Doing The Right Thing: Measuring Wellbeing For Public Policy
Doing The Right Thing: Measuring Wellbeing For Public Policy
Doing The Right Thing: Measuring Wellbeing For Public Policy
Abstract: Many experts now recognize that income is not a measure that alone captures the
wellbeing of individuals, and governments around the world are starting to rethink the ways in
which they measure the welfare of their citizens. Wellbeing is best understood as a multifaceted
phenomenon that can be assessed by measuring a wide array of subjective and objective
constructs. This review summarizes the state of research on the various domains of wellbeing
measured by psychologists and social scientists, and provides an overview of the main
theoretical perspectives that integrate these domains. Among these theoretical perspectives, we
highlight Well-being Theory, which decomposes the wellbeing construct into five domains:
Positive emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment (PERMA). We
conclude by formulating recommendations for future research on the measurement of wellbeing.
These recommendations include the need to combine both objective and subjective indicators,
and the use of a dashboard approach to measurement. This approach conveys the multifaceted
nature of wellbeing and will help policy-makers and citizens understand which domains of
wellbeing should constitute priorities for public policy.
1. Introduction
‚What you measure affects what you do. If you don’t measure the right thing, you don’t do the
right thing.‛ The words of Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz (as cited by
Goodman, 2009, para. 3) capture the growing discontentment of citizens, academics, and
policy-makers toward the way most governments define and measure progress – namely, by
emphasizing economic indicators such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (e.g., Abramovitz,
Scitovsky, & Inkeles, 1973; Layard, 2005; Zencey, 2009). Among others, Layard (2010) recently
challenged policy-makers to think about what ‘progress’ really is and how it can best be
measured. From its beginnings in the 1930s, the history of national accounts in the United
States shows that the wellbeing of citizens, not the wellbeing of their bank accounts, was
considered to be the end goal of government (Perlman & Marietta, 2005). The economist Simon
Kuznets (1933), the first promoter of national accounts in the United States, argued that the goal
of collecting economic information (e.g., income distribution, growth, productivity) was to
examine how those indicators influence the welfare of the nation. Kuznets however also
acknowledged that economic indicators were but one piece of the puzzle of citizens’ wellbeing,
and that ‚the welfare of a nation can *<+ scarcely be inferred from a measurement of national
income‛ (Kuznets, 1934, p. 7). After the Second World War, Kuznets (1948) denounced the
Martin E. P. Seligman 79
University of Pennsylvania
[email protected]
Copyright belongs to the author(s)
Doing the right thing: Measuring wellbeing for public policy
Forgeard, Jayawickreme, Kern & Seligman
The Gross National Product counts air pollution and cigarette advertising, and
ambulances to clear our highways of carnage. It counts special locks for our
doors and the jails for the people who break them *<+ It counts the destruction
of the redwood and the loss of our natural wonder in chaotic sprawl *<+ Yet the
GNP does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education,
or the joy of their play. It does not include the beauty of our poetry or the
strength of our marriages, the intelligence of our public debate or the integrity of
our public officials *<+ it measures everything, in short, except that which
makes life worthwhile.
Spearheading the movement to reform the way in which governments measure progress,
the UK-based New Economics Foundation recently proposed the National Accounts of Well-
Being initiative (Michaelson, Abdallah, Steuer, Thompson, & Marks, 2009). Referring to
Kuznets’ unfinished endeavor (Kuznets, 1933; Perlman & Marietta, 2005) and highlighting the
fact that the end goal of national accounts should be citizens’ wellbeing (not the size of their
wallets), the creators of the National Accounts of Well-Being explained that their initiative
represents ‚a return to the original intent for modern national accounting systems‛
(Michaelson et al., 2009, p. 11). A poll conducted in the United Kingdom revealed that 81% of
respondents believed the government’s primary goal should be the ‚greatest happiness‛ rather
than the ‚greatest wealth‛ (Easton, 2006). In France, the report of the Commission on the
Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress (CMEPSP) initiated by French
president Nicolas Sarkozy stated that ‚the time is ripe for our measurement system to shift in
emphasis from measuring economic production to measuring people’s well-being. *<+
Emphasizing well-being is important because there appears to be an increasing gap between 80
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the information contained in aggregate GDP data and what counts for common people’s well-
being‛ (Stiglitz, Sen, & Fitoussi, 2009, p. 12). Thus, there is a growing consensus around the
need to measure wellbeing at a national level and to have this construct serve as an end goal of
national public policy (Sketekee, 2011; Wardell, 2010).
