Water Tank Design (With Cover Slab) R

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The document discusses the design of a short wall for a water tank, including calculations of wall thickness, moments, reinforcement, and consideration of different load cases.

The wall thickness is calculated based on the bending moment at different sections of the wall and the permissible stress values for concrete in bending. The minimum thickness is checked to satisfy cover requirements and bar diameters.

The vertical and horizontal moments in the wall are calculated based on interpolation of moment coefficients for the H/L and H/B ratios and the density and depth of water. Additional seismic moments are also calculated.

Project :

POY Expansion Project for Bhilosha

Calculations for : Discipline Civil Job No. 239456
Calc by Sangita Date 22/10/08
Soft Water Tank Design Checked by BK Patel Date 22/10/08
Design of Wall of Tank : Short Wall

Input Data :-

Length of Tank L = 4.00 m (Long side)

Breadth of Tank b = 4.00 m (Short side)
Height of Tank H = 1.800 m
Height of water = 1.800 m
sst = 150 N/mm² for water face j = 0.87 and Q = 1.42
sst = 190 N/mm² away from water face j = 0.89 and Q = 1.25
scb = 8.5 N/mm²
Modular Ratio m = 10.98
Concrete Grade = M 25 Q = 1.42 and j = 0.87

Permissible Stress in steel sst = 150.0 N/mm²

Density of Material w = 10 kN/m3
Moment Coefficients :-

Bending Moment Co-efficients considering three edges fixed and top

hinged Interpolation
H/L 0.000 0.300 0.500 0.750 1.000 0.300 0.500 0.450
Cxa -0.020 -0.020 -0.037 -0.035 -0.029 -0.020 -0.037 -0.033
Cxc 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.000 0.000 0.000
Cyb -0.063 -0.063 -0.063 -0.048 -0.035 -0.063 -0.063 -0.063
Cyc 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.020 0.000 0.030 0.030 0.030
Ref. Design of Reinforced conc. Structures by P. Dayaratnam

Mxa C
A Mxc H
B Myb Myb
0.5L 0.5L

Load conditions:-
Case 1 : When Tank is full of water and no surrounding soil pressure
Density of water = 10.0 kN/m3

Case 2 : When Tank is empty and surrounding soil pressure.

Since water tank is only 350mm below FGL, this load case need not be considered in design.
Hence, only load case 1 is considered in all wall design.

Case 1 :-
Calculation of Moments :-
H = 1.800 m b = 4.000 m H/b = 0.45
Verical Moment :-
By Interpolation,
Cyc = 0.03 and Cyb = -0.063
Myc = ay w H 3
Myc = 0.0300 x 10.000 x 1.80 = 1.7 kN.m
Myb = ay w H 3
Myb = -0.0630 x 10.000 x 1.80 = -3.7 kN.m

Horizontal Moment :-
At Mid Height of wall

Short wall Page 1 of 13

Project :

POY Expansion Project for Bhilosha

Calculations for : Discipline Civil Job No. 239456
Calc by Sangita Date 22/10/08
Soft Water Tank Design Checked by BK Patel Date 22/10/08
Cxa = -0.0328 and Cxc = 0
Mxa = ax w H 3
Mxa = -0.0328 x 10.000 x 1.80 = -1.9 kN.m
Mxc = ax w H 3
Mxc = 0.0000 x 10.000 x 1.80 = 0.00 kN.m

Shear :- Since, b/H > 2, wall will behave like proped cantilever.
Hence wall will not transfer any horizontal shear to supporting wall.

Horizontal Shear : 3.24 kN

At top 3.24 kN
At bottom 12.96 kN
Shear stress = 12.96x1e3 /169x1000
= 0.077 N/mm²
Allowable shear stress = 1.900 N/mm² Hence, OK
12.96 kN
Seismic Loads :-

Effects of Hydrostatic pressure acceleration (Clause : 5.2.7 - IS : 1893-1984)

The pressure on the bottom of the tank would be:

3 sinh 3 (x/h)
pb = ah wh 2 cosh 3 (l/h)

ah = bI a 0 b = 1.0 for medium soil and Raft foundation

a 0 = 0.04 for Zone III
I = 1.5 Importance factor
ah = 0.06

w= 10.0 kN/m3 (unit weight of water)

h = 1.80
l = 2.00 y
to find value at base, taking y = h h
and x = l

We find,
pb = 1.03 kN/m² 2l
Elevation of tank wall (Fig. 6)
Actual water pressure at base = 18.00 kN/m²

Hence net pressure at base with additional hydrostatic pressure due to Earthquake is

= 18.00 kN/m² + 1.03kN/m² = 19.03 kN/m²

So that, finally, the moments in walls are increased proportionately.

