sneakily tossing a few of the freshly baked cookies into the
trash. I was dumbfounded and obviously hurt, but my mom explained to me that the cookies
were missing a few key ingredients… and almost always had eggshell bits inside. Although
everyone wanted to be polite and take my cookies, I just was not very good at making them yet.

Just as Dr. Carl Rogers once said, only when we fully see and accept ourselves are we able to
change. At first, I wanted to argue with my mom. Maybe she was just jealous that I could cook,
too! Maybe she wanted us to eat healthier, but she didn’t want to outright say that.

Or maybe, just maybe, I was not very good at making cookies.

Although Schema #7 might be somewhat irrational or blown out of proportion, it might also be a
recognition of needed skill. In other words, it may feel very honest. This book is all about
learning how to be a good friend, but the end goal remains the same. We want to be a good
friend so that we can have good friends. And sometimes gaining friendship means we need to
learn how to do friendship better.

So, I practiced. I asked for some coaching from my parents, I read actual recipes, and I got
feedback after every batch. It took time, but I eventually got better at making cookies.

And you can, too.

The Friendship Formula Dr Kyler Shumway PsyD

The psychologist Dr. Carol Dweck is famous for her work regarding “The Growth
Mindset.” Having a growth mindset is all about focusing on learning and continuing to
persevere. As we continue to work on being a good friend, we perfect our friendship recipe. We
keep pushing forward, try new things, learn from and accept our shortcomings, and try again and
again until we get it right.

You are taking the first step. Right here and now. By picking up this book, you have started
your journey. And I am proud to be here with you.

Chapter Summary

Our first step in learning how to become a better friend involves a deep dive into our thoughts
and feelings. Schemas are foundational beliefs that we develop to help understand ourselves and
how the world works. Although some schemas are helpful, sometimes they inhibit our ability to
attach with others and make new connections. This chapter highlights some of the most common
detrimental schemas, the ones I call The Seven Deadly Schemas, which keep us from achieving
our relational goals. When we carry schemas such as “I do not fit in” or “I am not a social
person,” we create self-fulfilling prophecies. Each of us can overcome these schemas by
challenging our assumptions, taking new risks, and accepting our own human imperfections.

Questions to Ponder:

• What schemas do you carry with you? How have those affected your relational history?
• What gives you strength in the face of these schemas?
• Are there other schemas that get in your way? How might you face those?
The Friendship Formula Dr Kyler Shumway PsyD

Chapter 2: The Five Essential Food Groups of Friendship

I love video games, so very, very much.

Ever since I was little, I have been playing video games as a way to decompress and enjoy some
good old-fashioned escapist fun.

One of my favorites is a game called Don’t Starve. Don’t Starve is all about, well, not
starving. It is an open world survival game set in strange, Tim Burton-esque world where you
have to keep your character alive by scavenging for food, avoiding dangerous predators, and
maintaining their sanity.

When I first started playing, I just couldn’t figure out how to keep myself well fed, healthy, and
sane all at once. I spent loads of time wandering the world, looking for the perfect food that
would meet all my needs at once.

In a way, relationships are a bit like Don’t Starve.

Not all relationships are created equal. This is a good thing. Otherwise, your relationship with
your mom would be the same as your relationship with your spouse, your barber, or even your
pet goldfish. We get different things out of these relationships, which means different
attachment needs are being met.

This chapter is all about understanding those needs.

Ask yourself this: what do you want out of friendship? Perhaps you hadn’t thought of it that way
before. Most of us experience loneliness and think that the solution is having a friend. The thing
is, friends help us do so much more than placate our lonely feelings.

Think about food, for example. You know it, you love it, and you eat it. But food doesn't just
make you feel less hungry. Each type of food helps meet a different nutritional need. Although
the famous food pyramid is no longer advised, nutritionists still divide food into five primary
groups. And so, just like the five essential food groups, here are the five essentials needs met
through friendship:


It is dangerous to go alone! As humans, we are hardwired for connection and

relationship. We do not tend to feel great about being alone for long periods of time. Of
course, there are outliers like the famed mountain men that live for years without seeing
another human. But for the most part, each of us experiences a pull towards belonging.

My favorite illustration of this happens in the beloved British television series, Dr. Who.
The main protagonist, called The Doctor, is a time-traveling hero who uses his
magnificent police box spaceship to solve the problems of the universe. But The Doctor
The Friendship Formula Dr Kyler Shumway PsyD

doesn't travel alone. The Doctor always brings along a companion, a friend to share the
experience of the wonders of space travel and adventure. The Doctor may not always
need the help on a practical level, but it's still nice to have someone to spend time with.

You might feel a lack of companionship when you go to a school dance by yourself, or
when you ask for a table for one at a restaurant, or when you try to ride a teeter-totter all
by yourself. Companionship lets us know that we are not alone in this crazy universe of
ours, and it helps us feel like we are part of someone else's story.


Fun is the sparkly pleasure and excitement that comes with the relationship. We need fun
to inspire us, lift our spirits, and shake up the humdrum of everyday life. Friendships that
bring us fun seem to be based on shared interests or activities; and yet, fun is more than
just momentary pleasure. It's about creating memories.