While there is a growing agreement that measures of wellbeing should be included, the
issue of how wellbeing should be defined and measured remains unresolved (Smith, Fleeson,
Geiselmann, Settersten, & Kunzmann, 2001). As a result, a large diversity of definitions exist
(Gasper, 2010). Most researchers now agree that wellbeing is a multifaceted construct (e.g.,
Diener, 2009; Michaelson, et al., 2009; Stiglitz, et al., 2009), including emotional, social, and
functional components, yet disagreements persist as to which components should be included
in a valid theory and measure of wellbeing (Diener, Scollon, & Lucas, 2003). Diener and
Seligman (2004) pointed out that a more systematic approach is needed, as the ‚current
measurement of well-being is haphazard, with different studies assessing different concepts in
different ways‛ (p. 2). The multiplicity of approaches in the study of wellbeing has given rise to
blurred and overly broad definitions of wellbeing, with researchers using the construct of
‘wellbeing’ synonymously with ‘happiness,’ ‘quality of life,’ or ‘life satisfaction.’ Furthermore,
some researchers have preferred to ignore the multifaceted nature of wellbeing and equate it
with one construct (often life satisfaction), leading to the unfortunate omission of other
important aspects of wellbeing. As a result, Gasper (2004) argued that new measures need to
respect the diversity of wellbeing.
The present review summarizes the state of research on the measurement of wellbeing and
highlights potential opportunities and pitfalls in the development of new instruments and
theoretical approaches. In Section 2, we provide an overview of tools that have been used to
measure subjective facets of wellbeing (e.g. positive emotion, engagement, meaning, life
satisfaction, relationships/social support, and accomplishment/competence). In Section 3, we
discuss objective theories and social indicators of wellbeing, as well as the debate surrounding
the need to integrate subjective and objective measures of wellbeing. Section 4 examines how
current measures fit with existing psychological theories, including Well-being Theory
(Seligman, 2011), and ends with a proposal for a new approach to the measurement of
wellbeing: the dashboard approach.
2.1 Happiness
A rather straightforward and therefore intuitively appealing measurement of wellbeing
consists of simply asking people whether they are ‚happy.‛ Fordyce’s Happiness Measures
(Fordyce, 1988) for instance asks respondents to answer the question ‚In general, how happy or
unhappy do you usually feel?‛ using an 11-point Likert scale. The measure also asks
participants to indicate the percentage of time they usually feel happy, unhappy, and neutral 81
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(neither happy nor unhappy). Similarly, Lyubomirsky and Lepper’s Subjective Happiness Scale
(SHS; 1999) asks respondents to indicate on a 7-point Likert scale if they generally consider
themselves to be ‚not a very happy person / a very happy person.‛ The SHS also asks
respondents to compare themselves to others in terms of happiness (e.g., ‚compared to most of
my peers, I consider myself: less happy / more happy‛). While directly asking individuals
about their happiness certainly has face validity, it remains unclear what information
respondents use to determine whether or not they are happy. Happiness is therefore an
unwieldy construct for scientific research (Seligman, 2011), and researchers have devoted their
efforts to decomposing this vague notion of ‚happiness‛ into more basic and quantifiable,
building blocks. 82
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the most salient and last experience best (Kahneman, 1999). Researchers interested in
measuring positive emotion as accurately as possible have therefore developed methods other
than the standard self-report questionnaires. One example is the Day Reconstruction Method
(DRM), used to measure the frequency and intensity of a variety of positive and negative
emotions over time (Kahneman, Krueger, Schkade, Schwarz, & Stone, 2004). With the DRM,
individuals are asked to list all of the activities they engaged in during a period of 24 hours,
and then rate those activities according to the positive and negative emotions they afforded.
While the DRM remains a retrospective method, it allows for more fine-grained data regarding
individuals’ sum-total of positive and negative emotions. Researchers can calculate individuals’
levels of positive emotion by adding up the total of those momentary positive emotions and
subtracting the total momentary negative emotions (Kahneman, 1999).
In addition to the DRM, researchers have also used the Experience Sampling Method (ESM;
Csikszentmihalyi, Larson, & Prescott, 1977; for reviews, see Hektner, Schmidt, &
Csikszentmihalyi, 2007; Scollon, Kim-Prieto, & Diener, 2007) to improve accuracy in reports of
positive and negative emotions. In ESM, respondents are signaled (‘beeped’) via electronic
devices (e.g., pager, mobile phone) at random intervals during the day and are asked to answer
questions regarding how they are feeling right at that moment. A typical ESM study lasts one
to two weeks, with individuals responding to around two to twelve signals per week (Fleeson,
2007; Reis & Gable, 2000). ESM has a number of advantages (Furr, 2009; Scollon, et al., 2007).
First, ESM has high ecological validity because it allows individuals to answer questions while
involved in real-life situations. Second, it prevents the memory biases associated with
retrospective methods by asking respondents to describe their emotions on the spot. Third, it
allows for better examination of within-person fluctuations in emotions. Finally, even though
ESM started as a costly and time-consuming method, the advent of new technologies has made
it increasingly easy to use and increasingly cost-effective. For example, ESM can now be
implemented using applications for cellular phones.
ESM however also has a number of drawbacks (Scollon et al., 2007). First, the time
commitment required from participants may encourage self-selection and attrition issues.