Thickness of the wall :

Maximum Bending moment = 3.67 kN.m

And increased moment = 3.89 kN.m ( All moments are increased similarly)
for uncracked section,
considering d/D = 0.9, Q = 0.300 N/mm² (=f / 6) f = 1.8 N/mm² for M25 conc.
(Perm. tensile bending stress)

Short wall Page 2 of 13

Project :

POY Expansion Project for Bhilosha

Calculations for : Discipline Civil Job No. 239456
Calc by Sangita Date 22/10/08
Soft Water Tank Design Checked by BK Patel Date 22/10/08
D reqd. = M 3.89 x 1.0E+06
= = 113.80 mm
Qx b 0.300 x 1000

M 2.02 x 1.0E+06
D reqd. at mid height = = = 82.05 mm
Qx b 0.300 x 1000

Providing overall depth at base = 200 mm and 200 mm at top O.K.

Cover (Inside) = 25.00 mm thk at mid height = 200 mm O.K.
Cover (outside) = 40.00 mm deff. at mid height = 169 mm
Bar Dia = 12.00 mm
deff. (Inside)= 169.00 mm
deff. (Outside)= 154.00 mm
Calculation of Steel :-
Vertical :-
Inside tension moment = -3.89 kN.m
Vertical direct comp. Load
Vertical load of roof slab = 13.70 kN/m
roof beams load = 19.00 kN/m (Four beam reactions are converted into udl)
weight of wall = 9.00 kN/m
Total = 41.70 kN.m
Eccentricity = (200 - 200)/2 .00 mm
Additional moment = .00 kN.m
Total Moment = -3.89 kN.m
M 3.89 x 1E6
Reinforcement As = As = = 175.74mm²
6st * j * d eff. 150 x 0.87 x 169

Outside tension moment = 1.85 kN.m

M 1.85 x 1E6
Reinforcement As = As = = 71.03mm²
6st * j * d eff. 190 x 0.89 x 154

Ast (Min.) = 0.217% ( Pt min= 0.24 for D=100 & 0.16 for D=450 as per Cl. 7.1 IS-3370-II-1965)
= 434.3mm²
On each face = 217.1mm²

Provide 12 f at 125 c/c Pt.= 0.452% =904.3mm² OK..

Inside face
Provide 10 f at 200 c/c Pt.= 0.196% =392.5mm² OK..
outside face
Horizontal :-
Inside tension moment = -2.02 kN.m
M 2.02 x 1E6
Reinforcement As = As = = 91.36mm²
6st * j * d eff. 150 x 0.87 x 169

Outside tension moment = 0.00 kN.m

M 0.00 x 1E6
Reinforcement As = As = = 0.00mm²
6st * j * d eff. 190 x 0.89 x 169

Ast (Min.) = 0.240% ( Pt min= 0.24 for D=100 & 0.16 for D=450 as per Cl. 7.1 IS-3370-II-1965)
= 480.0mm²
On each face = 240.0mm²

Provide 8f at 135 c/c Pt.= 0.220% =372.1mm² OK..

Inside face
Provide 8f at 135 c/c Pt.= 0.220% =372.1mm² OK..
outside face

Short wall Page 3 of 13

Project :

POY Expansion Project for Bhilosha

Calculations for : Discipline Civil Job No. 239456
Calc by Sangita Date 22/10/08
Water Tank Design Checked by BK Patel Date 22/10/08
Design of Wall of Tank : Long Wall

Input Data :-

Length of Tank L = 4.00 m (Long side)

Breadth of Tank b = 4.00 m (Short side)
Height of Tank H = 1.800 m
Height of water = 1.800 m
sst = 150 N/mm² for water face j = 0.87 and Q = 1.42
sst = 190 N/mm² away from water face j = 0.89 and Q = 1.25
scb = 8.5 N/mm²
Modular Ratio m = 10.98
Concrete Grade = M 25 Q = 1.42 and j = 0.87

