CFM Technical Training Course Catalog 2019
CFM Technical Training Course Catalog 2019
CFM Technical Training Course Catalog 2019
Courses Catalog
CFM International
CFM56 & LEAP: Product of Advanced Technology
Every component of the advanced CFM56 & LEAP powerplant is the result of millions of dollars in research
investment, hundreds of engineering minds, and hours of rigorous testing. CFM's industry leadership is thankful
for the support of our two parent companies, Safran Aircraft Engines and GE Aviation.
Both companies are recognized for their technological expertise. Safran Aircraft Engines engineers have
accumulated a portfolio of over 5,000 patents. GE employs 27,000 technologists and 2,600 scientists at its four
global research centers.
Determined to build on our legacy of technology, CFM is looking to the future as our researchers advance
technologies like aerodynamics and combustion for our next-generation engine.
Table of Contents
CFM Customer Training Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Global Footprint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
ATA 104 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Course and Service Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
CTEC Course Offerings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..8
CTC Course Offerings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
AEMTC Course Offerings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …… 14
CFMAESSA Course Offerings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
E-Learning/Digital Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … 18
Class Costs and Course Eligibility . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
CFM Course Cancellation Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Innovative Global Customer Training Solutions… . 21
Global Footprint
CFM Customer
Training Services
CFM’s vision and goals focus on fulfilling the training needs of each customer by
providing world-class training instructors and facilities to ensure that the most
current technical information is available for each of our products. We strive to
quickly respond to training needs on time and as expected—all with the end goal of
improving engine reliability through state-of-the-art maintenance instruction.
Our promise is to continue to employ the most modern teaching methods using
hands-on applications and classroom instruction on products and tooling while
offering new and innovative digitized solutions to you—our customer.
Global Footprint
GE Aviation Safran Aircraft Engines, Melun – France
123 Merchant Street Site de Melun-Montereau
Cincinnati, Ohio Aerodrome de Villaroche
45246 – USA 2 chemin de Viercy 77019 Melun
The Customer Technical Education Center (CTEC), The CFM Customer Training Center (CTC) is a world-class
located just outside Cincinnati, Ohio, provides technical training facility located 50 kilometers southeast of Paris, France.
training to customer mechanics, powerplant engineers, The 2,200 m2 state-of-the-art building consists of administrative
GE employees and other representatives on a daily basis offices, eight CFM engine shop bays and seven classrooms.
to help ensure fleet reliability. More than 3,500 customer
students pass through the doors of CTEC each year. Adjacent to Safran Product & Customer Support, the CFM
Training Center – through its experienced instructors – delivers
CTEC employs a staff of world-class engine training Maintenance training for LEAP 1A, LEAP 1B, CFM56-5/-7 EASA
experts who not only deliver technical training, but also Part 147 approved, CFM56-3. Our engines are in a configuration
real-world application instructions for each of the GE and suitable for practical training, not in series configuration.
CFM International engine programs.
CTC is fully responsible for CFM56-5 & LEAP 1A maintenance
CTEC also delivers regular customer tours of the training and shop training. More than 1,500 students per year, CFM
facility as part of its support for customers. In addition, Customers and Safran Aircraft Engines employees, receive ATA
monthly “Voice of the Customer” lunches are held to 104 technical training which can be also customized to their
better understand customer training and technical needs. needs – or delivered at Customer's site in certain conditions.
Onsite classes are also available to customers who desire
a private course with a large number of their mechanics. CTC Subject Matter Experts keep close contact with Safran/CFM
Product Support Engineers to enhance training courses with the
latest technical upgrades and modifications. CTC courses
developers and graphics contribute to high quality Computer
Based Training presentations that are shown within classrooms
during theoretical sessions.
Global Footprint
Chengdu, Sichuan – China Plot#4, GHIAL Aerospace & Industrial Park
Rajiv Gandhi Int’l Airport Shamshabad
The Aero Engine Maintenance Training Center
Hyderabad 500409 Telangana State
(AEMTC)—a cooperative training institute
comprised of Chinese partners, Safran Aircraft Engines,
CFM International, and GE Aviation—specializes in
CFMAESSA is the addition to the CFM International
maintenance training for GE and CFM commercial
initiative for training customers in the Indian
aircraft engines.