Typical ESM participants may therefore be more motivated, conscientious, and agreeable than
average. Second, the technology involved may prevent certain groups with low familiarity or
resources to participate. Third, participants may decide not to respond during particular
activities, thus impinging on the randomness of sampling. Fourth, participants may react to the
measure, changing the phenomenon studied (Wheeler & Reis, 1991). The issue of reactivity is
inherent to ESM, as this technique interrupts participants’ experiences (‚I was feeling good
until they beeped me‛), and may make them more aware of how they tend to respond (‚I guess
I must be a sad person‛). Finally, ESM generates massive amounts of data that researchers must
be prepared to aggregate and analyze in meaningful ways, as the basic data management and
statistical techniques that are typically used in psychological studies may be insufficient. This
issue is more of a challenge than a real drawback for researchers, given the richness of the data
provided by ESM.
The DRM and ESM are techniques that allow for richer data than can be provided by
ordinary self-report questionnaires administered at one or two points in time. Both methods
have been used to assess positive emotions, but they need not be limited to this construct. ESM,
for instance, was originally developed to measure engagement, the next facet of wellbeing that
we discuss.
Research on the measurement of positive emotion has therefore yielded several useful
instruments and methods. However, the question of the role that positive emotion should play 83
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in a valid measure of wellbeing remains debated. Some theories (reviewed in Section 4) view
positive emotion as central to wellbeing, whereas other approaches (such as eudaimonic
accounts of wellbeing) dismiss it. One important consideration is that individuals are not
equally endowed with the ability to experience positive emotion. Introverts, for instance, are
much less likely than extraverts to experience positive emotion (Hills & Argyle, 2001). As a
result, interventions that are designed to boost positive emotion will do so more easily in
extraverts, and measurements of positive emotion will favor extraverts over introverts. Policy-
makers may therefore end up unintentionally over-counting what works for extraverts and
discounting what works for introverts. The fairness of using positive emotion as a main metric
for wellbeing is therefore disputable, and it might be more fruitful to focus on the measurement
and cultivation of other facets of wellbeing (Seligman, 2011).
2.3 Engagement
Engagement refers to a psychological state in which individuals report being absorbed by and
focused on what they are doing. At its high end, engagement has been referred to as ‚flow‛
(Csikszentmihalyi, 1996), or the overall feeling referred to as ‚being in the zone.‛ According to
Csikszentmihalyi (1996, 1975), high levels of engagement are characterized by the following
characteristics: the individual has clear goals and is intrinsically interested in the task at hand;
the task presents challenges that meet the skill level of the individual; the task provides direct
and immediate feedback to the individual; the individual retains a sense of personal control
over the activity; and action and awareness become merged, such that the individual becomes
completely immersed in what he or she is doing.
Few measures of engagement exist, and this construct is not usually represented in large-
scale surveys of wellbeing. As previously mentioned, the Experience Sampling Method (ESM)
was used by Csikszentmihalyi and colleagues to examine instances of flow as closely as
possible to the time they occurred (Csikszentmihalyi, Rathunde, & Whalen, 1997; Larson &
Csikszentmihalyi, 1983). When signaled, participants were typically asked to fill out a
questionnaire describing (among other things) what they were doing, and why they were
doing it (e.g., ‚I had to,‛ ‚I wanted to‛). Participants were also asked to rate their activity on
various dimensions of flow (e.g., concentration, self-awareness, sense of control, challenges and
skills, intrinsic interest). This methodology allowed the researchers to look at the experience of
engagement and flow in relation to the development of talent in adolescent populations. Aside
from ESM, the Flow Scale (Csikszenmihalyi & Csikszenmihalyi, 1988; Mayers, 1978) has also
been used to assess the level of engagement experienced during various activities. This scale is
an 11-item self-report measure in which respondents rate statements in relationship to a
specific situation (e.g., ‚I feel I can handle the demands of the situation,‛ ‚I clearly know what I
am supposed to do‛). The administration of this questionnaire is often preceded by having
participants read three statements describing the kinds of experience people report when they
are in flow, so that they can familiarize themselves with this concept (e.g., ‚I am so involved in
what I am doing, I don’t see myself as separate from what I am doing.‛) (Csikszentmihalyi,
1975). Apart from flow experiences, alternative measures of engagement are lacking. 84
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The study of meaning was prevalent in early humanistic tradition (Frankl, 1959; Maslow,
1968; Yalom, 1980) but was largely ignored in psychology over the past fifty years due to lack
of empirical evidence. Psychologists have however returned to the topic in recent years
(Baumeister, 1992; King, Hicks, Krull, & Gaiso, 2006; Park, 2010; Ryff, 1989; Seligman, 2002),
partially through the advent of positive psychology. In particular, meaning is now viewed as
an essential contributor to overall wellbeing that is separate from, but positively correlated
with, other facets of wellbeing (Chamberlain & Zika, 1992; King, et al., 2006; Locke & Latham,
2002; Seligman, 2002). For example, social activists high in moral excellence report high levels
of meaning stemming from their work (Colby & Damon, 1992). In keeping with this
conceptualization, McGregor and Little (1989), in a factor analysis of wellbeing measures,
found that meaning and happiness are distinct constructs. For example, having children may
decrease happiness among parents, but contributes very significantly to their levels of meaning
(Baumeister, 1992). Nussbaum (2007) also presented the case of the misanthropic Northern Irish
politician David Trimble (who shared the 1998 Nobel Peace Prize) as an example illustrating
the possibility of having a meaning-rich life that is not necessarily filled with positive emotion.
