Depths of Masculinity
Depths of Masculinity
Depths of Masculinity
Also the sole purpose of this free ebook is to encourage and help men to
improve their over all life with the help of my tactics and knowledge , do not
use any information of thus book without the author's permission.
In recent years, we have lost the essence of true masculinity. Gone are the
days when the majority of the male population was tough, strong, and
What we see now are soyboys everywhere, dressed in loose, girly outfits
and looking like walking hangers—men who have lost control of their
desires and situations, chasing instant pleasure and being receptive to their
I'm always wondering, "What did all of our soldiers give their lives for?"
They never imagined our world would end up like this; they wanted a better
place for future generations to live, but what happened to that place? We
took advantage of the privileges we were given.
The strong men created good times for us, and the good times created
weak men, and the weak men created bad times, but here's the catch,
because of the bad times, we see a rise of strong men arising again, just
like you and me, who take control and charge of their lives and live with
purpose and intention.
Table of Contents
1. Modern programming.
2. Weak mindset.
3. Nice guy syndrome.
4. Breaking through.
5. Exploring your purpose.
6. Ascension.
You're probably wondering why we see such weak men in modern times.
Everything we see around us is designed to make men weaker in some
way. For example, social media and games provide a modern man with a
fake purpose, an escape from his pathetic life, and he gets into the habit of
mindlessly scrolling and playing video games for hours. The pleasure he
gets in the moment doesn't make him realise the potential he is wasting
and the pain he will face later on, and the cycle repeats. More painful reality
checks = more pleasure he indulges in (escapism).
Another major reason for men's deterioration is the school system. Boys,
what do they experience while they are young nowadays in school? During
his developing years, he begins to develop some masculine traits such as
aggression, being loud, creating a brotherhood, and being mischievous, for
which he receives punishment. A girl who is quiet, does her work, and does
not speak to anyone is praised by the same teacher, and everyone looks
up to her. The young boy who witnesses this attempts to imitate the same
behavioral pattern in order to be rewarded, and it appears to him to be
When a young boy begins to do something of his own and not follow the
crowd, he is declared to be wrong. This programming over the years makes
him weak and docile, and he later believes he is worth nothing. This causes
him to have a weak mindset.
Some of us have neither book smarts nor street smarts and are simply not very bright.
Period. It’s harsh, but it’s true. Some people out there are stupid—accept it. But regardless
of where you are on Mother Nature’s intelligence scale, you need to do what all animals in
the wild do: adapt. Take your weaknesses as realities and acknowledge them, find your
strengths, and find a way. Recognize that your situation is unfair and then get over it.
Succeed anyway.
-Gene Simmons, On Power
Men only need three things in life- Optimism, Discipline, and Patience.
When you combine all three for years, you become a monster,
Unstoppable, Unfazed and Masculine.
Your beliefs shape your reality. Why would you believe in something that
takes your power away from you?
Exercise 1
● Write down all beliefs that take your power away from you.
● Why do you believe in those beliefs? Societal Influence?
● Why you should break free from those belief systems?
By trying to please everyone, Nice Guys often end up pleasing no one– including
Five hundred years ago, when nice was first used in English, it meant
"foolish or stupid." This is not as surprising as it may seem, since it came
through early French from the Latin nescius, meaning "ignorant."
Being “nice” and “kind” aren't the same thing. A kind man has the ability to
be assertive and say No, A nice guy doesn’t. A nice guy gets tramped by
his friends, females, and even family members because he is too “nice” to
say No.
The desperation of not being a “people pleaser” causes this man with a
weak mindset to prioritize being “nice” over everything; he double texts or
even triple texts just to gain some attention from random women who don't
even respect him, and later he gets used by some cruel women out there
for his money, attention, and emotional support, and once they are done
with their needs, he ends up being dumped and heartbroken. That's how it
always ends for the nice guy. I always say, "Be kind and know your worth."
There is a well-known saying that "nice guys finish last." There is a reason
for this saying. Fortunately, some men learn from their mistakes and
experience their break through.
Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine
and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough
you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if
you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life.
-Rocky Balboa
You’ll be crushed if you don’t have the ability to crush others. Be a monster
first, then control it.
Human relationships in today’s era are mainly transactional. Everyone
except your loving mom is there to get something out of you; it could be
money, emotional support, or help with girls. Timepass, etc.
If you don’t become assertive and keep on saying “Yes” to everything, You’ll
get raw-dogged by life.