Permissible Stress in steel sst = 150.0 N/mm²

Density of Material w = 10 kN/m3
Moment Coefficients :-

Bending Moment Co-efficients considering three edges fixed and top

hinged Interpolation
H/L 0.000 0.300 0.500 0.750 1.000 0.300 0.500 0.450
Cxa -0.020 -0.020 -0.037 -0.035 -0.029 -0.020 -0.037 -0.033
Cxc 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.000 0.000 0.000
Cyb -0.063 -0.063 -0.063 -0.048 -0.035 -0.063 -0.063 -0.063
Cyc 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.020 0.000 0.030 0.030 0.030
Ref. Design of Reinforced conc. Structures by P. Dayaratnam

Mxa C
A Mxc H
B Myb Myb
0.5L 0.5L

Load conditions:-
Case 1 : When Tank is full of water and no surrounding soil pressure
Density of water = 10.0 kN/m3

Case 2 : When Tank is empty and surrounding soil pressure.

Since water tank is only 350mm below FGL, this load case need not be considered in design.
Hence, only load case 1 is considered in all wall design.

Case 1 :-
Calculation of Moments :-
H = 1.800 m L = 4.000 m H/L = 0.45
Verical Moment :-
By Interpolation,
Cyc = 0.03 and Cyb = -0.063
Myc = ay w H 3
Myc = 0.0300 x 10.000 x 1.80 = 1.7 kN.m
Myb = ay w H 3
Myb = -0.0630 x 10.000 x 1.80 = -3.7 kN.m

Horizontal Moment :-
At Mid Height of wall

Long wall Page 4 of 13

Project :

POY Expansion Project for Bhilosha

Calculations for : Discipline Civil Job No. 239456
Calc by Sangita Date 22/10/08
Water Tank Design Checked by BK Patel Date 22/10/08
Cxa = -0.0328 and Cxc = 0
Mxa = ax w H 3
Mxa = -0.0328 x 10.000 x 1.80 = -1.9 kN.m
Mxc = ax w H 3
Mxc = 0.0000 x 10.000 x 1.80 = 0.00 kN.m

Shear :- Since, L/H > 2, wall will behave like proped cantilever.
Hence wall will not transfer any horizontal shear to supporting wall.

Horizontal Shear : 3.24 kN

At top 3.24 kN
At bottom 12.96 kN
Shear stress = 12.96x1e3 /169x1000
= 0.077 N/mm²
Allowable shear stress = 1.900 N/mm² Hence, OK
12.96 kN
Seismic Loads :-

Effects of Hydrostatic pressure acceleration (Clause : 5.2.7 - IS : 1893-1984)

The pressure on the bottom of the tank would be:

3 sinh 3 (x/h)
pb = ah wh 2 cosh 3 (l/h)

ah = bIa 0 b = 1.0 for medium soil and Raft foundation

a 0 = 0.04 for Zone III
I = 1.5 Importance factor
ah = 0.06

w= 10.0 kN/m3 (unit weight of water)

h = 1.80
l = 2.00 y
to find value at base, taking y = h h
and x = l

We find,
pb = 1.03 kN/m² 2l
Elevation of tank wall (Fig. 6)
Actual water pressure at base = 18.00 kN/m²

Hence net pressure at base with additional hydrostatic pressure due to Earthquake is

= 18.00 kN/m² + 1.03kN/m² = 19.03 kN/m²

So that, finally, the moments in walls are increased proportionately.

Thickness of the wall :

Maximum Bending moment = 3.67 kN.m

And increased moment = 3.89 kN.m ( All moments are increased similarly)
for uncracked section,
considering d/D = 0.9, Q = 0.300 N/mm² (=f / 6) f = 1.8 N/mm² for M25 conc.
(Perm. tensile bending stress)

Long wall Page 5 of 13

Project :

POY Expansion Project for Bhilosha

Calculations for : Discipline Civil Job No. 239456
Calc by Sangita Date 22/10/08
Water Tank Design Checked by BK Patel Date 22/10/08
D reqd. = M 3.89 x 1.0E+06
= = 113.80 mm
Qx b 0.300 x 1000

M 2.02 x 1.0E+06
D reqd. at mid height = = = 82.05 mm
Qx b 0.300 x 1000

Providing overall depth at base = 200 mm and 150 mm at top O.K.