In spite of the recent resurgence of interest in the construct of meaning, there are few
instruments to measure it. Steger, Frazier, Oishi, and Kaler’s (2006) Meaning in Life
Questionnaire measures both the subjective presence of meaning and the subjective search for
meaning. Respondents are asked to rate ten statements on a 7-point Likert scale (e.g., ‚My life
has a clear sense of purpose;‛ ‚I am searching for meaning in my life‛). In addition, measures
of spirituality and/or religious faith (e.g., Seidlitz et al., 2002; Worthington et al., 2003) may tap
into the construct of meaning in life as they connect individuals with higher purposes. 85
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Life Scale (Pavot, Diener, & Suh, 1998), assesses respondents’ past, present, and future life
satisfaction by asking them to rate 15 statements.
The use of life satisfaction measures as a surrogate for wellbeing has been criticized on
various grounds (for a review, see Kahneman & Krueger, 2006). Paralleling critiques of positive
emotion, some researchers have criticized measures of life satisfaction because respondents
may often use how good they feel at the moment they are asked as the basis for the judgment
they are making. Measures of life satisfaction may therefore be contaminated by mood
(Schwarz & Strack, 1999). In addition, the order and context in which questions are presented
may have important effects on results. For example, in a study by Strack and colleagues (Strack,
Martin, & Schwarz, 1988), the relation between the number of dates a student had in the past
month and his or her life satisfaction was significant only when the dating question was asked
before the life satisfaction question, indicating a priming effect.
These and other similar results (e.g., Schwarz & Clore, 1983) suggest that answers to life
satisfaction questions may be constructed by respondents based on different pieces of
information, including immediate context (Schwarz & Strack, 1999), as well as conventional
indicators of one’s achievements, such as income (Kahneman, Krueger, Schkade, Schwarz, &
Stone, 2006). In response to these findings, some researchers have sought to determine under
which conditions life satisfaction may be affected by mood and other contextual effects. Pavot
and Diener (1993) for instance found that the contamination of life satisfaction judgments by
mood occurs mostly for single-item measures, but not for multiple-item instruments such as the
Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS).
Another criticism of life satisfaction measures is that they may be biased by respondents’
social desirability (Carstensen & Cone, 1983). Social desirability however probably constitutes a
personality characteristic that enhances wellbeing. Research by Diener and colleagues has
shown that important information is lost when social desirability is removed from life
satisfaction measures (Diener, Sandvik, Pavot, & Gallagher, 1991). There is therefore danger in
changing the construct of interest by controlling for personality-type characteristics.
Perhaps the biggest problem with life satisfaction measures is that this construct has too
often been equated to overall wellbeing, leading researchers to ignore other facets. As noted by
Michaelson and colleagues, ‚it is all very well knowing that someone is satisfied with their life,
but the interesting question is why‛ (2009, p. 56). The only way to answer this question is to
look at other facets of wellbeing as well.
Other researchers have also advocated for the use of both life satisfaction and emotion
information to assess overall subjective wellbeing. These researchers argued that a more
complete assessment of an individual’s life incorporates both life satisfaction along with
momentary feelings (Dolan, Peasgood, & White, 2006). Such evaluative accounts incorporate
both our hedonic experiences (momentary emotions) alongside our cognitive assessments of
how well life is going more generally. Since both of these elements are subjective, this kind of
account is termed subjective wellbeing (SWB), an umbrella term combining how we think plus
how we feel about our lives (Diener et al., 1999). 86
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survey (WHOQOL-100; Bonomi, Patrick, Bushnell, & Martin, 2000) asks an array of questions
such as ‚How satisfied are you with the support you get from your friends?‛ and ‚Do you feel
happy about your relationships with your family members?‛ The Oxford Poverty and Human
Development Initiative’s Missing Dimensions of Poverty Relatedness module (Samman, 2007)
similarly asks participants to rate three statements pertaining to social support (e.g., ‚People in
my life care about me‛). The New Economics Foundation’s National Accounts of Well-Being
(Michaelson, et al., 2009) also has two sections related to social support: Supportive
Relationships (e.g., ‚Do you have anyone with whom you can discuss intimate and personal
matters‛) and Trust and Belonging (e.g., ‚To what extent do you feel like people in your area
help one another?‛).