Exercise 2
● Write about the situations where you said “yes” when you didn't want
● Why did you say yes to them? What did saying yes cost you? Your
time? Your meaningful time with parents and spouse?
● Why is it in your own interest to be assertive and learn to respect
The most successful and high achieving men are selfish men.
They are Ruthless cunts who are ruthless with their money, Ruthless with
their time and Ruthless with their energy.
You can be the kindest guy a women has ever seen but when It’s about
you, your purpose and your work. BECOME RUTHLESS.
“ Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we
don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no
Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is
our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be
millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning
that fact. And we're very, very pissed off. ”
― Fight Club
After all of these bad experiences, the strong ones who survive the pain
begin to rise and realize they have been lied to their entire lives about how
the world works. They accept the truth and begin working on themselves to
live a better life filled with respect, gratitude, and fulfillment.
You will then begin to read books, which will load your biggest weapon,
your mind, similarly you will add Meditation, which is a workout for your
mind to silence your negative thoughts and heal inner deep traumas, and
once your mental health is at a certain point you will begin to question your
existence, realising you are here for a reason. This is when you will start to
explore your purpose.
“If a man never discovers his deepest purpose, or if he permanently compromises it and
uses his family as an excuse for doing so, then his core becomes weakened and he loses
depth and presence. His woman loses trust and sexual polarity with him, even though he
may be putting much energy into parenting their children 24 Hard Times and doing the
housework. A man should, of course, be a full participant in caring for children and the
household. But if he gives up his deepest purpose to do so, ultimately, everyone suffers.”
Deida, Way of the Superior Man
When you are living your purpose, you get up early in the
morning without an alarm.
You stay up late, focused, without getting tired.
You never tire from your purpose or get bored with it.
Your purpose is an obsession.
You forget to eat, forget to drink water, forget everything else.
Fear doesn’t stop you, weakness doesn’t tempt you and you
become relentless...
People who are not living their purpose say “slow down,”
“take a break,” “have a little fun,” “take a vacation”. They
don’t understand that your purpose makes you happy, and
that to you, every day is Saturday.
Time is no matter and it never matters what day it is.
Screw the TGIF clock-punching mentality, you are seizing
everything you ever wanted in life!
You only get one shot in this life, don’t waste it living someone
else’s dream.
Live your purpose, there is no other way...
-Stefan Aarnio
Every man wants to find his purpose, but returning to the first topic, modern
inventions and programming make it difficult for an individual to find his
purpose due to the distractions they cause. Once you stop pedestalizing
unnecessary things and start pedestalizing your purpose; you begin to feel
and think like a superior man, which is a fantastic situation to be in.
So, how do we discover this purpose? To put it bluntly, finding your purpose
will require some discipline. You should start doing dopamine detox (I'll go
into more detail about this in future). Avoid all social media scrolling/Short
form content for at least 2-3 weeks. If you become bored and stare at the
walls and ceiling, your mind will begin to function again, You’ll think “Before
I die, I want to build this business with xyz product” and thus you’ll have a
The mind that you turned off by indulging in cheap pleasures provided by
modern times will finally do its job. Start going for walks without listening to
music or anything else, just listen to your surroundings and observe the
noises of birds, winds, and your thoughts.
Do this for 2-3 weeks, and you will know what you want to do with your life.
You will be a person who has just had a brain reset, and from now on you
can program your brain to indulge in good habits and continue on your path
to ascension.
Modern games fill you with a fake purpose, People start focusing on
becoming a superman in a game which they’ll eventually get bored of.
Now a newer game comes to fill you with another fake purpose, which is to
do the most damage with a character.
“I’ve missed over nine thousand shots in my career. I’ve lost almost three hundred games.
Twenty-six times I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot ... and missed. I’ve
failed over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”
Michael Jordan
As a result, the final stage once you've discovered your purpose, you'll
begin to ascend in every way possible; this is the stage that will shape your
future and sort your life for the better you will begin to make wiser
decisions. You will begin to set goals and achieve them, and once you have
accomplished one, you will set another and achieve it, and the cycle will
You begin to achieve your financial goal and never worry about money
again, you begin to build meaningful relationships with the loved ones
around you, you begin to build the physique and health you have always
desired, you become a man who does all of this and attracts everything
better in life simply by existing because you chose the path of self
improvement and worked hard on yourself day in and day out.
You understand what is important and what you must do every day,
regardless of how you feel. You will be aware of your responsibilities and
duties. You will be able to handle any situation appropriately. All of this
occurs when you recognize your worth and the reason for your existence.