Simply Supported Beam Design

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Design by :
Date : 9-May-2016
Project : Checked by :
Subject : Design of Simply Supported Beam Date :

Beam Identity : B-3

Concrete f'c = 24 N/mm2

Steel Fy = 420
Elasticity of Conc. Es = 23025.2 N/mm2 a b
Span L = 5.7 m
Depth D = 800 mm w
Width b = 200 mm
Cover c = 40 mm
Effective Depth d = 742 mm L
Block Wall over Beam t = 200 mm
Wall Height h = 3.0 m

Slab Thickness = T = 150 = 3.75 kN/m2

Finishes = 2.5 kN/m2
Partition/Super imp DL = 1 kN/m2

Total Dead Load WD = 7.25 kN/m2

Live load WL = 2.00 kN/m2 Due to Water Tank

Total ult (DL+LL) = 11.9 kN/m2

Tributary length(slab) = 0.7 m

Load Per meter Run :

From Slab = 8.33 kN/m
S/W of beam = 4.8 kN/m gconcrete = 25 kN/m3
Wall load = 14.4 kN/m
Total ult Load Per meter Run = 27.53 kN/m

Point load Pu = 0 kN a = 2.6 m

b = 3.1 m
For max Moment Load will be at centre
Moment :
Mu = 111.81 Kn-m
0.85 * f c '  2 * M ult 
r = 0.0028 r req  * 1  1  
Fy  0.9 * 0.85 * f c '*b * d 2 
 

Ast = 420 mm2

Ast min = 489.72 mm2

Required 2.44 f 16 bars

Use 6 f 16 bars

Provided Ast = 1206 mm2 > Required Ast = 490 mm2


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Design by :
Date : 9-May-2016
Project : Checked by :
Subject : Design of Simply Supported Beam Date :

Shear :
Vu = 78.46 kN
Vc = 123.59 kN [ACI 318M-05]
Vus = -19 kN

Area of one leg = 78.5 mm2 SRequired = min reinf mm

No of legs 2 f 10 @ S = 200 .

Deflection : * * * ONLY when P is at center of span * * * [ACI 318M-05]

Uniform Load Deflection dcr = 5*wl4/384Ec/Ie

Point Load Deflection dpl = PL3/48Ec/Ie

Where Ie = Effective moment of Inertia Given By

Ie = (Mcr/Ma)3*Ig+[1-(Mcr/Ma)3]*Icr

and Mcr = fr * Ig / Yt , fr = 0.62 * √fc' = 3.04 Mpa

Gross Moment of Inertia Ig = bd3/12 = 8.53E+09 mm4 = #### in4

Mcr = 6.48E+07 N-mm

Mom due to service Loads Ma = 74537475 N-mm 3

Cracked Moment of inertia Icr = b x3/3 + n Ast (d-x)2

Location of the Nutral Axis b * x2 / 2 - n Ast(d-x) = 0 , From top of the beam

where n = Es/Ec = 8.69

Quadratic equation b/2 X2 + n * Ast X - n * Ast * d = 0

100 X + 10473.39 X - 7771257.41 = 0

X = 231.28 mm

Icr = 3.6E+09 mm4

Effective Moment of inertia Ie = 6.8E+09 mm4 = 16399.88 in4

Deflection due to dist load ddist = 1.47 mm

Deflection due to point load dpl = 0.00 mm

Total immediate deflection dcr = 1.47 mm

Allowable Deflection L/240 = 23.75 mm > 1.47 mm

[ACI 318M-05 TABLE 9.5(b)] OK

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Design by :
Date : 9-May-2016
Project : Checked by :
Subject : Design of Simply Supported Beam Date :

Long Term Deflection

Deflection due to sustain loads

dsus = 1.17 mm
For Additional Long Term deflection , Immediate deflection is Multiplied by a factor l given by
l∆ = x / ( 1+ 50 * r' ) [ACI 318M-05]
r = Ast'/bd
= Reinforcement in middle top of the Beam

Provided 3 f 12 = Ast' = 339 mm2

r = 0.00229

x = 2.0 For five Years

l = 1.79

Therefore Additional Long Term Deflection = l*dsus = 2.11 mm

Total Deflection = d+ldsus = 3.28 mm

d+ldsus = 3.28 mm < Allowable = L/240 = 23.75 mm


Summary :

3 f 12

f 10 / 200

6 f 16


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