An exhaustive review of all existing psychological measures of relationships and social
support is beyond the scope of this article (for reviews, see Cohen, Underwood, & Gottlieb,
2000; Gottlieb & Bergen, 2010; Orth-Gomér & Undén, 1987), although a few instruments are
worth mentioning to illustrate various approaches to measuring social support. Three measures
in particular have been used in a large number of studies and have been recommended by
other authors for their robust psychometric properties (Gottlieb & Bergen, 2010). First, the
ENRICHD Social Support Inventory (ESSI; Mitchell et al., 2003) is a 7-item measure assessing
the availability of a network member to provide emotional, informational, as well as practical
support. The ESSI was originally designed for use with a medical population (i.e., patients
recovering from myocardial infarction). Second, the Social Provisions Scale (SPS; Cutrona &
Russell, 1987) is a 24-item measure of perceived support divided into three assistance-related
(i.e., reassurance of worth, guidance, reliable alliance) and three non-assistance related (i.e.,
opportunity for nurturance, attachment, and social integration) functions. Finally, the
Inventory of Socially Supportive Behaviors (ISSB; Barrera, Sandler, & Ramsay, 1981) is a 40-
item measure of support that asks respondents to indicate how often they were at the receiving
end of socially supportive behaviors during the preceding month, using a 5-point Likert scale
(e.g., ‚Did some activity together to help you get your mind off things,‛ ‚Let you know that
you did something well‛). By asking about actual events (as opposed to perceived support), the
ISSB intends to be more objective, although some authors have argued that objective received
support may improve wellbeing only insofar as it contributes to perceived support (for a
review of the relationship between received and perceived support, see Haber, Cohen, Lucas, &
Baltes, 2007). The ISSB nevertheless illustrates the question of whether subjective measures
should be complemented with objective measures when possible, which we address in Section
3. 87
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psychological needs posited by Deci and Ryan’s (2000) Self-Determination Theory (detailed in
Section 4).
As a result of the growing recognition of the human need for accomplishment (Seligman,
2011), some large-scale surveys of wellbeing have incorporated items tapping accomplishment
and competence. The Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative’s Missing
Dimensions of Poverty Competence module (Samman, 2007) asks participants to rate three
statements related to competence (e.g., ‚Most of the time I feel a sense of accomplishment from
what I do‛ and ‚I generally feel very capable‛). The New Economics Foundation’s National
Accounts of Well-Being (Michaelson, et al., 2009) also has two questions (‚Most days I feel a
sense of accomplishment from what I do‛ and ‚In my daily life I get very little chance to show
how capable I am‛). Finally, the Purpose in Life subscale of Ryff’s Psychological Well-Being
Scales (Ryff, 1989) includes items relevant to accomplishment and competence (e.g., ‚I enjoy
making plans for the future and working to make them a reality‛). 88
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Related to Sen’s theory, Nussbaum (2000) spelled out a substantive list of ten capabilities (life,
bodily health and integrity, senses/imagination/thought, emotions, practical reason, affiliation,
living in relation with other species, play, and control over one’s environment) which, while
non-exhaustive, are non-negotiable in their equal worth, as they are together constitutive of
what it means to achieve ‚truly human functioning‛ (Nussbaum, 2006, p. 71).
Second, Rawls (1971/1999) identified a set of primary goods that ‚are in general necessary
for the framing and execution of a rational plan of life‛ (p. 359): rights, liberties, opportunities,
income and wealth, as well as the social bases of self-respect. Rawls identified these goods
through a process of deliberative rationality, defined as ‚a careful consideration of the relevant
facts and after a careful consideration of the consequences‛ (p. 380). Finnis and colleagues
(Finnis, 1980; Finnis, Boyle, & Grisez, 1987) used an approach similar to Rawls’ to define a list
of goods (i.e., life, knowledge, play, aesthetic experience, sociability and friendship, practical
reasonableness, and religion). Unlike Rawls’ approach, which sees primary goods as necessary
requirements for the good life, Finnis described his goods as constitutive elements of a
flourishing existence, such that wellbeing is defined in terms of these goods.
Third, Doyal and Gough’s (1991) Basic Needs Approach is founded on the negative principle
of ‚do no harm,‛ where harm is defined as factors that prevent individuals from realizing
activities central to their life plan. Doyal and Gough suggested that health and autonomy
constitute the most basic needs for individuals of all cultures, and proposed the following
second-order needs in order to achieve health and autonomy: nutritional food and clean water,
adequate housing, a safe work environment, health care, security in childhood, close
relationships, physical security, economic security, education, as well as safe birth control and
Among other approaches worth mentioning is Narayan-Parker’s (2000) Voices of the Poor
analysis, which lists needs identified by the poor. These needs have been collected through
focus groups with individuals in the developing world. Finally, Camfield’s (2005) Economic
and Social Research Council Research Group of Well-Being in Developing Countries attempts
to collect information on how individuals perceive wellbeing in four separate nations.
The need-based theories described here catalogue the objective list of goods required for
‘wellbeing,’ or a ‘happy’ life. Dolan and colleagues (2006) argued that objective list accounts do
not provide a formal theory of wellbeing; rather, they offer a list of attributes and
characteristics which are taken to constitute wellbeing. The contents of the lists vary but tend to
include items such as economic resources, political freedom, good health, and the ability to
read. Needing accounts may therefore not provide complete theories of wellbeing, but they
suggest what the essential means for increasing wellbeing might be.