Cover (Inside) = 25.00 mm thk at mid height = 175 mm O.K.
Cover (outside) = 40.00 mm deff. at mid height = 144 mm
Bar Dia = 12.00 mm
deff. (Inside)= 169.00 mm
deff. (Outside)= 154.00 mm
Calculation of Steel :-
Vertical :-
Inside tension moment = -3.89 kN.m
Vertical direct comp. Load
Vertical load of roof slab = 13.70 kN/m
roof beams load = 19.00 kN/m (Four beam reactions are converted into udl)
weight of wall = 7.88 kN/m
Total = 40.58 kN.m
Eccentricity = (200 - 150)/2 25.00 mm
Additional moment = 1.01 kN.m
Total Moment = -4.90 kN.m
M 4.90 x 1E6
Reinforcement As = As = = 221.62mm²
6st * j * d eff. 150 x 0.87 x 169

Outside tension moment = 1.85 kN.m

M 1.85 x 1E6
Reinforcement As = As = = 71.03mm²
6st * j * d eff. 190 x 0.89 x 154

Ast (Min.) = 0.217% ( Pt min= 0.24 for D=100 & 0.16 for D=450 as per Cl. 7.1 IS-3370-II-1965)
= 434.3mm²
On each face = 217.1mm²

Provide 12 f at 125 c/c Pt.= 0.452% =904.3mm² OK..

Inside face
Provide 10 f at 200 c/c Pt.= 0.196% =392.5mm² OK..
outside face
Horizontal :-
Inside tension moment = -2.02 kN.m
M 2.02 x 1E6
Reinforcement As = As = = 107.22mm²
6st * j * d eff. 150 x 0.87 x 144

Outside tension moment = 0.00 kN.m

M 0.00 x 1E6
Reinforcement As = As = = 0.00mm²
6st * j * d eff. 190 x 0.89 x 144

Ast (Min.) = 0.240% ( Pt min= 0.24 for D=100 & 0.16 for D=450 as per Cl. 7.1 IS-3370-II-1965)
= 420.0mm²
On each face = 210.0mm²

Provide 8f at 135 c/c Pt.= 0.258% =372.1mm² OK..

Inside face
Provide 8f at 135 c/c Pt.= 0.258% =372.1mm² OK..
outside face

Long wall Page 6 of 13

Project :

POY Expansion Project for Bhilosha

Calculations for : Discipline Civil Job No. 239456
Calc by Sangita Date 22/10/08
Water Tank Design
Checked by BK Patel Date 22/10/08
Design of Roof Slab of Tank :

1.0 Input Data:

Tank dimensions 20m x 32m Length of Slab Ly = 5.333 m

Slab panel 5.333m x 4.00m Breadth of Slab Lx = 4.000 m

Concrete Grade = M 25
Permissible Stress in steel sst = 150.0 N/mm² Q = 1.42 J = 0.87

2.0 : Loads on Slab :

Assumimg thickness of Slab 150 mm

Dead Load Of Slab 0.150 x 25.00 = 3.75 kN/m²

Live Load 2.50 kN/m²
Finish Load 1.00 kN/m²
Brickbat water proofing-150thk. 3.00 kN/m²
Total w = 10.25 kN/m²

3.0 Calculation Of Moment :

Lx = 4.000 m Ly = 5.333 m

Ly / Lx = = 1.33 Hence two way slab.

Moment from coefficient as per IS:456

Mx = 0.065 x 4.00² x 10.25 = 10.66 kN.m

My = 0.047 x 4.00² x 10.25 = 7.71 kN.m
(Two adjacent edges are discontinuous- worst case considered)
Horizontal force transferred from vert. walls T = 15.0 kN in both direction of slab.

4.0 Calculation of Steel :

4.1 Along x-Direction :

Maximum Bending moment 10.66 kN.m

D reqd. = M 10.660 x 1.0E+6

Qx b = 1.42 x 1000

D reqd. 87 mm
Providing overall depth = 150 mm
Cover 25.00 mm
Bar Dia 10.00 mm
deff. = 120.00 mm
M 10.66 x 1E6
sst * j * d eff. = 679.0mm²
Reinforcement As = 150 * 0.87 * 120
Due to direct tension,

Roof Slab Page 7 of 13

Project :

POY Expansion Project for Bhilosha

Calculations for : Discipline Civil Job No. 239456
Calc by Sangita Date 22/10/08
Water Tank Design
Checked by BK Patel Date 22/10/08
T 15.0 x 1E3
sst = 100.0mm²
Reinforcement As = 150
Total steel required = 779.0mm²

Provide 10 f at 100 c/c Pt.= 0.7% =785.0mm² OK..