You may feel a lack of fun in your life if you find yourself living in the routine, where
weeks and months blur together in a grey haze. Our brains are quite good at storing
memories, especially when those memories have a strong emotional valence. Life tends
to hand us our fair share of painful, sad, and difficult memories, and so it is critical that
we balance those with memories of goofy laughter and movie theater popcorn.


Perhaps the best part of friendship is being able to share with one another, feel heard, and
be understood. Friends help lift us up when we fail the big exam or lose a family
member. They also cheer alongside us in our moments of victory and share our pride.

Empathy meets a deep, psychological need. No matter how successful we are or

accomplished we might be, it matters less when we feel unseen. No matter how hurt we
feel or downtrodden we might be, it feels worse when no one else gets it.

Empathy is the greatest of all human superpowers. If only we were better at giving it to
one other.

People who do not experience much empathy in their relationships may begin to feel
jaded, misunderstood, or isolated. This lack of nourishment can lead to resignation about
relationships and feelings of spite towards others. Some of you might feel this way, and
for that I am so deeply sorry. You may be in a frightening and disconnected place. But
do not give up. There are people out there who care about you and want to understand
your story. You matter very much.

The Friendship Formula Dr Kyler Shumway PsyD

Sometimes, we just need a ride to the airport.

Friends can also help meet some of our practical needs. They might take notes for you
while you are out sick, watch your cat while you travel, or bring you Taco Bell when you
forgot your lunch at home. Although having this kind of help is very useful, there is also
an emotional need that is being met.

If you have a friend that you know would totally give you a ride somewhere if you
needed it, you have an extra measure of security against being stranded
somewhere. Similarly, it’s nice to know that someone will have your back when things
get tough.


Iron really does sharpen iron.

By definition, friendship is a connection between two distinct and diverse people. Just by
being in proximity to the other, we learn ways of thinking and doing that are different
than our own. Although learning may not be a survival need, it allows us to grow and
surpass ourselves.

Sometimes, friends teach us practical skills. When Dan and I first became friends, he
taught me how to do web development while I showed him how to lift weights. Fast
forward a few years, and here I am giving a talk to the American Psychological
Association about developing your online presence, and Dan just deadlifted 400 pounds.

Other times, friends teach us life lessons. We learn what it means to be compassionate,
to share openly and freely, and to take risks. We learn how to work hard and discipline
ourselves to reach new heights. And the best part is, you will never have too much
learning. Each of us can continue to learn and be inspired indefinitely, always meeting
new friends and discovering new ideas.

These five essential food groups of friendship do more than sustain us and help us survive - they
enhance the human experience. Some of us may feel undernourished, starved even. But at least
now you can begin to pinpoint which areas need to be fed.

Perhaps you have plenty of friends who are willing to give you rides or go places with you, but
you lack the emotional support that empathy provides. Perhaps you find yourself spending too
much time alone, wishing for a companion to come alongside you. Or, perhaps you feel
stagnated in your friendships, no longer learning or growing with one another.

When people do not get enough of a particular nutrient, they can develop terrible health
issues. If you starve yourself of protein, for example, your body will struggle to repair muscle
tissues adequately, which results in feeling sore, tired, or even developing an injury. The same is
true when it comes to relationships.
The Friendship Formula Dr Kyler Shumway PsyD

Consider the underfed areas of your friendship needs and how that might impact your day to day
life. What is it like to try to survive without companionship, fun, or empathy? How does it feel
when you need help around the house, but no one is there for you? Perhaps without knowing it,
you have developed a few injuries along the way.

Just as relationships meet our needs in different ways, each of us is uniquely suited to help meet
the needs of others. Everyone is gifted with particular talents and intuition that make it easier to
notice and meet the needs of our friends. Some of you may be very good at providing practical
assistance, while others may be better at empathy.

Take a moment to think about which of these needs you are best at meeting for others. Which
ones come easily for you? Which ones do you struggle with?

Let's remember Dan's wisdom about the Jewish Proverb of the Spoons. The proverb says that
heaven and hell are the same place: everyone is seated around a large bowl of soup while holding
extremely long spoons. In hell, everyone tries to feed themselves, which is impossible to do with
such utensils; meanwhile, in heaven, everyone uses their spoons to reach out and feed those
sitting across from them. People in heaven are able to feed others and be fed in return, while
those in hell starve for eternity.

You have the ability to meet the needs of others.

You might not have a super spoon, but you do have kind words, open ears, and helpful hands.

And that is what this book is all about.

Chapter Summary

Friendship helps meet our needs in so many different ways. I believe friendship meets five
primary needs: Companionship, Fun, Empathy, Assistance, and Learning. As you discover what
needs you lack the most, you will begin to understand what sorts of friends you are hoping to

Questions to Ponder:

• Who in your life seems to be best at meeting other people’s needs?

• Do you ever feel drained, continually meeting the needs of others without genuinely
feeling taken care of yourself?

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