Dolan and colleagues (2006) also argued that the presence or absence of certain objective
attributes may lead to more subjective satisfaction for individuals, but the value of these
objective attributes should be independent of these consequent effects. Therefore, the judgment
about the contribution of various needs (e.g., education, health, etc.) towards wellbeing does
not come from the individual, but draws on theoretical and intuitive accounts of what societies
value. Thus, this approach holds that ‚certain things are good or bad for beings, independently
in at least some cases of whether they are desired or whether they give rise to pleasurable
experiences‛ (Chappell & Crisp, 1998, p. 553).
While some of these objective standards may be confirmed using a subjective perspective
(i.e., do individuals report that an objective condition has increased or decreased their
wellbeing?), their validity for wellbeing should be determined externally. This approach was
grand-fathered by Aristotle’s flourishing account of wellbeing. Aristotle proposed a 89
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between the subjective and objective approaches (in particular, the capabilities approach),
noted that the ‚seemingly obvious overlap in their object of research does not seem to be
accompanied by any considerable acknowledgement of the vast work that has been produced
in the two fields‛ (p. 162). With regards to similarities between objective and subjective
measurement of wellbeing, Comin (2005) identified a number of prominent similarities
between the objective capabilities approach and subjective accounts.
First, both accounts have a similar core objective – an investigation of wellbeing and how
people evaluate their lives. Diener (2000), Sen (1999) and Nussbaum (2006, 2000) made similar
claims, and the two approaches can be seen as constituting distinctive informational spaces
within the study of wellbeing. Second, both approaches rely (directly or indirectly) on
individuals’ own evaluation of their own wellbeing. While this is fundamentally constitutive of
the subjective approach, Sen (1999, 2004) emphasized the importance of public deliberation in
discussing the relevant capabilities or objective needs, while Nussbaum’s later work (2000,
2006) emphasized the value of pluralism and consensus in how her capabilities are understood.
Third, both approaches distinguish between means and ends, and give priority to a direct
assessment of ends. While this is a hallmark of the capabilities approach, Diener and Seligman
(2004) also made the Aristotelian claim that ‚money *<+ is a means to an end, and that end is
well-being.‛ As a result, they concluded ‚After all, if economic and other policies are important
because they will in the end increase well-being, why not assess well-being directly?‛ (p. 2).
Fourth, both the objective and subjective approaches attack and offer themselves as
alternatives to simple resource-based and preference-based accounts of wellbeing. Fifth, both
the objective and subjective approaches value democratic participation. Sen (1999) saw this as a
valuable end in itself, while subjective wellbeing researchers place more emphasis on its
instrumental effect on wellbeing. Sixth, both approaches emphasize the importance of
autonomy and self-determination. Nussbaum (2006) noted that the capabilities approach
‚stresses the animal and material underpinnings of human freedom, and it also recognizes a
wider range of types of beings who can be free‛ (p. 88). For Sen (1999), having positive
freedoms is constitutive of development. Subjective wellbeing researchers (and positive
psychologists in general) have stressed the importance of autonomy and control. As Ryan and
Deci (2006) noted: ‚Autonomy is a salient issue across development, life concerns, and cultures,
and is of central importance for personality functioning and wellness‛ (p. 1580).
Seventh, both approaches consider the role of emotions in assessing wellbeing. Positive and
negative emotions are constitutive of the subjective approach (Diener, 2006; Diener, Oishi, &
Lucas, 2003), while Nussbaum (2000, 2001) has argued that emotions play an important role in
shaping individuals’ choices. Eighth, both advocate for methodological pluralism. Diener
(2006) for instance has argued for measuring multiple aspects of subjective wellbeing. Similarly,
a hallmark of a number of objective approaches is their focus on multiple informational spaces.
Ninth, both approaches recognize the dangers of adaptive preferences, which could potentially
bias individuals’ evaluation of their own wellbeing. Nussbaum (1997) characterizes adaptation
as ‚a phenomenon in which an individual shapes her preferences to accord with the (frequently
narrow) set of opportunities she actually has‛ (p. 218). Capability advocates have used this
argument as evidence against the subjective wellbeing approach, and Diener (2000; 2003) has
acknowledged that self-report measures of wellbeing can be tainted by this problem. As a
result, Diener and colleagues (2003) advocated for the development of other, more accurate
measures to measure mood states.
One obvious issue in attempting to reconcile these approaches is that subjective approaches
focus on mental states, while objective indicators of wellbeing do not. In fact, many positive 92
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1However, individuals do not completely adapt their preferences in response to certain life events, such as
disabilities (Lucas, Clark, Georgellis, & Diener, 2004). 93
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theory-guided approach to wellbeing, arguing that focusing solely on affect and life satisfaction
neglects important aspects of positive psychological functioning (Ryff, 1989).