Subcontinent, Southeast Asia, Middle East. The training
center is located at Rajiv Gandhi International Airport,
Since 1996, the center has trained more than 13,000
Hyderabad, India.
students from airlines throughout Asia. Located on the
campus of the Civil Aviation Flight University of China
The Centre was inaugurated in March 2010 and
(CAFUC), AEMTC is a two-story building containing six
provides courses on Line and Base Maintenance,
classrooms and a shop with six training engines. There
General Familiarization, Borescope Inspection,
are four instructors who conduct training classes for
and Trends Monitoring of CFM56-5A/5B and CFM56-7B
CFM56-3, CFM56-5B, CFM56-7B,lline maintenance,
LEAP 1A & 1B engines. There are four engines available
borescope inspection, and advanced engine systems.
for trainees to experience hands-on engine
The LEAP engine training will be added to the portofolio
maintenance. Engines are in a configuration suitable for
starting with LEAP-1B in 2019
practical training, not in series configuration.
Training Center
Courses available on quote
Training Center
Courses available on quote
Training Center
Borescope Advanced
Engine Models Blade Borescope for
Blend Inspectors
CFM56-2/F108 X X X X
CFM56-3 X X X X
CFM56-5A X
CFM56-5B X X X
CFM56-5C X X
CFM56-7 X X X X X
CFM Courses – CTEC (Cincinnati, OH, USA) Refer to
your CFM Contract for applicable courses
Refer to your CFM Contract for course eligibility
CFM56-5B Ten Minor Modules Removal & Installation* * This course is not eligible for use of
On Customer’s request only training credits allowance. This course
Class size : 8 students must be purchased at the current CFMI
Fifteen days training rate.
Target group : Shop mechanics
Available for -5B
This ATA 104 level 4 course provides practical experience necessary to
perform horizontal removal and installation of Ten of the seventeen engine
modules in accordance with the CFM56 Engine Shop Manual
Prerequisite recommended: Powerplant Line & Base Maintenance course
CFM Courses – AEMTC (Guanghan,
° Sichuan, China
airflows, engine systems and accessories. FADEC or Non FADEC engines. The course uses
Normal time to complete the General Familiarization the Airplane Maintenance Manual to remove and
course is approx. 4.0 hours install engine system components. The course
Note: Engine Familiarization training is offered as includes: Engine and systems familiarization,
component identification exercise, LRU
part of the level 3 line maintenance class, or as a
replacement, fan trim balance, nacelle, fault
e-Learning course
isolation overview and test & adjustments.
CFM56-3/-7B General Familiarization Course is now
available on USB. In either case, an Engine
Familiarization certificate will be issued.
CFM56 Borescope Inspection
ATA Level: 3
Instructors: AEMTC
Class Size: 4 – 10 students
Course Duration: 2 Days
A CFM56 series engine course that provides
academic and hands-on maintenance training. The
course provides Inspectors, Aviation Maintenance
Technicians, and supervisors with engine
borescope and inspection methods. The course is
adaptable to a specific CFM56 engine model. The
course includes: borescope of an engine using the
Airplane Maintenance Manual, inspection of
engine internal hardware and the use of borescope
CFM Courses – AEMTC
Refer to your CFM Contract for course eligibility
CFM56 Advanced Engine Systems ** Diagnostics*
ATA Level: 4 ATA Level: N/A
Instructors: CTEC, CTC, AEMTC Instructors: GE
Class Size: 12-50 students Class Size: 12-25 students
Course Duration: 4 Days Course Durations: 3 days
CFM56-5 & -7 course that provides academic and This three- day course provides the customer with
maintenance training. The course includes a level 4 hands-on training of the Diagnostics tool suite. The
explanation of basic engine and systems, fault class also helps the student develop an
detection, annunciation and troubleshooting. understanding of trends interpretation principles
Who should attend : Lead mechanics, instructors and and the application of line maintenance
Powerplant engineers or other personnel needing in- troubleshooting..
depth engine knowledge. Who should Attend: Engineering Team, Line
Maintenance troubleshooting Team Available for
Engine Technical Management all CFM56.
ATA Level: N/A Note: This course is conducted in English with
Instructors: GE Chinese translation.
Class Size: 12-50 students
Course Duration: 2 days
A two-day course focusing on modern management
**This course is not eligible for use of training credits
techniques of aircraft engines. The course includes
allowance. This course must be purchased at the
discussions and sample problems/scenarios commonly
current training rate.
encountered managing the technical challenges of
aircraft engines.
* This course must be purchased at the current
Who Should Attend: Powerplant Engineer, Managers
training rate, or training entitlements may be used at
and supervisors.
a three times (3X) rate if training entitlements are
available to the customer.
CFM Courses – CFMAESSA (Hyderabad, India)
Target group : Maintenance Mechanics line maintenance. The course also provides hands-
on practice in the removal & installation of Line
Available for CFM56-5A/5B, -7B, LEAP 1A & 1B
Replaceable Units.