4.2 Along y-Direction :

Maximum Bending moment = 7.7 kN.m

M 7.71 x 1E6
= 491.0mm²
Reinforcement As = sst * j * d eff. 150 * 0.87 * 120
Due to direct tension,
T 15.0 x 1E3
sst = 100.0mm²
Reinforcement As = 150
Total steel required = 591.0mm²

Provide 10 f at 130 c/c Pt.= 0.5% =603.8mm² OK..

Roof Slab Page 8 of 13

Project :

POY Expansion Project for Bhilosha

Calculations for : Discipline Civil Job No. 239456
Calc by Sangita Date 22/10/08
Water Tank Design
Checked by BK Patel Date 22/10/08
Design of Beams below Roof slab of Tank :

1.0 Input Data:

Concrete Grade = M 25
Permissible Stress in steel sst = 150.0 N/mm² Q = 1.42 J = 0.87

2.0 : Loads on Slab :

Total load on slab = 10.25 kN/m²
Slab Panel 4.00 5.33
Ly / Lx = = 1.33
Udl on long beam = 33.30 kN/m
Udl on short beam = 27.33 kN/m
3.0 Continuous Beams B1 :-

Load from slab 33.30 kN/m²

Selfweight of beam 2.25 kN/m²
Total w = 35.55 kN/m²

5.33 5.33

Maximum Moment :
M = w Lx2 / 9.5 at mid support.
M = 35.553 x 5.33 ² / 9
= -112.22 kN.m
M = w Lx2 / 12 at mid span.
M = 35.553 x 5.33 ² / 12
= +84.17 kN.m

Maximum Shear :
V = 0.625 w Lx
V = 35.553 x 5.3 * 0.625
= 118.44 kN
Reinforcement :-
Maximum -Ve Bending moment 112.2 kN.m

D = M 112.224 x 1E+6
= = 513mm
Qx b 1.42 x 300

Providing width of Beam = 300 mm

And overall depth = 450 mm
Cover 25.00 mm
Bar Dia 20.00 mm
deff. = 415.00 mm
M 112.22 x 1E6
Reinforcement As = sst * j * d eff. 150 * 0.87 * 415
Maximum +Ve Bending moment 84.2 kN.m

M 84.17 x 1E6

Beam below roof slab Page 9 of 13

Project :

POY Expansion Project for Bhilosha

Calculations for : Discipline Civil Job No. 239456
Calc by Sangita Date 22/10/08
Reinforcement As = Tank
sst * jDesign
* d eff.
150 * 0.87 * 415

Provide 3-20 + 2-20 f at Bottom

2-20 f at top continuous
and 5-20 f extra top at mid support
Stirrup bar dia 10 Asv * d eff. * sst
Legged 2 Spacing Sv = V
Asv 157.1 mm²
sst in steel 190.0 N/mm² Sv = 104.6mm
d eff. 415.00 mm

Provide 10 f 2-legged @ 100 c/c up to 1.8m from both end supports

and rest 8 f 2-legged @ 150 c/c.

4.0 Beam B2 :

Load from slab 27.33 kN/m²

Selfweight of beam 2.25 kN/m²
Total w = 29.58 kN/m²

4 4 4 4

Maximum Moment :
-Ve moment = w Lx2 / 9
M = 29.583 x 4.00 ² / 9
= -52.59 kN.m
M = w Lx2 / 12 at mid span.
M = 29.583 x 4.00 ² / 12
= +39.44 kN.m
Maximum Shear :
V = w Lx * 0.625
V = 29.583 x 4.0 * 0.625
= 73.96 kN
Reinforcement :-
Maximum Bending moment 52.59 kN.m

D = M 52.593 x 1E+6
= = 192mm
Qx b 1.42 x 300

Providing width of Beam = 300 mm

And overall depth = 450 mm
Cover 25.00 mm
Bar Dia 20.00 mm
deff. = 415.00 mm
M 52.59 x 1E6
Reinforcement As = sst * j * d eff. 150 * 0.87 * 415

Beam below roof slab Page 10 of 13

Project :

POY Expansion Project for Bhilosha

Calculations for : Discipline Civil Job No. 239456
Calc by Sangita Date 22/10/08
Water Tank Design 968.7mm²
Maximum +Ve Bending moment 39.4 kN.m