Ryff’s (1989) definition of psychological wellbeing combines insight from three domains of
psychological theory: personal growth models, life-span development perspectives, and
positive mental health. First, personal growth models include Jung’s (1933) notion of
individuation, Allport’s (1961) conception of maturity, Rogers’ (1962) theory of the fully-
functioning individual, as well as Maslow’s (1968) notion of self-actualization. Second, life-span
development perspectives include Bühler’s (1935) basic life tendencies towards life-fulfillment,
Erikson’s (1959) psychosocial stage model, and Neugarten’s (1968, 1973) perspectives on
personality change in adulthood and old age. Finally, Jahoda’s (1958) positive mental health
model provided a detailed description of what constitutes psychological health, which is
characterized by efficient self-perception, realistic self-esteem and acceptance, control over
behavior, accurate perception of the world, sustained relationships, and self-direction.
Ryff’s resulting PWB perspective was intended to provide a parsimonious and empirically
robust conception of wellbeing derived from the theoretical perspectives noted above. This
conception contains six dimensions: (1) self-acceptance, manifested by holding positive attitudes
towards oneself and one’s past life; (2) positive relations with others that are warm and trusting;
(3) autonomy, which is reflected by qualities such as self-determination, independence, self-
regulation of behavior, and an internal locus of evaluation; (4) environmental mastery, defined as
the ability to choose and/or create environments suitable to one’s psychic condition; (5) purpose
in life, or having beliefs that give the individual the feeling that there is purpose in and meaning
to life; and (6) personal growth, manifested as developing one’s potential, as well as growing and
expanding as a person. These six dimensions can be assessed using the Psychological Well-
Being Scales (Ryff & Keyes, 1995). The PWB account differs from the SWB account primarily in
its focus on eudaimonic facets of wellbeing and its omission of hedonic components such as
positive emotion. According to the PWB perspective, human flourishing is characterized by
‚doing and living well‛ rather than ‚feeling good.‛
A large body of research has examined the psychosocial, socio-demographic and biological
correlates of PWB. For example, Helson and Srivastava (2001) utilized the domains of personal
growth (PG) and environmental mastery (EM) to identify three configurations of positive
human development: Achievers (high on PG and EM), Conservers (high on EM, low on PG),
and Seekers (high on PG, low on EM). Other research programs have focused on the relation
between PWB and psychological constructs such as personality traits (Lopes, Salovey, & Straus,
2003), coping strategies (Kling, Seltzer, & Ryff, 1997), personal goals (Riediger & Freund, 2004)
and self-enhancing cognitions (Taylor, Lerner, Sherman, Sage, & McDowell, 2003). Ryff and
Singer (1996) also found significant age differences in profiles of positive functioning in cross-
sectional studies. Specifically, environmental mastery and autonomy showed incremental
patterns from young adulthood to midlife, whereas personal growth and purpose in life
presented a decremental pattern from midlife to old age. Positive relations and self-acceptance,
on the other hand, did not show significant changes across the lifespan. In addition, Ryff and
Singer (1998) have used the PWB account as the basis of a research program assessing the
physiological substrates of the dimensions of wellbeing. According to Ryff and Singer, this
approach constitutes the greatest hope for understanding the biology of what they term positive
human health, as well as the processes that sustain resilience in the face of illness and disease.
Keyes, Shmotkin, and Ryff (2002) argued that while PWB and SWB dimensions are related
to each other, they remain empirically distinct. Specifically, they found that in a sample drawn
for the national Midlife in the U.S. (MIDUS) survey, the best fitting model was one that posited 94
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SWB and PWB as two correlated latent constructs. This view ties in with lay conceptions of
happiness (which is part of SWB) and meaning (which is part of PWB) as separate components
of the good life (King & Napa, 1998). Keyes and colleagues (2002) also found that the
probability of achieving high levels of both SWB and PWB increased as age, education,
extraversion, and conscientiousness increased and as neuroticism decreased. When compared
with adults who had higher levels of SWB than PWB, adults with higher levels of PWB were
younger, had more education, and showed more openness to experience. 95
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different forms of extrinsic motivation, which differ in the extent to which regulation is
autonomous. On this account, the most heteronomous form of regulation is external regulation.
An example of such regulation would be an individual acting to avoid pain or gain a reward. A
second form of external motivation is introjected regulation. This involves accepting a motivation
but not completely seeing it as one’s own. In other words, one may retain an externally
perceived locus of causality, although the motivation may be internally driven. In this form of
regulation, behavior is performed for the purpose of avoiding guilt or anxiety, or to attain
feelings of pride or self-esteem. A third and significantly more self-determined form of extrinsic
motivation is identified motivation, which involves the conscious and explicit valuing of a
behavioral goal or regulation, leading to that goal being seen as personally important. The
fourth and most autonomous form of extrinsic motivation is integrated motivation, where
identified regulations are fully assimilated and brought to congruence with an individual’s
other values.