This ATA 104 level 3, Part 66 appendix 3,
Prerequisite: Powerplant Line & Base Maintenance
EASA Part 147 approved course provides the
Note: Course conducted using CTC instructors.
information necessary to perform engine
Customer required to cover all T&L costs.
maintenance. The course also provides hands-
on practice in the removal & installation of Line
Replaceable Units.
EASA Part 147 test at end of course if
Prerequisite recommended: General
Refer to your CFM Contract for course eligibility
CFM Borescope Blade Blend* . * This course is not eligible for use of training
Class size: 2 students max credits allowance. This course must be purchased
One day, at CFM pricing at the current CFMI training rate.
This ATA 104 level IV course is an academic and
practical training session designed for line maintenance
technicians and supervisory personnel. The course
consists of blade blend procedure on CFM56 and/or
LEAP engine. The hands-on portion of this course
consists of borescope blend equipment and use of
maintenance manuals.
Available for CFM56, LEAP 1A & 1B
Prerequisite: CFM56 or LEAP Borescope Inspection
Course or experience with borescope inspection
E-learning/Digital Training
To meet the increasing customer demand for training Digital Training Aids (DTAs)*
and to help customers reduce engine cost of Digital Training Aids are designed to provide the
ownership, GE has developed new on-demand digital mechanic with information about specific maintenance
training products to deliver vital maintenance procedures that have been linked to critical errors.
information directly to the maintainer. Contact your GE This interactive learning allows the user to view
Customer Service Manager to place an order. procedures step-by-step or as a continuous video.
The cautions surrounding critical
E-learning/Digital Training Course eFAM* steps are highlighted and summarized and the user is
These electronic familiarization courses (eFam) tested on these critical steps upon completion.
provide classroom content on engine architecture and The DTA’s are available from myCFMportal and is
systems via the Web. This enables CFM to provide intended to be loaded on the Customer’s internal
genuine OEM training to eligible customers who don’t intranet for the training of employees in support of
have the opportunity to come to our Training Centers. CFM engine lines. DTAs include technical content
For most product lines, these courses are now such as the step by step maintenance procedure,
prerequisites for any subsequent training at training AMM references or detailed dimensional data
centers. whereas a Maintenance Minute video does not have
this information.
Maintenance Minute Videos
Maintenance minute videos are designated to prevent Customer Learning Management Toolkit *(CLMT)
maintenance related errors. Each video focuses on Contact your CFM Customer Service Manager for
elimating human factor errors from a maintenance task access to CLMT. This program allows direct access to
where errors have led to actual aircraft disruptions. GE training information, so that the customer training
These videos do not contain technical or proprietary coordinator can register students for instructor-led
information and are available from myCFMportal, classes, and permits customer personnel to undertake
YouTube and WeChat as well as iOS and Android online training with online access to the entire CFM
apps. Library of Digital Training Solutions.
Our primary training mission is to provide classroom and hands-on instruction to Airline Customers who own and
operate CFM International Products. Customers must have a General Terms Agreement (GTA) or other service
support contracts allowing them to be eligible to attend training courses.
The GTA or other support agreements will specify if a customer is eligible to receive identified training at no cost
and, if so, assign a number of training credits. These credits are usually in units of student days and are
deducted based on the length of the course and number of students attending. For example, two students
attending a five-day course would deduct 10 student day credits from the customer’s training entitlements.
Customers who have used all of their training entitlements, or those whose contract allows for receipt of training
but does not provide training credits, may purchase courses at the current training rate.
Some selected courses from OTHER TRAINING section are not eligible for training credit use and also depends
of for contract type. All customers must purchase such courses at the current training rate.
Only Standard Line Maintenance courses are eligible for training credit use.
Your contract with CFM is the reference.
For information regarding contract type, training eligibility, training credits, or current training rate, please contact
your CFM Customer Support Manager (CSM). If you do not have a CSM, please contact the Customer Support
Center at 877.GEAE.CSC (432.3272).
The following table depicts CFM Training Centers course cancellation policy and associated fees for customers
that schedule classes and provide inadequate notification of cancellation. This policy is being established to
ensure “CFM Training Centers” have adequate time provided to backfill lost capacity due to customer
• Customer-dedicated classes that are backfilled regardless of timing will have no fees/penalties applied
• This policy is in effect and will be provided to all customer-dedicated classes scheduled on or after
• January 01, 2012
• This policy applies to courses held at all CFM Training Centers.
As a valued customer, should you have questions or feel the charges have been made in error, please contact
appropriate “CFM Training Center” via email or phone as listed below.