M 39.44 x 1E6
Reinforcement As = sst * j * d eff. 150 * 0.87 * 415

Provide 2-20 + 1-12 f at Bottom

2-16 f at top continuous
and 2-20 f extra top at mid support

Stirrup bar dia 8 Asv * d eff. * sst

Legged 2 Spacing Sv = V
Asv 100.5 mm²
sst in steel 190.0 N/mm² Sv = 107.2mm
d eff. 415.00 mm

Provide 8 f 2-legged @ 100 c/c up to 1.2m from both end supports

and rest 8 f 2-legged @ 150 c/c.

Beam below roof slab Page 11 of 13

Project :

POY Expansion Project for Bhilosha

Calculations for : Discipline Civil Job No. 239456
Calc by Sangita Date 22/10/08
Water Tank Design
Checked by BK Patel Date 22/10/08
Design of columns

From roof beams 350.00 kN
(Max. load at first support is considered)
Selfweight of column 9.00 kN
Total Load 359.00 kN
Say 375.00 kN

s cc = 5.0 N/mm² for concrete

Permissible Stress in steel sst = 150.0 N/mm²
Concrete Grade = M 25

Considering 350 dia. Column

Gross area of column Ag = 96211 mm²

The Load carrying capacity of the column is

Pa = Ac scc + Asc ssc = (Ag-Asc) 5 + Asc(190)

Putting values,
375 x 1E03 = ( 96211-Asc ) 6 + 150 Asc

Asc = -707 mm²

-ve shows that there is no requirement of steel.
Provide minimum 0.8% reinforcement
Asc = 770 mm²

Provide 6-16 f bars and 8 f ties @ 150 mm c/c

Design of Base Slab :-

The bottom slab is resting on the soil and it supports the water and the columns.
The water weight is directly transferred to the soil: therefore, the bearing capacity has to be
Checked. The load from the column is transferred through the bottom slab.

Load from the roof 10.25 kN/m²

Load of columns and beams 2.00 kN/m²
Load of the water 38.00 kN/m²
Load of bottom slab 5.00 kN/m² (200mm thk. slab)
Total Load = 55.25 kN/m²
The bearing Pressure is 55.25 kN/m² which is very less than SBC, hence OK.

Column Footing Design :-

Footing Design for the column is given on separate spread sheet.

Wall Footing Design :-

Vertical load of roof slab = 13.70 kN/m

roof beams load = 19.00 kN/m (Four beam reactions are converted into udl)
weight of wall = 28.50 kN/m
Total = 61.20 kN/m
Total Moment = -3.89 kN.m

Taking width of footing = 1950.00 mm ( 550mm + 400mm + 1000mm)

Column and base slab Page 12 of 13

Project :

POY Expansion Project for Bhilosha

Calculations for : Discipline Civil Job No. 239456
Calc by Sangita Date 22/10/08
Water Tank Design
A = 1.950 m²
Z = 0.634 m²
P/A = 31.385 m²
M / Z= = 6.131 m²
P/A + M/Z = 37.515 m² < SBC, Hence OK. (SBC = 100 kN/m²)

At the junction of the Base slab and the wall, the Base slab has to resist same moment
as at the bottom of the wall i.e. 42.49 kN.m /m

Providing same reinforcement in the footing portion of the Base slab,

The Base slab thickness is 50mm more than wall thickness i. e. 450mm

Provide 12 f at 125 c/c =904.3mm² At top of slab

Provide 10 f at 200 c/c =392.5mm² At bottom of slab

The Base slab except footing of wall and columns is taken 200mm thick.
Providing minimum reinforcement of 0.22%

Ast(Min.) = 440.0mm²
On each face 220.0mm²
Provide 8 f at 150 c/c =334.9mm² At top & bottom of slab

Check for uplift:-

When water tank is empty and water table rises upto FGL

Bottom of base slab from GL = 0.55 m

water pressure = -5.50 kN/m² upward

Load from the roof 10.25 kN/m²

Load of columns and beams 2.00 kN/m²
Load of bottom slab 5.00 kN/m² (200mm thk. slab)
Total Load = 17.25 kN/m² downward

Factor of safety against floatation = downward load / uplift force

= 18.25 / 5.5
= 3.14 >1.2 hencs, OK.

Column and base slab Page 13 of 13

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