The relative autonomy of goals (including extrinsic goals) appears to have effects that are
independent of the content of the goal on wellbeing (Sheldon, Ryan, Deci, & Kasser, 2004). For
example, Ryan and Connell (1989) found that, in a sample of schoolchildren, identified
regulation was related to higher levels of interest and enjoyment, greater levels of effort, and
more positive coping styles, than less autonomous forms of regulation. Subsequent studies
have linked autonomous forms of motivation to a range of good outcomes including increased
levels of physical activity, political activity, behavioural effectiveness, volitional persistence,
and subjective well-being, and greater assimilation within a social group (Chatzisarantis,
Biddle, & Meek, 1997; Koestner, Losier, Vallerand, & Carducci, 1996; Ryan, Kuhl, & Deci, 1997;
Williams, Rodin, Ryan, Grolnick, & Deci, 1998). The OIT sub-theory also proposes that the basic
psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness are important for the nurturing
of internalization and integration. For example, with regards to the role of relatedness, Ryan,
Stiller, and Lynch (1994) found that children who were securely connected to and cared for by
their teachers and parents had more fully internalized the regulation for positive school-related
behaviors. Thus, these needs are believed to play an important role in the successful regulation
and integration of behavior, and thwarting these needs may be psychologically harmful. 96
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acronym PERMA). These five elements are the best approximation of what humans pursue for
their own sake, which is why they have a place in Well-being Theory. Although individuals may
sometimes pursue these elements for other ends (e.g., they may for instance think that
accomplishment will bring positive emotion), many choose to do so because these elements are
intrinsically motivating by themselves.
Seligman’s theory also reconciles differing perspectives on the theory and measurement of
wellbeing by including both hedonic and eudaimonic aspects of wellbeing, and by allowing for
(and encouraging) the measurement of each element using both objective and subjective
approaches. Such measures are currently being developed. In addition, measurements of
PERMA need to examine how the various facets of wellbeing need to be weighted if
researchers or policy-makers want to be able to come up with a single summary measure.
The issue of how to integrate various measures of wellbeing facets into an overall
composite index of wellbeing is an engaging one for researchers. An examination of this
question however leads us to propose that such an index may not be as useful as it seems, in
spite of its intuitive appeal. Why do we want one number to summarize the wellbeing of an
individual, a family, or community, or a nation? Perhaps it is because a single number satisfies
our craving for simple findings and conclusions, in spite of the complexity of the phenomena
being studied. Being able to say that one country has the highest level of wellbeing in the world
does make for an appealing headline, but it also provides a poor description of the nature of
this country’s flourishing. Just as we do not have a single indicator telling us how our car is
performing (instead, we have an odometer, a speedometer, a gas gauge, etc.), we suggest that
we do not want just one indicator of how well people are doing. We want to be able to look at a
‘dashboard’ of measures and indicators that can help us understand our strengths, as well as
the particular areas in which we may not be fulfilling our potential for flourishing.
Thus, we recommend that future measures of wellbeing present their results in a way that
takes advantage of the variety of constructs that are measured. This approach can further be
enhanced through visualization tools, making such a measure intuitively understandable.
Rather than making decisions based on averages on a single measure, functioning across
multiple domains can be charted. Research studies can empirically examine what types of
profiles lead to different outcomes. Decision makers can visually examine different profiles and
determine what areas are doing well and what areas should be targeted, based on cultural
values, thus allowing for cultural variation informed by universal measures. Such efforts are
already underway, as seen in the New Economics Foundation National Accounts of Well-Being
(Michaelson et al., 2009), which used data from the European Social Survey’s Personal and
Social Well-Being Module (Huppert et al., 2006). The module was administered to around
43,000 adults (above 16 years old) in twenty-three countries of the European Union. Wellbeing
was decomposed into nine components (positive feelings, absence of negative feelings, life
satisfaction, vitality, resilience and self-esteem, positive functioning, supportive relationships,
as well as trust and belonging), and the researchers then visually represented the performance
of various European countries on these facets of wellbeing using multi-axis plots (spiderweb
plots), thus presenting the data in all of its richness. The module included both how people feel
and how they function, thus drawing upon both the hedonic and eudaimonic perspectives on
wellbeing. Following collection of the data, Huppert and So (2009) derived an empirical
definition of flourishing by looking at the percentage of respondents of the United Kingdom
who endorsed the three core facets of wellbeing (positive emotion, engagement, meaning) as
well as any three additional facets (any combination of self-esteem, resilience, positive
relationships, and optimism). There were widely varying rates of flourishing throughout 97
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Europe, with the highest rate found in Denmark (33%) and northern Europe in general, and the
lowest rates found in Russia (6%), and Eastern Europe in general. Aside from between-nations
differences, higher flourishing was associated with higher education levels, higher income,
general health, and being married. Flourishing was found to decline with age, although not
linearly so. Indeed, people over sixty-five years of age in certain countries (for instance, Ireland)
show the highest rates of flourishing, whereas middle-aged people showed the lowest rates. In
addition, flourishing correlated with life satisfaction only modestly (r = .32), providing support
to the notion that measures of life satisfaction (a unitary construct) are not adequate to assess
wellbeing (a multifaceted construct). 98
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Funding for this project was generously provided by Eva Kedar, Ph.D.
Marie J. C. Forgeard
University of Pennsylvania
Eranda Jayawickreme
University of Pennsylvania & Wake Forest University
Margaret L. Kern
University of Pennsylvania
Martin E. P. Seligman
University of Pennsylvania
[email protected]
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